Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-14
U.S. Domestic Dry-Cargo Vessel Trade Flow by Region, 2000

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 Shipped from Where received
Alaska Far West Great Lakes Hawaii Middle Atlantic Northeast Plains Puerto Rico Rocky Mt. Southeast Southwest Other Total
Great Lakes 70,879 2,094 a 3,272 5,570 644 82,460
Middle Atlantic 26 46,251 2,528 582 277 125 49,789
Far West 1,502 38,864 2,363 19 298 43,047
Southeast 5,572 486 2,154 1 1,522 22,900 2 5,930 38,568
Plains 24,092   43 1,311 2 25,447
Southwest 283 4 14,037 352 14,677
Northeast a 2,124 7,622 a 600 10,346
Other 356 306 729 116 106 600 4,330 203 26 6,772
Hawaii a 485 1,049 a   134 1,669
Puerto Rico a 202 1,077 300 88 a 1,667
Alaska 719 296 a 356 1,371
Rocky Mt 19   a 19
Total 2,577 39,972 101,297 3,528 51,308 12,903 4,584 3,464 19 33,384 14,330 8,465 275,832

aLess than 500 metric tons.

KEY: - = not available.

SOURCE: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center, Waterborne Commerce of the United States, calendar year 2000, computer file.

  • Great Lakes accounted for 30 percent of total domestic dry-cargo vessel trade in 2000.

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