The Studies of Left Ventricular Dysfunction (SOLVD) Data Collection Forms
Index of Forms


Record Format
1) Baseline visit ver. A PDF
2) Baseline visit ver. B PDF
3) Baseline visit ver. C PDF
4) Alteration in study drug dosage ver. A PDF
5) Alteration in study drug dosage ver. B PDF
6) Eligibility visit ver. A PDF
7) Eligibility visit ver. B PDF
8) Eligibility visit ver. C PDF
9) Final designation of death ver. A PDF
10) Final designation of death ver. B PDF
11) Final designation of death ver. C PDF
12) Follow-up interview exam ver. A PDF
13) Follow-up interview exam ver. B PDF
14) Follow-up interview exam ver. C PDF
15) First notification of death ver. A PDF
16) Hospitalization ver. A PDF
17) Hospitalization ver. B PDF
18) Medication tolerance visit ver. A PDF
19) Medication tolerance visit ver. B PDF
20) Medication tolerance visit ver. C PDF
21) Quality of Life ver. A PDF
22) Quality of Life ver. B PDF
23) Randomization ver. A PDF
24) Randomization ver. B PDF


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