Division of Migratory Birds
Northeast Region

Gadwall, USFWS photo, Cedar Waxwing, photo courtesy of Bill Majoros, Tricolored Heron, photo courtesy of Bill Majoros, Piping Plover, USFWS photo.


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the principal federal agency charged with protecting and enhancing the populations and habitat of more than 800 species of migratory birds that spend all or part of their lives in the United States.

How We Do Our Work

  • The Populations Branch works with partners to monitor bird populations in the Northeast to ensure that declines and threats are discovered early in order to implement necessary management actions that address any issues.
  • Many of our partners provide information on bird populations through monitoring and other surveying efforts to prioritize species and habitats and to identify species management actions.
  • The Populations Branch also plays a key role in various regulatory actions, including working closely with states and other partners as we develop regulations necessary for the hunting of migratory game species in the U.S. and the use of migratory birds through permitting.
  • The Habitat Branch is focused on the conservation of habitats for migratory birds throughout the region and beyond. The planning, implementation and evaluation of habitat conservation takes place through the regional partnership known as the Atlantic Coast Joint Venture.
  • The Permits Branch issues various permits authorizing otherwise prohibited activities to meet special needs. Permits are issued for scientific collecting, falconry, education, and bird damage management.

For all permits visit the USFWS Migratory Bird and Eagle Permit page.

Division of Bird Habitat Conservation

Division of Migratory Bird Management

www.Flyways.us — the most current waterfowl population information, as it becomes available.

Contact us:

  • To write or call:
    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
    Migratory Birds and State Programs
    Division of Migratory Birds
    Northeast Region
    300 Westgate Center Drive
    Hadley, MA 01035

    Phone: 413-253-8643
    Fax: 413-253-8424
  • Deaf/hard of hearing individuals can reach the Northeast Region Division of Migratory Birds through the Massachusetts Relay Service at 1-800-439-2370 (TTY / ASCII) or 1-800-439-0183 (voice).
Last updated: June 24, 2008