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Applications of satellite-derived disturbance information in support of sustainable forest management

Healey, Sean; Cohen, Warren; Moisen, Gretchen. 2007. Applications of satellite-derived disturbance information in support of sustainable forest management. In: Proceedings of the FORESTSAT 2007 Conference, 5-7 November 2007, Montpellier, France. CD. p. 158-162.

The need for current information about the effects of fires, harvest, and storms is evident in many areas of sustainable forest management. While there are several potential sources of this information, each source has its limitations. Generally speaking, the statistical rigor associated with traditional forest sampling is an important asset in any monitoring effort. However, the act of sampling implies that spatial patterns below the level of the estimation unit are ignored. Disturbance information derived from remote sensing is spatially explicit at the local level. This spatially explicit data, which can be validated at the plot level with traditional forest survey information if it is available, can support analyses related to the spatial orientation and context of disturbances as they occur across the landscape. Thus, remote sensing provides a credible and systematic complement to more traditional means of forest monitoring.

Keywords: remote sensing, disturbance, harvest, management, prioritization

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Title: RMRS Other Publications: Applications of satellite-derived disturbance information in support of sustainable forest management
Electronic Publish Date: March 5, 2009
Last Update:
March 5, 2009

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