US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


Pacific Northwest Research Station
333 SW First Avenue
Portland, OR 97204

(503) 808-2592

US Forest Service
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Publications and Products

Science Updates: View All

[Image]: Cover of Science Update newsletter Issue 3 entitled Dynamic Landscape Management.PNW Science Update is a periodical published several times a year by the PNW Research Station. Begun in 2002, this series contributes scientific knowledge for pressing decisions about natural resource and environmental issues.

The series is available in PDF (To view and print PDF documents, you need the free Adobe Systems, Inc. Acrobat Reader), but most issues also are available in hard copy. If you would like copies, just email us at If you have any question about any update, please contact Rhonda Mazza at


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| 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | View All |

Issue 18 (2008) Understanding the social and economic transitions of forest communities.


Issue 17 (2008) Changing with the climate


Issue 16 (2008) Counting all that matters: recognizing the value of ecosystem services.


Issue 15 (2007) Managing forests after fires


Issue 14 (2006) A clear picture of smoke: Bluesky smoke forecasting


Issue 13 (2006) Elk, deer, and cattle: the Starkey Project


Issue 12 (2005) Monitoring forests at the speed of light.


Issue 11 (2005) Conserving old forest in landscapes shaped by fire.


Issue 10 (2005) The Kenai experience: communities and forest health.


Issue 9 (2005) Invasive plants in 21st Century landscapes.


Issue 8 (2004) Ecosystems and people: managing forests for mutual gains.


Issue 7 (2004) Reducing fire hazard: balancing costs and outcomes.


Issue 6 (2004) Western forest, fire risk, and climate change.


Issue 5 (2003) Alaska forest products: using resources well.


Issue 4 (2003) New findings about old-growth forests.


Issue 3 (2002) Dynamic landscape management.


Issue 2 (2002) Fire risk in east-side forests.


Issue 1 (2002) Restoring complexity: second-growth forests and habitat diversity.

US Forest Service - Pacific Northwest Research Station
Last Modified:  Friday, 24 October 2008 at 15:23:59 EDT

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