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Computers For Learning Program

Joyce Spalding
(703) 605-2888
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Image of Computers for Learning Homepage

The Computers For Learning (CFL) Program evolved as a guide for implementing Executive Order 12999, Educational Technology: Ensuring Opportunity for all Children in the Next Century. The CFL website enables schools and educational nonprofit organizations to obtain excess computer equipment from federal agencies.

In order to register, recipients must serve some portion of the pre-kindergarten through Grade 12 population and operate exclusively for the purpose of education. Schools must provide a valid National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) number. Educational nonprofits must provide a 501(c) tax identification number.

Once registered, eligible recipients can view and request available excess computers and related peripheral equipment. The federal agency that reported the property can then allocate the property to the school or educational nonprofit organization of its choice. After allocation, the receiving school or nonprofit can pick up the property within a certain time period. The school or educational nonprofit organization is responsible for the shipping and handling costs.

To learn more about the background for this program, see Executive Order 12999.