USDA Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


Pacific Southwest Research Station
800 Buchanan Street
West Annex Building
Albany, CA 94710-0011

(510) 559-6300

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.

About Us


^ About Us | Organization | History |

The Station was founded on July 1, 1926, as the California Forest Experiment Station. Through time, PSW has ...

Era... Accomplishment ...
  • Persued use of fire for fuel reduction in the West.
  • Inventoried and mapped the vegetation of California.
  • Pioneered work on forest genetics and tree breeding.
  • Developed air tankers and fire retardants for firefighting.
  • Developed the rest-rotation grazing system.
  • Developed and tested alternatives to DDT for forest pest management.
  • Developed the Incident Command System for firefighting.
  • Identified ozone as cause of Western forest decline.
  • Developed electrophoresis (startch gel) genetic methods for forestry use.
  • Greatly increased pine-seed collection and tree-planting survival by designation of seed zones.
  • Provided scientific basis leading to recovery of the California Condor.
  • Investigated ohia decline.
  • Identified atmospheric nitrogen impacts on water quality and western ecosystems.
  • Completed the California Spotted Owl Technical Assessment.
  • Completed the Sacramento Urban Forest Ecosystem Report.
  • Completed the Sierra Nevada Ecoystem Project and a final report published.
  • Developed software for assessing relative merits of alternatives for fighting escaped wildfires.
  • Started research on the cause, impacts, and mitigation of new forest disease -- Sudden Oak Death.
Last Modified: Sep 3, 2008 06:51:20 PM