USDA Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


Pacific Southwest Research Station
800 Buchanan Street
West Annex Building
Albany, CA 94710-0011

(510) 559-6300

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Programs and Projects


Sierra Nevada Research Center

Photo of Robert Westfall

Robert Westfall
Research Quantitative Geneticist
Phone: (510) 559-6438

Pacific Southwest Research Station
800 Buchanan Street
West Annex Building
Albany, CA 94710-0011

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 245
Berkeley, CA 94701-0245

Ph: (510) 559-6300
Fx: (510) 559-6440

Bob Westfall coring ancient limber pine B.S. Forestry 1967. Michigan State University, MI
Ph.D. Plant Physiology and Genetics 1972. Michigan State University, MI

Research Interests/Duties
Much of my work has focused on the spatial genetic and demographic structures of plant populations, with an eye towards developing management and conservation strategies. In particular, I have studied fine-scale autocorrelation patterns and broad-scale multilocus patterns. Along with my colleagues, Connie Millar, John King, and Diane Delany, I have studied tree ring growth and population histories for western white pine species in relation to climates changes over the past 4000 years. And with Connie Millar, I have been studying rock-ice forms and their impacts on ecosystem functioning in alpine environments.

I also assist B. Kinloch on analyses of Cronartium ribicola population genetic structure and the analysis of slow rusting resistance to Cronartium ribicola. in sugar pine and western white pine.

Selected Publications

DeWoody, J., L. Arguello, D. Imper, R. Westfall, V. D. Hipkins. 2008. Genetic evidence of hybridization between Oenothera wolfii (Wolf's evening primrose) and O. glaziovana, a garden escape. Madrono 55:132-142.

Millar, C.I. and R.D. Westfall. 2008. Rock glaciers and periglacial rock-ice features in the Sierra Nevada; Classification, distribution, and climate relationships. Quaternary International 188:90-104.

Grivet, D., V.L. Sork, R.D. Westfall, F.W. Davis. 2007. Conserving the evolutionary potential of California valley oak (Quercus lobata Nee): a multivariate genetic approach to conservation planning. Molecular Ecology 17:139-156.

Millar, C.I., R.D. Westfall, and D.L. Delany. 2007. Response of high-elevation limber pine (Pinus flexilis) to multi-year droughts and 20th-century warming; Sierra Nevada, California, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37:2508-2520.

Rogers, D. L., and R. D. Westfall. 2007. Spatial genetic patterns in four old-growth populations of coast redwood. In R. B. Standiford, G. A. Giusti, Y. Valachovic, W. J. Zielinski and M. J. Furniss, eds. Proceedings of the Redwood Region Forest Science Symposium: What Does the Future Hold? Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Albany, CA. Pp. 59-6.

Millar, C.I., J.C. King, R.D. Westfall, H.A. Alden, and D.L. Delany. 2006. Late Holocene forest dynamics, volcanism, and climate change at Whitewing Mountain and San Joaquin Ridge, Mono County, Sierra Nevada, CA, USA. Quaternary Research 66 (2006): 273-287.

Sork, V. J., P. E. Smouse, V. J. Apsit, R. J. Dyer, R. D. Westfall. 2005. A two-generation analysis of pollen pool genetic structure in flowering dogwood Cornus florida (Cornaceae), in the Missouri Ozarks. American J. Botany: 92(2):262-271.

Millar, C. I., Westfall, R. D., Delany, D. L. King, J. C., King, and L. J. Graumlich. 2004. Response of subalpine conifers in the Sierra Nevada, California, U.S.A., to twentieth-century warming and decadal climate variability Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 36(2):181-200.

Westfall, R. D., and Millar, C. I. 2004. Genetic consequences of forest population dynamics influenced by historical climatic variability in the Western USA. Forest Ecology & Management 197:159-170.

Dyer, R. J., Westfall, R. D., Sork, V. L., and Smouse, P. E.. 2004. Two-generation analysis of pollen flow across a landscape. V. A stepwise approach for extracting factors contributing to pollen structure Heredity: 92:204-211.

Liebhold, A., V., Sork, M., Peltonen, O. N. Bjornstad, Westfall, R., Elkinton, J.and Knops, M. H. J. 2004. Within-population spatial synchrony in mast seeding of North American oaks. Oikos: 104:156-164.

Koenig, W. D., Kelly, D., Sork, V. L., Duncan, R. P., Elkinton, J. S., Peltonen, M.S., and Westfall, R. D. 2003. Dissecting components of population-level variation in seed production and the evolution of masting behavior. Oikos: 102:581-591.

