History of Threatened and Endangered Species on National Forest System Lands Year Number of T&E Species - NFS lands Number of T&E Species – U.S. 1967 32 78 1968-69 32 1970 34 1971-72 42 1973-74 46 126 1975 47 1976 65 1977 68 1978-79 82 1980 94 281 1981 97 1982-83 99 1984 110 1985 124 384 1986 132 1987 148 1988 161 1989 175 1990 194 596 1991 213 1992 241 1993 260 1994 283 1995 298 962 1996 332 1997 342 1998 361 1999 366 2000 415 1,244 2001 417 2002-03 424 2004-06 425 2007 422 1,312 Number of T&E species at the end of the given fiscal year (Sept. 30, except for 2007) that occur on National Forest System lands, or are potentially affected by NFS management, and are listed as Threatened or Endangered, pursuant to the Endangered Species Act Key dates: 1967 – U.S. Endangered Species Preservation Act 1967 – First U.S. list of designated Threatened and Endangered Species 1969 – U.S. Endangered Species Conservation Act 1973 – U.S. Endangered Species Act 1988 – Last reauthorization of the 1973 Endangered Species Act FWS: NOAA/F: http://www.fws.gov/endangered/ http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/laws/esa.htm#pcr