US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


Pacific Northwest Research Station
333 SW First Avenue
Portland, OR 97204

(503) 808-2592

US Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Research Station logo.

Rural Urban Wildland Interactions Team

hnri team photo

Dale Blahna, Team Leader
Forestry Sciences Laboratory
400 N 34th Street, Suite 201
Seattle, WA 98103
Phone: (206)732-7833

Team Members:

Lee Cerveny, Research Social Scientist
Kelly Lawrence, Social Science Analyst



Our goal is to develop knowledge and methods that facilitate the application of public values, uses, and concerns in natural resource management. This work will lead to a better understanding of human-natural resource interactions at multiple spatial and temporal scales, improve ways to integrate social science in natural resource planning and decision-making, and help agencies adapt to social and economic changes occurring in urban and rural communities.

*Key topics for research include: recreation & public access, open space conservation, dispersed recreation, urbanization & public use, public connections to nature, tourism & amenity migration, protected area management, partnerships & volunteers, planning & decision-making

HNRI photo.




Arrow.University of Washington

Arrow.Virginia Tech

Arrow.Utah State University

Arrow.University of Idaho

Arrow.Oregon State University

Arrow.Southern Illinois




Arrow.Bear-viewing in Alaska: A Regional Ecosystem Management Approach (w/ACaFE)


Arrow.Discretion & Decision-making in Travel Management Planning: Analysis of NEPA Processes


Arrow.Agency Capacity for Science Integration in Recreation Decisions


Arrow.Organizational Change: Analysis of Recreation Facilities Review Process


Arrow.Tourism and Change in Tongass Communities


Arrow.Estimating Community Forest Linkages (w/ ACaFE)


Arrow.Indicators of Resilience in Amenity Transition Communities (w/ ACaFE)


Arrow.Expanding Recreation Capacity through Partnerships





GTR 734 - Sociocultural Effects of Tourism in Hoonah, AK. Cerveny, Lee K.

GTR 705 - An assessment of frameworks useful for public land recreation planning. McCool, Stephen F.; Clark, Roger N.; Stankey, George, H.

GTR 698 - Proceedings: national workshop on recreation research and management. Kruger, Linda E.; Mazza, Rhonda; Lawrence, Kelly, eds.

GTR 678 - Integrated research in natural resources: the key role of problem framing. Clark, Roger N.; Stankey, George H.

Achieving Integrative, Collaborative Ecosystem management. Keough, Heather L.; Blahna, Dale J.

GTR 654 - Adaptive management of natural resources: theory, concepts, and management institutions. Stankey, George H.; Clark, Roger N.; Bormann, Bernard T.

GTR 566 - Understanding community-forest relations. Kruger, Linda E.; tech. ed.

GTR 580 - Human migration and natural resources: implications for land managers and challenges for researchers. McCool, Stephen F.; Kruger, Linda E.

RP 567 - Learning to Manage a Complex Ecosystem: Adaptive Management and the Northwest Forest Plan. Stankey, George, H.; Clark, Roger N.; Bormann, Bernard T.

RP 566 - Tourism and its effects on southeast Alaska communities and resources: case studies from Haines, Craig, and Hoonah, Alaska. Cerveny, Lee K.


US Forest Service - Pacific Northwest Research Station
Last Modified:  Friday, 01 May 2009 at 20:34:14 EDT

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