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Control of Emissions of Air Pollution From Nonroad Diesel Engines and Fuel [[pp. 28327-28376]]

 [Federal Register: May 23, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 100)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Page 28327-28376]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]


40 CFR Parts 69, 80, 89, 1039, 1065, and 1068
RIN 2060-AK27
Control of Emissions of Air Pollution From Nonroad Diesel Engines 
and Fuel

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.


SUMMARY: Nonroad diesel engines contribute considerably to our nation's 
air pollution. These engines, used primarily in construction, 
agricultural, and industrial applications, are projected to continue to 
contribute large amounts of particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides 
(NOX), and sulfur oxides (SOX), all of which 
contribute to serious public health problems in the United States. 
These problems include premature mortality, aggravation of respiratory 
and cardiovascular disease, aggravation of existing asthma, acute 
respiratory symptoms, chronic bronchitis, and decreased lung function. 
We believe that diesel exhaust is likely to be carcinogenic to humans 
by inhalation.
    Today EPA is proposing new emission standards for nonroad diesel 
engines and sulfur reductions in nonroad diesel fuel that will 
dramatically reduce emissions attributed to nonroad diesel engines. 
This comprehensive national program will regulate nonroad diesel 
engines and diesel fuel as a system. New engine standards will begin to 
take effect in the 2008 model year. These standards are based on the 
use of advanced exhaust emission control devices. We estimate PM 
reductions of 95%, NOX reductions of 90%, and the virtual 
elimination of sulfur oxides (SOX) from nonroad engines 
meeting the new standards. Nonroad diesel fuel sulfur reductions of up 
to 99% from existing levels will provide significant health benefits as 
well as facilitate the introduction of high-efficiency catalytic 
exhaust emission control devices as these devices are damaged by 
sulfur. These fuel controls would begin in mid-2007. Today's nonroad 
proposal is largely based on EPA's 2007 highway diesel program.
    To better ensure the benefits of the standards are realized in-use 
and throughout the useful life of these engines, we are also proposing 
new test procedures, including not-to-exceed requirements, and related 
certification requirements. The proposal also includes provisions to 
facilitate the transition to the new engine and fuel standards and to 
encourage the early introduction of clean technologies and clean 
nonroad diesel fuel. We have also developed provisions for both the 
proposed engine and fuel programs designed to address small business 
    The requirements in this proposal would result in substantial 
benefits to public health and welfare and the environment through 
significant reductions in emissions of NOX and PM, as well 
as nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHC), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides 
(SOX) and air toxics. We project that by 2030, this program 
would reduce annual emissions of NOX, and PM by 827,000 and 
127,000 tons, respectively. These emission reductions would prevent 
9,600 premature deaths, over 8,300 hospitalizations, and almost a 
million work days lost, and other quantifiable benefits every year. All 
told the benefits of this rule would be approximately $81 billion 
annually by 2030. Costs for both the engine and fuel requirements would 
be many times less, at approximately $1.5 billion annually.

DATES: Comments: Send written comments on this proposal by August 20, 
2003. See section IX for more information about written comments.
    Hearings: We will hold public hearings on the following dates: June 
10, 2003; June 12, 2003; and June 17, 2003. Each hearing will start at 
9 a.m. local time. If you want to testify at a hearing, notify the 
contact person listed below at least 10 days before the hearing. See 
section IX for more information about public hearings.

ADDRESSES: Comments: Comments may be submitted by mail to: Air Docket, 
Environmental Protection Agency, Mailcode: 6102T, 1200 Pennsylvania 
Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460, Attention Docket ID No. A-2001-28.
    Comments may also be submitted electronically, by facsimile, or 
through hand delivery/courier. Follow the detailed instructions as 
provided in section IX of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section.
    Hearings: We will hold public hearings at the following three 


New York, New York, Park Central New York,     June 10, 2003
 870 Seventh Avenue at 56th Street, New York,
 NY 10019, Telephone: (212) 247-8000, Fax:
 (212) 541-8506.
Chicago, Illinois, Hyatt Regency O'Hare, 9300  June 12, 2003.
 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue, Rosemont, IL 60018,
 Telephone: (847) 696-1234, Fax: (847) 698-
Los Angeles. California, Hyatt Regency Los     June 17, 2003.
 Angeles, 711 South Hope Street, Los Angeles,
 California, USA. 90017, Telephone: (213) 683-
 1234, Fax: (213) 629-3230.

    See section IX, ``Public Participation'' below for more information 
on the comment procedure and public hearings.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: U.S. EPA, Office of Transportation and 
Air Quality, Assessment and Standards Division hotline, (734) 214-4636, 
asdinfo@epa.gov Carol Connell, (734) 214-4349; connell.carol@epa.gov.


Regulated Entities

    This action would affect you if you produce or import new heavy-
duty diesel engines which are intended for use in nonroad vehicles such 
as agricultural and construction equipment, or produce or import such 
nonroad vehicles, or convert heavy-duty vehicles or heavy-duty engines 
used in nonroad vehicles to use alternative fuels. It would also affect 
you if you produce, import, distribute, or sell nonroad diesel fuel, or 
sell nonroad diesel fuel.
    The following table gives some examples of entities that may have 
to follow the regulations. But because these are only examples, you 
should carefully examine the regulations in 40 CFR parts 80, 89, 1039, 
1065, and 1068. If you have questions, call the person listed in the 
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this preamble:

                                                  NAICS      SIC
                   Category                       codes     codes                        Examples of potentially regulated entities
                                                   \a\       \b\
Industry......................................    333618      3519  Manufacturers of new nonroad diesel engines.

[[Page 28329]]

Industry......................................    333111      3523  Manufacturers of farm machinery and equipment.
Industry......................................    333112      3524  Manufacturers of lawn and garden tractors (home).
Industry......................................    333924      3537  Manufacturers of industrial trucks.
Industry......................................    333120      3531  Manufacturers of construction machinery.
Industry......................................    333131      3532  Manufacturers of mining machinery and equipment.
Industry......................................    333132      3533  Manufacturers of oil and gas field machinery and equipment.
Industry......................................    811112      7533  Commercial importers of vehicles and vehicle components.
                                                  811198      7549
Industry......................................    324110      2911  Petroleum refiners.
Industry......................................    422710      5171  Diesel fuel marketers and distributors.
                                                  422720      5172
Industry......................................    484220      4212  Diesel fuel carriers.
                                                  484230      4213
\a\ North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
\b\ Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system code.

How Can I Get Copies of This Document and Other Related Information?

    Docket. EPA has established an official public docket for this 
action under Docket ID No. A-2001-28. The official public docket 
consists of the documents specifically referenced in this action, any 
public comments received, and other information related to this action. 
Although a part of the official docket, the public docket does not 
include Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information 
whose disclosure is restricted by statute. The official public docket 
is the collection of materials that is available for public viewing at 
the Air Docket in the EPA Docket Center, (EPA/DC) EPA West, Room B102, 
1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC. The EPA Docket Center 
Public Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through 
Friday, excluding legal holidays. The telephone number for the Reading 
Room is (202) 566-1742, and the telephone number for the Air Docket is 
(202) 566-1742.
    Electronic Access. You may access this Federal Register document 
electronically through the EPA Internet under the ``Federal Register'' 
listings at http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/.
    An electronic version of the public docket is available through 
EPA's electronic public docket and comment system, EPA Dockets. You may 
use EPA Dockets at http://www.regulations.gov/ to submit or view public 
comments, access the index listing of the contents of the official 
public docket, and to access those documents in the public docket that 
are available electronically. Once in the system, select ``search,'' 
then key in the appropriate docket identification number.
    Certain types of information will not be placed in the EPA Dockets. 
Information claimed as CBI and other information whose disclosure is 
restricted by statute, which is not included in the official public 
docket, will not be available for public viewing in EPA's electronic 
public docket. EPA's policy is that copyrighted material will not be 
placed in EPA's electronic public docket but will be available only in 
printed, paper form in the official public docket. To the extent 
feasible, publicly available docket materials will be made available in 
EPA's electronic public docket. When a document is selected from the 
index list in EPA Dockets, the system will identify whether the 
document is available for viewing in EPA's electronic public docket. 
Although not all docket materials may be available electronically, you 
may still access any of the publicly available docket materials through 
the docket facility identified in section IX.
    For public commenters, it is important to note that EPA's policy is 
that public comments, whether submitted electronically or in paper, 
will be made available for public viewing in EPA's electronic public 
docket as EPA receives them and without change, unless the comment 
contains copyrighted material, CBI, or other information whose 
disclosure is restricted by statute. When EPA identifies a comment 
containing copyrighted material, EPA will provide a reference to that 
material in the version of the comment that is placed in EPA's 
electronic public docket. The entire printed comment, including the 
copyrighted material, will be available in the public docket.
    Public comments submitted on computer disks that are mailed or 
delivered to the docket will be transferred to EPA's electronic public 
docket. Public comments that are mailed or delivered to the Docket will 
be scanned and placed in EPA's electronic public docket. Where 
practical, physical objects will be photographed, and the photograph 
will be placed in EPA's electronic public docket along with a brief 
description written by the docket staff.
    For additional information about EPA's electronic public docket 
visit EPA Dockets online or see 67 FR 38102, May 31, 2002.

Outline of This Preamble

I. Overview
    A. What Is EPA Proposing?
    1. Nonroad Diesel Engine Emission Standards
    2. Nonroad, Locomotive, and Marine Diesel Fuel Quality Standards
    B. Why Is EPA Making This Proposal?
    1. Nonroad, Locomotive, and Marine Diesels Contribute to Serious 
Air Pollution Problems
    2. Technology and Fuel Based Solutions
    3. Basis For Action Under the Clean Air Act
II. What Is the Air Quality Impact of the Sources Covered by the 
Proposed Rule?
    A. Overview
    B. Public Health Impacts
    1. Particulate Matter
    a. Health Effects of PM2.5 and PM10
    b. Current and Projected Levels
    i. PM10 Levels
    ii. PM2.5 Levels
    2. Air Toxics
    a. Diesel exhaust
    i. Potential Cancer Effects of Diesel Exhaust
    ii. Other Health Effects of Diesel Exhaust
    iii. Ambient Levels and Exposure to Diesel Exhaust PM
    iv. Diesel Exhaust PM Exposures
    b. Gaseous Air Toxics
    3. Ozone
    a. What are the health effects of ozone pollution?
    b. Current and projected 8-hour ozone levels
    C. Other Environmental Effects
    1. Visibility
    a. Visibility is Impaired by Fine PM and Precursor Emissions 
From Nonroad Engines Subject to this Proposed Rule
    b. Visibility Impairment Where People Live, Work and Recreate

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    c. Visibility Impairment in Mandatory Federal Class I Areas
    2. Acid Deposition
    3. Eutrophication and Nitrification
    4. Polycyclic Organic Matter Deposition
    5. Plant Damage from Ozone
    D. Other Criteria Pollutants Affected by This NPRM
    E. Emissions From Nonroad Diesel Engines
    1. PM2.5
    2. NOX
    3. SO2
    4. VOC and Air Toxics
III. Nonroad Engine Standards
    A. Why are We Setting New Engine Standards?
    1.The Clean Air Act and Air Quality
    2. The Technology Opportunity for Nonroad Diesel Engines
    B. What Engine Standards are We Proposing?
    1. Exhaust Emissions Standards
    a. Standards Timing
    b. Phase-In of NOX and NMHC Standards
    c. Rationale for Restructured Horsepower Categories
    d. PM Standards for Smaller Engines
    i. <25 hp
    ii. 25-75 hp
    e. Engines Above 750 hp
    f. CO Standards
    g. Exclusion of Marine Engines
    2. Crankcase Emissions Control
    C. What Test Procedure Changes Are Being Proposed?
    1. Supplemental Transient Test
    2. Cold Start Testing
    D. What Is Being Done To Help Ensure Robust Control In Use?
    1. Not-to-Exceed Requirements
    a. NTE Standards We are Proposing
    b. Comment Request on an Alternative NTE Approach
    2. Plans for Future In-Use Testing and Onboard Diagnostics
    a. Manufacturer-Run In-Use Test Program
    b. Onboard Diagnostics
    E. Are the Proposed New Standards Feasible?
    1.Technologies To Control NOX and PM Emissions From 
Mobile Source Diesel Engines
    a. PM Control Technologies
    b. NOX Control Technologies
    2. Can These Technologies Be Applied to Nonroad Engines and 
    a. Nonroad Operating Conditions and Exhaust Temperatures
    b. Nonroad Operating Conditions and Durability
    3. Are the Standards Proposed for Engines of 75 hp or Higher 
    4.Are the Standards Proposed for Engines £=25 hp and 
<75 hp Feasible?
    a. What makes the 25-75 hp category unique?
    b. What engine technology is used today, and will be used for 
the applicable Tier 2 and Tier 3 standards?
    c. Are the proposed standards for 25-75 hp engines 
technologically feasible?
    i. 2008 PM Standards
    ii. 2013 Standards
    d. Why EPA has not proposed more stringent Tier 4 NOX 
    5. Are the Standards Proposed for Engines <25 hp Feasible?
    a. What makes the < 25 hp category unique?
    b. What engine technology is currently used in the <25 hp 
    c. What data indicates that the proposed standards are feasible?
    d. Why has EPA not proposed more stringent PM or NOX 
standards for engines <25 hp?
    6. Meeting the Crankcase Emissions Requirements
    F. Why Do We Need 15ppm Sulfur Diesel Fuel?
    1. Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filters and the Need for Low 
Sulfur Fuel
    a. Inhibition of Trap Regeneration Due to Sulfur
    b. Loss of PM Control Effectiveness
    c. Increased Maintenance Cost for Diesel Particulate Filters Due 
to Sulfur
    2. Diesel NOX Catalysts and the Need for Low Sulfur 
    a. Sulfur Poisoning (Sulfate Storage) on NOX 
    b. Sulfate Particulate Production and Sulfur Impacts on 
Effectiveness of NOX Control Technologies
    G. Reassessment of Control Technology for Engines Less Than 75 
hp in 2007
IV. Our Proposed Program for Controlling Nonroad, Locomotive and 
Marine Diesel Fuel Sulfur
    A. Proposed Nonroad, Locomotive and Marine Diesel Fuel Quality 
    1. What Fuel Is Covered by this Proposal?
    2. Standards and Deadlines for Refiners, Importers, and Fuel 
    a. The First Step to 500 ppm
    b. The Second Step to 15 ppm
    c. Other Standard Provisions
    d. Cetane Index or Aromatics Standard
    B. Program Design and Structure
    1. Background
    2. Proposed Fuel Program Design and Structure
    a. Program Beginning June 1, 2007
    i. Use of a Marker To Differentiate Heating Oil from NRLM
    ii. Non-highway Distillate Baseline Cap
    iii. Setting the Non-highway Distillate Baseline
    iv. Diesel Sulfur Credit Banking, and Trading Provisions for 
    b. 2010
    i. A Marker To Differentiate Locomotive and Marine Diesel from 
Nonroad Diesel
    ii. Diesel Sulfur Credit Banking and Trading Provisions for 2010
    c. 2014
    3. Other Options Considered
    a. Highway Baseline and a NRLM baseline for 2007
    i. Highway Baseline
    ii. Nonroad, Locomotive, and Marine Baseline
    iii. Combined Impact of Highway and NRLM Baselines
    b. Locomotive and Marine Baseline for 2010
    c. Designate and Track Volumes in 2007
    i. Replacement for the Non-highway Baseline Approach
    ii. Designate and Track as a Refiners Option in Addition to the 
Baseline Approach
    C. Hardship Provisions for Qualifying Refiners
    1. Hardship Provisions for Qualifying Small Refiners
    a. Qualifying Small Refiners
    i. Regulatory Flexibility for Small Refiners
    ii. Rationale for Small Refiner Provisions
    iii. Limited Impact of Small Refiner Options on Program 
Emissions Benefits
    b. How Do We Define Small Refiners for Purposes of the Hardship 
    c. What Options Are Available for Small Refiners?
    i. Delays in Nonroad Fuel Sulfur Standards for Small Refiners
    ii. Options to Encourage Earlier Compliance by Small Refiners
    d. How Do Refiners Apply for Small Refiner Status?
    2. General Hardship Provisions
    a. Temporary Waivers From Non-highway Diesel Sulfur Requirements 
in Extreme Unforeseen Circumstances
    b. Temporary Waivers Based on Extreme Hardship Circumstances
    D. Should Any Individual States or Territories Be Excluded From 
This Rule?
    1. Alaska
    a. How Was Alaska Treated Under the Highway Diesel Standards?
    b. What Nonroad Standards Do We Propose for Urban Areas of 
    c. What Do We Propose for Rural Areas of Alaska?
    2. American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of Northern 
Mariana Islands
    a. What Provisions Apply in American Samoa, Guam, and the 
Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands?
    b. Why Are We Treating These Territories Uniquely?
    E. How Are State Diesel Fuel Programs Affected by the Sulfur 
Diesel Program?
    F. Technological Feasibility of the 500 and 15 ppm Sulfur Diesel 
Fuel Program
    1. What Is the Nonroad, Locomotive and Marine Diesel Fuel Market 
    2. How Do Nonroad, Locomotive and Marine Diesel Fuel Differ From 
Highway Diesel Fuel?
    3. What Technology Would Refiners Use To Meet the Proposed 500 
ppm Sulfur Cap?
    4. Has Technology To Meet a 500 ppm Cap Been Commercially 
    5. Availability of Leadtime To Meet the 2007 500 ppm Sulfur Cap
    6. What Technology Would Refiners Use To Meet the Proposed 15 
ppm Sulfur Cap for Nonroad Diesel Fuel?
    7. Has Technology To Meet a 15 ppm Cap Been Commercially 
    8. Availability of Leadtime To Meet the 2010 15 ppm Sulfur Cap
    9. Feasibility of Distributing Nonroad, Locomotive and Marine 
Diesel Fuels That Meet the Proposed Sulfur Standards
    a. Limiting Sulfur Contamination
    b. Potential Need for Additional Product Segregation
    G. What Are the Potential Impacts of the 15 ppm Sulfur Diesel 
Program on Lubricity and Other Fuel Properties?
    1. What Is Lubricity and Why Might It Be a Concern?
    2. A Voluntary Approach on Lubricity

