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ID I-4-90-AT
Abstract Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,University of Washington,United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California,North Carolina State University,Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium,Bedford Institute of Oceanography. Chief Scientists: Rocky Geyer, John Maddock. Geological data (CTDmeter, underwatercamera, boxcore, ADP, Geoprobe, turbiditymeter, currentmeter) of field activity I-4-90-AT in Amazon Shelf from 03/09/1990 to 03/21/1990
Organization Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
University of Washington
United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
North Carolina State University
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Chief Scientist Rocky Geyer
John Maddock
Activity Type Geological
Platform Columbus Iselin
Area of Operation
Amazon Shelf
Location map I-4-90-AT location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 19.75000
-59.75000     -29.75000
Ports leave Belem, Brazil
arrive Belem, Brazil
Dates 03/09/1990 (JD 068) to 03/21/1990 (JD 080)
Analog Materials list
Index map

I-4-90-AT map of where navigation equipment operated

Rocky Geyer Chief Scientist, WHOI
John Maddock Co-chief Scientist
Brent McKee Scientist, Lumcon
Kim McCoy Technician
Craig Marquette Technician, WHOI
Chris Sherwood Student
Ellen Petticrew Technician
Tim Milligan Technician, Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Pete Swarzenski Student, Lumcon
Greg Booth Student
Tom Pacioni Student
Steve Harden Student, North Carolina State University
Gail Kineke Student, University Of Washington
George Tate Student, USGS
Mead Allison Student
Alfredo Bernedo Scientist
Paulo Cavalante Student
Julio Faleiro Student
Jose Neto Student
Sven Muller Student
Cleise Cordeiro Student
Sergio Oliveira Student
Carlos Correa Technician
Marcelo Viana Student
Marcelo Travassos Student
Equipment Used
To measure the physical, chemical and geological properties in the
water column and seabed within the Amazon zone, that region extending from the
mouth of the river across the shelf where there are strong gradients in
Information to be Derived
CTD casts for suspended solids and analyzed for chemical species, pictures of flocculants within the water column, hourly profiles, samples, currents as a function of depth, temperature, salinity.
Between the mouth of the Para River and anchor station 1, 5 CTD
stations were occupied. Anchor station 1 was occupied between 1800 on 10 March
and 1215 on 11 March. CTD casts were obtained once per hour, accompanied by 10
liter water samples at various depths. These samples were filtered for suspended
solids and analyzed for chemical species. A plankton camera was attached to the
CTD to take pictures ofthe flocculants within the water column. Hourly profiles
were obtained with the Gafanhoto profiler. 8 box cores were obtained during the
anchor station. A 600 kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler was operated
continuously during the anchor stations and throughout the cruise, providing a
continous record of that currents as a function of depth under the ship. During
a portion of the anchor station a S4 electromagnetic current meter was deployed
to measure currents, temperature and salinity. 9 CTD casts were conducted
between anchor station 1 and the site of GEOPROBE. Attempts to recover GEOPROBE
were abandoned because of rough weather. Anchor station 2 was occupied between
1700 on 12 March and 1900 on 13 March during which hourly CTD and gafanhoto
casts were performed. Continous profiles with the S4 current meter were also
performed. 2 box cores were also taken at the end of the station. After anchor
station 2, the ship transited to mooring site M-2 to verify the moored equipment
was intact then returned to site of GEOPROBE to attempt recovery. The recovery
attempt was unsuccessful. Anchor statin 3 offshore of Rio Cunani was conducted
between 0143 on 15 March to 0315 on 16 March. Anchor station 4, also offshore of
Rio Cunani was occupied on 18 March at 1800 until 19 March at 1300. During this
anchor station coastal sampling was conducted by UFPA and US scientists. The
same set of measurements were made at stations 3 and 4 as at station 2. 7 CTD
cast were obtained enroute to anchor station 5. Anchor station 5 was occupied at
1100 on 18 March to 1300 on 19 March. Same measurments were taken as at other
anchor stations. A survey including 24 CTD casts extended from anchor station 5
to the 60 m isobath to anchor station 6. Anchor station 6 was performed at the
river mouth, 12 m water depth, with same measurements taken as other anchor
stations plus the addition of 6 box cores. Anchor station 7 reoccupied the site
of anchor station 1. Between 0700 and 1930 on 21 March profile measurments and 6
box cores were obtained.
Rine, James M. and Nittrouer, Charles A. 1990. Report on field measurements and sampling during AmasSeds Cruise II - CI9002. Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New York, NY. November 1990. 94 p.
Got Help? For I-4-90-AT, we would appreciate any information on -- contract, days at sea, dive count, funding, information specialist, kms of navigation, national plan, NGDC Info, notes, owner, project, project number, scanned materials, seismic description, station count, station description, submersible, tabulated info.


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