Federal Aviation Administration

Flight Technologies & Procedures Division-Flight Procedure Standards Branch

Updated: 1:35 pm ET August 3, 2007

The Flight Procedure Standards Branch provides standards, criteria, and policy for the implementation of instrument flight operational concepts and navigation systems into the National Airspace System (NAS). This is achieved by providing for the safe and efficient design of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) en route and terminal instrument approach and departure procedures meeting the requirements of emerging technologies and operations. >>More

Federal Aviation Administration
Flight Procedure Standards Branch, AFS-420
6500 S. MacAuthur Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73125

Phone: (405) 954-4164
Fax: (405) 954-5270

General Inquiries: General Inquiries , Flight Procedure Standards Branch/Program Manager

1:35 pm ET August 3, 2007