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Mobile Sources Technical Review Subcommittee (MSTRS)

The subcommittee provides the Clean Air Act Advisory Committee (CAAAC) with independent advice, counsel and recommendations on the scientific and technical aspects of programs related to mobile source air pollution and motor fuels.  Through its various workgroups, the subcommittee addresses a wide range of developments, issues and research areas such as emissions modeling, air toxics, innovative and incentive-based transportation policies, onboard diagnostics, heavy-duty engines, diesel retrofit, fuel sulfur issues, and reformulated gasoline.

The Mobile Sources Technical Review Subcommittee (MSTRS) is composed of approximately 30 technical experts drawn from a wide range of stakeholder organizations. Included on the roster are individuals from the automotive industry (vehicles, engines and components), energy companies, academia, public interest groups, state/regional/local governments and specialized consultants. As a result of the workgroup structure employed to address specific areas, almost 200 people are involved in the work of this subcommittee. Meetings of the full subcommittee are generally held two times a year (typically March and October). Subordinate workgroups conduct additional meetings throughout the year. Since its formation in 1996, the Mobile Sources Technical Review Subcommittee has presented several major reports to the CAAAC which, in turn, have been forwarded to the Agency for its consideration and action.

MSTRS Clean Diesel and Retrofit Working Group


Mr. John Guy, Acting Deputy Director
Transportation and Regional Programs Division
US Environmental Protection Agency

Mr. Michael P. Walsh
Arlington, VA
Designated Federal Official and EPA Technical Staff Contact:

John Guy
Transportation and Regional Programs Division
US Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. (6406J)
Washington, D.C. 20460

Phone: (202) 343-9276
Fax: (202) 343-2804
e-mail: guy.john@epa.gov

MSTRS Membership List as of 09/27/2007 (PDF, 3pp, 31k)

MSTRS Meetings
September 17, 2008 Arlington, VA
May 8, 2008 Arlington, VA
September 19, 2007 Arlington, VA
March 28, 2007 Arlington, VA
October 4, 2006 Arlington, VA
March 16, 2006 Washington, DC
September 13, 2005 Alexandria, VA
March 9, 2005 Washington, DC
October 4, 2004 Washington, DC
June 9, 2004 Ann Arbor, MI
December 3, 2003 Detroit, MI
June 11, 2003 Alexandria, VA
February 12, 2003 Alexandria, VA
October 16, 2002 Detroit, MI
June 12, 2002 Alexandria, VA
February 13, 2002 Alexandria, VA
October 24, 2001 Detroit, MI
July 18, 2001 canceled
April 18, 2001 Arlington, VA
January 17, 2001 Alexandria, VA
January 16, 2001 Nonroad WG Meeting
October 11, 2000 Detroit, MI
July 12, 2000 Alexandria, VA

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