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U.S. Geological Survey Manual

U.S. Geological Survey

General Records Disposition Schedule

Prepared by the Geographic Information Office


April 2003

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S.Geological Survey

Foreword and Table of Contents | Record of Posted Changes | Information on Official Records and Personal Papers | How to use this Records Disposition Schedule | Changes in this Issuance | Chapter 100 | Chapter 200 | Chapter 300 | Chapter 400 | Chapter 500 | Chapter 600 | Chapter 700 | Chapter 800 | Chapter 900 | Chapter 1000 | Chapter 1100 | Chapter 1200 | Chapter 1300 | Appendix 1 | Appendix 2 | Appendix 3 | Change 1


General Records Schedules (GRS) are issued by the Archivist of the United States to provide disposal authorizations for Federal administrative and scientific records common to several or all agencies of the Federal Government. They include records relating to civilian personnel, fiscal accounting, safety and security, procurement, communications, publications, printing, and other common functions. These records comprise an estimated one-third of the total volume of records created by Federal agencies. In 1978, use of the GRS was made mandatory and the disposal authorizations must be used by Federal agencies. Because these schedules are designed to cover records common to several agencies, many of the records descriptions are general.

Each agency records officer is given the choice to either use the schedules as an appendix to their agency's own printed schedule or tailor the general schedules to the agency's own particular needs and incorporate them into an agency schedule. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) created it's own Records Disposition Schedule to supplement the Handbook for Managing USGS Records, 432-1-H, and this schedule should be maintained with that handbook. The USGS schedule provides the Archivist of the United States authorization for selective retention of bureau records of continuing value and destruction of records of temporary value after the expiration of a specified period of time or upon the occurrence of a specific event. The USGS schedule is the only authorized system for USGS records. Moreover, the system prescribed eliminates unnecessary records and reduces handling expenses in terms of personnel time and the quantity of supplies, equipment, and office space. It also results in uniformity in recordkeeping, which is essential to ensure retrievability and accessibility of the records regardless of personnel or organizational changes. Whether the office maintains a few or a large volume of records, they must be maintained efficiently in order to effectively retrieve them.

The USGS schedule includes a Foreword, Table of Contents, Record of Posted Changes, Information on Official Records and Personal Papers, Guidelines on how to use this Records Disposition Schedule, Changes in this Issuance, the schedule itself (Chapters 100 through 1300), a listing of Abbreviations and Definitions, Records Disposition Authorities, and an alphabetical Subject Index.

Proper implementation of the USGS schedule involves carefully applying its provisions to both permanent and temporary records. The schedule's final objective is to ensure authorized, appropriate, uniform, and timely disposition of bureau records.

For the program disciplines, regions, and offices of the USGS, this schedule is to be used together with the mission-specific schedules that have been developed for the *Geology (137K PDF file), *Geography (2.3MB PDF file), and Water disciplines. (A schedule needs to be developed to cover program records in the Biology discipline). In the event that records are not covered by this or a discipline's schedule, contact the USGS Records Management Officer or your discipline or regional Records Liaison Officer listed in this USGS Intranet website (

Since the recordkeeping requirements for electronic mail (e-mail) have been the subject of major litigation against the National Archives and Records Administration, a new item has been added to all of the chapters in the USGS schedule that contain records which are common to most government agencies. This item provides disposition instructions for e-mail and word processing copies that are maintained apart from the official copy, which is located elsewhere in the chapter. The other items authorize the disposition of the official copy. The e-mail and word processing records, covered by the new item in each of the chapters, are those that remain in personal and shared directories after the official copy has been produced. The electronic copies, that were used for dissemination, revision, or updating are maintained in addition to the official copy.

The previous edition of this schedule, dated January 1997, is superseded. This schedule updates records management guidance and record schedules that have been authorized by the Archivist of the United States.

The preservation of official records, whether in textual or electronic form, is extremely important in order to allow future researchers and historians access to the history of the USGS. These records must be complete, well-documented, easily accessible, protected, and arranged to best serve present and future needs.