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    3. What Other Impact Would Today's Actions Have on the 
Performance of Diesel and Other Fuels?
    H. Refinery Air Permitting
V. Economic Impacts
    A. Refining and Distribution Costs
    1. Refining Costs
    2. Cost of Lubricity Additives
    3. Distribution Costs
    4. How EPA's Projected Costs Compare to Other Available 
    5. Supply of Nonroad, Locomotive and Marine Diesel Fuel
    6. Fuel Prices
    B. Cost Savings to the Existing Fleet From the Use of Low Sulfur 
    C. Engine and Equipment Cost Impacts
    1. Engine Cost Impacts
    a. Engine Fixed Costs
    i. Engine and Emission Control Device R&D
    ii. Engine-Related Tooling Costs
    iii. Engine Certification Costs
    b. Engine Variable Costs
    i. NOX Adsorber System Costs
    ii. Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter (CDPF) Costs
    iii. CDPF Regeneration System Costs
    iv. Closed-Crankcase Ventilation System (CCV) Costs
    v. Variable Costs for Engines Below 75 Horsepower and Above 750 
    c. Engine Operating Costs
    2. Equipment Cost Impacts
    a. Equipment Fixed Costs
    b. Equipment Variable Costs
    3. Overall Engine and Equipment Cost Impacts
    D. Annual Costs and Cost Per Ton
    1. Annual Costs for the 500 ppm Fuel Program
    2. Cost Per Ton for the 500 ppm Fuel Program
    3. Annual Costs for the Proposed Two-Step Fuel Program and 
Engine Program
    4. Cost per Ton of Emissions Reduced for the Total Program
    5. Comparison With Other Means of Reducing Emissions
    E. Do the Benefits Outweigh the Costs of the Standards?
    1. What were the results of the benefit-cost analysis?
    2. What was our overall approach to the benefit-cost analysis?
    3. What are the significant limitations of the benefit-cost 
    F. Economic Impact Analysis
    1. What is an Economic Impact Analysis?
    2. What is EPA's Economic Analysis Approach for This Proposal?
    3. What Are the Results of This Analysis?
    a. Expected Market Impacts
    b. Expected Welfare Impacts
VI. Alternative Program Options
    A. Summary of Alternatives
    B. Introduction of 15 ppm Nonroad Diesel Sulfur Fuel in One Step
    1. Description of the One-Step Alternative
    2. Engine Emission Impacts
    3. Fuel Impacts
    4. Emission and Benefit Impacts
    C. Applying 15 ppm Requirement to Locomotive and Marine Diesel 
    D. Other Alternatives
VII. Requirements for Engine and Equipment Manufacturers
    A. Averaging, Banking, and Trading
    1. Are we proposing to keep the ABT program for nonroad diesel 
    2. What are the provisions of the proposed ABT program?
    3. Should we expand the nonroad ABT program to include credits 
from retrofit of nonroad engines?
    a. What would be the environmental impact of allowing ABT 
nonroad retrofit credits?
    b. How would EPA ensure compliance with retrofit emissions 
    c. What is the legal authority for a nonroad ABT retrofit 
    B. Transition Provisions for Equipment Manufacturers
    1. Why are we proposing transition provisions for equipment 
    2. What transition provisions are we proposing for equipment 
    a. Percent-of-Production Allowance
    b. Small-Volume Allowance
    c. Hardship Relief Provision
    d. Existing Inventory Allowance
    3. What are the recordkeeping, notification, reporting, and 
labeling requirements associated with the equipment manufacturer 
transition provisions?
    a. Recordkeeping Requirements for Engine and Equipment 
    b. Notification Requirements for Equipment Manufacturers
    c. Reporting Requirements for Engine and Equipment Manufacturers
    d. Labeling Requirements for Engine and Equipment Manufacturers
    4. What are the proposed requirements associated with use of 
transition provisions for equipment produced by foreign 
    C. Engine and Equipment Small Business Provisions (SBREFA)
    1. Nonroad Diesel Small Engine Manufacturers
    a. Lead Time Transition Provisions for Small Engine 
    i. What the Panel Recommended
    ii. What EPA Is Proposing
    b. Hardship Provisions for Small Engine Manufacturers
    i. What the Panel Recommended
    ii. What EPA Is Proposing
    c. Other Small Engine Manufacturer Issues
    i. What the Panel Recommended
    ii. What EPA Is Proposing
    2. Nonroad Diesel Small Equipment Manufacturers
    a. Transition Provisions for Small Equipment Manufacturers
    i. What the Panel Recommended
    ii. What EPA Is Proposing
    b. Hardship Provisions for Small Equipment Manufacturers
    i. What the Panel Recommended
    ii. What EPA is Proposing
    D. Phase-In Provisions
    E. What Might Be Done To Encourage Innovative Technologies?
    1. Incentive Program for Early or Very Low Emission Engines
    2. Continuance of the Existing Blue Sky Program
    F. Provisions for Other Test and Measurement Changes
    1. Supplemental Transient Test
    2. Cold Start Testing
    3. Control of Smoke
    4. Steady-State Testing
    5. Maximum Test Speed
    6. Improvements to the Test Procedures
    G. Not-To-Exceed Requirements
    H. Certification Fuel
    I. Labeling and Notification Requirements
    J. Temporary In-Use Compliance Margins
    K. Defect Reporting
    L. Rated Power
    M. Hydrocarbon Measurement and Definition
    N. Auxiliary Emission Control Devices and Defeat Devices
    O. Other Issues
VIII. Nonroad Diesel Fuel Program: Compliance and Enforcement 
    A. Fuel Covered and Not Covered by This Proposal
    1. Covered Fuel
    2. Special Fuel Provisions and Exemptions
    a. Fuel Used in Military Applications
    b. Fuel Used in Research and Development
    c. Fuel Used in Racing Equipment
    d. Fuel for Export
    B. Additional Requirements for Refiners and Importers
    1. Transfer of Credits
    2. Additional Provisions for Importers and Foreign Refiners 
Subject to the Credit Provisions or Hardship Provisions
    3. Proposed Provisions for Transmix Facilities
    4. Highway or Nonroad Diesel Fuel Treated as Blendstock (DTAB)
    C. Requirements for Parties Downstream of the Refinery or Import 
    1. Product Segregation and Contamination
    a. The Period From June 1, 2007 Through May 31, 2010
    b. The Period From June 1, 2010 Through May 31, 2014
    c. After May 31, 2014
    2. Diesel Fuel Pump Labeling To Discourage Misfueling
    a. Pump Labeling Requirements 2006
    b. Pump Labeling Requirements 2007-2010
    c. Pump Labeling Requirements 2010-2014
    d. Pump Labeling Requirements Beginning June 1, 2014
    e. Nozzle Size Requirements or Other Requirements To Prevent 
    3. Use of Used Motor Oil in New Nonroad Diesel Equipment
    4. Use of Kerosene in Diesel Fuel
    5. Use of Diesel Fuel Additives
    6. End User Requirements
    7. Anti-Downgrading Provisions
    D. Diesel Fuel Sulfur Sampling and Testing Requirements
    1. Testing Requirements
    a. Test Method Approval, Recordkeeping, and Quality Control 
    i. How Can a Given Method Be Approved?
    ii. What Information Would Have To Be Reported to the Agency?
    iii. What Quality Control Provisions Would Be Required?
    b. Requirements To Conduct Fuel Sulfur Testing.
    2. Two Part-Per-Million Downstream Sulfur Measurement Adjustment
    3. Sampling Requirements
    4. Alternative Sampling and Testing Requirements for Importers 
of Diesel

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Fuel Who Transport Diesel Fuel by Tanker Truck
    E. Fuel Marker Test Method
    1. How Can a Given Marker Test Method Be Approved?
    2. What Information Would Have To Be Reported to the Agency?
    F. Requirements for Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Product 
Transfer Documents
    1. Registration of Refiners and Importers
    2. Application for Small Refiner Status
    3. Applying for Refiner Hardship Relief
    4. Applying for a Non-Highway Distillate Baseline Percentage
    5. Pre-Compliance Reports
    6. Annual Compliance Reports and Batch Reports for Refiners and 
    7. Product Transfer Documents (PTDs)
    a. The Period From June 1, 2007 Through May 31, 2010
    b. The Period from June 1, 2010 Through May 31, 2014
    c. The Period After May 31, 2014
    d. Kerosene and Other Distillates To Reduce Viscosity
    e. Exported Fuel
    f. Additives
    8. Recordkeeping Requirements
    9. Record Retention
    G. Liability and Penalty Provisions for Noncompliance
    1. General
    2. What Are the Proposed Liability Provisions for Additive 
Manufacturers and Distributors, and Parties That Blend Additives 
Into Diesel Fuel?
    a. General
    b. Liability When the Additive Is Designated as Complying With 
the 15 ppm Sulfur Standard
    c. Liability When the Additive Is Designated as Having a 
Possible Sulfur Content Greater Than 15 ppm
    H. How Would Compliance With the Sulfur Standards Be Determined?
IX. Public Participation
    A. How and to Whom Do I Submit Comments?
    1. Electronically
    i. EPA Dockets
    ii. E-mail
    iii. Disk or CD ROM
    2. By Mail
    3. By Hand Delivery or Courier
    B. How Should I Submit CBI to the Agency?
    C. Will There Be a Public Hearing?
    D. Comment Period
    E. What Should I Consider as I Prepare My Comments for EPA?
X. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
    A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review
    B. Paperwork Reduction Act
    C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), as Amended by the Small 
Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA), 5 
U.S.C. 601 et. seq
    1. Overview
    2. Background
    3. Summary of Regulated Small Entities
    a. Nonroad Diesel Engine Manufacturers
    b. Nonroad Diesel Equipment Manufacturers
    c. Nonroad Diesel Fuel Refiners
    d. Nonroad Diesel Fuel Distributors and Marketers
    4. Potential Reporting, Record Keeping, and Compliance
    5. Relevant Federal Rules
    6. Summary of SBREFA Panel Process and Panel Outreach
    a. Significant Panel Findings
    b. Panel Process
    c. Transition Flexibilities
    i. Nonroad Diesel Engines
    ii. Nonroad Diesel Equipment
    iii. Nonroad Diesel Fuel Refiners
    iv. Nonroad Diesel Fuel Distributors and Marketers
    D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
    E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
    F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With 
Indian Tribal Governments
    G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From 
Environmental Health and Safety Risks
    H. Executive Order 13211: Actions That Significantly Affect 
Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
    I. National Technology Transfer Advancement Act
    J. Plain Language
XI. Statutory Provisions and Legal Authority

I. Overview

    Nonroad diesel engines are the largest remaining contributor to the 
overall mobile source emissions inventory. We have already taken steps 
to dramatically reduce emissions from light-duty vehicles and heavy-
duty vehicles and engines through the Tier 2 and 2007 highway diesel 
programs.\1\ With expected growth in the nonroad sector, the relative 
emissions contribution from nonroad diesel engines is projected to be 
even larger in future years. This proposed rule sets out emissions 
standards for nonroad diesel engines used mainly in construction, 
agricultural, industrial, and mining operations that will achieve 
reductions in PM and NOX emissions levels from today's 
engines in excess of 95% and 90%, respectively. Nonroad diesel fuel is 
currently unregulated. This proposal represents the first time nonroad 
diesel fuel will be regulated. We are proposing to reduce sulfur levels 
in nonroad diesel fuel by more than 99 percent to 15 parts per million 
(ppm). Taken together, controls included in this proposal would result 
in large public health and welfare benefits.

    \1\ See 65 FR 6698 (February 10, 2000) and 66 FR 5001 (January 
18, 2001) for the final rules regarding the Tier 2 and 2007 highway 
diesel programs, respectively.

    The proposed standards for nonroad diesel engines and sulfur 
reductions for nonroad diesel fuel represent a dramatic step in 
emissions control, based on the use of advanced emissions control 
technology. Until the mid-90's, these engines had no emissions 
requirements. As a comparison, cars and trucks have been subject to a 
series of increasingly stringent emissions control programs since the 
1970s. In terms of fuel quality requirements, nonroad diesel fuel is 
currently uncontrolled at the Federal level. EPA has already issued 
rules ending these disparities for diesel engines used in highway 
applications. Starting in 2007, these engines will meet standards of 
the same level of stringency as comparable gasoline vehicles, based on 
the use of advanced aftertreatment technologies and ultra low sulfur 
diesel fuel (containing no more than 15 ppm sulfur). This proposal is 
largely based on the performance of the same advanced aftertreatment 
technologies, and would bring nonroad diesel fuel to the same 15 ppm 
cap for sulfur that will be required for highway diesel fuel starting 
in 2006. We believe it is highly appropriate to propose dramatic steps 
forward in emissions standards and reductions in sulfur levels in 
nonroad diesel fuel. As discussed throughout this proposal, such steps 
represent a feasible progression in the application of advanced 
emissions control technologies, would achieve needed production of low 
sulfur diesel fuel to enable the advanced emission control 
technologies, the standards are cost-effective, and provide very large 
public health and welfare benefits.
    We followed certain principles when developing the elements of this 
proposal. First, the program must achieve reductions in NOX, 
SOx, and PM emissions as early as possible. This includes reductions 
from the in-use fleet of nonroad diesel engines. Second, as we did in 
the 2007 highway diesel program, we are treating vehicles and fuels as 
a system since we believe this is the best way to achieve the greatest 
emissions reductions. Third, the implementation of low sulfur 
requirements for nonroad diesel fuel must in no way interfere with the 
implementation and expected benefits of introducing ultra low sulfur 
fuel in the highway market, as required by the 2007 highway diesel 
program. Lastly, the program must provide sufficient lead time to allow 
the integration of advanced emissions control technologies from the 
highway sector onto nonroad diesel engines as well as the expansion of 
ultra low sulfur fuel production to the nonroad market.
    This proposal sets out new engine exhaust emissions standards, 
emissions test procedures, including not-to-exceed requirements, for 
nonroad engines, and sulfur control requirements for nonroad, 
locomotive, and marine diesel fuel. The proposed exhaust standards 

[[Page 28333]]

result in particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxide (NOX) 
emissions levels that are in excess of 95 percent and 90 percent, 
respectively, below comparable levels in effect today. They will begin 
to take effect in the 2008 model year, with a phase-in of standards 
across five different engine power rating groupings. New engine 
emissions test procedures are proposed to take effect with these new 
standards to better ensure emissions control over real-world engine 
operation and to help provide for effective compliance determination. 
Diesel fuel used in nonroad, locomotive, and marine applications would 
meet a 500 ppm cap starting in June 2007, a reduction of approximately 
90%. There are large benefits to taking this first sulfur reduction 
action, especially in the reduction of particulate matter from the in-
use fleet. In 2010, sulfur levels in nonroad diesel fuel (though not 
locomotive or marine diesel fuel) would meet a 15 ppm cap, for a total 
reduction of over 99%. While there are important health and welfare 
benefits associated with the reduction from 500 ppm to 15 ppm, the main 
benefit will be to facilitate the introduction of advanced 
aftertreatment devices on nonroad engines, which would in turn lead to 
significant benefits. We are also seeking comment on and seriously 
considering applying the 15 ppm cap to locomotive and marine diesel 
    The requirements in this proposal would result in substantial 
benefits to public health and welfare and the environment through 
significant reductions in emissions of NOX and PM, as well 
as nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHC), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides 
(SOX) and air toxics. We project that by 2030, this program 
would reduce annual emissions of NOX, and PM by 827,000, and 
127,000 tons, respectively. These annual emission reductions would 
prevent 9,600 premature deaths, over 8,300 hospitalizations, and almost 
a million work days lost, among quantifiable benefits. The overall 
quantifiable benefits of this rule would be approximately $81 billion 
annually by 2030. Costs for both the engine and fuel requirements would 
be significantly less, at approximately $1.5 billion annually.

A. What Is EPA Proposing?

    This proposal is a further step in EPA's long-term program to 
control emissions from nonroad diesel engines. The EPA has taken 
measures to reduce harmful emissions from nonroad diesel engines in two 
past regulatory actions. A 1994 final rule, developed under provisions 
of section 213 of the Clean Air Act, set initial emissions standards 
for new nonroad diesel engines greater than 50 hp (59 FR 31306, June 
17, 1994). These standards gained modest reductions in NOX 
emissions and are referred to as EPA's ``Tier 1'' standards for large 
nonroad engines. A subsequent final rule published in 1998 set more 
stringent Tier 2 and Tier 3 standards for these engines, as well as 
Tier 1 and Tier 2 standards for the nonroad diesel engines under 50 hp 
(63 FR 56968, October 23, 1998). Nonroad diesel fuel quality is not 
presently regulated by the EPA.
    We also expressed our intent in the 1998 final rule to continue 
evaluating the rapidly changing state of diesel emissions control 
technology, and to perform a review in the 2001 timeframe of the 
technological feasibility of the Tier 3 standards, and of the Tier 2 
standards for engines rated under 50 hp. This review was completed in 
2001 and documented in an EPA staff technical paper that confirmed the 
feasibility of those standards, finding that the number of potential 
control options had expanded since the 1998 final rule to include new 
technologies and more effective application of existing 

    \2\ ``Nonroad Diesel Emissions Standards Staff Technical 
Paper'', EPA420-R-01-052, October 2001.

    There are two basic parts to this proposed program: (1) New exhaust 
emission standards and test procedures for nonroad diesel engines, and 
(2) new sulfur limits for nonroad, locomotive, and marine diesel fuel. 
The systems approach of combining the engine and fuel standards into a 
single program is critical to the success of our overall efforts to 
reduce emissions, because the emission standards will not be feasible 
without the fuel change. This proposal is largely based on the 2007 
highway diesel program.
    We looked at a number of alternative program options, as discussed 
in more detail in section VI below and chapter 12 of the draft 
Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA). For example, we analyzed a program 
that would require refiners to produce 15 ppm nonroad diesel fuel 
starting in 2008, with appropriate engine standards phased-in beginning 
in 2009. Many of these alternatives provided a very similar level of 
projected emissions control and health and welfare benefits as our 
proposed program. However, taking into account the need for appropriate 
lead time, achieving the greatest possible emissions reductions as 
early as possible, and the interaction of requirements in this proposal 
with existing highway diesel engine environmental programs, we believe 
our proposed program provides the best opportunity for achieving all of 
our goals, as described above, including timely and significant 
emissions reductions from nonroad diesel engines and the associated 
introduction of ultra low sulfur nonroad diesel fuel. We are asking for 
comments on the alternatives discussed in this proposal.
    The elements of the rule are outlined below. Detailed provisions 
and justifications for our proposed rule are discussed in subsequent 
sections and the draft RIA.
1. Nonroad Diesel Engine Emission Standards
    Today's action proposes standards for nonroad diesel engines 
ranging from 3 to over 3,000 horsepower. Applicable emissions standards 
are determined by year for each of five engine power band categories. 
For engines less than 25 hp, we are proposing new engine standards for 
PM (0.30 g/bhp-hr) and CO (4.9 g/bhp-hr) to go along with existing 
NOX standards beginning in 2008. For engines between 25-75 
hp, we are proposing standards reflecting approximately 50% reduction 
in PM control from today's engines applicable in 2008. Then, starting 
in 2013, PM standards of 0.02 g/bhp-hr and NOX standards of 
3.5 g/bhp-hr would apply. For engines between 75-175 hp, the proposed 
standards would be 0.01 g/bhp-hr for PM, 0.30 g/bhp-hr for 
NOX, and 0.14 g/bhp-hr for HC beginning in 2012. These same 
standards would apply for both engines between 175-750 hp and greater 
than 750 hp starting in 2011. These PM, NOX, and NMHC 
standards are similar in stringency to the final standards included in 
the 2007 highway diesel program and are expected to require the use of 
high-efficiency aftertreatment systems to ensure compliance. Thus, 
virtually all nonroad diesel engines after 2013 would likely be using 
advanced aftertreatment systems. We are phasing in many of these 
proposed standards over a period of three years in order to address 
lead time, workload, and feasibility considerations.
    We are also proposing to continue the averaging, banking, and 
trading nonroad emissions credits provisions to demonstrate compliance 
with the standards. In addition, we are proposing to include 
turbocharged diesels in the existing prohibition on crankcase 
emissions, effective in the same year that the proposed Tier 4 
standards first apply in each power category. More specific information 
on the proposed standards can be found in section III below.

