Patents > Patent Prosecution Highway Between USPTO and IPOS (Pilot)

Requests to USPTO The Patent Prosecution Highway in Conjunction With the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore

Under the Patent Prosecution Highway, an applicant receiving a ruling from either the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) or the USPTO that at least one claim in an application is patentable may request that the other office fast track the examination of corresponding claims in corresponding applications. The Patent Prosecution Highway will leverage fast-track patent examination procedures already available in both offices to allow applicants in both countries to obtain corresponding patents faster and more efficiently.

The trial period starts on 02 February 2009 and is set to expire 02 February 2010, but may be extended for up to one year or terminated earlier depending on volume of activity and other factors. Both offices will provide notice of any adjustment in the pilot program.

>> View Press Release announcing the pilot program.

>> View the IPOS Announcement on the pilot program.

Requests to USPTO Patent Prosecution Highway Requests to USPTO

Requests to IPOS Patent Prosecution Highway Requests to IPOS


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