DATE: April 2003

*To view the files, you must have the Adobe Acrobat reader software installed and configured for your browser. To download the free software, go to Adobe Systems, Inc. The reader also allows you to print these files to your local printer.

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Table of Contents


Record of Posted Changes

Information on Official Records and Personal Papers

How to use this Records Disposition Schedule

Changes in this Issuance


     101. Executive Management Files
          101-01. Organizational and History Records
          101-02. Administrative and Management Improvement Plan, Survey, Study, and Project Case Files
          101-03. Program Policy, Direction, and Decision Case Files
          101-04. Administrative Management Subject Files
          101-05. Administrative Management Reports
          101-06. Committee and Conference Records

     102. Program Planning, Management, and Evaluation Files
          102-01. Program Mission Files
          102-02. Project Case Files
          102-03. Project Inventory Files
          102-04. Project Control Files
          102-05. Project Summary Progress Reports
          102-06. Project Source Data Files
          102-07. Laboratory Project Notebooks

     103. Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies
          103-01. Electronic Copies of Records

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     201. Information Resources Management (IRM)
          201-01. General IRM and Records Management Files
          201-02. IRM and Records Management Policies and Procedures
          201-03. IRM and Records Management Reports
          201-04. IRM and Records Management Feasibility Studies
          201-05. IRM and Records Management Program Files
          201-06. IRM and Records Management Oversight Files
          201-07. Computer Files
          201-08. Computer and Network Operations and Maintenance Files
          201-09. User Support and Liaison Files
          201-10. Information Technology (IT) Security Data Files

     202. Electronic Records
          202-01. Files and Records Relating to the Creation, Use, and Maintenance of Computer Systems, Applications, or Electronic Records
          202-02. Input/Source Records
          202-03. Electronic Versions of Records Scheduled for Disposal
          202-04. Data Files Consisting of Summarized Information
          202-05. Records Consisting of Extracted Information
          202-06. Electronic Print File
          202-07. Electronic Technical Reformat File
          202-08. Electronic Security Backups of Files
          202-09. Electronic Finding Aids or Indexes
          202-10. Electronic Special-Purpose Programs (Software) Necessary to Maintain Temporary Files
          202-11. Electronic System Documentation
          202-12. Downloaded and Copied Data
          202-13. Word Processing File
          202-14. Electronic Mail Records
          202-15. Tracking and Control Records
          202-16. Data Verification and Quality Control Files not Described Elsewhere

     203. Telecommunications Files
          203-01. General Telecommunications Management Files
          203-02. Telecommunications Management Policies and Procedures Files
          203-03. Telecommunications Management Reports
          203-04. Telecommunications Voucher Files
          203-05. Telecommunications Equipment Management Files
          203-06. Telecommunications Operational Files
          203-07. Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records
          203-08. Telephone Calling Card Records
          203-09. Radio Communications Systems
          203-10. Radio Communications Files
          203-11. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems

     204. Year 2000 (Y2K) Files
          204-01. Y2K Policy and Planning Records
          204-02. Y2K Administrative Records
          204-03. Implementation Records

     205. Paperwork Management Files
          205-01. Bureau Directives Files
          205-02. Bureau External Directives Case Files
          205-03. Bureau Directives Management Program Files
          205-04. Bureau Directives Index Database Files
          205-05. Forms Case Files
          205-06. Records Disposition Files
          205-07. Records Holding Files
          205-08. Reports Control Files
          205-09. Microform Inspection Records
          205-10. Vital Records

     206. Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies
          206-01. Electronic Copies of Records

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     301. Management Control Records
          301-01. Management Control Records

     302. USGS.GOV Web Site
          302-01. USGS.GOV Web Content
          302-02. USGS.GOV Servers
          302-03. USGS.GOV Security
          302-04. USGS.GOV Policies and Reports
          302-05. USGS.GOV Files