[[Page 28334]]

    To better ensure the benefits of the standards are realized in-use 
and throughout the useful life of these engines, we are also proposing 
new test procedures and related certification requirements. We believe 
the new supplemental transient test, Constant Speed Variable Load 
transient duty cycle, cold start transient test, and not-to-exceed test 
procedures and standards will all help achieve our goal. This is a 
significant and important aspect of this proposal that would bring 
greater confidence and certainty to the compliance program.
    The proposal also includes provisions to facilitate the transition 
to the new engine and fuel standards and to encourage the early 
introduction of clean technologies. We are also including proposed 
adjustments to various fuel and engine testing and compliance 
requirements. These provisions are described further in sections III, 
IV, and VI.
2. Nonroad, Locomotive, and Marine Diesel Fuel Quality Standards
    We are proposing that sulfur levels for nonroad diesel fuel be 
reduced from current uncontrolled levels ultimately to 15 ppm, though 
we are proposing an interim cap of 500 ppm. Beginning June 1, 2007, 
refiners would therefore be required to produce nonroad, locomotive, 
and marine diesel fuel that meets a maximum sulfur level of 500 ppm. 
This does not include diesel fuel for home heating, industrial boiler, 
or stationary power uses or diesel fuel used in aircraft. We estimate 
there are significant health and welfare benefits associated with this 
proposed reduction, including reductions in sulfate emissions and 
reduced engine operating expenses. Then, beginning in June 1, 2010, 
fuel used for nonroad diesel applications (excluding locomotive and 
marine engines) is proposed to meet a maximum sulfur level of 15 ppm, 
since all 2011 and later model year nonroad diesel-fueled engines with 
aftertreatment must be refueled with this new ultra low sulfur diesel 
fuel. This sulfur standard is based on our assessment of the impact of 
sulfur on advanced exhaust emission control technologies and a 
corresponding assessment of the feasibility of ultra low sulfur fuel 
production and distribution. We are also asking for comment on bringing 
sulfur levels for locomotive and marine fuel to 15 ppm in 2010 and note 
that we anticipate beginning the process of developing new engine 
controls for these two sources in 2004. This proposal includes a 
combination of provisions available to refiners, especially small 
refiners, to ensure a smooth transition to ultra low sulfur nonroad 
diesel fuel.
    In addition, this proposal includes unique provisions for 
implementing the ultra low sulfur diesel fuel program in the State of 
Alaska. We are also proposing that certain U.S. territories be excluded 
from both the nonroad engine standards and diesel fuel standards. 
Similar actions were taken as part of the 2007 highway diesel program.
    The compliance provisions for ensuring diesel fuel quality are 
essentially consistent with those that have been in effect since 1993 
for highway diesel fuel, reflecting updated requirements that were 
included in the 2007 highway diesel program. Additional compliance 
provisions are proposed for the transition years of the program 
concerning the interaction of the nonroad, locomotive, and marine 
sulfur control requirements with existing highway diesel sulfur control 
provisions. These provisions could also help discourage misfueling of 
nonroad equipment utilizing high-efficiency aftertreatment devices. The 
proposed compliance requirements include provisions that would prohibit 
equipment operators from fueling their machines with higher sulfur 
fuels after completion of the shift to lower sulfur nonroad diesel 
fuels, regardless of the age of their equipment.

B. Why Is EPA Making This Proposal?

1. Nonroad, Locomotive, and Marine Diesels Contribute to Serious Air 
Pollution Problems
    As discussed in detail in section II and chapter 2 and 3 of draft 
RIA, emissions from nonroad, locomotive, and marine diesel engines 
contribute greatly to a number of serious air pollution problems, and 
these emissions would have continued to do so into the future absent 
further controls to reduce them. First, these engines contribute to the 
health and welfare effects associated with ozone, PM, NOX, 
SOX, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including toxic 
compounds such as formaldehyde. These adverse effects include premature 
mortality, aggravation of respiratory and cardiovascular disease (as 
indicated by increased hospital admissions and emergency room visits, 
school absences, work loss days, and restricted activity days), changes 
in lung function and increased respiratory symptoms, changes to lung 
tissues and structures, altered respiratory defense mechanisms, chronic 
bronchitis, and decreased lung function.3 4 5 Second and 
importantly, in addition to its contribution to ambient PM inventories, 
diesel exhaust is of specific concern because it has been judged to 
likely pose a lung cancer hazard for humans as well as a hazard from 
noncancer respiratory effects. The Agency has classified diesel exhaust 
as likely to be carcinogenic to humans by inhalation at environmental 
exposures. Third, ozone and PM cause significant public welfare harm. 
Specifically, ozone causes damage to vegetation which leads to economic 
crop and forestry losses, as well as harm to national parks, wilderness 
areas, and other natural systems. PM causes damage to materials and 
soiling of commonly used building materials and culturally important 
items such as statues and works of art. Fourth, NOX, 
SOX and direct emissions of PM contribute to substantial 
visibility impairment in many parts of the U.S. where people live, 
work, and recreate, including mandatory Federal Class I areas. Finally, 
NOX emissions from nonroad diesel engines contribute to the 
acidification, nitrification and eutrophication of water bodies.

    \3\ U.S. EPA (1996) Air Quality Criteria for Particulate 
Matter--Volumes I, II, and III, EPA Office of Research and 
Development, National Center for Environmental Assessment, July 
1996. Report No. EPA/600/P-95/001aF, EPA/600/P-95/001bF, EPA/600/P-
    \4\ U.S. EPA (2002), Air Quality Criteria for Particulate 
Matter--Volumes I and II (Third External Review Draft). This 
material is available electronically at http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/cfm/partmatt.cfm.
    \5\ U.S. EPA (1996) Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Related 
Photochemical Oxidants. EPA Office of Research and Development, 
National Center for Environmental Assessment, July 1996. Report No. 
EPA/600/P-93/004aF. The document is available on the Internet at 

    Millions of Americans live in areas with unhealthful air quality 
that may endanger public health and welfare (i.e., levels not requisite 
to protect the public health with an adequate margin of safety). Based 
upon data for 1999-2001, there are 291 counties that are violating the 
8-hour ozone NAAQS, totaling 111 million people. In addition, at least 
65 million people in 129 counties live in areas where annual design 
values of ambient PM2.5 violate the PM2.5 NAAQS. 
There are an additional 9 million people in 20 counties where levels 
above the PM2.5 NAAQS are being measured, but the data are 
incomplete. Without emission reductions from the proposed new standards 
for nonroad engines, there is a significant future risk that 32 
counties with 47 million people across the country may violate the 8-
hour ozone national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) in 2030, based 
on our modeling. Similarly, modeled PM2.5 concentrations in 
107 counties where 85 million people live are above specified levels in 
2030. An additional 64 million people are projected to live in counties

[[Page 28335]]

within 10 percent of the PM2.5 standard in 2030, and 44 
million people are projected to live in counties within 10 percent of 
the level of the 8-hour standard in 2030. Thus, our analyses show that 
these counties face a significant risk of exceeding or failing to 
maintain the PM2.5 and the 8-hour ozone NAAQS without 
significant additional controls between 2007 and 2030.
    Federal, State and local governments are working to bring ozone and 
particulate levels into compliance with the NAAQS through State 
Implementation Plan (SIP) attainment and maintenance plans, and to 
ensure that future air quality reaches and continues to achieve these 
health- and welfare-based standards. The reductions in this proposed 
rulemaking will play a critical part in these important efforts to 
attain and maintain the NAAQS. In addition, reductions from this action 
will also reduce public health and welfare effects associated with 
maintenance of the 1-hour ozone and PM10 NAAQS.
    Emissions from nonroad, locomotive, and marine diesel engines 
account for substantial portions of the country's ambient PM and 
NOX levels. NOX is a key precursor to ozone and 
PM formation. We estimate that these engines account for about ten 
percent of total NOX emissions and about ten percent of 
total PM emissions. These proportions are even higher in some urban 
areas, where these engines contribute up to 19 percent of the total 
NOX emissions and up to 18 percent of the total PM emissions 
inventory. Over time, the relative contribution of these diesel engines 
to air quality problems will go even higher unless EPA takes action to 
further reduce pollution levels. For example, EPA has already taken 
steps to bring emissions levels from light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles 
and engines to near-zero levels by the end of this decade. The PM and 
NOX standards for nonroad, locomotive, and marine diesel 
engines in this proposal would have a substantial impact on emissions. 
By 2030, NOX emissions from these diesel engines under 
today's standards will be reduced by 827,000 tons, and PM emissions 
will decline by about 127,000 tons, dramatically reducing this source 
of NOX and PM emissions. Urban areas, which include many 
poorer neighborhoods, can be disproportionately impacted by such diesel 
emissions, and these neighborhoods will thus receive a relatively 
larger portion of the benefits expected from proposed emissions 
controls. Diesel exhaust is of special concern because it is associated 
with increased risk of lung cancer and respiratory disease. EPA 
recently issued its Health Assessment Document for Diesel Exhaust.\6\ 
The Agency has classified diesel exhaust as likely to be carcinogenic 
to humans by inhalation at environmental exposures. State and local 
governments, in their efforts to protect the health of their citizens 
and comply with requirements of the Clean Air Act (CAA or ``the Act''), 
have recognized the need to achieve major reductions in diesel PM 
emissions, and have been seeking Agency action in setting stringent new 
standards to bring this about.\7\

    \6\ U.S. EPA (2002) Health Assessment Document for Diesel Engine 
Exhaust. EPA/600/8-90/057F Office of Research and Development, 
Washington DC. This document is available electronically at 
    \7\ For example, see letters dated April 9, 2002, from Agency 
Secretary of California EPA, Commissioner of NY State DEC, and 
Commissioner of Texas NRCC to Governor Whitman; dated January 28, 
2003 from Western Regional Air Partnership to Governor Whitman, and 
dated December 17, 2002, from State and Territorial Air Pollution 
Program Administrators and Association of Local Air Pollution 
Control Officials and Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use 
Mangement (and other organizations).

2. Technology and Fuel Based Solutions
    Although the air pollution from nonroad diesel exhaust is 
challenging, we believe they can be addressed through the application 
of high-efficiency emissions control technologies. As discussed in much 
greater detail in section III, the development of diesel emissions 
control technology has advanced in recent years so that very large 
emission reductions (in excess of 90 percent) are possible, especially 
through the use of catalytic emission control devices installed in the 
nonroad equipment's exhaust system and integrated with the engine 
controls. These devices are often referred to as ``exhaust emission 
control'' or ``aftertreatment'' devices. Exhaust emission control 
devices, in the form of the well-known catalytic converter, have been 
used in gasoline-fueled automobiles for 28 years.
    Based on the Clean Air Act requirements in section 213, we are 
proposing stringent new emission standards that will result in the use 
of these diesel exhaust emission control devices. We are also proposing 
changes to nonroad diesel fuel quality standards, under section 211(c) 
of the Act, in order to enable these high-efficiency technologies.
    To meet the proposed new standards, application of high-efficiency 
exhaust emission controls for both PM and NOX will be needed 
for most engines. High-efficiency PM exhaust emission control 
technology has been available for several years. This technology has 
continued to improve over the years, especially with respect to 
durability and robust operation in use. It has also proved extremely 
effective in reducing exhaust hydrocarbon emissions. Thousands of such 
systems are now in use, especially in Europe. It is the same technology 
we expect to be applied to meet the PM standards in the 2007 heavy-duty 
highway diesel engine rule. However, as discussed in detail in section 
III, these systems are very sensitive to sulfur in the fuel. For the 
technology to be viable and capable of meeting the standards, we 
believe it will require diesel fuel with sulfur content capped at the 
15 ppm level.
    Similarly, high-efficiency NOX exhaust emission control 
technology will be needed if nonroad diesel engines are to attain the 
proposed standards. This is the same technology that we anticipate will 
be applied to heavy-duty highway diesel engines to meet the 
NOX standards included in the 2007 highway diesel program. 
This technology, like the PM technology, is dependant on the 15 ppm 
maximum nonroad diesel fuel levels being proposed in this action in 
order to be feasible and capable of achieving the standards. Similar 
high-efficiency NOX exhaust emission control technology has 
been quite successful in gasoline direct injection engines that operate 
with an exhaust composition fairly similar to diesel exhaust and is 
expected to be used to meet the 2007 and later heavy-duty highway 
diesel standards. As discussed in section III, application of this 
technology to nonroad diesels has some additional engineering 
challenges. In that section, we discuss the current status of this 
technology as well as the major development issues still to be 
addressed and the development steps that can be taken. With the lead-
time available and the introduction of ultra low sulfur nonroad diesel 
fuel, we are confident the proposed application of this technology to 
nonroad diesels would proceed at a reasonable rate of progress and will 
result in systems capable of achieving the standards.
    This view is further supported by the fact that manufacturers are 
already working on developing high-efficiency aftertreatment devices in 
order to have them available for introduction on highway diesel engines 
by 2007. EPA issued a progress report in June 2002 which discussed our 
findings that industry was making substantial progress in developing 
these devices. Additionally, the Clean Diesel Independent Review Panel 
issued a report in October 2002 on similar

[[Page 28336]]

questions and concluded that, while technical issues remain, there were 
no technical hurdles identified that would prevent market introduction 
of high-efficiency aftertreatment devices on schedule.
    The need to reduce sulfur in nonroad diesel fuel is driven by the 
requirements of the exhaust emission control technology that we project 
will be needed to meet the proposed standards for most nonroad diesel 
engines. The challenge in accomplishing the sulfur reduction is driven 
by the capacity to implement the needed refinery modifications, and by 
the costs of making the modifications and running the equipment. Today, 
a number of refiners are acting to provide low sulfur diesel to some 
markets. We believe that controlling the sulfur content of highway 
diesel fuel to the 15 ppm level is necessary, feasible, and cost-
    Additionally, there are health and welfare benefits associated with 
the initial step of reducing the sulfur level of nonroad, locomotive, 
and marine diesel fuel to 500 ppm. This proposed action will provide 
dramatic, immediate reductions in direct sulfate PM and SO2 
emissions from the in-use fleet. As described in this proposal, we 
believe this fuel control strategy is a cost-effective air quality 
solution as well.
3. Basis for Action Under the Clean Air Act
    Section 213 of the Act gives us the authority to establish 
emissions standards for nonroad engines and vehicles. Section 213(a)(3) 
authorizes the Administrator to set standards for NOX, VOCs, 
or carbon monoxide, to reduce ambient levels of ozone and carbon 
monoxide which ``standards shall achieve the greatest degree of 
emission reduction achievable through the application of technology 
which the Administrator determines will be available for the engines or 
vehicles.'' As part of this determination, the Administrator must give 
appropriate consideration to cost, lead time, noise, energy, and safety 
factors associated with the application of such technology. Section 
213(a)(4) authorizes the Administrator to establish standards to 
control emissions of pollutants which ``may reasonably be anticipated 
to endanger public health and welfare''. Here, the Administrator may 
promulgate regulations that are deemed appropriate for new nonroad 
vehicles and engines which cause or contribute to such air pollution, 
taking into account costs, noise, safety, and energy factors. EPA 
believes the proposed controls for PM in today's rule would be an 
appropriate exercise of EPA's discretion under the authority of section 
    We believe the evidence provided in section III and the Draft 
Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) indicates that the stringent emission 
standards proposed today are feasible and reflect the greatest degree 
of emission reduction achievable in the model years to which they 
apply. We have given appropriate consideration to costs in proposing 
these standards. Our review of the costs and cost-effectiveness of 
these standards indicate that they will be reasonable and comparable to 
the cost-effectiveness of other emission reduction strategies that have 
been required or could be required in the future. We have also reviewed 
and given appropriate consideration to the energy factors of this rule 
in terms of fuel efficiency and effects on diesel fuel supply, 
production, and distribution, as discussed below, as well as any safety 
factors associated with these proposed standards.
    The information in section II and chapter 2 of the draft RIA 
regarding air quality and the contribution of nonroad, locomotive, and 
marine diesel engines to air pollution provides strong evidence that 
emissions from such engines significantly and adversely impact public 
health or welfare. First, as noted earlier, there is a significant risk 
that several areas will fail to attain or maintain compliance with the 
NAAQS for 8-hour ozone concentrations or for PM2.5 concentrations 
during the period that these new vehicle and engine standards will be 
phased into the vehicle population, and that nonroad, locomotive, and 
marine diesel engines contribute to such concentrations, as well as to 
concentrations of other NAAQS-related pollutants. This risk will be 
significantly reduced by the standards adopted today, as also noted 
above. However, the evidence indicates that some risk remains even 
after the reductions achieved by these new controls on nonroad diesel 
engines and nonroad, locomotive, and marine diesel fuel. Second, EPA 
believes that diesel exhaust is likely to be carcinogenic to humans. 
The risk associated with exposure to diesel exhaust includes the 
particulate and gaseous components among which are benzene, 
formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, and 1,3-butadiene, all of which 
are known or suspected human or animal carcinogens, or have serious 
noncancer health effects. Third, emissions from nonroad diesel engines 
(including locomotive and marine diesel engines) contribute to regional 
haze and impaired visibility across the nation, as well as acid 
deposition, POM deposition, eutrophication and nitrification, all of 
which are serious environmental welfare problems.
    EPA has already found in previous rules that emissions from new 
nonroad diesel engines contribute to ozone and carbon monoxide (CO) 
concentrations in more than one area which has failed to attain the 
ozone and carbon monoxide NAAQS. 59 FR 31306 (June 17, 1994). EPA has 
also previously determined that it is appropriate to establish 
standards for PM from new nonroad diesel engines under section 
213(a)(4), and the additional information on diesel exhaust 
carcinogenicity noted above reinforces this finding. In addition, we 
have already found that emissions from nonroad engines significantly 
contribute to air pollution that may reasonably be anticipated to 
endanger public welfare due to regional haze and visibility impairment. 
67 FR 68242, 68243 (Nov. 8, 2002). We find here, based on the 
information in section II of this preamble and chapter 2 of the draft 
RIA, that emissions from the new nonroad diesel engines covered by this 
proposal likewise contribute to regional haze and to visibility 
impairment that may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public 
welfare. Taken together, these findings indicate the appropriateness of 
the nonroad diesel engine standards proposed today for purposes of 
section 213(a)(3) and (4) of the Act.
    Section 211(c) of the CAA allows us to regulate fuels where 
emission products of the fuel either: (1) Cause or contribute to air 
pollution that reasonably may be anticipated to endanger public health 
or welfare, or (2) will impair to a significant degree the performance 
of any emission control device or system which is in general use, or 
which the Administrator finds has been developed to a point where in a 
reasonable time it will be in general use were such a regulation to be 
promulgated. This rule meets both of these criteria. SOx and sulfate PM 
emissions from nonroad, locomotive, marine and diesel vehicles are due 
to sulfur in diesel fuel. As discussed above, emissions of these 
pollutants cause or contribute to ambient levels of air pollution that 
endanger public health and welfare. Control of sulfur to 500 ppm for 
this fuel would lead to significant, cost-effective reductions in 
emissions of these pollutants. The substantial adverse effect of high 
sulfur levels on the performance of diesel emission control devices or 
systems that would be expected to be used to meet the nonroad standards 
is discussed in detail in section III. Control of sulfur to 15 ppm in 
nonroad diesel fuel would enable emissions control technology that will 
achieve significant, cost-

[[Page 28337]]

effective reduction in emissions of these pollutants, as discussed in 
section II below. In addition, our authority under section 211(c) is 
discussed in more detail in Appendix A to the draft RIA.

II. What Is the Air Quality Impact of the Sources Covered by the 
Proposed Rule?

    With this proposal, EPA is acting to extend highway types of 
emission controls to another major source of diesel engine emissions, 
nonroad diesel engines. These emissions are significant contributors to 
atmospheric pollution from particulate matter, ozone and a variety of 
toxic air pollutants. In our most recent nationwide inventory used for 
this proposal (1996), the nonroad diesels affected by this proposal \8\ 
contribute over 43 percent of diesel PM emissions from mobile sources, 
up to 18 percent of PM2.5 emissions in urban areas, and up 
to 14 percent of NOX emissions in urban areas.

    \8\ For NOX and PM2.5 this includes all 
land-based nonroad diesel engines, but not locomotive, commercial 
marine vessel, and recreational marine vessel engines. Since the 
latter three engine categories are affected by the fuel sulfur 
portions of the proposal, they are included for SO2.

    Without further control beyond those standards we have already 
adopted, by the year 2020, these engines will emit 62 percent of diesel 
PM emissions from mobile sources, up to 19 percent of PM2.5 
emissions in urban areas, and up to 20 percent of NOX 
emissions in urban areas.
    When fully implemented, this proposal would reduce nonroad diesel 
PM2.5 and NOX emissions by more than 90 percent. 
It will also virtually eliminate nonroad diesel SOx 
emissions, which amounted to nearly 230,000 tons in 1996, and would 
otherwise grow to approximately 340,000 tons by 2020.
    These dramatic reductions in nonroad emissions are a critical part 
of the effort by Federal, State and local governments to reduce the 
health-related impacts of air pollution and to reach attainment of the 
NAAQS for PM and ozone, as well as to improve other environmental 
effects such as atmospheric visibility. Based on the most recent data 
available for this rule (1999-2001), such problems are widespread in 
the United States. There are over 65 million people living in counties 
with monitored PM2.5 levels exceeding the PM2.5 
NAAQS, and 111 million people living in counties with monitored 
concentrations exceeding the 8-hour ozone NAAQS. Figure II.-1 
illustrates the widespread nature of these problems. Shown in this 
figure are counties exceeding either or both of the two NAAQS plus 
mandatory Federal Class I areas, which have particular needs for 
reductions in atmospheric haze.

