US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


Pacific Northwest Research Station
333 SW First Avenue
Portland, OR 97204

(503) 808-2592

US Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Research Station logo.

Alaska Wood Utilization Research and Development Center

Allen Brackley, Team Leader
Wood Utilization Center
204 Siginaka Way
Sitka, AK 99835-7316
Phone: (907) 747-4308

Our Mission: "to unify and enhance opportunities for economic assistance to workers, families, businesses, and communities affected by the changing timber industry in Alaska" by conducting a broad spectrum of research in primary and secondary wood processing and nontimber forest products. (For more information about the team, visit Alaska Wood Utilization Research and Development Center Team Page)


From Sitka, Alaska the Wood Utilization Center has a statewide mission to evaluate opportunities for the wood products community. We work closely with business owners, forest managers, and other resource professionals in Alaska to identify the most important research and technology transfer needs.

Please visit our team web site for more information about our workshops, publications, and technical reports.

Team Members: Dave Nicholls, Erin Buckhart, Lisa Crone, Ruth Newberry, Trista Patterson


Mt. Edgecumbe in snow, Winter 2001-2202. Sitka, AK

Mt. Edgecumbe in snow.
Winter 2001-2202, Sitka, AK


  - Assess the conditions needed to create and sustain a viable forest products industry in Alaska.

- Describe "value-added" activities that provide a durable mix of employment, profits, and marketable products.

- Identify the type and scale of harvesting operations and manufacturing facilities that are consistent with conditions in southeast Alaska.

- Distinguish the roles of government and the private sector in promoting and assuring the contribution of timber-based manufacturing to both sustainable communities and forest management.

- Develop partnerships to facilitate these activities.



US Forest Service - Pacific Northwest Research Station
Last Modified:  Friday, 01 May 2009 at 20:33:07 EDT

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