USDA Forest Service Monitoring and Evaluation Team

Welcome to the Forest Service’s Monitoring and Evaluation Framework!

Banner image displaying dictionary definitions for focus and future with text. Land management will not succeed if we inventory and monitor, analyze, evaluate, and plan as we have to date.

What is the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework?

The National Forest System (NFS) has established a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework to help Forest Service planners meet monitoring requirements. The framework focuses on the need to monitor progress toward desired conditions of key resources (biological diversity; land health and vitality; soil, water and air; social benefits; economic benefits; and infrastructure capacity). The framework is flexible and will accommodate shifting priorities over time. Properly applied, this tool can launch discussions about progress and emerging issues, inform the need for change, and increase the capacity of collaborative efforts with our neighbors and partners.


FINAL – National Forest System Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

The NFS Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework responds to the National Forest Management Act of 1976 (16 USC 1600-1614). Through this law, Congress has directed the Forest Service to use monitoring and assessment to evaluate the effects of land management.

The NFS M&E Framework combines the consistency needed by the agency as a whole with the flexibility necessary to respond to local circumstances. Nine agency wide land management priorities are organized under six themes. Interdisciplinary teams are to use this guidance to organize desired conditions for monitoring and evaluation over the life of land management plans.

Framework document (FINAL)
NFS LMP Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
DOC (1.1 MB) PDF (448 KB)
Policy direction to Field on applying NFS Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
April 25, 2007 Close Out Letter
DOC (56 KB) PDF (70 KB)

March 28, 2007 - CAT Analysis of Comments from Internal and External Review

The MET asked internal and external parties to review and comment on the framework (see archival material), and sent comments to the Forest Service’s Content Analysis Team (CAT) to summarize the information that came out of that review.

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Materials: Supporting Information

Indicator References

Crosswalk of Monitoring and Evaluation Framework with the Local Unit Criterion and Indicator Development (LUCID) project results (7 pages). This document provides a sorted list of measures, indicators, and criterion arranged according to Themes within the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.

The Monitoring and Evaluation Framework as an Integrating Tool

Slide presentation of relationships between Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and Forest Service Land Management Planning requirements, including Plan Components, Monitoring Program, Evaluation Reports, and Environmental Management System elements.

Further Information

The following links provide additional information and interim products.

Please contact Peter Williams, USDA Forest Service, email: peterwilliams(at), or any MET member if you have additional questions, comments, or suggestions.

Monitoring & Evaluation Team Charter
Describes the purpose, approach, and duration of the MET effort.
DOC (42 KB) PDF (19 KB)
MET Operating Principles
Principles by which MET members are operating, including communication and delivering products driven by feasibility, scientific validity, and relevancy to planning and land management.
DOC (27 KB) PDF (65 KB)
MET Briefing Paper
A concise description of MET effort.
DOC (75 KB) PDF (36 KB)
MET Talking Points
Key messages of on-going MET effort.
DOC (62 KB) PDF (65 KB)
MET FAQ (Appendix 10 in Framework document)
Responses to commonly heard questions about the MET framework, direction, and process.
DOC (40 KB) PDF (47 KB)

USDA Forest Service
Ecosystem Management Coordination (EMC)
1400 Independence Ave.
Mailstop: 1104
Washington, DC 20250-1104

(202) 205-0895 logo

Last modified: Monday, 26-Nov-2007 13:48:56 EST