    As we will describe later in this preamble, the air quality 
improvements expected from this proposal is anticipated to produce 
major benefits to human health and welfare, with a combined value in 
excess of half a

[[Page 28338]]

trillion dollars between 2007 and 2030. By the year 2030, this proposed 
rule would be expected to prevent approximately 9,600 deaths per year 
from premature mortality, and 16,000 nonfatal heart attacks. It is 
estimated to also prevent 14,000 acute bronchitis attacks in children, 
260,000 respiratory symptoms in children, and nearly 1 million lost 
work days in 2030. The reductions will also improve visibility.
    In the remainder of this section we will describe in more detail 
the air pollution problems associated with emissions from nonroad 
diesel engines, and the emission and air quality benefits we expect to 
realize from the fuel and engine controls in this proposal.

A. Overview

    The emissions from nonroad engines that are being directly 
controlled by the standards in this rulemaking are NOX, PM 
and NMHC, and to a lesser extent, CO. Gaseous air toxics from nonroad 
diesels will also be reduced as a consequence of the proposed 
standards. In addition there will be a substantial reduction in 
SOx emissions resulting from the proposed reduction in 
sulfur level in diesel fuel.
    From a public health perspective, we are primarily concerned with 
nonroad engine contributions to atmospheric levels of particulate 
matter in general, diesel PM in particular and various gaseous air 
toxics emitted by diesel engines, and ozone.\9\ We will first review 
important public health effects linked to these pollutants, briefly 
describing the human health effects and the current and expected future 
ambient levels of direct or indirectly caused pollution. Our 
presentation will show that substantial further reductions of these 
pollutants, and the underlying emissions from nonroad diesel engines, 
are needed to protect public health.

    \9\ Ambient particulate matter from nonroad diesel engine is 
associated with the direct emission of diesel particulate matter, 
and with particulate matter formed indirectly in the atmosphere by 
NOX and SOx emissions (and to a lesser extent 
NMHC emissions). Both NOX and NMHC participate in the 
atmospheric chemical reactions that produce ozone.

    Following discussion of health effects, we will discuss a number of 
welfare effects associated with emissions from diesel engines. These 
effects include atmospheric visibility impairment, ecological and 
property damage caused by acid deposition, eutrophication and 
nitrification of surface waters, environmental threats posed by 
polycyclic organic matter (POM) deposition, and plant and crop damage 
from ozone. Once again, the information available to us indicates a 
continuing need for further nonroad emission reductions to bring about 
improvements in air quality.
    Next, we will describe our understanding of the engine emission 
inventories for the primary pollutants affected by the proposal. As 
noted above, these include PM, NOX, SOX, Air 
Toxics and HC. We will present current and projected future levels of 
emissions for the base case, including anticipated reductions from 
control programs already adopted by EPA and the States, but without the 
controls proposed today. Then we will identify expected emission 
reductions from nonroad engines. These reductions will make important 
contributions to controlling the health and welfare problems associated 
with ambient PM and ozone levels and with diesel related air toxics.
    While the material we will present in this section will describe 
our understanding of the need for control of nonroad engine emissions 
and the air quality improvements we expect to realize, this section is 
not an exhaustive treatment of these issues. For a fuller understanding 
of the topics treated here, you should refer to the extended 
presentations in the Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis accompanying this 

B. Public Health Impacts

1. Particulate Matter
    Particulate matter (PM) represents a broad class of chemically and 
physically diverse substances. It can be principally characterized as 
discrete particles that exist in the condensed (liquid or solid) phase 
spanning several orders of magnitude in size. PM10 refers to 
particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 
10 micrometers. Fine particles refer to those particles with an 
aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 2.5 micrometers 
(also known as PM2.5), and coarse fraction particles are 
those particles with an aerodynamic diameter greater than 2.5 microns, 
but less than or equal to a nominal 10 micrometers. Ultrafine PM refers 
to particles with diameters of less than 100 nanometers (0.1 
micrometers). The health and environmental effects of PM are associated 
with fine PM fraction and, in some cases, to the size of the particles. 
Specifically, larger particles (£10 [mu]m) tend to be removed 
by the respiratory clearance mechanisms whereas smaller particles are 
deposited deeper in the lungs. Also, particles scatter light 
obstructing visibility.
    The emission sources, formation processes, chemical composition, 
atmospheric residence times, transport distances and other parameters 
of fine and coarse particles are distinct. Fine particles are directly 
emitted from combustion sources and are formed secondarily from gaseous 
precursors such as sulfur dioxide (SOX), oxides of nitrogen 
(NOX), or organic compounds. Fine particles are generally 
composed of sulfate, nitrate, chloride, ammonium compounds, organic 
carbon, elemental carbon, and metals. Nonroad diesels currently emit 
high levels of NOX which react in the atmosphere to form 
secondary PM2.5 (namely ammonium nitrate). Nonroad diesel 
engines also emit SO2 and HC which react in the atmosphere 
to form secondary PM2.5 (namely sulfates and organic 
carbonaceous PM2.5). Combustion of coal, oil, diesel, 
gasoline, and wood, as well as high temperature process sources such as 
smelters and steel mills, produce emissions that contribute to fine 
particle formation. In contrast, coarse particles are typically 
mechanically generated by crushing or grinding. They include 
resuspended dusts and crustal material from paved roads, unpaved roads, 
construction, farming, and mining activities. These coarse particles 
can be either natural in source such as road dust or anthropogenic. 
Fine particles can remain in the atmosphere for days to weeks and 
travel through the atmosphere hundreds to thousands of kilometers, 
while coarse particles deposit to the earth within minutes to hours and 
within tens of kilometers from the emission source.
    The relative contribution of various chemical components to 
PM2.5 varies by region of the country. Data on 
PM2.5 composition are available from the EPA Speciation 
Trends Network in 2001 and the Interagency Monitoring of PROtected 
Visual Environments (IMPROVE) network in 1999 covering both urban and 
rural areas in numerous regions of the U.S. These data show that 
carbonaceous PM2.5 makes up the major component for 
PM2.5 in both urban and rural areas in the western U.S. 
Carbonaceous PM2.5 includes both elemental and organic 
carbon. Nitrates formed from NOX also play a major role in 
the western U.S., especially in the California area where it is 
responsible for about a quarter of the ambient PM2.5 
concentrations. Sulfate plays a lesser role in these regions. For the 
eastern and mid U.S., these data show that both sulfates and 
carbonaceous PM2.5 are major contributors to ambient 
PM2.5 in both urban and rural areas. In some eastern areas, 
carbonaceous PM2.5 is responsible for up to half of ambient 
PM2.5 concentrations. Sulfate is also a

[[Page 28339]]

major contributor to ambient PM2.5 in the eastern U.S. and 
in some areas make greater contributions than carbonaceous 
PM2.510 11

    \10\ Rao, Venkatesh; Frank, N.; Rush, A.; and Dimmick, F. 
(November 13-15, 2002). Chemical speciation of PM2.5 in 
urban and rural areas (November 13-15, 2002) In the Proceedings of 
the Air & Waste Management Association Symposium on Air Quality 
Measurement Methods and Technology, San Francisco Meeting.
    \11\ EPA (2002) Latest Finds on National Air Quality, EPA 454/K-

    Nonroad engines, and most importantly nonroad diesel engines, 
contribute significantly to ambient PM2.5 levels, largely 
through emissions of carbonaceous PM2.5. Carbonaceous 
PM2.5 is a major portion of ambient PM2.5, 
especially in populous urban areas. Nonroad diesels also emit high 
levels of NOX which react in the atmosphere to form 
secondary PM2.5 (namely nitrate). Nonroad diesels also emit 
SO2 and NMHC which react in the atmosphere to form secondary 
PM2.5 (namely sulfates and organic carbonaceous 
PM2.5). For more details, consult the draft RIA for this 
proposed rule.
    Diesel particles from nonroad diesel are a component of both coarse 
and fine PM, but fall mainly in the fine (and even ultrafine) size 
range. As discussed later, diesel PM also contains small quantities of 
numerous mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds associated with the 
particulate (and also organic gases). In addition, while toxic trace 
metals emitted by nonroad diesel engines represent a very small portion 
of the national emissions of metals (less than one percent) and a small 
portion of diesel PM (generally less than one percent of diesel PM), we 
note that several trace metals of potential toxicological significance 
and persistence in the environment are emitted by diesel engines. These 
trace metals include chromium, manganese, mercury and nickel. In 
addition, small amounts of dioxins have been measured in highway engine 
diesel exhaust, some of which may partition into the particulate phase; 
dioxins through out the environment are a major health concern 
(although the diesel contribution has not been judged significant at 
this point). Diesel engines also emit polycyclic organic matter (POM), 
including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), which can be present 
in both gas and particle phases of diesel exhaust. Many PAH compounds 
are classified by EPA as probable human carcinogens.
    For additional, detailed, information on PM beyond that summarized 
below, see the draft Regulatory Impact Analysis.
a. Health Effects of PM2.5 and PM10
    Scientific studies show ambient PM (which is attributable to a 
number of sources, including nonroad diesel) is associated with a 
series of adverse health effects. These health effects are discussed in 
detail in the EPA Criteria Document for PM as well as the draft updates 
of this document released in the past year.12 13 In 
addition, EPA's final ``Health Assessment Document for Diesel Engine 
Exhaust,'' (the Diesel HAD) also reviews health effects information 
related to diesel exhaust as a whole including diesel PM, which is one 
component of ambient PM.\14\

    \12\ U.S. EPA (1996.) Air Quality Criteria for Particulate 
Matter--Volumes I, II, and III, EPA, Office of Research and 
Development. Report No. EPA/600/P-95/001a-cF. This material is 
available electronically at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/oarpg/ticd.html.
    \13\ U.S. EPA (2002). Air Quality Criteria for Particulate 
Matter--Volumes I and II (Third External Review Draft) This material 
is available electronically at http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/cfm/partmatt.cfm.
    \14\ U.S. EPA (2002). Health Assessment Document for Diesel 
Engine Exhaust. EPA/600/8-90/057F Office of Research and 
Development, Washington DC. This document is available 
electronically at http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/cfm/recordisplay.cfm?deid=29060.

    As described in these documents, health effects associated with 
short-term variation in ambient particulate matter (PM) have been 
indicated by epidemiologic studies showing associations between 
exposure and increased hospital admissions for ischemic heart disease, 
heart failure, respiratory disease, including chronic obstructive 
pulmonary disease (COPD) and pneumonia. Short-term elevations in 
ambient PM have also been associated with increased cough, lower 
respiratory symptoms, and decrements in lung function. Short-term 
variations in ambient PM have also been associated with increases in 
total and cardiorespiratory daily mortality. Studies examining 
populations exposed to different levels of air pollution over a number 
of years, including the Harvard Six Cities Study and the American 
Cancer Society Study suggest an association between exposure to ambient 
PM2.5 and premature mortality, including deaths attributed 
to lung cancer.15 16 Two studies further analyzing the 
Harvard Six Cities Study's air quality data have also established a 
specific influence of mobile source-related PM2.5 on daily 
mortality \17\ and a concentration-response function for mobile source-
associated PM2.5 and daily mortality.\18\ Another recent 
study in 14 U.S. cities examining the effect of PM10 on 
daily hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease found that the 
effect of PM10 was significantly greater in areas with a 
larger proportion of PM10 coming from motor vehicles, 
indicating that PM10 from these sources may have a greater 
effect on the toxicity of ambient PM10 when compared with 
other sources.\19\ Additional studies have associated changes in heart 
rate and/or heart rhythm in addition to changes in blood 
characteristics with exposure to ambient PM.20 21 For 
additional information on health effects, see the draft RIA.

    \15\ Dockery, DW; Pope, CA, III; Xu, X; et al. (1993) An 
association between air pollution and mortality in six U.S. cities. 
N Engl J Med 329:1753-1759.
    \16\ Pope, CA, III; Thun, MJ; Namboordiri, MM; et al. (1995) 
Particulate air pollution as a predictor of mortality in a 
prospective study of U.S. adults. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 151:669-
    \17\ Laden F; Neas LM; Dockery DW; et al. (2000) Association of 
fine particulate matter from different sources with daily mortality 
in six U.S. cities. Environ Health Perspect 108(10):941-947.
    \18\ Schwartz J; Laden F; Zanobetti A. (2002) The concentration-
response relation between PM(2.5) and daily deaths. Environ Health 
Perspect 110(10): 1025-1029.
    \19\ Janssen NA; Schwartz J; Zanobetti A.; et al. (2002) Air 
conditioning and source-specific particles as modifiers of the 
effect of PM10 on hospital admissions for heart and lung 
disease. Environ Health Perspect 110(1):43-49.
    \20\ Pope CA III, Verrier RL, Lovett EG; et al. (1999) Heart 
rate variability associated with particulate air pollution. Am Heart 
J 138(5 Pt 1):890-899.
    \21\ Magari SR, Hauser R, Schwartz J; et al. (2001) Association 
of heart rate variability with occupational and environmental 
exposure to particulate air pollution. Circulation 104(9):986-991.

    The health effects of PM10 are similar to those of 
PM2.5, since PM10 includes all of 
PM2.5 plus the coarse fraction from 2.5 to 10 micrometers in 
size. EPA is also evaluating the health effects of PM between 2.5 and 
10 micrometers in the draft revised Criteria Document. As discussed in 
the Diesel HAD and other studies, most diesel PM is smaller than 2.5 
micrometers.\22\ Both fine and coarse fraction particles can enter and 
deposit in the respiratory system.

    \22\ U.S. EPA (1985). Size specific total particulate emission 
factor for mobile sources. EPA 460/3-85-005. Office of Mobile 
Sources, Ann Arbor, MI.

    In addition to the information in the draft revised Criteria 
Document, the relevance of health effects associated with on-road 
diesel engine-generated PM to nonroad applications is supported by the 
observation in the Diesel HAD that the particulate characteristics in 
the zone around nonroad diesel engines is likely to be substantially 
the same as published air quality measurements made along busy 
    Of particular relevance to this rule is a recent cohort study which 
examined the association between mortality and

[[Page 28340]]

residential proximity to major roads in the Netherlands. Examining a 
cohort of 55 to 69 year-olds from 1986 to1994, the study indicated that 
long-term residence near major roads, an index of exposure to primary 
mobile source emissions (including diesel exhaust), was significantly 
associated with increased cardiopulmonary mortality.\23\ Other studies 
have shown children living near roads with high truck traffic density 
have decreased lung function and greater prevalence of lower 
respiratory symptoms compared to children living on other roads.\24\ A 
recent review of epidemiologic studies examining associations between 
asthma and roadway proximity concluded that some coherence was evident 
in the literature, indicating that asthma, lung function decrement, 
respiratory symptoms, and other respiratory problems appear to occur 
more frequently in people living near busy roads.\25\ As discussed 
later, nonroad diesel engine emissions, especially particulate, are 
similar in composition to those from highway diesel vehicles. Although 
difficult to associate directly with PM2.5, these studies 
indicate that direct emissions from mobile sources, and diesel engines 
specifically, may explain a portion of respiratory health effects 
observed in larger-scale epidemiologic studies. Recent studies 
conducted in Los Angeles have illustrated that a substantial increase 
in the concentration of ultrafine particles is evident in locations 
near roadways, indicating substantial differences in the nature of PM 
immediately near mobile source emissions.\26\

    \23\ Hoek, G; Brunekreef, B; Goldbohm, S; et al. (2002) 
Association between mortality and indicators of traffic-related air 
pollution in the Netherlands: a cohort study. Lancet 360(9341): 
    \24\ Brunekreef, B; Janssen NA; de Hartog, J; et al. (1997) Air 
pollution from traffic and lung function in children living near 
motor ways. Epidemiology (8): 298-303.
    \25\ Delfino RJ. (2002) Epidemiologic evidence for asthma and 
exposure to air toxics: linkages between occupational, indoor, and 
community air pollution research. Env Health Perspect Suppl 110(4): 
    \26\ Yifang Zhu, William C. Hinds, Seongheon Kim, Si Shen and 
Constantinos Sioutas Zhu Y; Hinds WC; Kim S; et al. (2002) Study of 
ultrafine particles near a major highway with heavy-duty diesel 
traffic. Atmos Environ 36(27): 4323-4335.

    Also, as discussed in more detail later, in addition to its 
contribution to ambient PM inventories, diesel PM is of special concern 
because diesel exhaust has been associated with an increased risk of 
lung cancer. As also discussed later in more detail, we concluded that 
diesel exhaust ranks with other substances that the national-scale air 
toxics assessment suggests pose the greatest relative risk.
b. Current and Projected Levels
    There are NAAQS for both PM10 and PM2.5. 
Violations of the annual PM2.5 standard are much more 
widespread than are violations of the PM10 standards. 
Emission reductions needed to attain the PM2.5 standards 
will also assist in attaining and maintaining compliance with the 
PM10 standards. Thus, since most PM emitted by diesel 
nonroad engines is fine PM, the emission controls proposed today should 
contribute to attainment and maintenance of the existing PM NAAQS. More 
broadly, the proposed standards will benefit public health and welfare 
through reductions in direct diesel PM and reductions of 
NOX, SOX, and NMHCs which contribute to secondary 
formation of PM. The reductions from these proposed rules will assist 
States as they implement local controls as needed to help their areas 
attain and maintain the standards.
i. PM10 Levels
    The current NAAQS for PM10 were established in 1987. The 
primary (health-based) and secondary (public welfare based) standards 
for PM10 include both short- and long-term NAAQS. The short-
term (24 hour) standard of 150 ug/m3 is not to be exceeded 
more than once per year on average over three years. The long-term 
standard specifies an expected annual arithmetic mean not to exceed 50 
ug/m3 averaged over three years.
    Currently, 29 million people live in PM10 nonattainment 
areas. There are currently 58 moderate PM10 nonattainment 
areas with a total population of 6.8 million. The attainment date for 
the initial moderate PM10 nonattainment areas, designated by 
operation of law on November 15, 1990, was December 31, 1994. Several 
additional PM10 nonattainment areas were designated on 
January 21, 1994, and the attainment date for these areas was December 
31, 2000. There are an additional 8 serious PM10 
nonattainment areas with a total affected population of 22.7 million. 
According to the Act, serious PM10 nonattainment areas must 
attain the standards no later than 10 years after designation. The 
initial serious PM10 nonattainment areas were designated 
January 18, 1994, and had an attainment date set by the Act of December 
31, 2001. The Act provides that EPA may grant extensions of the serious 
area attainment dates of up to 5 years, provided that the area 
requesting the extension meets the requirements of section 188(e) of 
the Act. Four serious PM10 nonattainment areas (Phoenix, 
Arizona; Coachella Valley, South Coast (Los Angeles), and Owens Valley, 
California) have received extensions of the December 31, 2001, 
attainment date and thus have new attainment dates of December 31, 
2006.\27\ While all of these areas are expected to be in attainment 
before the emission reductions from this proposed rule are expected to 
occur, these reductions will be important to assist these areas in 
maintaining the standards.

