FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PTO 96-24 CONTACT: Richard Maulsby Lisa-Joy Zgorski (703)305-8341 PATENT AND TRADEMARK DEPOSITORY LIBRARIES: NOW CONVENIENTLY SITUATED IN ALL FIFTY STATES ARLINGTON, VA -- Now, step one in obtaining a patent or trademark has become just a bit easier. The U.S. Commerce Department's Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) announced today that it will open a new Patent and Trademark Depository Library (PTDL) in Burlington, Vermont. "We are proud to add your library to our nationwide network of PTDL's, and especially pleased because this designation allows us to say that for the first time, there is a PTDL in all fifty states," said Bruce A. Lehman, Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks. In higher population states, such as California, New York, Florida and Texas, there are as many as five PTDL's. This new PTDL will be housed in the U.S. Government Documents area of the Bailey Howe Library at the University of Vermont. PTDL's maintain collections of current and earlier-issued patents, as well as Patent and Trademark reference materials. While reference collections vary from library to library, all PTDL's provide direct, computerized access to PTO data. The Vermont PTDL will assure access to Government publications, including the U.S. Patent Official Gazette, dating back to the 1800s, and an extensive collection of technical journals in medicine, the applied sciences and engineering. Copying facilities are available for a fee, along with technical staff assistance. According to the Patent Statistical Report, compiled and published by the PTO's Technology Assessment and Forecast Program, over 3000 patents have been awarded to residents of the state of Vermont during the last twenty years. This number has been steadily growing: 554 patents were granted to Vermontites in 1995, 483 in 1994, 472 in 1993, and 436 in 1992 and 407 in 1991 and 369 in 1990. During the past two decades, some 666 inventors have been residents of Vermont. Similar statistics are available for other states/regions/counties and can be provided by request. November 19, 1996 ###