     303. Mail, Messenger, and Distribution Files
          303-01. Messenger Service Files
          303-02. Post Office and Private Mail Company Records
          303-03. Mail and Delivery Service Control Files
          303-04. Metered Mail Files
          303-05. Postal Irregularities Files

     304. Travel and Transportation Files
          304-01. Commercial Freight and Passenger Transportation Files
          304-02. Lost or Damaged Shipments Files
          304-03. Foreign Travel Records
          304-04. Non-Commercial, Reimbursable Travel Files
          304-05. General Travel and Transportation Files
          304-06. Non-Federally Funded Travel Files
          304-07. Federal Employee Transportation Subsidy Records
          304-08. Records Relating to Official Passports

     305. Self-Service Store Operations Files
          305-01. Plant, Cost, and Stores General Correspondence Files
          305-02. Stores Invoice Files
          305-03. Inventory Requisition Files
          305-04. Inventory Files
          305-05. Stores Accounting Files
          305-06. Stores Accounting Background Files
          305-07. Cost Accounting Reports
          305-08. Cost Report Data Files
          305-09. Stores Control Files
          305-10. Self-Service Store Operations General Files

     306. Internal and External Audits
          306-01. Audit Files
          306-02. Office of the Inspector General Contact Reports Files
          306-03. General Audit Files

     307. Schedules of Daily Activities
          307-01. Schedules of Daily Activities

     308. Administrative Databases and Electronic Spreadsheets
          308-01. Administrative Databases
          308-02. Electronic Spreadsheets

     309. Records Common to Most Offices
          309-01. Files Maintenance and Disposition Plans
          309-02. Reading or Chronological Files
          309-03. Policy and Precedent Reference Files
          309-04. Temporary Files
          309-05. Routine Tracking and Control Files
          309-06. Agency Directives and Publications - Reference and/or Circulating Copies
          309-07. Administrative Announcements
          309-08. Directives and Publications of Other Government Agencies
          309-09. Non-Government Publications
          309-10. Library Operations
          309-11. Library Materials
          309-12. Office Administrative Files
          309-13. Delegations of Authority Files

     310. Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies
          310-01. Electronic Copies of Records

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     401. Personnel Program Files
          401-01. General Federal Personnel Correspondence Files
          401-02. Personnel Operations Statistical Reports

     402. Official Personnel Folders (OPF)
          402-01. OPF of Federal Employees
          402-02. Supervisor's Personnel Files and duplicate OPF Documentation

     403. Employment Files
          403-01. Appointment Information Files
          403-02. Employment Staffing and Analysis
          403-03. Offers of Employment Files
          403-04. Certificates of Eligibles Files
          403-05. Employee Merit Promotion Case Files
          403-06. Personnel Interview Records
          403-07. Notifications of Personnel Actions
          403-08. Employment Applications
          403-09. E-mail Vacancy Notification System
          403-10. Vacancy Announcements (As Created and Maintained in Personnel Offices)
          403-11. Recruitment Packages
          403-12. Prehire Test Files
          403-13. Employment Examination and Certification Records
          403-14. Unemployment Compensation Records
          403-15. Reductions-in-Force Files
          403-16. Online Automated Recruitment System (OARS)
          403-17. Exit Interviews
          403-18. Federal Employee Express
          403-19. Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Files

     404. Volunteer Personnel Files
          404-01. Volunteer Personnel Files
          404-02. Volunteer for Science Program System

     405. Employee Performance and Utilization Files
          405-01. Employee Awards Files
          405-02. Employee Incentive Awards Program Reports
          405-03. Human Resources Initiatives (HRI) Proposal Awards
          405-04. Employee Performance File System Records

     406. Position Classification and Job Evaluation Files
          406-01. Classification Files
          406-02. FastClass

     407. Employee Relations and Service Files
          407-01. Employee Relations Case Files
          407-02. Employee Investigative Files
          407-03. Employee Benefits Files
          407-04. Wage Survey Files
          407-05. Personnel Counseling Records
          407-06. Employee Concerns Program
          407-07. Conflict Resolution (CORE) Program