    \27\ EPA has also proposed to grant Las Vegas, Nevada, an 
extension until December 31, 2006.

ii. PM2.5 Levels
    The need for reductions in the levels of PM2.5 is 
widespread. Figure II-1 at the beginning of this air quality section 
highlighted monitor locations measuring concentrations above the level 
of the NAAQS. As can be seen from that figure, high ambient levels are 
widespread throughout the country.
    The NAAQS for PM2.5 were established by EPA in 1997 (62 
FR 38651, July 18, 1997). The short term (24-hour) standard is set at a 
level of 65 [mu]g/m3 based on the 98th percentile 
concentration averaged over three years. (This air quality statistic 
compared to the standard is referred to as the ``design value.'') The 
long-term standard specifies an expected annual arithmetic mean not to 
exceed 15 ug/m3 averaged over three years.
    Current PM2.5 monitored values for 1999-2001, which 
cover counties having about 75 percent of the country's population, 
indicate that at least 65 million people in 129 counties live in areas 
where annual design values of ambient fine PM violate the 
PM2.5 NAAQS. There are an additional 9 million people in 20 
counties where levels above the NAAQS are being measured, but there are 
insufficient data at this time to calculate a design value in 
accordance with the standard, and thus determine whether these areas 
are violating the PM2.5 NAAQS. In total, this represents 37 
percent of the counties and 64 percent of the population in the areas 
with monitors with levels above the NAAQS. Furthermore, an additional 
14 million people live in 41 counties that have air quality 
measurements within 10 percent of the level of the standard. These 
areas, although not currently violating the standard, will also benefit 
from the additional reductions from this rule in order to ensure long 
term maintenance.
    Our air quality modeling performed for this proposal also indicates 
that similar conditions are likely to continue

[[Page 28341]]

to exist in the future in the absence of additional controls. For 
example, in 2020 based on emission controls currently adopted, we 
project that 66 million people will live in 79 counties with average 
PM2.5 levels above 15 ug/m\3\. In 2030, the number of people 
projected to live in areas exceeding the PM2.5 standard is 
expected to increase to 85 million in 107 counties. An additional 24 
million people are projected to live in counties within 10 percent of 
the standard in 2020, which will increase to 64 million people in 2030.
    Our modeling also indicates that the reductions we are expecting 
will make a substantial contribution to reducing exposures in these 
areas.\28\ In 2020, the number of people living in counties with 
PM2.5 levels above the NAAQS would be reduced from 66 
million to 60 million living in 67 counties, which reflects a reduction 
of 9 percent in potentially exposed population and 15 percent of the 
number of counties. In 2030, there would be a reduction from 85 million 
people to 71 million living in 84 counties. These represent even 
greater improvements than projected for 2020 (numbers of people 
potentially exposed down 16 percent and number of counties down 21 
percent). Furthermore, our modeling also shows that the emission 
reductions would assist areas with future maintenance of the standards.

    \28\ The results illustrate the type of PM changes for the 
preliminary control option, as discussed in the Draft RIA in section 
3.6. The proposal differs from the modeled control case based on 
updated information; however, we believe that the net results would 
approximate future emissions, although we anticipate the PM 
reductions might be slightly smaller.

    We estimate that the reduction of PM levels expected from this 
proposed rule would produce nationwide air quality improvements in PM 
levels. On a population weighted basis, the average change in future 
year annual averages would be a decrease of 0.33 ug/m\3\ in 2020, and 
0.46 ug/m\3\ in 2030. The reductions are discussed in more detail in 
chapter 2 of the draft RIA.
    While the final implementation process for bringing the nation's 
air into attainment with the PM2.5 NAAQS is still being 
completed in a separate rulemaking action, the basic framework is well 
defined by the statute. EPA's current plans call for designating 
PM2.5 nonattainment areas in late-2004. Following 
designation, Section 172(b) of the Clean Air Act allows states up to 
three years to submit a revision to their state implementation plan 
(SIP) that provides for the attainment of the PM2.5 
standard. Based on this provision, states could submit these SIPs as 
late as the end of 2007. Section 172(a)(2) of the Clean Air Act 
requires that these SIP revisions demonstrate that the nonattainment 
areas will attain the PM2.5 standard as expeditiously as 
practicable but no later than five years from the date that the area 
was designated nonattainment. However, based on the severity of the air 
quality problem and the availability and feasibility of control 
measures, the Administrator may extend the attainment date ``for a 
period of no greater than 10 years from the date of designation as 
nonattainment.'' Therefore, based on this information, we expect that 
most or all areas will need to attain the PM2.5 NAAQS in the 
2009 to 2014 time frame, and then be required to maintain the NAAQS 
    Since the emission reductions expected from this proposal would 
begin in this same time frame, the projected reductions in nonroad 
emissions would be used by states in meeting the PM2.5 
NAAQS. States and state organizations have told EPA that they need 
nonroad diesel engine reductions in order to be able to meet and 
maintain the PM2.5 NAAQS as well as visibility regulations, 
especially in light of the otherwise increasing emissions from nonroad 
sources without more stringent standards.29 30 31 
Furthermore, this action would ensure that nonroad diesel emissions 
will continue to decrease as the fleet turns over in the years beyond 
2014; these reductions will be important for maintenance of the NAAQS 
following attainment. The future reductions are also important to 
achieve visibility goals, as discussed later.

    \29\ California Air Resources Board and New York State 
Department of Environmental Conservation (April 9, 2002), Letter to 
EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman.
    \30\ State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators 
(STAPPA) and Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials 
(ALAPCO) (December 17, 2002), Letter to EPA Assistant Administrator 
Jeffrey R. Holmstead.
    \31\ Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP) (January 28, 2003), 
Letter to Governor Christine Todd Whitman.

2. Air Toxics
a. Diesel Exhaust
    A number of health studies have been conducted regarding diesel 
exhaust including epidemiologic studies of lung cancer in groups of 
workers, and animal studies focusing on non-cancer effects specific to 
diesel exhaust. Diesel exhaust PM (including the associated organic 
compounds which are generally high molecular weight hydrocarbon types 
but not the more volatile gaseous hydrocarbon compounds) is generally 
used as a surrogate measure for diesel exhaust.
i. Potential Cancer Effects of Diesel Exhaust
    In addition to its contribution to ambient PM inventories, diesel 
exhaust is of specific concern because it has been judged to pose a 
lung cancer hazard for humans as well as a hazard from noncancer 
respiratory effects.
    EPA recently released its ``Health Assessment Document for Diesel 
Engine Exhaust,'' (the Diesel HAD).\32\ There, diesel exhaust was 
classified as likely to be carcinogenic to humans by inhalation at 
environmental exposures, in accordance with the revised draft 1996/1999 
EPA cancer guidelines. A number of other agencies (National Institute 
for Occupational Safety and Health, the International Agency for 
Research on Cancer, the World Health Organization, California EPA, and 
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) have made similar 
classifications. It should be noted that the conclusions in the Diesel 
HAD were based on diesel engines currently in use, including nonroad 
diesel engines such as those found in bulldozers, graders, excavators, 
farm tractor drivers and heavy construction equipment. As new diesel 
engines with significantly cleaner exhaust emissions replace existing 
engines, the conclusions of the Diesel HAD will need to be reevaluated.

    \32\ U.S. EPA (2002). Health Assessment Document for Diesel 
Engine Exhaust. EPA/600/8-90/057F Office of Research and 
Development, Washington DC. This document is available 
electronically at http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/cfm/recordisplay.cfm?deid=29060.

    For the EPA Diesel HAD, EPA reviewed 22 epidemiologic studies in 
detail, finding increased lung cancer risk in 8 out of 10 cohort 
studies and 10 out of 12 case-control studies. Relative risk for lung 
cancer associated with exposure range from 1.2 to 2.6. In addition, two 
meta-analyses of occupational studies of diesel exhaust and lung cancer 
have estimated the smoking-adjusted relative risk of 1.35 and 1.47, 
examining 23 and 30 studies, respectively.33 34  That is, 
these two studies show an overall increase in lung cancer for the 
exposed groups of 35 percent and 47 percent compared to the groups not 
exposed to diesel exhaust. In the EPA Diesel HAD, EPA selected 1.4

[[Page 28342]]

as a reasonable estimate of occupational relative risk for further 

    \33\ Bhatia, R., Lopipero, P., Smith, A. (1998). Diesel exhaust 
exposure and lung cancer. Epidemiology 9(1):84-91.
    \34\ Lipsett, M: Campleman, S.; (1999). Occupational exposure to 
diesel exhaust and lung cancer: a meta-analysis. Am J Public Health 

    EPA generally derives cancer unit risk estimates to calculate 
population risk more precisely from exposure to carcinogens. In the 
simplest terms, the cancer unit risk is the increased risk associated 
with average lifetime exposure of 1 ug/m\3\. EPA concluded in the 
Diesel HAD that it is not possible currently to calculate a cancer unit 
risk for diesel exhaust due to a variety of factors that limit the 
current studies, such as a lack of standard exposure metric for diesel 
exhaust and the absence of quantitative exposure characterization in 
retrospective studies.
    EPA generally derives cancer unit risk estimates to calculate 
population risk more precisely from exposure to carcinogens. In the 
simplest terms, the cancer unit risk is the increased risk associated 
with average lifetime exposure of 1 ug/m\3\. EPA concluded in the 
Diesel HAD that it is not possible currently to calculate a cancer unit 
risk for diesel exhaust due to a variety of factors that limit the 
current studies, such as lack of an adequate dose-response relationship 
between exposure and cancer incidence.
    However, in the absence of a cancer unit risk, the EPA Diesel HAD 
sought to provide additional insight into the possible ranges of risk 
that might be present in the population. Such insights, while not 
confident or definitive, nevertheless contribute to an understanding of 
the possible public health significance of the lung cancer hazard. The 
possible risk range analysis was developed by comparing a typical 
environmental exposure level to a selected range of occupational 
exposure levels and then proportionally scaling the occupationally 
observed risks according to the exposure ratio's to obtain an estimate 
of the possible environmental risk. If the occupational and 
environmental exposures are similar, the environmental risk would 
approach the risk seen in the occupational studies whereas a much 
higher occupational exposure indicates that the environmental risk is 
lower than the occupational risk. A comparison of environmental and 
occupational exposures showed that for certain occupations the 
exposures are similar to environmental exposures while, for others, 
they differ by a factor of about 200 or more.
    The first step in this process is to note that the occupational 
relative risk of 1.4, or a 40 percent from increased risk compared to 
the typical 5 percent lung cancer risk in the U.S. population, 
translates to an increased risk of 2 percent (or 10-2) for 
these diesel exhaust exposed workers. The Diesel HAD derived a typical 
nationwide average environmental exposure level of 0.8 ug./m\3\ for 
diesel PM from highway sources for 1996. Diesel PM is a surrogate for 
diesel exhaust and, as mentioned above, has been classified as a 
carcinogen by some agencies.
    This estimate was based on national exposure modeling; the 
derivation of this exposure is discussed in detail in the EPA Diesel 
HAD. The possible risk range in the environment was estimated by taking 
the relative risks in the occupational setting, EPA selected 1.4 and 
converting this to absolute risk of 2% and then ratioing this risk by 
differences in the occupational vs environmental exposures of interest. 
A number of calculations are needed to accomplish this, and these can 
be seen in the EPA Diesel HAD. The outcome was that environmental risks 
from diesel exhaust exposure could range from a low of 10-4 
to 10-5 or be as high as 10-3 this being a 
reflection of the range of occupational exposures that could be 
associated with the relative and absolute risk levels observed in the 
occupational studies.
    While these risk estimates are exploratory and not intended to 
provide a definitive characterization of cancer risk, they are useful 
in gauging the possible range of risk based on reasonable judgement. It 
is important to note that the possible risks could also be higher or 
lower and a zero risk cannot be ruled out. Some individuals in the 
population may have a high tolerance to exposure from diesel exhaust 
and low cancer susceptibility. Also, one cannot rule out the 
possibility of a threshold of exposure below which there is no cancer 
risk, although evidence has not been seen or substantiated on this 
    Also, as discussed in the Diesel HAD, there is a relatively small 
difference between some occupational settings where increased lung 
cancer risk is reported and ambient environmental exposures. The 
potential for small exposure differences underscores the 
appropriateness of the extrapolation from occupational risk to ambient 
environmental exposure levels is reasonable and appropriate.
    EPA also recently completed an assessment of air toxic emissions 
(the National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment or NATA) and their associated 
risk, and we concluded that diesel exhaust ranks with other substances 
that the national-scale assessment suggests pose the greatest relative 
risk.\35\ This assessment estimates average population inhalation 
exposures to diesel PM in 1996 for nonroad as well as on-road sources. 
These are the sum of ambient levels in various locations weighted by 
the amount of time people spend in each of the locations. This analysis 
shows a somewhat higher diesel exposure level than the 0.8 ug/m\3\ used 
to develop the risk perspective in the Diesel HAD. The NATA levels are 
1.4 ug/m\3\ total with an on-road source contribution of 0.5 ug/m\3\ to 
average nationwide exposure in 1996 and a nonroad source contribution 
of 0.9 ug/m\3\. The average urban exposure concentration was 1.6 ug/
m\3\ and the average rural concentration was 0.55 ug/m\3\. In five 
percent of urban census tracts across the United States, average 
concentrations were above 4.3 ug/m\3\. The Diesel HAD states that use 
of the NATA exposure number results instead of the 0.8 ug/m\3\ results 
in a similar risk perspective.

    \35\ U.S. EPA (2002). National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment. This 
material is available electronically at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/nata/.

    In 2001, EPA completed a rulemaking on mobile source air toxics 
with a determination that diesel particulate matter and diesel exhaust 
organic gases be identified as a Mobile Source Air Toxic (MSAT).\36\ 
This determination was based on a draft of the Diesel HAD on which the 
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee of the Science Advisory Board 
had reached closure. The purpose of the MSAT list is to provide a 
screening tool that identifies compounds emitted from motor vehicles or 
their fuels for which further evaluation of emissions controls is 

    \36\ U.S. EPA (2001). Control of Emissions of Hazardous Air 
Pollutants from Mobile Sources; Final Rule. 66 FR 17230-17273 (March 
29, 2001).

    In summary, even though EPA does not have a specific carcinogenic 
potency with which to accurately estimate the carcinogenic impact of 
diesel PM, the likely hazard to humans at environmental exposure levels 
leads us to conclude that diesel exhaust emissions of PM and organic 
gases should be reduced from nonroad engines in order to protect public 
ii. Other Health Effects of Diesel Exhaust
    The acute and chronic exposure-related effects of diesel exhaust 
emissions are also of concern to the Agency. The Diesel HAD established 
an inhalation Reference Concentration (RfC) specifically based on 
animal studies of diesel exhaust. An RfC is defined by EPA as ``an 
estimate of a continuous inhalation exposure to the human population, 
including sensitive subgroups, with uncertainty spanning

[[Page 28343]]

perhaps an order of magnitude, that is likely to be without appreciable 
risks of deleterious noncancer effects during a lifetime.'' EPA derived 
the RfC from consideration of four chronic rat inhalation studies 
showing adverse pulmonary effects. The diesel RfC is based on a ``no 
observable adverse effect'' level of 144 ug/m\3\ that is further 
reduced by applying uncertainty factors of 3 for interspecies 
extrapolation and 10 for human variations in sensitivity. The resulting 
RfC derived in the Diesel HAD is 5 ug/m\3\ for diesel exhaust as 
measured by diesel PM. This RfC does not consider allergenic effects 
such as those associated with asthma or immunologic effects. There is 
growing evidence that diesel exhaust can exacerbate these effects, but 
the exposure-response data is presently lacking to derive an RfC. 
Again, this RfC is based on animal studies and is meant to estimate 
exposure that is unlikely to have deleterious effects on humans based 
on those studies alone.
    The Diesel HAD also briefly summarizes health effects associated 
with ambient PM and the EPA's annual NAAQS for PM2.5 of 15 
ug/m\3\. There is a much more extensive body of human data showing a 
wide spectrum of adverse health effects associated with exposure to 
ambient PM, of which diesel exhaust is an important component due to 
its large contribution to ambient concentrations. The RfC is not meant 
to say that 5 ug/m\3\ provides adequate public health protection for 
ambient PM2.5. There may be benefits to reducing diesel PM 
below 5 ug/m\3\ since diesel PM is a major contributor to ambient 
PM2.5. Recent epidemiologic studies of ambient PM2.5 do not 
indicate a threshold of effects at low concentrations.\37\

    \37\ EPA-SAB-Council-ADV-99-012, 1999. The Clean Air Act 
Amendments Section 812 Prospective Study of Costs and Benefits 
(1999): Advisory by the Health and Ecological Effects Subcommittee 
on Initial Assessments of Health and Ecological Effects, Part 1. 
July 28, 1999.

    Also, as mentioned earlier in the health effects discussion for 
PM2.5, there are a number of other health effects associated 
with PM in general, and motor vehicle exhaust including diesels in 
particular, that provide additional evidence for the need for 
significant emission reductions from nonroad diesel sources. For 
example, the Diesel HAD notes that acute or short-term exposure to 
diesel exhaust can cause acute irritation (e.g., eye, throat, 
bronchial), neurophysiological symptoms (e.g., lightheadedness, 
nausea), and respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, phlegm). There is also 
evidence for an immunologic effect such as the exacerbation of 
allergenic responses to know allergens and asthma-like symptoms. All of 
these health effects plus the designation of diesel exhaust as a likely 
human carcinogen provide ample health justification for control.
iii. Ambient Levels and Exposure to Diesel Exhaust PM
    Because diesel PM is part of overall ambient PM and cannot be 
easily distinguished from overall PM, we do not have direct 
measurements of diesel PM in the ambient air. Ambient diesel PM 
concentrations are estimated instead using one of three approaches: (1) 
Ambient air quality modeling based on diesel PM emission inventories; 
(2) using elemental carbon concentrations in monitored data as 
surrogates; or (3) using the chemical mass balance (CMB) model in 
conjunction with ambient PM measurements. (Also, in addition to CMB, 
UNMIX/PMF have also been used). Estimates using these three approaches 
are described below. In addition, estimates developed using the first 
two approaches above are subjected to a statistical comparison to 
evaluate overall reasonableness of estimated concentrations. It is 
important to note that, while there are inconsistencies in some of 
these studies on the relative importance of gasoline and diesel PM, the 
studies which are discussed in the Diesel HAD all show that diesel PM 
is a significant contributor to overall ambient PM. Some of the studies 
differentiate nonroad from on-road diesel PM.
(1) Air Quality Modeling
    In addition to the general ambient PM modeling conducted for this 
proposal, diesel PM concentrations specifically were recently estimated 
for 1996 as part of NATA. In this assessment, the PM inventory 
developed for the recent regulation promulgating 2007 heavy duty 
vehicle standards was used. Note that the nonroad inventory used in 
this modeling was based on an older version of the draft NONROAD Model 
which showed higher diesel PM than the current version. Ambient impacts 
of mobile source emissions were predicted using the Assessment System 
for Population Exposure Nationwide (ASPEN) dispersion model. Overall 
mean annual national levels for both on-road and nonroad diesels of 
2.06 ug/m\3\ diesel PM were calculated with a mean of 2.41 in urban 
counties and 0.74 in rural counties. These are ambient levels such as 
would be seen at monitors rather than the exposure levels discussed 
earlier. Over half of the diesel PM comes from nonroad diesels.
    Diesel PM concentrations were also recently modeled across a 
representative urban area, Houston, for 1996, using the Industrial 
Source Complex Short Term (ISCST3) model. This modeling is designed to 
more specifically account for local traffic patterns including diesel 
truck traffic along specific roadways. The modeling in Houston suggests 
strong spatial gradients for Diesel PM and indicates that ``hotspot'' 
concentrations can be very high, up to 8 ug/m\3\ at receptor versus a 3 
ug/m\3\ average in Houston. Such concentrations are above the RfC for 
diesel exhaust and indicate a potential for adverse health effects from 
chronic exposure to diesel PM. These results also suggest that PM from 
diesel vehicles makes a major contribution to total ambient PM 
concentrations. Such ``hot spot'' concentrations along certain roadways 
suggest the presence of both high localized exposures plus higher 
estimated average annual exposure levels for urban centers than what 
has been estimated in assessments such as NATA, which are designed to 
focus on regional and national scale averages. There are similar ``hot 
spot'' concentrations in the immediate vicinity of use of nonroad 
equipment such as in urban construction sites.
(2) Elemental Carbon Measurements
    As mentioned before, the carbonaceous component is significant in 
ambient PM. The carbonaceous component consists of organic carbon and 
elemental carbon. Monitoring data on elemental carbon concentrations 
can be used as a surrogate to determine ambient diesel PM 
concentrations. Elemental carbon is a major component of diesel 
exhaust, contributing to approximately 60 to 80 percent of diesel 
particulate mass, depending on engine technology, fuel type, duty 
cycle, lube oil consumption, and state of engine maintenance. In most 
areas, diesel engine emissions are major contributors to elemental 
carbon in the ambient air, with other potential sources including 
gasoline exhaust, combustion of coal, oil, or wood (including forest 
fires), charbroiling, cigarette smoke, and road dust. Because of the 
large portion of elemental carbon in diesel particulate matter, and the 
fact that diesel exhaust is one of the major contributors to elemental 
carbon in most areas, ambient diesel PM concentrations can be bounded 
using elemental carbon measurements.
    The measured mass of elemental carbon at a given site varies 
depending on the measurement technique used. Moreover, to estimate 
diesel PM concentration based on elemental