Smouse, P. E., Dyer, R. J., Westfall, R. D., and Sork, V. L. 2001. Two-generation analysis of pollen flow across a landscape. I. Male gamete heterogeneity among females. Evolution 55 (2): 260-271.

Rogers, D. L., Millar, C. I., and Westfall, R. D. 1999. Fine-scale genetic structure of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis): Associations with watershed and growth form. Evolution 53 (1):74-90.

Kinloch, B. B., Jr., Westfall, R. D., and Dupper, G. E. 1998. Gene flow in Cronartium ribicola. 269-274 . editor: Jalkanen, R., Crane, P. E., Walla, J. A., and Aalto, T., In: Proceedings of the first IUFRO Rusts of Forest Trees Working Party Conference, August 2-7. 1998 in Saariselka, Finland, Research Papers 712, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Finland.

Fady, B. and Westfall, R. D. 1997. Mating system parameters in a natural population of Abies borisii regis Mattfeld. Annales des Sciences Forestieres 54 [7]:643-528.

Kinloch, B. B., Jr., Westfall, R. D., White, E. E., Gitzendanner, M. A., Dupper, G. E., Foord, B. M., and Hodgskiss, P. D. 1997. Genetics of Cronartium ribicola IV. Population structure in western North America. Canadian Journal of Botany 76 :91-98.

Millar, C. I. and Westfall, R. D. 1996. Intergrated management and monitoring of Genetic Conservation Areas on National Forests in California. -62 . editor: Rogers, D. L. and Ledig, F. T., In: The Status of Temperate North American Forest Genetic Resources, No. 16, University of California Genetic Resources Conservation Program, Davis, California.

Rogers, D. L., Millar, C. I., and Westfall, R. D. 1996. Genetic diversity within species. 759-838 . In: Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project, Final report to Congress, Volume II, Assessments and Scientific Basis for Management Options, Centers for water and Wildland Resources, Report No. 37, University of California, Davis, California.

Merwin, M. L., Martin, J. A., and Westfall, R. D. 1995. Provenance and progeny variation in growth and frost tolerance on Casaurina cunninghamiana in California, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 79 [3]:161-171.

Merwin, M. L., Martin, J. A., and Westfall, R. D. 1995. Growth and frost tolerance of Casaurina cunninghamiana in California, USA. 13 :41-47. Nitrogen Fixing Tree Research Reports.

Millar, C. I. and Westfall, R. D. 1992. Allozyme markers in forest genetic conservation. New Forests 6 :347-371. Reprinted in: editors: Adams, W.T.; Strauss, S.H.; Copes, D.L.; and Griffin, A.R., 1992 Population Genetics of Forest Trees, 347-372. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Millar, C. I., Kinloch, B. B., Jr., and Westfall, R. D. 1992. Conservation of biodiversity in sugar pine: Effects of the blister rust epidemic on genetic diversity. Pages 190-200 in: Symposium on Sugar Pine: Status, values and roles in ecosystems: Proceedings of a Symposium presented by the Sugar Pine Management Committee, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication No. 3362, Editor: Kinloch, B. B., Jr., Marosy, M., and Huddleston, M. E., University of California, Davis, California.

Westfall, R. D. 1992. Developing seed transfer zones, 313-398. editor: Fins, L., Friedman, S. T., and Brotschol, J. V., In: Handbook of Quantitative Forest Genetics , Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA.

Westfall, R. D. and Conkle, M. T. 1992. Allozyme markers in breeding zone designation. New Forests 6 :279-309.

Ferrell, G. T., Bedard, W. D., and Westfall, R. D. 1989. Geographic variation in Pinus ponderosa susceptibility to the gouty pitch midge, Cecidomyia piniinopsis in the Sierra Nevada and southern Cascade Mountains in California, 205-212. editor: Alfano, R. I. and Glover, S. G., In: Insects affecting reforestation: biology and damage , Forestry Canada, Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, British Columbia.

Bedard, W. D., Ferrell, G. T., and Westfall, R. D. 1988. Gouty pitch midge: pest status and management. Northwest Environment Journal 4 [2]:333-334.

Millar, C. I., Strauss, S. H., Conkle, M. T., and Westfall, R. D. 1988. Allozyme differentiation and biosystematics of the Californian closed-cone Pine (Pinus subsect. Oocarpae). Systematic Botany 13 [3]:351-370.

Kinloch, B. B., Jr., Westfall, R. D., and Forrest, G. I. 1986. Caledonian Scots pine: origins and genetic structure. New Phytologist 104 :703-729.

