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The following computer labs will be offered in conjunction with the 2004 regional seminars:

Hands-on eRA for Grants Managers

The Grants Management lab is geared toward the day-to-day activities of a Signing Official (SO). The session will cover NIH eRA Commons administration activities such as creating accounts, maintaining account information and viewing and updating institutional and personal profile information. Participates will learn how to run common status queries and generate hit lists. Instructors will offer "tips and hints" for effective system use and will discuss upcoming system updates.

Hands-on eRA for Principal Investigators

The PI lab is geared toward the day-to-day activities of a Principal Investigator (PI). The lab will explore the NIH eRA Commons. Activities such as reviewing and updating personal profile information, and initiating an eSNAP (electronic simplified non-competing application progress report) will be covered. Participants will learn how to check on NIH Review Group Assignment, priority scores, summary statements, award status, and generating hit lists. Instructors will offer "tips and hints" for effective system use and will discuss upcoming system updates.

Hands-on Financial Status Reports

The Financial Status Report (FSR) lab is geared toward those individuals that process, submit and track FSRs that are required by the NIH Office of Financial Management (OFM). This lab will cover the process of entering data, revising and submitting an electronic FSR. It will also offer resources for troubleshooting the FSR during the process.