Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Updated Transportation Expressions and Transportation Acronym Guide Now Available

DOT 202-96
BTS Product Line

Tuesday, September 17, 1996-- The U.S. Department of Transportation today announced that updated information on transportation terms and transportation-related acronyms are now available in printed form and on CD-ROM.

Transportation Expressions and its companion document the Transportation Acronym Guide, provide a compilation of definitions and acronyms of transportation and transportation-related terms and acronyms used throughout the department and other U.S. government agencies, state and local agencies, and private sources. Produced by the department's Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), this is the second edition for both documents. Future editions will continue to be expanded in scope to include additional expressions and acronyms as identified by other government and private sources.

BTS Director Dr. T. R. Lakshmanan said, The purpose of these documents is to provide users of transportation information with a comprehensive inventory of transportation terms and their definitions, as well as transportation acronyms and their referents. Accessibility to consistent data definitions is key to a common understanding of transportation data.

To order a copy of these reports, which are also available on CD-ROM, contact the Bureau of Transportation Statistics by phone on (202) 366-DATA, FAX on (202) 366-3640, or by writing the Bureau at BTS/DOT, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590. The data may also be ordered on the Internet worldwide web at www.bts.gov under Products.

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