USDA Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


Pacific Southwest Research Station
800 Buchanan Street
West Annex Building
Albany, CA 94710-0011

(510) 559-6300

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.

Stream Corridor Modeling Tools

Stream restoration projects are being implemented at numerous sites in the Tahoe basin, but limited analysis and monitoring have been conducted to evaluate how these projects will reduce fine sediment loading owing to bank erosion. This project will produce a state-of the-art set of tools for managing Lake Tahoe streams. The project will conduct field experiments of erosion resistance of bioengineered treatments and numerical simulations of channel response.

Full title: Application of enhanced stream-corridor modeling tools for adaptive management of Tahoe basin streams

Proposal pdf [pdf-856KB]

Lead Researchers: Andrew Simon and Eddy J. Langendoen, USDA-ARS National Sedimentation Laboratory

Bank erosionGoals

  1. Apply and validate use of CONCEPTS-REMM and BSTEM models for selected Tahoe Basin streams:
    1. CONservational Channel Evolution and Pollutant Transport System (CONCEPTS) is an approved model to predict sediment sources and loadings.
    2. Riparian Ecosystem Management Model (REMM) is a tool to aid natural resource agencies in making decisions regarding management of riparian buffers to control nonpoint source pollution.
    3. Bank-Stability and Toe-Erosion Model (BSTEM) is used to predict critical conditions for bank stability and the reinforcing effects of riparian vegetation.
  2. Evaluate effects of restoration on fine sediment loading owing to bank erosion.

Sites: Trout Creek, Angora Creek, Upper Truckee River

Timeframe: October 2007 through June 2010 (2.5 years)


  • Revised and validated models for evaluating bank erosion
  • Report on vegetation effects on bank erosion
  • Guidance for design and adaptive management applications
  • Manuals for CONCEPTS, BSTEM, and REMM models
  • In-basin training sessions on use of models
  • Journal article submissions for peer review
Last Modified: Feb 10, 2009 07:04:32 PM