[[Page 28344]]

carbon level, one must first estimate the percentage of PM attributable 
to diesel engines and the percentage of elemental carbon in diesel PM. 
Thus, there are significant uncertainties in estimating diesel PM 
concentrations using an elemental carbon surrogate. Depending on the 
measurement technique used, and assumptions made, average nationwide 
concentrations for current years of diesel PM estimated from elemental 
carbon data range from about 1.2 to 2.2 ug/m\3\. EPA has compared these 
estimates based on elemental carbon measurements to modeled 
concentrations in NATA and concluded that the two sets of data agree 
reasonably well. This performance compares favorably with the model to 
monitor results for other pollutants assessed in NATA, with the 
exception of benzene, for which the performance of the NATA modeling 
was better. These comparisons are discussed in greater detail in the 
draft RIA.
(3) Chemical Mass Balance
    The third approach for estimating ambient diesel PM concentrations 
uses the CMB model for source apportionment in conjunction with ambient 
PM measurements and chemical source ``fingerprints'' to estimate 
ambient diesel PM concentrations. The CMB model uses a statistical 
fitting technique to determine how much mass from each source would be 
required to reproduce the chemical fingerprint of each speciated 
ambient monitor. This source apportionment technique presently does not 
distinguish between on-road and nonroad but, instead, gives diesel PM 
as a whole. This source apportionment technique can distinguish between 
diesel and gasoline PM. Caution in interpreting CMB results is 
warranted, as the use of fitting species that are not specific to the 
sources modeled can lead to misestimation of source contributions. 
Ambient concentrations using this approach are generally about 1 ug/
m\3\ annual average. UNMIX/PMF models show similar results. Results 
from various studies are discussed in the draft RIA.
iv. Diesel Exhaust PM Exposures
    Exposure of people to diesel exhaust depends on their various 
activities, the time spent in those activities, the locations where 
these activities occur, and the levels of diesel exhaust pollutants 
(such as particulate) in those locations. The major difference between 
ambient levels of diesel particulate and exposure levels for diesel 
particulate is that exposure accounts for a person moving from location 
to location, proximity to the emission source, and whether the exposure 
occurs in an enclosed environment.
(1) Occupational Exposures
    Diesel particulate exposures have been measured for a number of 
occupational groups over various years but generally for more recent 
years (1980s and later) rather than earlier years. Occupational 
exposures had a wide range varying from 2 to 1,280 ug/m3 for 
a variety of occupational groups including miners, railroad workers, 
firefighters, air port crew, public transit workers, truck mechanics, 
utility linemen, utility winch truck operators, fork lift operators, 
construction workers, truck dock workers, short-haul truck drivers, and 
long-haul truck drivers. These individual studies are discussed in the 
Diesel HAD. As discussed in the Diesel HAD, the National Institute of 
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has estimated a total of 
1,400,000 workers are occupationally exposed to diesel exhaust from on-
road and nonroad equipment.
    Many measured or estimated occupational exposures are for on-road 
diesel engines although some (especially the higher ones) are for 
occupational groups (e.g., fork lift operators, construction workers, 
or mine workers) who would be exposed to nonroad diesel exhaust. 
Sometimes, as is the case for the nonroad engines, there are only 
estimates of exposure based on the length of employment or similar 
factors rather than a ug/m3 level. Estimates for exposures 
to diesel PM for diesel fork lift operators have been made that range 
from 7 to 403 ug/m3 as reported in the Diesel HAD. In 
addition, the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management 
(NESCAUM) is presently measuring occupational exposures to particulate 
and elemental carbon near the operation of various diesel non-road 
equipment. Exposure groups include agricultural farm operators, grounds 
maintenance personnel (lawn and garden equipment), heavy equipment 
operators conducting multiple job tasks at a construction site, and a 
saw mill crew at a lumber yard. Samples will be obtained in the 
breathing zone of workers. Some initial results are expected in late 
(2) General Ambient Exposures
    Currently, personal exposure monitors for PM cannot differentiate 
diesel from other PM. Thus, we use modeling to estimate exposures. 
Specifically, exposures for the general population are estimated by 
first conducting dispersion modeling of both on-road and non-road 
diesel emissions, described above, and then by conducting exposure 
modeling. The most comprehensive modeling for cumulative exposures to 
diesel PM is the NATA. This assessment calculates exposures of the 
national population as a whole to a variety of air toxics, including 
diesel PM. As discussed previously, the ambient levels are calculated 
using the ASPEN dispersion model. The preponderance of modeled diesel 
PM concentrations are within a factor of 2 of diesel PM concentrations 
estimated from elemental carbon measurements.\38\ This comparison adds 
credence to the modeled ASPEN results and associated exposure 

    \38\ U.S. EPA (2002). Diesel PM model-to-measurement comparison. 
Prepared by ICF Consulting for EPA, Office of Transportation and Air 
Quality. Report No. EPA420-D-02-004.

    The modeled ambient concentrations are used as inputs into the 
Hazardous Air Pollution Exposure Model (HAPEM4) to calculate exposure 
levels. Average exposures calculated nationwide are 1.44 ug/
m3 with levels of 1.64 ug/m3 for urban counties 
and 0.55 ug/m3 for rural counties. Again, nonroad diesels 
account for over half of this modeled exposure.
(3) Ambient Exposures--Microenvironments
    One common microenvironment for diesel exposure is beside freeways. 
Although freeway locations are associated mostly with on-road rather 
than nonroad diesels, there are many similarities between on-road and 
nonroad diesel emissions as discussed in the Diesel HAD. The California 
Air Resources Board (CARB) measured elemental carbon near the Long 
Beach Freeway in 1993. Levels measured ranged from 0.4 to 4.0 ug/
m3 (with one value as high as 7.5 ug/m3) above 
background levels. Microenvironments associated with nonroad engines 
would include construction zones. PM and elemental carbon samples are 
being collected by NESCAUM in the immediate area of the nonroad engine 
operations (such as at the edge or fence line of the construction 
zone). Besides PM and elemental carbon levels, various toxics such as 
benzene, 1,3-butadiene, formaldehyde, and acetaldehyde will be sampled. 
Some initial results should be available in late 2003 and will be 
especially useful since they focus on those microenvironments affected 
by nonroad diesels.
    Also, EPA is funding research in Fresno to measure indoor and 
outdoor PM component concentrations in the homes of over 100 asthmatic 
children. Some of these homes are located near

[[Page 28345]]

agricultural, construction, and utility nonroad equipment operations. 
This work will measure infiltration of elemental carbon and other PM 
components to indoor environments. The project also evaluates lung 
function changes in the asthmatic children during fluctuations in 
exposure concentrations and compositions. This information may allow an 
evaluation of adverse health effects associated with exposures to 
elemental carbon and other PM components from on-road and nonroad 
sources. Some initial results may be available in late 2003.
b. Gaseous Air Toxics
    Nonroad diesel engine emissions contain several substances known or 
suspected as human or animal carcinogens, or that have noncancer health 
effects. These other compounds include benzene,1,3-butadiene, 
formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, dioxin, and polycyclic organic 
matter (POM). For some of these pollutants, nonroad diesel engine 
emissions are believed to account for a significant proportion of total 
nation-wide emissions. All of these compounds were identified as 
national or regional ``risk'' drivers in the 1996 NATA. That is, these 
compounds pose a significant portion of the total inhalation cancer 
risk to a significant portion of the population. Mobile sources 
contribute significantly to total emissions of these air toxics. As 
discussed later in this section, this proposed rulemaking will result 
in significant reductions of these emissions.
    Benzene: Nonroad diesel engines accounted for about 3 percent of 
ambient benzene emissions in 1996. Of ambient benzene levels due to 
mobile sources, 5 percent in urban and 3 percent in rural areas came 
from nonroad diesel.
    The EPA's IRIS database lists benzene as a known human carcinogen 
(causing leukemia at high, prolonged air exposures) by all routes of 
exposure, and exposure is associated with additional health effects 
including genetic changes in humans and animals and increased 
proliferation of bone marrow cells in mice.39 40 41 42 EPA 
states in its IRIS database that the data indicate a causal 
relationship between benzene exposure and acute lymphocytic leukemia 
and suggest a relationship between benzene exposure and chronic non-
lymphocytic leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Respiration is 
the major source of human exposure and at least half of this exposure 
is attributable to gasoline vapors and automotive emissions. A number 
of adverse noncancer health effects including blood disorders, such as 
preleukemia and aplastic anemia, have also been associated with low-
dose, long-term exposure to benzene.43 44

    \39\ U.S. EPA (2000). Integrated Risk Information System File 
for Benzene. This material is available electronically at http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/0276.htm.
    \40\ International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC 
monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk of chemicals to 
humans, Volume 29, Some industrial chemicals and dyestuffs, 
International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health 
Organization, Lyon, France, p. 345-389, 1982.
    \41\ Irons, R.D., W.S. Stillman, D.B. Colagiovanni, and V.A. 
Henry, Synergistic action of the benzene metabolite hydroquinone on 
myelopoietic stimulating activity of granulocyte/macrophage colony-
stimulating factor in vitro, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 89:3691-3695, 
    \42\ U.S. EPA (1998). Carcinogenic Effects of Benzene: An 
Update, National Center for Environmental Assessment, Washington, 
DC. 1998.
    \43\ Aksoy, M. (1989). Hematotoxicity and carcinogenicity of 
benzene. Environ. Health Perspect. 82: 193-197.
    \44\ Goldstein, B.D. (1988). Benzene toxicity. Occupational 
medicine. State of the Art Reviews. 3: 541-554.

    1,3-Butadiene: Nonroad diesel engines accounted for about 1.5 
percent of ambient butadiene emissions in 1996. Of ambient butadiene 
levels due to mobile sources, 4 percent in urban and 2 percent in rural 
areas came from nonroad diesel.
    EPA earlier identified 1,3-butadiene as a probable human carcinogen 
in its IRIS database and recently redesignated it as a known human 
carcinogen (but with a lower carcinogenic potency than previously 
used).\45\ The specific mechanisms of 1,3-butadiene-induced 
carcinogenesis are unknown, however, it is virtually certain that the 
carcinogenic effects are mediated by genotoxic metabolites of 1,3-
butadiene. Animal data suggest that females may be more sensitive than 
males for cancer effects; nevertheless, there are insufficient data 
from which to draw any conclusions on potentially sensitive 
subpopulations. 1,3-Butadiene also causes a variety of reproductive and 
developmental effects in mice; no human data on these effects are 
available. The most sensitive effect was ovarian atrophy observed in a 
lifetime bioassay of female mice.\46\

    \45\ U.S. EPA (2002). Health Assessment of 1,3-Butadiene. Office 
of Research and Development, National Center for Environmental 
Assessment, Washington Office, Washington, DC. Report No. EPA/600/P-
    \46\ Bevan, C; Stadler, JC; Elliot, GS; et al. (1996) Subchronic 
toxicity of 4-vinylcyclohexene in rats and mice by inhalation. 
Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 32:1-10.

    Formaldehyde: Nonroad diesel engines accounted for about 22 percent 
of ambient formaldehyde emissions in 1996. Of ambient formaldehyde 
levels due to mobile sources, 37 percent in urban and 27 percent in 
rural areas came form nonroad diesel. These figures are for tailpipe 
emissions of formaldehyde. Formaldehyde in the ambient air comes not 
only from tailpipe (of direct) emissions but is also formed from 
photochemical reactions of hydrocarbons.
    EPA has classified formaldehyde as a probable human carcinogen 
based on evidence in humans and in rats, mice, hamsters, and 
monkeys.\47\ Epidemiological studies in occupationally exposed workers 
suggest that long-term inhalation of formaldehyde may be associated 
with tumors of the nasopharyngeal cavity (generally the area at the 
back of the mouth near the nose), nasal cavity, and sinus.\48\ 
Formaldehyde exposure also causes a range of noncancer health effects, 
including irritation of the eyes (tearing of the eyes and increased 
blinking) and mucous membranes. Sensitive individuals may experience 
these adverse effects at lower concentrations than the general 
population and in persons with bronchial asthma, the upper respiratory 
irritation caused by formaldehyde can precipitate an acute asthmatic 
attack. The agency is currently conducting a reassessment of risk from 
inhalation exposure to formaldehyde.

    \47\ U.S. EPA (1987). Assessment of Health Risks to Garment 
Workers and Certain Home Residents from Exposure to Formaldehyde, 
Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances, April 1987.
    \48\ Blair, A., P.A. Stewart, R.N. Hoover, et al. (1986). 
Mortality among industrial workers exposed to formaldehyde. J. Natl. 
Cancer Inst. 76(6): 1071-1084.

    Acetaldehyde: Nonroad diesel engines accounted for about 34 percent 
of acetaldehyde emissions in 1996. Of ambient acetaldehyde levels due 
to mobile sources, 24 percent in urban and 17 percent in rural areas 
came form nonroad diesel. Also, acetaldehyde can be formed 
photochemically in the atmosphere. Counting both direct emissions and 
photochemically formed acetaldehyde, mobile sources were responsible 
for the major portion of acetaldehyde in the ambient air according to 
the National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment for 1996.
    Acetaldehyde is classified in EPA's IRIS database as a probable 
human carcinogen and is considered moderately toxic by the inhalation, 
oral, and intravenous routes.\49\ The primary acute effect of exposure 
to acetaldehyde vapors is irritation of the eyes, skin, and

[[Page 28346]]

respiratory tract. At high concentrations, irritation and pulmonary 
effects can occur, which could facilitate the uptake of other 
contaminants. Some asthmatics have been shown to be a sensitive 
subpopulation to decrements in FEV1 upon acetaldehyde inhalation.\50\ 
The agency is currently conducting a reassessment of risk from 
inhalation exposure to acetaldehyde.

    \49\ U.S. EPA (1988). Integrated Risk Information System File of 
Acetaldehyde. This material is available electronically at 
    \50\ Myou, S.; Fujimura, M.; Nishi K.; Ohka, T.; and Matsuda, T. 
(1993) Aerosolized acetaldehyde induces histamine-mediated 
bronchoconstriction in asthmatics. Am Rev Respir Dis 148(4 Pt 1): 

    Acrolein: Nonroad diesel engines accounted for about 17.5 percent 
of acrolein emissions in 1996. Of ambient acrolein levels due to mobile 
sources, 28 percent in urban and 18 percent in rural areas came form 
nonroad diesel.
    Acrolein is extremely toxic to humans when inhaled, with acute 
exposure resulting in upper respiratory tract irritation and 
congestion. The Agency has developed a reference concentration for 
inhalation (RfC) of acrolein of 0.02 micrograms/m\3\.\51\

    \51\ U.S. EPA (1993). Environmental Protection Agency, 
Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), National Center for 
Environmental Assessment, Cincinnati, OH.

    Although no information is available on its carcinogenic effects in 
humans, based on laboratory animal data, EPA considers acrolein a 
possible human carcinogen.
    Polycyclic Organic Matter (POM): POM is generally defined as a 
large class of chemicals consisting of organic compounds having 
multiple benzene rings and a boiling point greater than 100 degrees C. 
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a chemical class that is a 
subset of POM. POM are naturally occurring substances that are 
byproducts of the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and plant and 
animal biomass (e.g., forest fires). They occur as byproducts from 
steel and coke productions and waste incineration. They also are a 
component of diesel particulate emissions. Many of the compounds 
included in the class of compounds known as POM are classified by EPA 
as probable human carcinogens based on animal data. In particular, EPA 
frequently obtains data on 7 of the POM compounds, which we analyzed 
separately as a class in the 1996 NATA. Nonroad diesel engines account 
for less than 1 percent of these 7 POM compounds with total mobile 
sources responsible for only 4 percent of the total; most of the 7 POMs 
come from area sources. For total POM compounds, mobile sources as a 
whole are responsible for only 1 percent. The mobile source emission 
numbers used to derive these inventories are based on only particulate 
phase POM and do not include the semi-volatile phase POM levels. Were 
those additional POMs included (which is now being done), these 
inventory numbers would be substantially higher.
    Even though mobile sources are responsible for only a small portion 
of total POM emissions, the particulate reductions from today's action 
will reduce these emissions.
    Dioxins: Recent studies have confirmed that dioxins are formed by 
and emitted from diesels (both heavy-duty diesel trucks and non-road 
diesels although in very small amounts) and are estimated to account 
for about 1 percent of total dioxin emissions in 1995. Recently EPA 
issued a draft assessment designating one dioxin compound, 2,3,7,8-
tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin as a human carcinogen and the complex 
mixtures of dioxin-like compounds as likely to be carcinogenic to 
humans using the draft 1996 carcinogen risk assessment guidelines. EPA 
is working on its final assessment for dioxin.\52\ An interagency 
review group is evaluating EPA's designation of dioxin as a likely 
human carcinogen. Reductions from today's nonroad proposal will have 
minimal impact on overall dioxin emissions.

    \52\ U.S. EPA (June 2000) Exposure and Human Health Reassessment 
of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (TCDD) and Related Compounds, 
External Review Draft, EPA/600/P-00/001Ag. This material is 
available electronically at http://www.epa.gov/ncea/dioxin.htm.

3. Ozone
a. What Are the Health Effects of Ozone Pollution?
Ground-level ozone pollution (sometimes called ``smog'') is formed by 
the reaction of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides 
(NOX) in the atmosphere in the presence of heat and 
sunlight. These two pollutants, often referred to as ozone precursors, 
are emitted by many types of pollution sources, including on-road and 
off-road motor vehicles and engines, power plants and industrial 
facilities, and smaller ``area'' sources.
    Ozone can irritate the respiratory system, causing coughing, throat 
irritation, and/or uncomfortable sensation in the 
chest.53 54 Ozone can reduce lung function and make it more 
difficult to breathe deeply, and breathing may become more rapid and 
shallow than normal, thereby limiting a person's normal activity. Ozone 
also can aggravate asthma, leading to more asthma attacks that require 
a doctor's attention and/or the use of additional medication. In 
addition, ozone can inflame and damage the lining of the lungs, which 
may lead to permanent changes in lung tissue, irreversible reductions 
in lung function, and a lower quality of life if the inflammation 
occurs repeatedly over a long time period (months, years, a lifetime). 
People who are of particular concern with respect to ozone exposures 
include children and adults who are active outdoors. Those people 
particularly susceptible to ozone effects are people with respiratory 
disease, such as asthma, and people with unusual sensitivity to ozone, 
and children. Beyond its human health effects, ozone has been shown to 
injure plants, which has the effect of reducing crop yields and 
reducing productivity in forest ecosystems.55 56

    \53\ U.S. EPA (1996). Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Related 
Photochemical Oxidants, EPA/600/P-93/004aF. Docket No. A-99-06. 
Document Nos. II-A-15 to 17.
    \54\ U.S. EPA. (1996). Review of National Ambient Air Quality 
Standards for Ozone, Assessment of Scientific and Technical 
Information, OAQPS Staff Paper, EPA-452/R-96-007. Docket No. A-99-
06. Document No. II-A-22.
    \55\ U.S. EPA (1996). Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Related 
Photochemical Oxidants, EPA/600/P-93/004aF. Docket No. A-99-06. 
Document Nos. II-A-15 to 17.
    \56\ U.S. EPA. (1996). Review of National Ambient Air Quality 
Standards for Ozone, Assessment of Scientific and Technical 
Information, OAQPS Staff Paper, EPA-452/R-96-007. Docket No. A-99-
06. Document No. II-A-22.