     408. Workplace Enhancement Programs
          408-01. Bright Ideas
          408-02. Alternate Worksite/Flexiplace/Telecommuting Program
          408-03. Transportation Fringe Benefit Program
          408-04. Federally Run Day Care Centers
          408-05. General Workplace Enhancement Program Files

     409. Employee Standards of Conduct and Codes of Ethics Files
          409-01. Employee Standards of Conduct and Codes of Ethics Files
          409-02. Financial Disclosure Reports
          409-03. Stock Holding Conflicts and Advisories
          409-04. Conflict-of-Interest Files
          409-05. Serving as Officers in Outside Organizations
          409-06. Ethics Training Records

     410. Federal Workplace Drug Testing
          410-01. Federal Workplace Drug Testing Program Files
          410-02. Federal Workplace Drug Awareness Program Files

     411. Special Appointment Files
          411-01. Americans with Disabilities Act Files

     412. Educational and Student Program Files
          412-01. Academic and Outreach Programs
          412-02. Apprenticeship Program Files
          412-03. Tuition Reimbursement Records
          412-04. Student Recruitment System (SRS)
          412-05. Student Placement Assistance (SPA) System

     413. Employee Training Files
          413-01. Training Records
          413-02. Orientation Program
          413-03. Mentoring Program
          413-04. Individual Development Plans (IDPs)
          413-05. Training Management System (TMS)
          413-06. International Visitor and Training Files

     414. Employee Health Files
          414-01. Individual Non-Occupational Health Record Files
          414-02. Health Unit Control Files
          414-03. Employee Medical Folders (EMF)
          414-04. General Health and Wellness Correspondence Files
          414-05. Employee Health Statistical Summaries
          414-06. Personal Injury (Accident) Case Files
          414-07. Occupational Injury and Illness Files
          414-08. Denied Health Benefits Requests Under Spouse Equity

     415. Labor Relations Files
          415-01. Labor Management Relations
          415-02. Seniority Rosters
          415-03. Certification/Decertification Files

     416. EEO Files
          416-01. EEO Official Discrimination Records
          416-02. EEO Compliance Records
          416-03. EEO Employment Statistics Files
          416-04. EEO Affirmative Action Plans (AAPs)
          416-05. Special Emphasis Programs and Project Records
          416-06. EEO General Files

     417. Payroll and Time and Attendance Files
          417-01. Individual Employee Pay Records
          417-02. Non-current Payroll Files
          417-03. Time and Attendance - Leave Application Files
          417-04. Time and Attendance Source Records
          417-05. Time and Attendance Input Records
          417-06. Flexitime Attendance
          417-07. Leave Record Files
          417-08. Donated Leave Program Case Files
          417-09. Other Leave Program Files
          417-10. Tax Files
          417-11. Pay Comparability Records
          417-12. Classification Appraisals (Pay) Files
          417-13. Savings Bond Purchase Files
          417-14. Combined Federal Campaign and Other Allotment Authorizations
          417-15. Payroll Levy and Garnishment Files
          417-16. Payroll Administration - Payroll System Reports
          417-17. Payroll Adjustment and Change Files
          417-18. Payroll Correspondence

     418. Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies
          418-01. Electronic Copies of Records

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     501. Electronic Freedom of Information Act (E-FOIA), Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and Privacy Act Files
          501-01. E-FOIA and FOIA Request and Appeals Files
          501-02. E-FOIA and FOIA Control Files
          501-03. E-FOIA and FOIA Reports and Administrative Files
          501-04. Privacy Act Requests Files
          501-05. Privacy Act Amendment Case Files
          501-06. Privacy Act Accounting of Disclosure Files
          501-07. Privacy Act Control Files
          501-08. Privacy Act Reports Files
          501-09. Privacy Act General Administrative Files
          501-10. Mandatory Review for Declassification Requests Files
          501-11. Mandatory Review for Declassification Appeals Files
          501-12. Mandatory Review for Declassification Control Files
          501-13. Mandatory Review for Declassification Reports Files
          501-14. Mandatory Review for Declassification Administrative Files
          501-15. Erroneous Release Files