Conkle, M. T. and Westfall, R. D. 1984. Evaluating breeding zones for Ponderosa pine in California. 89-98 . In: In Progeny Testing. Proceedings of Servicewide Genetics Workshop, December 5-9, 1983, Charleston, South Carolina, U.S. Forest Service, Timber Management, Washington, DC.

Redenbaugh, M. K., Lange, D. D., Karnosky, D. F., and Westfall, R. D. 1981. Dihaploid callus production from Ulmus americana anthers. Botanical Gazette 142 :19-26.

Redenbaugh, M. K., Karnosky, D. F., and Westfall, R. D. 1981. Protoplast isolation and fusion in three Ulmus species. Canadian Journal of Botany 59: 1436-1443.

Valentine, F. A., Carlson, K. D., Westfall, R. D., and Manion, P. D. 1981. Testing Verticillium wilt resistance in urban Norway maples. Journal of Arboriculture 7 :317-325.

Redenbaugh, M. K., Westfall, R. D., and Karnosky, D. F. 1980. Protoplast isolation from Ulmus americana L. pollen mother cells, tetrads, and microspores. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 10: 284-289.

Redenbaugh, M. K., Lange, D. D., Karnosky, D. F., and Westfall, R. D. 1980. Can tissue culture techniques overcome the breeding barriers between American elm and DED-resistant elms? New Horizons 1979 :28-30.

Karnosky, D. F., Redenbaugh, M. K., and Westfall, R. D. 1979. The use of anther culture and polyembryony in improving American elm. 91-96 . In: Proceedings of the First North Central Tree Improvement Conference. University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Valentine, F. A. and Westfall, R. D. 1979. Urban tree progeny tests of maples. Journal of Arboriculture 5 :166-167.

Mohai, P., Smith, L., Stiteler, W., Valentine, F. A., and Westfall, R. D. 1978. Structure of urban street populations and sampling designs for estimating their parameters. 28-43 . In: Proceedings of the First Metropolitan Tree Improvement Alliance. Lanham, Maryland.

Valentine, F. A., Westfall, R. D., and Manion, P. D. 1978. Street tree assessment by a survey sampling procedure. Journal of Arboriculture 4 :49-57.

Redenbaugh, M. K., Karnosky, D. F., and Westfall, R. D. 1977. In vitro culture of American elm anthers. 154-163 . In: Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Northeastern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, Orono, Maine.

Westfall, R. D., Cody, J., and Hunt, C. M. 1977. Suggested tree planting zones and corresponding seed collection zones for the Northeast. 37-49. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New York.

Eckert, R. T. and Westfall, R. D. 1975. The factor analysis of multivariate data systems. 41-52 . In: Proceedings of the Twenty-second Northeastern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, August 7-9, 1974, State University of New York, Syracuse, New York.

Posters and Presentations

Westfall, RD and Millar CI. 2007. Genecological responses in western conifers to climate change over the last two millenia. Presented at SFTIC/WFGA joint meeting, Galveston, TX, summer 2007.

Millar, CI; Westfall, RD; and Delany, DL. 2006. Elevational Gradients and Differential Recruitment of Limber Pine (Pinus flexilis) and Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva); White Mountains, California, USA. Presented at AGU2006, San Francisco CA, Dec 2006.

Millar, CI; and Westfall, RD. 2006. Modern and Paleoclimate Relations of Rock Glaciers and Related Rock-Ice Features (RIFs) of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA. Presented at MTNCLIM2006, Mt Hood OR, Sept 2006.

Millar, CI; Clow, D; Lundquist, J; and Westfall, RD. 2006. Rock Glaciers and Periglacial Rock-Ice Features in the Eastern Sierra Nevada; Updates on Classification, Mapping, Climate Relations, and Monitoring. Presented at PACLIM2006, Asilomar CA, March 2006.

Millar, CI; Westfall, RD; and Delany, DL. 2005. Limber Pine Forest Mortality Event in Response to a Late-20th-Century Low Precipitation/High Temperature Period. Presented at AGU2005, San Francisco CA, Dec 2005.

Millar, CI; Westfall, RD; Delany, DL; King, JC; and Alden, HA. 2004. High-Elevation Response of Conifers to Climate Change in the Sierra Nevada and Western Great Basin, USA: Treeline Elevation is Not the Primary Effect. Presented at AGU2004, San Francisco CA, Dec 2004.

Millar, CI; Westfall, RD; Delany, DL; King, JC; and Alden, HA. 2004. Climate as an Ecosystem Architect; Responses of High-Elevation Conifers to Past Climate Variability. Presented at Mountain Climate Science Symposium (MCSS), North Lake Tahoe CA, May 2004.

Last Modified: Sep 5, 2008 12:51:38 PM