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Activity Due Frequency Reference Hq contact Flow Remarks
Financial Program Assessment, Strategic Planning and Goals   Yearly with continuous monitoring        
Financial Integrity Review and Evaluation Program Certification (FIRE)  with DA approval/signature 8-Jun Annually  FHWA Order 4560.1  HCF-40  D to H   
FIRE Certification Validation with DA approval/signature 23-Sep Annually  FHWA Order 4560.1  HCF-02  D to H   
Risk Assessment   Yearly FHWA Order 4560.1       
Billing Transaction Review and follow-up   Yearly or more frequent FHWA Order 4560.1       
Improper Payments Review and follow-up   Yearly or as requested FHWA Order 4560.1       
Inactive Obligations Review and follow-up   Quarterly FHWA Order 4560.1       
Grants Financial Management Review and follow-up   Yearly FHWA Order 4560.1       
A-133 Single Audit Review/Decision/Followup   Yearly FHWA Order 4560.1       
Federal Audit Findings Review and follow-up   As Needed FHWA Order 4560.1       
FIRE Plan/SUPPS   Yearly with Quarterly Updates FHWA Order 4560.1       
FIRE Standard Working Papers   Quarterly FHWA Order 4560.1       
August Redistribution, Annual Call for    As requested    HCF-02  H to D   
Transfer of Funds    As requested  23 USC 104 [c], (g), (k) 23 USC 119 (b)  HCF-40   
Federal-aid Billing Reimbursement of Eligible Expenditures    As requested  23 CFR 140 23 CFR 635.122  HCF-40   
Federal Aid Project Authorizations/Modifications    As requested  23 CFR 630.110  HCF-40   
Review and Approve special financial provisions on federal aid projects: tappered match, advance payment, credit/soft match, donations, in-kind contributions, toll credits, etc.   As Requested or Required        
Indirect Cost Plan/Rate Review   As requested, minimal annual review        
Review State DOT Payroll Additive Rates   Annually         
Review State DOT Equipment Rates   Annually         
Review State DOT Materials Lab Rates   Annually         
Review Railroad Additive   As Requested        
Discretionary Program Applications/Notifications/Reporting   As requested        
STIP Fiscal Constraint with Planning   Annually         
Major Project Financial Plan/Reporting   As Required        
Toll Credit Reporting   Annually        
TIFIA Reporting   Annually        
GARVEE Reporting   Annually        
SIB Reporting   Annually        
Monitor Federal-aid Funds Status/Execution and work with State DOT to resolve issues   Monthly        
State DOT Federal-aid Grant Accrual   As requested        
Internal policy on FMIS Project Authorization and RASPS billing approval Procedures   Review Annually and modify as needed        
Advise Division and State DOT on Internal Controls (OMB Circular A-123)   As Required        
Financial Dashboard Measurement and Reporting   As requested        
Interpretation of Federal-aid grant financial regulations/policies/procedures to Division, State DOT, and other stakeholders   As Requested        
Dissemination and guidance on HQ provided policies, notices, program codes, etc related to financial management   As Received or Required        
Financial Team Leadership and Management   As Required        
Provide or obtain/coordinate Training on financial regulations/policies/procedures to Dvision, State DOT, and other stakeholders   As Requested or Needed        
Participate in HQ OCFO teleconference   Monthly        
Participate in Regional/National financial teleconferences/training/conferences   As Requested or Required        
Participate on National Finance Teams   As Requested        
Assist, Coordinate, Prepare, Respond on non-recurring financial management related requests from HQ, Division, State DOT, and other stakeholders   As Requested or Required        
In Some Divisions the Financial Manager may oversee/supervise/review/perform the below activities:            
Fiscal Plans & Budget Call, Annual  07/01  Annually    HCF-02  H to D   
GOE Funds Management including Funds Availability Certification/Authorizations, Status of Funds, and budget execution   Continuous with Monthly Status Reports        
GOE/Delphi Reconciliations Month End Cutoff  Monthly  OBF Policy 04-08  HCF-25   
GOE End of Year Closeout actions and Accruals September Annually  HQ EOY Closeout Memo      
Government Purchase Cardholder Activities   As Required        
Government Purchase Card Approving Official Activities   As Required        
Procurement Activities of Warranted Contracting Officer   As Required        
Approve/Review GovTrip Authorizations and Vouchers   As Requested        
Internal Policies on GOE, Travel, Procurement, Property, Gifts of Travel, MCA Reporting, etc as related to financial internal controls, responsibilities, and processes   Review Annually and modify as needed        
Property Inventory   Every 2 years        
GOV Mileage  1st Monthly  FHWA Order 4230.1    D to H   
Transit Benefit Program  1st Monthly  DOT H4410.4  HAIM-22  Submit to HAIM, HQs 
Gifts of Travel Requests/Reporting   As Required        
FOIA Requests/Reporting   As Required        
Space Utilization Reporting   As Requested        
Facility Management   As Required        
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