• Rocky Mountain Research Station
  • 240 West Prospect
  • Fort Collins, CO 80526
  • (970) 498-1100
USDA US Forest Service
Home > About RMRS > Mission

Our Mission, Vision and Values


Our mission is to develop and deliver scientific knowledge and technology that will help people sustain our forests, rangelands, and grasslands.


Our science and technology provides society with options on the sustainable use and appreciation of forests and rangelands.


Quality Science: objective, unbiased, credible, independent.
Quality science is the foundation of the Rocky Mountain Research Station's credibility, integrity, and reputation. We are a productive, effective, and interdisciplinary research organization, committed to staying at the forefront of science and safeguarding its integrity and objectivity. New knowledge is provided through a balance of basic and applied research and short- and long-term studies at a variety of scales. Scientists focus on conducting relevant research. To assure public confidence, the Station utilizes statistical, technical, editorial, peer, and relevancy reviews of our programs, study plans, and publications. We are dedicated to professional integrity and ethics. Our scientists and their colleagues adhere to a Forest Research and Development Code of Scientific Ethics.

Quality Service: responsive, timely, relevant, customer-focused.
We focus our research and development activities on questions and issues that are relevant and of concern to our stakeholders. We provide integrated, scientific, cost-effective, and legally defensible information for making wise decisions on sustaining ecosystems. We continually look for better ways to share state-of-the-art knowledge that stakeholders can understand and apply. We seek high levels of effectiveness and accountability and ensure that our administrative processes enable us to efficiently accomplish our mission.

Quality Relationships: with partners and among employees.
We recognize that listening to our customers produces quality relationships that help us meet the expectations of our stakeholders and the public at large. The best way to be successful as individuals and as an organization is to build strong, trusting, collaborative relationships. We focus on providing a broad-based science and professional infrastructure through a high-quality, diverse workforce that builds strong working relationships and partnerships with people inside and outside our organization. User feedback assures that our work remains relevant and appropriately evolves for the future.

Rocky Mountain Research Station
Last Modified: Wednesday, 6 May 2009 at 10:30:02 EDT (Version 1.0.5)