    The 8-hour ozone standard, established by EPA in 1997, is based on 
well-documented science demonstrating that more people are experiencing 
adverse health effects at lower levels of exertion, over longer 
periods, and at lower ozone concentrations than addressed by the one-
hour ozone standard. (See, e.g., 62 FR 38861-62, July 18, 1997). The 8-
hour standard addresses ozone exposures of concern for the general 
population and populations most at risk, including children active 
outdoors, outdoor workers, and individuals with pre-existing 
respiratory disease, such as asthma.
    There has been new research that suggests additional serious health 
effects beyond those that had been known when the 8-hour ozone health 
standard was set. Since 1997, over 1,700 new health and welfare studies 
relating to ozone have been published in peer-reviewed journals.\57\ 
Many of these studies have investigated the impact of ozone exposure on 
such health effects as changes in lung structure and biochemistry, 
inflammation of the

[[Page 28347]]

lungs, exacerbation and causation of asthma, respiratory illness-
related school absence, hospital and emergency room visits for asthma 
and other respiratory causes, and premature mortality. EPA is currently 
in the process of evaluating these and other studies as part of the 
ongoing review of the air quality criteria and NAAQS for ozone. A 
revised Air Quality Criteria Document for Ozone and Other Photochemical 
Oxidants will be prepared in consultation with EPA's Clean Air Science 
Advisory Committee (CASAC). Key new health information falls into four 
general areas: development of new-onset asthma, hospital admissions for 
young children, school absence rate, and premature mortality.

    \57\ New Ozone Health and Environmental Effects References, 
Published Since Completion of the Previous Ozone AQCD, National 
Center for Environmental Assessment, Office of Research and 
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle 
Park, NC 27711 (7/2002) Docket No. A-2001-11. Document No. IV-A-19.

    Aggravation of existing asthma resulting from short-term ambient 
ozone exposure was reported prior to the 1997 decision and has been 
observed in studies published subsequently.58 59 In 
particular, a relationship between long-term ambient ozone 
concentrations and the incidence of new-onset asthma in adult males 
(but not in females) was reported by McDonnell et al. (1999).\60\ 
Subsequently, an additional study suggests that incidence of new 
diagnoses of asthma in children is associated with heavy exercise in 
communities with high concentrations (i.e., mean 8-hour concentration 
of 59.6 ppb) of ozone.\61\ This relationship was documented in children 
who played 3 or more sports and thus had higher exposures and was not 
documented in those children who played one or two sports. The larger 
effect of high activity sports than low activity sports and an 
independent effect of time spent outdoors also in the higher ozone 
communities strengthened the inference that exposure to ozone may 
modify the effect of sports on the development of asthma in some 

    \58\ Thurston, G.D., M.L. Lippman, M.B. Scott, and J.M. Fine. 
1997. Summertime Haze Air Pollution and Children with Asthma. 
American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine, 155: 654-
    \59\ Ostro, B, M. Lipsett, J. Mann, H. Braxton-Owens, and M. 
White (2001) Air pollution and exacerbation of asthma in African-
American children in Los Angeles. Epidemiology 12(2): 200-208.
    \60\ McDonnell, W.F., D.E. Abbey, N. Nishino and M.D. Lebowitz. 
1999. ``Long-term ambient ozone concentration and the incidence of 
asthma in nonsmoking adults: the ahsmog study.'' Environmental 
Research. 80(2 Pt 1): 110-121.
    \61\ McConnell, R.; Berhane, K.; Gilliland, F.; London, S.J.; 
Islam, T.; Gauderman, W.J.; Avol, E.; Margolis, H.G.; Peters, J.M. 
(2002) Asthma in exercising children exposed to ozone: a cohort 
study. Lancet 359: 386-391.

    Previous studies have shown relationships between ozone and 
hospital admissions in the general population. A study in Toronto 
reported a significant relationship between 1-hour maximum ozone 
concentrations and respiratory hospital admissions in children under 
the age of two.\62\ Given the relative vulnerability of children in 
this age category, we are particularly concerned about the findings.

    \62\ Burnett, R.T.; Smith--Doiron, M.; Stieb, D.; Raizenne, 
M.E.; Brook, J.R.; Dales, R.E.; Leech, J.A.; Cakmak, S.; Krewski, D. 
(2001) Association between ozone and hospitalization for acute 
respiratory diseases in children less than 2 years of age. Am. J. 
Epidemiol. 153: 444-452.

    Increased respiratory disease that are serious enough to cause 
school absences have been associated with 1-hour daily maximum and 8-
hour average ozone concentrations in studies conducted in Nevada \63\ 
in kindergarten to 6th grade and in Southern California in grades 4 
through 6.\64\ These studies suggest that higher ambient ozone levels 
may result in increased school absenteeism.

    \63\ Chen, L.; Jennison, B.L.; Yang, W.; Omaye, S.T. (2000) 
Elementary school absenteeism and air pollution. Inhalation Toxicol. 
12: 997-1016.
    \64\ Gilliland, FD, K Berhane, EB Rappaport, DC Thomas, E Avol, 
WJ Gauderman, SJ London, HG Margolis, R McConnell, KT Islam, JM 
Peters (2001) The effects of ambient air pollution on school 
absenteeism due to respiratory illnesses Epidemiology 12:43-54.

    The air pollutant most clearly associated with premature mortality 
is PM, with dozens of studies reporting such an association. However, 
repeated ozone exposure is a possible contributing factor for premature 
mortality, causing an inflammatory response in the lungs which may 
predispose elderly and other sensitive individuals to become more 
susceptible to other stressors, such as PM.65 66 67 Although 
the findings have been mixed, the findings of three recent analyses 
suggest that ozone exposure is associated with increased mortality. 
Although the National Morbidity, Mortality, and Air Pollution Study 
(NMMAPS) did not report an effect of ozone on total mortality across 
the full year, the investigators who conducted the NMMAPS study did 
observe an effect after limiting the analysis to summer when ozone 
levels are highest.68 69 Similarly, other studies have shown 
associations between ozone and mortality.70 71 Specifically, 
Toulomi et al. (1997) found that 1-hour maximum ozone levels were 
associated with daily numbers of deaths in 4 cities (London, Athens, 
Barcelona, and Paris), and a quantitatively similar effect was found in 
a group of four additional cities (Amsterdam, Basel, Geneva, and 

    \65\ Samet JM, Zeger SL, Dominici F, Curriero F, Coursac I, 
Dockery DW, Schwartz J, Zanobetti A. 2000. The National Morbidity, 
Mortality and Air Pollution Study: Part II: Morbidity, Mortality and 
Air Pollution in the United States. Research Report No. 94, Part II. 
Health Effects Institute, Cambridge MA, June 2000. (Docket Number A-
2000-01, Document Nos. IV-A-208 and 209).
    \66\ Devlin, R.B.; Folinsbee, L.J.; Biscardi, F.; Hatch, G.; 
Becker, S.; Madden, M.C.; Robbins, M.; Koren, H. S. (1997) 
Inflammation and cell damage induced by repeated exposure of humans 
to ozone. Inhalation Toxicol. 9: 211-235.
    \67\ Koren HS, Devlin RB, Graham DE, Mann R, McGee MP, Horstman 
DH, Kozumbo WJ, Becker S, House DE, McDonnell SF, Bromberg, PA. 
1989. Ozone-induced inflammation in the lower airways of human 
subjects. Am. Rev. Respir. Dies. 139: 407-415.
    \68\ Samet JM, Zeger SL, Dominici F, Curriero F, Coursac I, 
Dockery DW, Schwartz J, Zanobetti A. 2000. The National Morbidity, 
Mortality and Air Pollution Study: Part II: Morbidity, Mortality and 
Air Pollution in the United States. Research Report No. 94, Part II. 
Health Effects Institute, Cambridge MA, June 2000. (Docket Number A-
2000-01, Documents No. IV-A-208 and 209).
    \69\ Samet JM, Zeger SL, Dominici F, Curriero F, Coursac I, 
Zeger, S. Fine Particulate Air Pollution and Mortality in 20 U.S. 
Cities, 1987--1994. The New England Journal of Medicine. Vol. 343, 
No. 24, December 14, 2000. P. 1742-1749.
    \70\ Thurston, G.D.; Ito, K. (2001) Epidemiological studies of 
acute ozone exposures and mortality. J. Exposure Anal. Environ. 
Epidemiol. 11: 286-294.
    \71\ Touloumi, G.; Katsouyanni, K.; Zmirou, D.; Schwartz, J.; 
Spix, C.; Ponce de Leon, A.; Tobias, A.; Quennel, P.; Rabczenko, D.; 
Bacharova, L.; Bisanti, L.; Vonk, J.M.; Ponka, A. (1997) Short-term 
effects of ambient oxidant exposure on mortality: a combined 
analysis within the APHEA project. Am. J. Epidemiol. 146: 177-185.

    In all, the new studies that have become available since the 8-hour 
ozone standard was adopted in 1997 continue to demonstrate the harmful 
effects of ozone on public health, and the need to attain and maintain 
the NAAQS.
b. Current and projected 8-hour ozone levels
    As shown earlier (Figure II-1), unhealthy ozone concentrations 
exceeding the level of the 8-hour standard (i.e., not requisite to 
protect the public health with an adequate margin of safety) occur over 
wide geographic areas, including most of the nation's major population 
centers. These monitored areas include much of the eastern half of the 
U.S. and large areas of California.
    Based upon data from 1999-2001, there are 291 counties where 111 
million people live that are measuring values that violate the 8-hour 
ozone NAAQS.\72\ An additional 37 million people live in 155 counties 
that have air quality measurements within 10 percent of the level of 
the standard. These areas, though currently not violating the standard, 
will also benefit from the additional emission reductions from this 

    \72\ Additional counties may have levels above the NAAQS but do 
not currently have monitors.

    From our air quality modeling for this proposal, we anticipate that 
without emission reductions beyond those

[[Page 28348]]

already required under promulgated regulation and approved SIPs, ozone 
nonattainment will likely persist into the future. With reductions from 
programs already in place, the number of counties violating the ozone 
8-hour standard is expected to decrease in 2020 to 30 counties where 43 
million people are projected to live. Thereafter, exposure to unhealthy 
levels of ozone is expected to begin to increase again. In 2030 the 
number of counties violating the ozone 8-hour NAAQS is projected to 
increase to 32 counties where 47 million people are projected to live. 
In addition, in 2030, 82 counties where 44 million people are projected 
to live will be within 10 percent of violating the ozone 8-hour NAAQS.
    EPA is still developing the implementation process for bringing the 
nation's air into attainment with the ozone 8-hour NAAQS. EPA's current 
plans call for designating ozone 8-hour nonattainment areas in April 
2004. EPA is planning to propose that States submit SIPs that address 
how areas will attain the 8-hour ozone standard within three years 
after nonattainment designation regardless of their classification. EPA 
is also planning to propose that certain SIP components, such as those 
related to reasonably available control technology (RACT) and 
reasonable further progress (RFP) be submitted within 2 years after 
designation. We therefore anticipate that States will submit their 
attainment demonstration SIPs by April 2007. Section 172(a)(2) of the 
Clean Air Act requires that SIP revisions for areas that may be covered 
only under subpart 1 of part D, title I of the Act demonstrate that the 
nonattainment areas will attain the ozone 8-hour standard as 
expeditiously as practicable but no later than five years from the date 
that the area was designated nonattainment. However, based on the 
severity of the air quality problem and the availability and 
feasibility of control measures, the Administrator may extend the 
attainment date ``for a period of no greater than 10 years from the 
date of designation as nonattainment.'' Based on these provisions, we 
expect that most or all areas covered under subpart 1 will attain the 
ozone standard in the 2007 to 2014 time frame. For areas covered under 
subpart 2, the maximum attainment dates provided under the Act range 
from 3 to 20 years after designation, depending on an area's 
classification. Thus, we anticipate that areas covered by subpart 2 
will attain in the 2007 to 2014 time period.
    Since the emission reductions expected from this proposal would 
begin during the same time period, the projected reductions in nonroad 
emissions would be extremely important to States in their effort to 
meet the new NAAQS. It is our expectation that States will be relying 
on such nonroad reductions in order to help them attain and maintain 
the 8-hour NAAQS. Furthermore, since the nonroad emission reductions 
will continue to grow in the years beyond 2014, they will also be 
important for maintenance of the NAAQS for areas with attainment dates 
of 2014 and earlier.
    Using air quality modeling of the impacts of emission reductions, 
we have made estimates of the change in future ozone levels that would 
result from the proposed rule.\73\ That modeling shows that this rule 
would produce nationwide air quality improvements in ozone levels. On a 
population-weighted basis, the average change in future year design 
values would be a decrease of 1.6 ppb in 2020, and 2.6 ppb in 2030. 
Within areas predicted to violate the NAAQS in the projected base case, 
the average decrease would be somewhat higher: 1.9 ppb in 2020 and 3.0 
ppb in 2030.\74\

    \73\ These results are ozone changes projected for the 
preliminary control option used for our modeling, as discussed in 
the Draft RIA in section 3.6. The proposal differs from the modeled 
control case based on updated information; however, we believe that 
the net results would approximate future emissions, although we 
anticipate the ozone changes might be slightly different.
    \74\ This is in spite of the fact that NOX reductions 
can at certain times in some areas cause ozone levels to increase. 
Such ``disbenefits'' are predicted in our modeling, but these 
results make clear that the overall effect of the proposed rule is 
positive. See the draft RIA for more information.

    The model predictions of whether specific counties will violate the 
NAAQS or not is uncertain, especially for counties with design values 
falling very close to the standard. This makes us more confident in our 
prediction of average air quality changes than in our prediction of the 
exact numbers of counties projected as exceeding the NAAQS. 
Furthermore, actions by States to meet their SIP obligations will 
change the number of counties violating the NAAQS in the time frame we 
are modeling for this rule. If State actions resulted in an increase in 
the number of areas that are very close to, but still above, the NAAQS, 
then this rule might bring many of those counties down sufficiently to 
eliminate remaining violations. In addition, if State actions brought 
several counties we project to be very close to the standard in the 
future down sufficiently to eliminate violations, then the air quality 
improvements from this proposal might serve more to assist these areas 
in maintaining the standards than in changing their status. Bearing 
this in mind, our modeling indicates that, out of 32 counties predicted 
to violate the NAAQS, the proposal would reduce the number of violating 
counties by 2 in 2020 and by 4 in 2030, without consideration of new 
State or Federal programs.

C. Other Environmental Effects

    The following section presents information on five categories of 
public welfare and environmental impacts related to nonroad heavy-duty 
vehicle emissions: visibility impairment, acid deposition, 
eutrophication of water bodies, plant damage from ozone, and water 
pollution resulting from deposition of toxic air pollutants with 
resulting effects on fish and wildlife.
1. Visibility
a. Visibility is Impaired by Fine PM and Precursor Emissions From 
Nonroad Engines Subject to this Proposed Rule
    Visibility can be defined as the degree to which the atmosphere is 
transparent to visible light.\75\ Fine particles with significant 
light-extinction efficiencies include organic matter, sulfates, 
nitrates, elemental carbon (soot), and soil. Size and chemical 
composition of particles strongly affects their ability to scatter or 
absorb light. Sulfates contribute to visibility impairment especially 
on the haziest days across the U.S., accounting in the rural Eastern 
U.S. for more than 60 percent of annual average light extinction on the 
best days and up to 86 percent of average light extinction on the 
haziest days. Nitrates and elemental carbon each typically contribute 1 
to 6 percent of average light extinction on haziest days in rural 
Eastern U.S. locations.\76\

    \75\ National Research Council, 1993. Protecting Visibility in 
National Parks and Wilderness Areas. National Academy of Sciences 
Committee on Haze in National Parks and Wilderness Areas. National 
Academy Press, Washington, DC. This document is available on the 
Internet at http://www.nap.edu/books/0309048443/html/. See also U.S. 
EPA Air Quality Criteria Document for Particulate Matter (1996) 
(available on the Internet at http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/cfm/partmatt.cfm
) and Review of the National Ambient Air Quality 
Standards for Particulate Matter: Policy Assessment of Scientific 
and Technical Information. These documents can be found in Docket A-
99-06, Documents No. II-A-23 and IV-A-130-32.
    \76\ U.S. EPA Trends Report 2001. This document is available on 
the Internet at http://www.epa.gov/airtrends/.

    Visibility is important because it directly affects people's 
enjoyment of daily activities in all parts of the country. Individuals 
value good visibility for the well-being it provides them directly, 
both in where they live and work, and in places where they enjoy 
recreational opportunities.

[[Page 28349]]

Visibility is also highly valued in significant natural areas such as 
national parks and wilderness areas, because of the special emphasis 
given to protecting these lands now and for future generations.
    To quantify changes in visibility, we compute a light-extinction 
coefficient, which shows the total fraction of light that is decreased 
per unit distance. Visibility can be described in terms of visual range 
or light extinction and is reported using an indicator called 
deciview.\77\ In addition to limiting the distance that one can see, 
the scattering and absorption of light caused by air pollution can also 
degrade the color, clarity, and contrast of scenes.

    \77\ Visual range can be defined as the maximum distance at 
which one can identify a black object against the horizon sky. It is 
typically described in miles or kilometers. Light extinction is the 
sum of light scattering and absorption by particles and gases in the 
atmosphere. It is typically expressed in terms of inverse megameters 
(Mm-1), with larger values representing worse visibility. 
The deciview metric describes perceived visual changes in a linear 
fashion over its entire range, analogous to the decibel scale for 
sound. A deciview of 0 represents pristine conditions. Under many 
scenic conditions, a change of 1 deciview is considered perceptible 
by the average person.

    In addition, visibility impairment can be described by its impact 
over various periods of time, by its source, and the physical 
conditions in various regions of the country. Visibility impairment can 
be said to have a time dimension in that it might relate to short-term 
excursions or to longer periods (e.g., worst 20 percent of days and 
annual average levels). Anthropogenic contributions account for about 
one-third of the average extinction coefficient in the rural West and 
more than 80 percent in the rural East. In the Eastern U.S., reduced 
visibility is mainly attributable to secondarily formed particles, 
particularly those less than a few micrometers in diameter, such as 
sulfates. While secondarily formed particles still account for a 
significant amount in the West, primary emissions contribute a larger 
percentage of the total particulate load than in the East. Because of 
significant differences related to visibility conditions in the Eastern 
and Western U.S., we present information about visibility by region.
    Furthermore, it is important to note that even in those areas with 
relatively low concentrations of anthropogenic fine particles, such as 
the Colorado Plateau, small increases in anthropogenic fine particulate 
concentrations can lead to significant decreases in visual range. This 
is one of the reasons mandatory Federal Class I areas have been given 
special consideration under the Clean Air Act.\78\

    \78\ The Clean Air Act designates 156 national parks and 
wilderness areas as mandatory Federal Class I areas for visibility 

b. Visibility Impairment Where People Live, Work and Recreate
    The secondary PM NAAQS is designed to protect against adverse 
welfare effects which includes visibility impairment. In 1997, EPA 
established the secondary PM2.5 NAAQS as equal to the 
primary (health-based) NAAQS of 15 ug/m3 (based on a 3-year average of 
the annual mean) and 65 ug/m3 (based on a 3-year average of 
the 98th percentile of the 24-hour average value) (62 FR 38669, July 
18, 1997). EPA concluded that PM2.5 causes adverse effects 
on visibility in various locations, depending on PM concentrations and 
factors such as chemical composition and average relative humidity. In 
1997, EPA demonstrated that visibility impairment is an important 
effect on public welfare and that unacceptable visibility impairment is 
experienced throughout the U.S., in multi-state regions, urban areas, 
and remote federal Class I areas. In many cities having annual mean 
PM2.5 concentrations exceeding annual standard, improvements 
in annual average visibility resulting from the attainment of the 
annual PM2.5 standard are expected to be perceptible to the 
general population. Based on annual mean monitored PM2.5 
data, many cities in the Northeast, Midwest, and Southeast as well as 
Los Angeles would be expected to experience perceptible improvements in 
visibility if the PM2.5 annual standard were attained.
    The updated monitoring data and air quality modeling, summarized 
above and presented in detail in the draft RIA, confirm that the 
visibility situation identified during the NAAQS review in 1997 is 
still likely to exist, and it will continue to persist when these 
proposed standards for nonroad diesel engines take effect. Thus, the 
determination in the NAAQS rulemaking about broad visibility impairment 
and related benefits from NAAQS compliance are still relevant.
    Furthermore, in setting the PM2.5 NAAQS, EPA 
acknowledged that levels of fine particles below the NAAQS may also 
contribute to unacceptable visibility impairment and regional haze 
problems in some areas, and section 169 of the Act provides additional 
authorities to remedy existing impairment and prevent future impairment 
in the 156 national parks, forests and wilderness areas labeled as 
mandatory Federal Class I areas (62 FR 38680-81, July 18, 1997).
    In making determinations about the level of protection afforded by 
the secondary PM NAAQS, EPA considered how the section 169 regional 
haze program and the secondary NAAQS would function together.\79\ 
Regional strategies are expected to improve visibility in many urban 
and non-Class I areas as well.

