"Table 1-11 Major Commodities Shipped on Inland Waterways, 2000a",,, ,Billions ton-miles,Million metric tons,Average haul-miles Coal and coke,55.3,168.6,327 Petroleum,35.3,181.5,194 Crude,8.2,38.1,215 Products,31.3,141.1,222 Chemicals,28,56.3,497 Crude materials,47.9,126.3,380 Primary manufactured goods,27.8,31.5,883 Farm products,83,82.4,"1,007" Manufactured goods,0.9,11.2,80 Other,0.3,3.9,77 Total,278.5,661.7, aIncludes intraport shipments.,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center, Waterborne Commerce of the United States, calendar year 2000, Part 5, Summaries (Fort Belvoir, VA: February 2001)",,, • Petroleum and coal accounted for 53 percent of tonnage moved on inland waterways.,,, "• Farm products accounted for only 12 percent of tonnage, but 30 percent of the ton-miles.",,,