Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Table 2-7a
Canada's Receipts From and Payments to Mexico for Merchandise and Services Trade (Balance of Payments Basis)

(Millions of current U.S. dollars)

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  1990 1995 1996
Receipts from exports to Mexico      
Merchandise exports, total 562 835 922
Trade adjustments, total NA NA NA
Export merchandise trade (balance of payments) 562 835 922
Services, total 71 105 159
Transportation 1 7 7
Landa NA NA NA
Water NA NA NA
Passenger fares 1 7 7
Tourism and other services 71 105 159
Tourism 42 48 59
Other services 29 57 100
Receipts, total 634 947 1,088
Payments for imports from Mexico      
Merchandise imports, total (customs-origin) 1,497 3,900 4,426
Merchandise imports, total (customs-consignment) NA 2,471 2,723
Trade adjustments, total NA NA NA
Import merchandise trade (balance of payments) NA 2,471 2,723
Services, total 349 302 338
Transportation 8 4 6
Landa NA NA NA
Water NA NA NA
Passenger fares 8 4 6
Tourism and other services 349 302 338
Tourism 320 256 268
Other services 29 46 70
Payments, total NA 2,777 3,067
Balance NA -1,830 -1,979

aLand refers to trucking, rail and pipeline services, unless otherwise noted.

KEY: NA = Not applicable.

NOTE: Detailed data on North American merchandise trade commodities can be found in Section 6.


Statistics Canada. Canada's Balance of International Payments, Catalogue No. 67-001-XPB. (Ottawa, Ont.: various years).

Statistics Canada. Special tabulations. (Ottawa, Ont.: 1998).

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