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The Woody Plant Seed Manual

Bonner, Franklin T.; Karrfalt, Robert P., eds. The Woody Plant Seed Manual. Agric. Handbook No. 727. Washington, DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 1223 p.

The first comprehensive handbook on the seeds of trees and shrubs produced by the USDA Forest Service was USDA Misc. Pub. 654, Woody-Plant Seed Manual. The manuscript was ready for publication in 1941, but World War II delayed publication until 1948. The boom in tree planting in the 1950s and 1960s created a large demand for seeds and exposed the gaps in our knowledge concerning production and quality of seeds of woody plants in general.

Keywords: seeds, woody plants, trees, shrubs

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Download chapters from the Woody Plant Seed Manaul authored or co-authored by current and retired RMRS employees

Arctostaphylos Adans.: manzanita
Susan E. Meyer
PDF File Size: 220 K

Artemisia L.: sagebrush
Susan E. Meyer
PDF File Size: 205 K

Atriplex L.: saltbush
Susan E. Meyer
PDF File Size: 350 K

Caragana arborescens Lam.: Siberian peashrub
Donald R. Dietz, Paul E. Slabaugh, and Franklin T. Bonner
PDF File Size: 215 K

Carnegiea gigantea (Engelm.) Britton & Rose saguaro or giant cactus
Susan E. Meyer
PDF File Size: 225 K

Ceratonia siliqua L.: carob
Wayne D. Shepperd
PDF File Size: 205 K

Cercocarpus Kunth: mountain-mahogany
Stanley G. Kitchen
PDF File Size: 280 K

Chamaebatia foliolosa Benth.: bearmat
Arthur W. Magill and Susan E. Meyer
PDF File Size: 240 K

Chamaebatiaria millefolium (Torr.) Maxim.: fernbush
Nancy L. Shaw and Emerenciana G. Hurd
PDF File Size: 200 K

Chrysothamnus Nutt.: rabbitbrush
Susan E. Meyer
PDF File Size: 235 K

Coleogyne ramosissima Torr.: blackbrush
Burton K. Pendleton
PDF File Size: 305 K

Cotoneaster Medik.: cotoneaster
Paul E. Slabaugh and Nancy L. Shaw
PDF File Size: 235 K

Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link: Scotch broom
Susan E. Meyer
PDF File Size: 195 K

Ephedra L.: ephedra or Mormon-tea
Susan E. Meyer
PDF File Size: 205 K

Eriogonum Michx.: wild-buckwheat, buckwheatbrush
Susan E. Meyer
PDF File Size: 240 K

Fallugia paradoxa (D. Don) Endl. ex Torr.: Apache-plume
Susan E. Meyer
PDF File Size: 255 K

Fremontodendron Coville: fremontia, flannelbush
Susan E. Meyer
PDF File Size: 225 K

Garrya Dougl. ex Lindl. silktassel
Wayne D. Shepperd
PDF File Size: 265 K

Ginkgo biloba L.: ginkgo
Wayne D. Shepperd
PDF File Size: 215 K

Grayia spinosa (Hook.) Moq.: spiny hopsage
Nancy L. Shaw, Marshall R. Haferkamp, and Emerenciana G. Hurd
PDF File Size: 240 K

Heteromeles arbutifolia (Lindl.) M. Roemer: Christmasberry
Susan E. Meyer
PDF File Size: 225 K

Hippophae rhamnoides L.: common seabuckthorn
Richard T. Busing and Paul E. Slabaugh
PDF File Size: 225 K

Holodiscus (K. Koch) Maxim.: ocean-spray
Nancy L. Shaw, Emerenciana G. Hurd, and Peter F. Stickney
PDF File Size: 220 K

Kochia Roth: kochia
Stanley G. Kitchen and Stephen B. Monsen
PDF File Size: 220 K

Larix P. Mill.: larch
Raymond C. Shearer
PDF File Size: 275 K

Morus L.: mulberry
Jill R. Barbour, Ralph A. Read, and Robert L. Barnes
PDF File Size: 240 K

Penstemon Schmidel: penstemon, beardtongue
Susan E. Meyer
PDF File Size: 225 K

Phellodendron amurense Rupr.: Amur corktree
Ralph A. Read and John C. Zasada
PDF File Size: 250 K

Philadelphus L.: mock orange
Nancy L. Shaw, Emerenciana G. Hurd, and Peter F. Stickney
PDF File Size: 250 K

Purshia DC. ex Poir.: bitterbrush, cliffrose
D.Terrance Booth, Susan E. Meyer, and Nancy L. Shaw
PDF File Size: 230 K

Ribes L.: currant, gooseberry
Robert D. Pfister and John P. Sloan
PDF File Size: 315 K

Rosa L.: rose, briar
Susan E. Meyer
PDF File Size: 295 K

Salvia L.: sage
Susan E. Meyer
PDF File Size: 245 K

Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii (Hook. & Arn.) L. Benson: western soapberry
Ralph A. Read and John C. Zasada
PDF File Size: 245 K

Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneid.: jojoba
Susan E. Meyer
PDF File Size: 265 K

Spiraea L.: spirea
John C. Zasada and Peter F. Stickney
PDF File Size: 245 K

Syringa L.: lilac
Paul O. Rudolf, Paul E. Slabaugh, and Nancy L. Shaw
PDF File Size: 280 K

Tamarix chinensis Lour.: saltcedar or five-stamen tamarisk
Wayne D. Shepperd
PDF File Size: 260 K

Ulex europaeus L.: common gorse
George P. Markin
PDF File Size: 225 K

Yucca L.: yucca
Robert R. Alexander, Floyd W. Pond, and Jane E. Rodgers
PDF File Size: 280 K

Zuckia brandegei (Gray) Welsh & Stutz ex Welsh: siltbush
Nancy L. Shaw, Rosemary L. Pendleton, and Emerenciana G. Hurd
PDF File Size: 370 K

Title: RMRS Other Publications: The Woody Plant Seed Manual
Electronic Publish Date: April 13, 2009
Last Update:
April 14, 2009

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