Trials of Hypertension Prevention (TOHP I and TOHP II)


Record (Phase I) Format
1) Anthropometric Measurements PDF
2) BP Assessment PDF
3) BP Safety Monitoring #1 PDF
4) BP Safety Monitoring #2 PDF
5) BP Safety Monitoring #3 PDF
6) Cardiovascular Reactivity PDF
7) Demographic Information PDF
8) F06 Form PDF
9) F07 Form PDF
10) F08 Form PDF
11) Hassles Scale PDF
12) Health Experience PDF
13) Physical Activity Questionnaire PDF
14) Prescription Medication Information PDF
15) Psychological General Well-Being Schedule PDF
16) Screening Visit #1, part 1 PDF
17) Screening Visit #1, part 2 PDF
18) Screening Visit #2 PDF
19) Screening Visit #3 PDF
20) Supplements PDF
Record (Phase II) Format
21) Anthropometric Measurement PDF
22) BP Measurement PDF
23) Eligibility Review PDF
24) Subcommittee Review PDF
25) Health Experience Demographics PDF
26) Health Experience Follow-up PDF
26) Participant Evaluation, Combined PDF
27) Participant Evaluation, Sodium PDF
28) Participant Evaluation, Usual PDF
29) Participant Evaluation, Weightloss PDF
30) Physical Activity PDF
31) Physicians Questionnaire PDF
32) Presciption Medication PDF
33) Screening Form #1 PDF
34) Screening Form #2 PDF
35) Screening Form #3 PDF


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