     502. Communications Files
          502-01. Communications General Correspondence
          502-02. Presentations and Official Speeches
          502-03. Information Requests Files
          502-04. Acknowledgment Files
          502-05. News Media Files
          502-06. Information Project Files
          502-07. Commendation and Complaint Correspondence Files
          502-08. Non-Government Briefings
          502-09. Community Relations
          502-10. Public Ceremonies

     503. Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies
          503-01. Electronic Copies of Records

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     601. Law and Litigation Records
          601-01. Law and Litigation General Files
          601-02. Law and Litigation Reports
          601-03. Solicitor's Office Correspondence
          601-04. Law Enforcement Files
          601-05. Litigation and Appeals Files
          601-06. Claims
          601-07. Witness Files

     602. Congressional Records
          602-01. Congressional Legislative Files
          602-02. Member Files
          602-03. Legislative Proposal Case Files
          602-04. Congressional and Legislative General Files

     603. Inventions, Patents, Copyrights, and Agreements
          603-01. Inventions Case Files
          603-02. True Copy Certifications
          603-03. Agreements
          603-04. Compliance Audit and Assessment Records

     604. Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies
          604-01. Electronic Copies of Records

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     701. Budget
          701-01. Budget Files
          701-02. General Budget Management and Administration Files

     702. Financial Files
          702-01. General Financial Management Correspondence
          702-02. Budget Estimates, Justifications, and Annual Work Plan Files
          702-03. Budget Apportionment Files
          702-04. Financial Management and Program Coordination Background Records
          702-05. Financial Management and Program Coordination Reports Files
          702-06. Financial Management and Program Coordination Policy Files
          702-07. Funds and Funding Files
          702-08. Financial Audits and Claim Settlements

     703. Accounting and Disbursement Files
          703-01. Accountable Officer's Files
          703-02. GAO Exceptions Files
          703-03. Certificates Settlement Files
          703-04. General Fund Files
          703-05. Accounting Administrative Files
          703-06. Accounting Systems Files
          703-07. Federal Personnel Surety Bond Files
          703-08. Taxation Files
          703-09. Telegrams
          703-10. Telephone Files
          703-11. Administrative and Tort Claims Files
          703-12. Waiver of Claims Files
          703-13. Appropriations
          703-14. Collection Procedures
          703-15. Unpaid Obligations
          703-16. Government Credit Card Files

     704. Assessment Records
          704-01. Bureau Assessments (Both Reimbursable and Appropriated Funds)

     705. Expenditure Accounting Records
          705-01. General Correspondence and Subject Files
          705-02. General Accounting Ledgers
          705-03. Appropriation Allotment Files
          705-04. Expenditure Accounting Posting and Control Files
          705-05. Payments-in-Lieu-of-Taxes (PILT) Files

     706. Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies
          706-01. Electronic Copies of Records

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     801. Acquisition Files
          801-01. Acquisition Files
          801-02. Contracts Appeals Case Files
          801-03. Contingent Fee Violations Files
          801-04. Contractor's Payroll Files
          801-05. Performance of Commercial Activities Files
          801-06. Unsolicited Proposals

     802. Supply Management Files
          802-01. Supply Management Files

     803. Grant Files
          803-01. Grant and Cooperative Agreement Case Files
          803-02. Grant Administrative Files

     804. Acquisition Management and Administration Files
          804-01. General Acquisition Management Files
          804-02. General Acquisition Correspondence Files
          804-03. Contracting Officer Files
          804-04. Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Files

     805. Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies
          805-01. Electronic Copies of Records

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     901. Classified Information Records
          901-01. Classified Documents Administrative Correspondence Files
          901-02. Classified Documents Report Files
          901-03. Document Receipt Files
          901-04. Destruction Certificates Files
          901-05. Classified Document Inventory Files
          901-06. Top Secret Accounting and Control Files
          901-07. Access Request Files
          901-08. Security Container Records

