US Forest Service
Forest Service logo, link to FS www  
Photo of a small stream with flora found in the NOrthern Region.

Welcome to the Northern Region!

Small graphic Northern Region map and link to larger size. We invite you to explore the Northern Region's 16 congressionally-designated wilderness areas, six National Wild and Scenic Rivers, the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail, or 2,539 miles of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, and much more.
(Click on map for a larger view.)

The Northern Region area encompasses 25 million acres and is spread over 5 states. Included are 12 national forests located within the perimeter of northeastern Washington, northern Idaho, and Montana; and the national grasslands in North Dakota and northwestern South Dakota.

[photograph] the Northern Region Office


As as place for individuals and families to enjoy the outdoors, the Northern Region's public lands offer hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, skiing, kayaking, and countless other adventures. These very special areas protected from development offer the ability to escape the crowds of the city and encounter nature at its best - to experience the solitude and challenges of wildlands.



Graphic Holiday ornament with link to information on Capitol Christmas Tree video.

Forest Service Environmental Appeal Responses

The Northern Region is now posting appeal decisions to a consolidated national site for Environmental Appeals. An appeal is a request to an agency higher authority for review of an environmental decision. Recent and historical appeal decisions are available on the site and are organized by the Washington Office, region-level units, or forest-level units managing the projects.

Forest Service Pre-Decisional Objection Responses

The Northern Region is now posting pre-decisional objection responses to a consolidated national web site for Objections. Objections are written documents submitted by an individual or organization seeking a pre-decisional administrative review of a proposed hazardous fuel reduction project authorized by the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 (HFRA). The public may file objections after an environmental assessment or final environmental impact statement is completed and before a decision document is signed for a project under HFRA.

Recent and historical objection decisions are available on this site and are organized by the administrative unit issuing the response.

Graphic introducing Project: Photographic Points, K.D. Swan, 1961, online exhibit.


Right arrow graphic. Rental Cabins and Lookouts
Right arrow graphic. National Forest Store
Right arrow graphic. Regional Audio / Video page
Right arrow graphic. Appeal Resolution Meeting Schedule
Right arrow graphic. Electronic Freedom of Information Act
Right arrow graphic. Forest Service Phone Directory
Right arrow graphic. Northern Region Phone Directory
Right arrow graphic. Employee Search
Right arrow graphic. Evaluate Our Service
We welcome comments on our service and your suggestions for improvement. Please let us hear from you!

  Northern Region
  Federal Building
  200 E. Broadway
  P.O. Box 7669
  Missoula, MT

  (406) 329-3511
  (406) 329-3347
  (406) 329-3510 is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state and local government web resources and services.

EGov graphic logo and link. logo and link.

Graphic of logo for the Climate Change Resource Center (CCRC) web site. graphic logo and link.

Treesearch graphic logo and link.

Smokey Bear graphic and link to his website.
Visit Smokey Bear's web site! It has games, fire prevention info and archives.


USDA Forest Service - Northern Region
Last Modified: Wednesday, 22 April 2009 at 15:48:52 EDT

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.