US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


Pacific Northwest Research Station
333 SW First Avenue
Portland, OR 97204

(503) 808-2592

US Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Research Station logo.

Fire Tools and Databases

Fire Behavior and Effects

In managing wildfires, managers must make decisions in the face of great uncertainty and complexity. PNW researchers are working on models and tools to assist managers in these decisions. This includes developing better predictions of local fire weather, more accurately predicting fire behavior and smoke dispersal, and providing information and decision tools to fight fires cost effectively and safely. Better predictions mean more cost-effective decisions about deployment of firefighting resources and increased firefighter safety. Key tools are

Arrow bullet.Fuel Characteristic Classification System (software with database)

Arrow bullet.Fire Emission Production Simulator (software with calculator)

Arrow bullet.Ventilation Climate Information System (interactive Web site)

Arrow bullet.BlueSky

Arrow bullet.BlueSkyRAINS (interactive Web site for assessing smoke impacts)

Arrow bullet.Smoke and Fire Weather (interactive Web site to access high-resolution prediction of fire weather, fire danger, and dry lightning)

Arrow bullet.Fire Forecast Models (static Web site)

Arrow bullet.Consume 3.0 (software)

Arrow bullet.Consumer Guide: Tools to Manage Vegetation and Fuels

Arrow bullet.Natural Fuels Photo Series

Improved Programs for Hazardous Fuels Reduction

One important way to reduce fire risk to communities and fire damage to ecosystems is to reduce the buildup of brush, small trees, and other fine fuels that may feed high-intensity fire. Research on hazardous fuels reduction is helping managers set priorities and balance the complex tradeoffs between benefits of an expanded fuel reduction program and the possible environmental, ecological, and social consequences of mechanical treatments and prescribed burning treatments. Key tools are

Arrow bullet.Fuel Characteristic Classification System

Arrow bullet.Mapping Regional Fuels and Vegetation with the Gradient Nearest Neighbor Method and Software

Arrow bullet.Modifying Forest Structure to Reduce Fire Hazard – NEPA Analysis Book

Arrow bullet.My Fuel Treatment Planner (PDF - 348 Kb)

Arrow bullet.Guide to Fuel Treaments in Dry Forests of the Western United States: Assessing Forest Structure and Fire Hazard

Arrow bullet.FUELSOLVE

Arrow bullet.Fire Emission Tradeoff Model

Arrow bullet.State and Transition Landscape Models - VDDT and TELSA

Arrow bullet.The Forest Inventory and Analysis Biomass Summarization System



The Northwest and Alaska Fire Research Clearinghouse (FIREHouse) is a web-based project providing data and documentation on fire science and technology relevant to Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska.


US Forest Service - Pacific Northwest Research Station
Last Modified:  Wednesday, 28 May 2008 at 13:39:28 EDT

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