     902. Protection Program Administrative Records
          902-01. Security and Protective Services Administrative Correspondence Files
          902-02. Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Files
          902-03. Security Alarm and Access Control System Files
          902-04. Master Safeguards and Security Agreements and Security Plans
          902-05. Physical Security Files
          902-06. Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence Files
          902-07. Facilities Survey and Inspection Files (Government-owned Facilities)
          902-08. Facilities Survey and Inspection Files (Privately-owned Facilities)
          902-09. Investigative Files
          902-10. Misuse of Government Property
          902-11. Incident of Security Concern Inquiry and Investigation Files
          902-12. Property Pass Files
          902-13. Key Accountability Files
          902-14. Guard and Security Police Officer Assignment Files
          902-15. Guard and Security Service Control Files
          902-16. Police Functions Files
          902-17. Trespass Investigative Files
          902-18. Visitor Control Files
          902-19. Visitor Access Approval Files
          902-20. Facilities Check Files
          902-21. Logs and Registers
          902-22. Credentials Files

     903. Personnel Security Records
          903-01. Security Clearance and Access Authorization Administrative Subject Files
          903-02. Security Clearance and Access Authorization Administrative Policy Subject Files
          903-03. Administration and Operation Files
          903-04. Background Investigations for Access Authorizations
          903-05. Security Clearance and Access Authorization Case Records
          903-06. Security Clearance and Access Authorization Status Files
          903-07. Security Violations Files
          903-08. Classified Information Non-Disclosure Agreements

     904. Safety Management Records
          904-01. Safety Files
          904-02. Safety Reports
          904-03. Safety Procedures and Programs
          904-04. Safety Policies
          904-05. Accident Files
          904-06. Records that Demonstrate the Capability for Safe Operations
          904-07. Records that Verify the Performance of Safe Operations
          904-08. Safe Work Permits
          904-09. Safety Training Files
          904-10. Hazardous Waste Management Files

     905. Emergency Planning Files
          905-01. Emergency Planning Files

     906. Environmental Compliance and Management Records
          906-01. Environmental Compliance and Management Policies
          906-02. Environmental Compliance and Management Subject Files
          906-03. Environmental Compliance and Management Reports
          906-04. Environmental Analysis, Management Studies, and Endangered Species Act
          906-05. Environmental Assessment and Evaluation Methodology

     907. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Records
          907-01. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Files

     908. Resources and Compliance Records
          908-01. Cultural Resources
          908-02. Wildlife Resources
          908-03. Fish Resources
          908-04. Mineral Resources
          908-05. Clean Water Act
          908-06. Clean Air Act
          908-07. Pest Management Program
          908-08. Environmental Commitment
          908-09. Protective Clothing Reviews and Approvals
          908-10. Fire Management Files

     909. Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies
          909-01. Electronic Copies of Records

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     1001. Personal Property Management Program
          1001-01. General Personal Property Management Files
          1001-02. Personal Property Management Policies and Procedures Files
          1001-03. Personal Property Management Reports
          1001-04. Personal Property Classification
          1001-05. Personal Property Accountability Files
          1001-06. Personal Property Loan Activities
          1001-07. Personal Property Disposal Case Files
          1001-08. Bureau Board of Survey Files

     1002. Motor Vehicle, Aircraft, and Watercraft Management Files
          1002-01. General Motor Vehicle, Aircraft, and Watercraft Management Files
          1002-02. Motor Vehicle, Aircraft, and Watercraft Management Policies and Procedures Files
          1002-03. Motor Vehicle, Aircraft, and Watercraft Management Reports
          1002-04. Motor Vehicle, Aircraft, and Watercraft Alleged Misuse Files
          1002-05. Motor Vehicle, Aircraft, and Watercraft Operation and Maintenance Files

     1003. Energy Conservation Management Files
          1003-01. General Energy Conservation Management Files
          1003-02. Energy Conservation Management Policies and Procedures
          1003-03. Energy Conservation Management Reports

