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1879.03 Translations [R-2] - 1800 Patent Cooperation Treaty

1879.03 Translations [R-2]


Transmittal, Translation, and Communication of the International Preliminary Examination Report



(a) The international preliminary examination report and its annexes shall be translated into the prescribed languages.

(b) Any translation of the said report shall be prepared by or under the responsibility of the International Bureau, whereas any translation of the said annexes shall be prepared by the applicant.



International Preliminary Report on Patentability by the International Preliminary Examining Authority (International Preliminary Examination Report)


PCT RULE 70.17
Languages of the Report and the Annexes

The report and any annex shall be in the language in which the international application to which they relate is published, or, if the international preliminary examination is carried out, pursuant to Rule 55.2, on the basis of a translation of the international application, in the language of that translation.<


Translation of the International Preliminary Examination Report and of the Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority<

PCT RULE 72.1.

(a) Any elected State may require that the international preliminary examination report, established in any language other than the official language, or one of the official languages, of its national Office, be translated into English.

(b) Any such requirement shall be notified to the International Bureau, which shall promptly publish it in the Gazette.

PCT RULE 72.2.
Copy of Translation for the Applicant

The International Bureau shall transmit a copy of the translation referred to in Rule 72.1(a) of the international preliminary examination report to the applicant at the same time as it communicates such translation to the interested elected Office or Offices.


PCT RULE 72.2bis.
Translation of the Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority Established Under Rule 43bis.1

In the case referred to in Rule 73.2(b)(ii), the written opinion established by the International Searching Authority under Rule 43bis.1 shall, upon request of the elected Office concerned, be translated into English by or under the responsibility of the International Bureau. The International Bureau shall transmit a copy of the translation to the elected Office concerned within two months from the date of receipt of the request for translation, and shall at the same time transmit a copy to the applicant.

PCT RULE 72.3.
Observations on the Translation

The applicant may make written observations as to the correctness of the translation of the international preliminary examination report or of the written opinion established by the International Searching Authority under Rule 43bis.1 and shall send a copy of the observations to each of the interested elected Offices and to the International Bureau.<

The >written opinion established by the International Searching Authority and the< international preliminary examination report and any annexes are established in Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Russian or Spanish, if the international application was filed in one of those languages or translated into one of those languages. See PCT Rules 48.3(b), 55.2 and 70.17. Each elected State may require that >the written opinion and/or< the report, if it is not in (one of) the official language(s) of its national Office, be translated into English. See PCT Rule 72.1(a). In that case, the translation of the body of the >written opinion and/or< report is prepared by >the< International Bureau, which transmits copies to the applicant and to each interested elected Office. If any elected Office requires a translation of annexes to the report, the preparation and furnishing of that translation is the responsibility of the applicant. See PCT Article 36(2)(b).

The U.S. requires the final report and the annexes thereto to be in English. Translation of the annexes for national stage purposes is required pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 371(c)(5) and 37 CFR 1.495(e). Failure to timely provide such translation results in cancellation of the annexes.

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