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Part 389: Rulemaking procedures梖ederal motor carrier safety regulations

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Examples: Medical Form, 391.53, 391
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< 389.3 389.7 >
Subpart A桮eneral
�9.5 Regulatory docket.

(a) Information and data deemed relevant by the Administrator relating to rulemaking actions, including notices of proposed rulemaking; comments received in response to notices; petitions for rulemaking and reconsideration; denials of petitions for rulemaking and reconsideration; records of additional rule making proceedings under �9.25; and final rules are maintained at headquarters, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE., Washington, DC 20590�01.

(b) Except for material ordered withheld from the public under section 552(b) of title 5 of the United States Code, any person may examine docketed material in the Department of Transportation Docket Management Facility in the following ways:

(b)(1) At headquarters at any time during regular business hours. Copies may be obtained upon payment of a fee.

(b)(2) On the Web site, at any time, by using the uniform resources locator (URL) Copies may be downloaded or printed.

[72 FR 55702, Oct. 1, 2007]

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