     1004. Museum Management Files
          1004-01. General Museum Management Files
          1004-02. Museum Management Policies and Procedures
          1004-03. Museum Management Reports
          1004-04. Museum Accountability Files
          1004-05. Museum Preservation Maintenance Files
          1004-06. Loan and Exhibits Correspondence

     1005. Real Property Management Program
          1005-01. General Real Property Management Files
          1005-02. Real Property Management Policies and Procedures
          1005-03. Real Property Reports
          1005-04. Bureau-Owned Real Property
          1005-05. Real Property Maintenance Records
          1005-06. Building Operations Plans
          1005-07. GSA and Bureau-Leased Space Files
          1005-08. Federal Real Property Management (FRPM) System

     1006. Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies
          1006-01. Electronic Copies of Records

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     1101. Official Portraits of USGS Directors and Other High-Ranking USGS Officials
          1101-01. Official Portrait Photographs
          1101-02. Portrait Photographs of Other USGS Personnel

     1102. General Photography Records
          1102-01. Documentary and Research Photography - USGS Mission-Related Records
          1102-02. Photography - USGS Non-Mission Related Records

     1103. Motion Picture Records
          1103-01. Motion Pictures - USGS-Sponsored and Mission-Related Records
          1103-02. Motion Pictures - Non-Mission Related Records

     1104. Video Recordings
          1104-01. Video Recordings - USGS-Sponsored and Mission-Related Records
          1104-02. Video Recordings - USGS-Sponsored and Non-Mission Related Records

     1105. Audio (Sound) Recordings
          1105-01. Audio Recordings - USGS-Sponsored and Mission-Related Records

     1106. Miscellaneous Records
          1106-01. Related Documentation

     1107. Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies
          1107-01. Electronic Copies of Records

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     1201. Digital Geospatial Data
          1201-01. Geospatial Data Sets

     1202. Cartographic Records
          1202-01. Printed Maps
          1202-02. Cartographic Records Prepared During Intermediate Stages of Publication

     1203. Remote Sensing Records
          1203-01. Remote Sensing Records

     1204. Architectural Drawings
          1204-01. Architectural Drawings of Temporary Structures and Buildings or of Buildings not Critical to the Mission of the USGS
          1204-02. Contract Negotiation Drawings
          1204-03. Space Assignment Plans
          1204-04. Architectural Models
          1204-05. Engineering Drawings of Routine Minor Parts
          1204-06. Drawings Reflecting Minor Modifications
          1204-07. Paint Plans and Samples

     1205. Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies
          1205-01. Electronic Copies of Records

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     1301. USGS Information Products
          1301-01. Official Record Set
          1301-02. All Other Copies
          1301-03. Review and Approval Records and Copyright Permission Records
          1301-04. Working Papers, Manuscripts, and Background Materials

     1302. Research Records Supporting Publications
          1302-01. Research Records Supporting Publications

     1303. Information Products Management Files
          1303-01. Information Products Management Policies and Procedures
          1303-02. Information Products Directives and Instructions
          1303-03. Information Products Management Reports
          1303-04. Information Products Customer Mailing Lists
          1303-05. Information Products Indexes and Checklists
          1303-06. General Information Products Management Files

     1304. Unofficial Information Products, Newsletters, and USGS Announcements
          1304-01. Unofficial Information Products, Newsletters, and USGS Announcements

     1305. Electronic Files, Artwork, Camera-Ready Originals, and Line and Half-tone Negatives
          1305-01. Electronic Files, Artwork, Camera-Ready Originals, and Line and Half-tone Negatives

     1306. Printing Project Files
          1306-01. Project Files

     1307. Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies
          1307-01.Electronic Copies of Records

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     Appendix 1 - Abbreviations and Definitions

     Appendix 2 - Records Disposition Authority

     Appendix 3 - Subject Index

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
Contact: APS, Office of Policy and Analysis
Content Information Contact: Carol Wippich
Last modification: 09-Aug-2007@06:35(cjw)
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