Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > 1214.04 Examiner Reversed [R-3] - 1200 Appeal

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1214.04 Examiner Reversed [R-3] - 1200 Appeal

1214.04 Examiner Reversed [R-3]

A complete reversal of the examiner's rejection brings the case up for immediate action by the examiner. If the reversal does not place an application in condition for immediate allowance (e.g., the Board has entered a new ground of rejection under 37 CFR *>41.50(b)<), the examiner should refer to the situations outlined in MPEP § 1214.06 for appropriate guidance.

The examiner should never regard such a reversal as a challenge to make a new search to uncover other and better references. This is particularly so where the application or ex parte reexamination proceeding has meanwhile been transferred or assigned to an examiner other than the one who rejected the claims leading to the appeal. The second examiner should give full faith and credit to the prior examiner's search.

If the examiner has specific knowledge of the existence of a particular reference or references which indicate nonpatentability of any of the appealed claims as to which the examiner was reversed, he or she should submit the matter to the Technology Center (TC) Director for authorization to reopen prosecution under 37 CFR 1.198 for the purpose of entering the new rejection. See MPEP § 1002.02(c) and MPEP § 1214.07. The TC Director's approval is placed on the action reopening prosecution.

The examiner may request rehearing of the Board decision. Such a request should normally be made within 2 months of the receipt of the Board decision in the TC. The TC Director's secretary should therefore date stamp all Board decisions upon receipt in the TC.

All requests by the examiner to the Board for rehearing of a decision must be approved by the TC Director and must also be forwarded to the Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy for approval before mailing.

>The request for rehearing must state with particularity the points believed to have been misapprehended or overlooked by the Board. Arguments not raised in the answers before the Board and evidence not previously relied upon in the answers are not permitted in the request for rehearing except upon a showing of good cause, the examiner may present a new argument based upon a recent relevant decision of either the Board or a Federal Court.<

The request should set a period of **>2 months< for the appellant to file a reply.

If **>the request for rehearing is approved by< the Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy>, the TC< will mail a copy of the request for rehearing to the appellant. After the period set for appellant to file a reply (plus mailing time) has expired, the application file will be forwarded to the Board.

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