    \79\ U.S. EPA Review of the National Ambient Air Quality 
Standards for Particulate Matter: Policy Assessment of Scientific 
and Technical Information OAQPS Staff Paper. EPA-452/R-96-013. 1996. 
Docket Number A-99-06, Documents Nos. II-A-18, 19, 20, and 23. The 
particulate matter air quality criteria documents are also available 
at http://www.epa.gov/ncea/partmatt.htm.

    Fine particles may remain suspended for days or weeks and travel 
hundreds to thousands of kilometers, and thus fine particles emitted or 
created in one county may contribute to ambient concentrations in a 
neighboring region.\80\

    \80\ Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for 
Particulate Matter: Policy Assessment for Scientific and Technical 
Information, OAQPS Staff Paper, EPA-452/R-96-013, July, 1996, at IV-
7. This document is available from Docket A-99-06, Document II-A-23.

    The 1999-2001 PM2.5 monitored values indicate that at 
least 74 million people live in areas where long-term ambient fine PM 
levels are at or above 15 [mu]g/m3.\81\ Thus, at least these 
populations (plus those who travel to those areas) are experiencing 
significant visibility impairment, and emissions of PM and its 
precursors from nonroad diesel engines contribute to this 

    \81\ U.S. EPA Air Quality Data Analysis 1999-2001. Technical 
Support Document for Regulatory Actions. March 2003.
    \82\ These populations would also be exposed to PM 
concentrations associated with the adverse health impacts discussed 

    Because of the importance of chemical composition and size to 
visibility, we used EPA's Regional Modeling System for Aerosols and 
Deposition (REMSAD)\83\ model to project visibility conditions in 2020 
and 2030 in terms of deciview, accounting for the chemical composition 
of the particles and transport of precursors. Our projections included 
anticipated emissions from the nonroad diesel engines subject to this 
proposed rule as well as all other sources.

    \83\ Additional information about the Regional Modeling System 
for Aerosols and Deposition (REMSAD) and our modeling protocols can 
be found in our Regulatory Impact Analysis: Heavy-Duty Engine and 
Vehicle Standards and Highway Diesel Fuel Sulfur Control 
Requirements, document EPA420-R-00-026, December 2000. Docket No. A-
2000-01, Document No. A-II-13. This document is also available at 

    Based on this modeling, we predict that in 2030, 85 million people 

[[Page 28350]]

percent of the future population) would be living in areas with 
visibility degradation where fine PM levels are above 15 [mu]g/m3 
annually.\84\ Thus, at least a quarter of the population would 
experience visibility impairment in areas where they live, work and 

    \84\ Technical Memorandum, EPA Air Docket A-99-06, Eric O. 
Ginsburg, Senior Program Advisor, Emissions Monitoring and Analysis 
Division, OAQPS, Summary of Absolute Modeled and Model-Adjusted 
Estimates of Fine Particulate Matter for Selected Years, December 6, 
2000, Table P-2. Docket Number 2000-01, Document Number II-B-14.

    As shown in Table I.C-1, accounting for the different visibility 
impact of the chemical constituents of the PM2.5, in 2030 we 
expect visibility in the East to be about 20.5 deciviews (or visual 
range of 50 kilometers) on average, with poorer visibility in urban 
areas, compared to the average Eastern visibility conditions without 
man-made pollution of 9.5 deciviews (or visual range of 150 
kilometers). Likewise, we expect visibility in the West to be about 8.8 
deciviews (or visual range of 162 kilometers) on average in 2030, with 
poorer visibility in urban areas, compared to the average Western 
visibility conditions without man-made pollution of 5.3 deciviews (or 
visual range of 230 kilometers). Thus, the emissions from these nonroad 
diesel sources, especially SOx emissions that become sulfates in the 
atmosphere, contribute to future visibility impairment summarized in 
the table.
    Control of nonroad land-based engines emissions, as shown in Table 
I.C-1, will improve visibility across the nation. Taken together with 
other programs, reductions from this proposal will help to improve 
visibility. Control of these emissions in and around areas with PM 
levels above the annual PM2.5 NAAQS will likely improve 
visibility in other locations such as mandatory Federal Class I areas. 
Specifically, for a preliminary control option described in the draft 
RIA chapter 3.6 that is similar to our proposal, we expect on average 
for visibility to improve to about 0.33 deciviews in the East and 0.35 
deciviews in the West. The improvement from our proposal is likely to 
be similar but slightly smaller than what was modeled due to the 
differences in emission reductions between the proposal and the modeled 

   Table I.C-1--Summary of Modeled 2030 National Visibility Conditions
                       [Average annual deciviews]
                                    Predicted       2030      Change in
                                       2030      visibility     annual
           Regions \a\              visibility   with rule     average
                                     baseline     controls    deciviews
Eastern U.S......................        20.54        20.21         0.33
    Urban........................        21.94        21.61         0.33
    Rural........................        19.98        19.65         0.33
Western U.S......................         8.83         8.58         0.25
    Urban........................         9.78         9.43         0.35
    Rural........................         8.61         8.38        0.23
\a\ Eastern and Western Regions are separated by 100 degrees north
  longitude. Background visibility conditions differ by region. Natural
  background is 9.5 deciviews in the East and 5.3 in the West.
\b\ The results illustrate the type of visibility improvements for the
  preliminary control option, as discussed in the Draft RIA. The
  proposal differs based on updated information; however, we believe
  that the net results would approximate future PM emissions, although
  we anticipate the visibility improvements would be slightly smaller.

c. Visibility Impairment in Mandatory Federal Class I Areas
    The Clean Air Act establishes special goals for improving 
visibility in many national parks, wilderness areas, and international 
parks. In the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments, Congress provided 
additional emphasis on regional haze issues (see CAA section 169B). In 
1999, EPA finalized a rule that calls for States to establish goals and 
emission reduction strategies for improving visibility in all 156 
mandatory Federal Class I areas. In that rule, EPA established a 
``natural visibility'' goal, and also encouraged the States to work 
together in developing and implementing their air quality plans. The 
regional haze program is focused on long-term emissions decreases from 
the entire regional emissions inventory comprised of major and minor 
stationary sources, area sources and mobile sources. The regional haze 
program is designed to improve visibility and air quality in our most 
treasured natural areas from these broad sources. At the same time, 
control strategies designed to improve visibility in the national parks 
and wilderness areas are expected to improve visibility over broad 
geographic areas. For mobile sources, there is a need for a Federal 
role in reduction of those emissions, especially because mobile source 
engines are regulated primarily at the Federal level.
    Because of evidence that fine particles are frequently transported 
hundreds of miles, all 50 states, including those that do not have 
mandatory Federal Class I areas, participate in planning, analysis, 
and, in many cases, emission control programs under the regional haze 
regulations. Virtually all of the 156 mandatory Federal Class I areas 
experience impaired visibility, requiring all States with those areas 
to prepare emission control programs to address it. Even though a given 
State may not have any mandatory Federal Class I areas, pollution that 
occurs in that State may contribute to impairment in such Class I areas 
elsewhere. The rule encourages states to work together to determine 
whether or how much emissions from sources in a given state affect 
visibility in a downwind mandatory Federal Class I area.
    The regional haze program also calls for states to establish goals 
for improving visibility in national parks and wilderness areas to 
improve visibility on the haziest 20 percent of days and to ensure that 
no degradation occurs on the clearest 20 percent of days (64 FR 35722, 
July 1, 1999). The rule requires states to develop long-term strategies 
including enforceable measures designed to meet reasonable progress 
goals toward natural visibility conditions. Under the regional haze

[[Page 28351]]

program, States can take credit for improvements in air quality 
achieved as a result of other Clean Air Act programs, including 
national mobile source programs.\85\

    \85\ In a recent case, American Corn Growers Association v. EPA, 
291 F. 3d 1 (D.C. Cir 2002), the court vacated the Best Available 
Retrofit Technology (BART) provisions of the Regional Haze rule, but 
the court denied industry's challenge to EPA's requirement that 
states' SIPs provide for reasonable progress towards achieving 
natural visibility conditions in national parks and wilderness areas 
and the ``no degradation'' requirement. Industry did not challenge 
requirements to improve visibility on the haziest 20 percent of 
days. A copy of this decision can be found in Docket A-2000-01, 
Document IV-A-113.

    In the PM air quality modeling described above, we also modeled 
visibility conditions in the mandatory Federal Class I areas, and we 
summarize the results by region in Table I.C-2. The information shows 
that these areas also are predicted to have high annual average 
deciview levels in the future. Emissions from nonroad land-based diesel 
engines and locomotive and marine engines contributed significantly to 
these levels, because these diesel engines represent a sizeable portion 
of the total inventory of anthropogenic emissions related to 
PM2.5 (as shown in the tables above.). Furthermore, numerous 
types of nonroad engines may operate in or near mandatory Federal Class 
I areas (e.g., mining, construction, and agricultural equipment). As 
summarized in the table, we expect visibility improvements in mandatory 
Federal Class I areas from the reductions of emissions from nonroad 
diesel engines subject to this proposed rule.

 Table I.C-2--Summary of Modeled 2030 Visibility Conditions in Mandatory
                          Federal Class I Areas
                        [Annual average deciview]
                                   Predicted       2030       Change in
            Region a                  2030      visibility     annual
                                   visibility   with rule      average
                                   baseline b   control c     deciviews
    Southeast...................        21.62        21.38          0.24
    Northeast/Midwest...........        18.56        18.32          0.24
    Southwest...................         7.03         6.82          0.21
    California..................         9.56         9.26          0.3
    Rocky Mountain..............         8.55         8.34          0.21
    Northwest...................        12.18        11.94          0.24
National Class I Area Average...         11.8        11.56          0.24 
a Regions are depicted in Figure VI-5 in the Regulatory Support
  Document. Background visibility conditions differ by region: Eastern
  natural background is 9.5 deciviews (or visual range of 150
  kilometers) and in the West natural background is 5.3 deciviews (or
  visual range of 230 kilometers).
b The results average visibility conditions for mandatory Federal Class
  I areas in the regions.
c The results illustrate the type of visibility improvements for the
  preliminary control option, as discussed in the draft RIA. The
  proposal differs based on updated information; however, we believe
  that the net results would approximate future PM emissions, although
  we anticipate the improvements would be slightly smaller.

2. Acid Deposition
    Acid deposition, or acid rain as it is commonly known, occurs when 
SO2 and NOX react in the atmosphere with water, 
oxygen, and oxidants to form various acidic compounds that later fall 
to earth in the form of precipitation or dry deposition of acidic 
particles.\86\ It contributes to damage of trees at high elevations and 
in extreme cases may cause lakes and streams to become so acidic that 
they cannot support aquatic life. In addition, acid deposition 
accelerates the decay of building materials and paints, including 
irreplaceable buildings, statues, and sculptures that are part of our 
nation's cultural heritage. To reduce damage to automotive paint caused 
by acid rain and acidic dry deposition, some manufacturers use acid-
resistant paints, at an average cost of $5 per vehicle--a total of $80-
85 million per year when applied to all new cars and trucks sold in the 

    \86\ Much of the information in this subsection was excerpted 
from the EPA document, Human Health Benefits from Sulfate Reduction, 
written under title IV of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, U.S. 
EPA, Office of Air and Radiation, Acid Rain Division, Washington, DC 
20460, November 1995. Available in Docket A-2000-01, Document No. 

    Acid deposition primarily affects bodies of water that rest atop 
soil with a limited ability to neutralize acidic compounds. The 
National Surface Water Survey (NSWS) investigated the effects of acidic 
deposition in over 1,000 lakes larger than 10 acres and in thousands of 
miles of streams. It found that acid deposition was the primary cause 
of acidity in 75 percent of the acidic lakes and about 50 percent of 
the acidic streams, and that the areas most sensitive to acid rain were 
the Adirondacks, the mid-Appalachian highlands, the upper Midwest and 
the high elevation West. The NSWS found that approximately 580 streams 
in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain are acidic primarily due to acidic 
deposition. Hundreds of the lakes in the Adirondacks surveyed in the 
NSWS have acidity levels incompatible with the survival of sensitive 
fish species. Many of the over 1,350 acidic streams in the Mid-Atlantic 
Highlands (mid-Appalachia) region have already experienced trout losses 
due to increased stream acidity. Emissions from U.S. sources contribute 
to acidic deposition in eastern Canada, where the Canadian government 
has estimated that 14,000 lakes are acidic. Acid deposition also has 
been implicated in contributing to degradation of high-elevation spruce 
forests that populate the ridges of the Appalachian Mountains from 
Maine to Georgia. This area includes national parks such as the 
Shenandoah and Great Smoky Mountain National Parks.
    A study of emissions trends and acidity of water bodies in the 
Eastern U.S. by the General Accounting Office (GAO) found that from 
1992 to 1999 sulfates declined in 92 percent of a representative sample 
of lakes, and nitrate levels increased in 48 percent of the lakes 
sampled.\87\ The decrease in sulfates is consistent with emissions

[[Page 28352]]

trends, but the increase in nitrates is inconsistent with the stable 
levels of nitrogen emissions and deposition. The study suggests that 
the vegetation and land surrounding these lakes have lost some of their 
previous capacity to use nitrogen, thus allowing more of the nitrogen 
to flow into the lakes and increase their acidity. Recovery of 
acidified lakes is expected to take a number of years, even where soil 
and vegetation have not been ``nitrogen saturated,'' as EPA called the 
phenomenon in a 1995 study.\88\ This situation places a premium on 
reductions of SOx and especially NOX from all 
sources, including nonroad diesel engines, in order to reduce the 
extent and severity of nitrogen saturation and acidification of lakes 
in the Adirondacks and throughout the U.S.

    \87\ Acid Rain: Emissions Trends and Effects in the Eastern 
United States, U.S. General Accounting Office, March, 2000 (GOA/
RCED-00-47). Available in Docket A-99-06, Document No. IV-G-159.
    \88\ Acid Deposition Standard Feasibility Study: Report to 
Congress, EPA 430R-95-001a, October, 1995.

    The SOX and NOX reductions from today's 
action will help reduce acid rain and acid deposition, thereby helping 
to reduce acidity levels in lakes and streams throughout the country 
and help accelerate the recovery of acidified lakes and streams and the 
revival of ecosystems adversely affected by acid deposition. Reduced 
acid deposition levels will also help reduce stress on forests, thereby 
accelerating reforestation efforts and improving timber production. 
Deterioration of our historic buildings and monuments, and of 
buildings, vehicles, and other structures exposed to acid rain and dry 
acid deposition also will be reduced, and the costs borne to prevent 
acid-related damage may also decline. While the reduction in sulfur and 
nitrogen acid deposition will be roughly proportional to the reduction 
in SOX and NOX emissions, respectively, the 
precise impact of today's action will differ across different areas.
3. Eutrophication and Nitrification
    Eutrophication is the accelerated production of organic matter, 
particularly algae, in a water body. This increased growth can cause 
numerous adverse ecological effects and economic impacts, including 
nuisance algal blooms, dieback of underwater plants due to reduced 
light penetration, and toxic plankton blooms. Algal and plankton blooms 
can also reduce the level of dissolved oxygen, which can also adversely 
affect fish and shellfish populations.
    In 1999, NOAA published the results of a five year national 
assessment of the severity and extent of estuarine eutrophication. An 
estuary is defined as the inland arm of the sea that meets the mouth of 
a river. The 138 estuaries characterized in the study represent more 
than 90 percent of total estuarine water surface area and the total 
number of U.S. estuaries. The study found that estuaries with moderate 
to high eutrophication conditions represented 65 percent of the 
estuarine surface area. Eutrophication is of particular concern in 
coastal areas with poor or stratified circulation patterns, such as the 
Chesapeake Bay, Long Island Sound, or the Gulf of Mexico. In such 
areas, the ``overproduced'' algae tends to sink to the bottom and 
decay, using all or most of the available oxygen and thereby reducing 
or eliminating populations of bottom-feeder fish and shellfish, 
distorting the normal population balance between different aquatic 
organisms, and in extreme cases causing dramatic fish kills.
    Severe and persistent eutrophication often directly impacts human 
activities. For example, losses in the nation's fishery resources may 
be directly caused by fish kills associated with low dissolved oxygen 
and toxic blooms. Declines in tourism occur when low dissolved oxygen 
causes noxious smells and floating mats of algal blooms create 
unfavorable aesthetic conditions. Risks to human health increase when 
the toxins from algal blooms accumulate in edible fish and shellfish, 
and when toxins become airborne, causing respiratory problems due to 
inhalation. According to the NOAA report, more than half of the 
nation's estuaries have moderate to high expressions of at least one of 
these symptoms--an indication that eutrophication is well developed in 
more than half of U.S. estuaries.
    In recent decades, human activities have greatly accelerated 
nutrient inputs, such as nitrogen and phosphorous, causing excessive 
growth of algae and leading to degraded water quality and associated 
impairments of freshwater and estuarine resources for human uses.\89\ 
Since 1970, eutrophic conditions worsened in 48 estuaries and improved 
in 14. In 26 systems, there was no trend in overall eutrophication 
conditions since 1970.\90\ On the New England coast, for example, the 
number of red and brown tides and shellfish problems from nuisance and 
toxic plankton blooms have increased over the past two decades, a 
development thought to be linked to increased nitrogen loadings in 
coastal waters. Long-term monitoring in the U.S., Europe, and other 
developed regions of the world shows a substantial rise of nitrogen 
levels in surface waters, which are highly correlated with human-
generated inputs of nitrogen to their watersheds.

    \89\ Deposition of Air Pollutants to the Great Waters, Third 
Report to Congress, June, 2000. Available in Docket A-99-06, 
Document No. IV-A-06.
    \90\ Deposition of Air Pollutants to the Great Waters, Third 
Report to Congress, June, 2000. Great Waters are defined as the 
Great Lakes, the Chesapeake Bay, Lake Champlain, and coastal waters. 
The first report to Congress was delivered in May, 1994; the second 
report to Congress in June, 1997. Available in Docket A-99-06, 
Document No. IV-A-06.

    Between 1992 and 1997, experts surveyed by National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) most frequently recommended that 
control strategies be developed for agriculture, wastewater treatment, 
urban runoff, and atmospheric deposition.\91\ In its Third Report to 
Congress on the Great Waters, EPA reported that atmospheric deposition 
contributes from 2 to 38 percent of the nitrogen load to certain 
coastal waters.\92\ A review of peer reviewed literature in 1995 on the 
subject of air deposition suggests a typical contribution of 20 percent 
or higher.\93\ Human-caused nitrogen loading to the Long Island Sound 
from the atmosphere was estimated at 14 percent by a collaboration of 
Federal and State air and water agencies in 1997.\94\ The National 
Exposure Research Laboratory, U.S. EPA, estimated based on prior 
studies that 20 to 35 percent of the nitrogen loading to the Chesapeake 
Bay is attributable to atmospheric deposition.\95\ The mobile source 
portion of atmospheric NOX contribution to the Chesapeake 
Bay was modeled at about 30 percent of total air deposition.\96\

    \91\ Bricker, Suzanne B., et al., National Estuarine 
Eutrophication Assessment, Effects of Nutrient Enrichment in the 
Nation's Estuaries, National Ocean Service, National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration, September, 1999. Available in Docket A-
99-06, Document No. IV-G-145.
    \92\ Deposition of Air Pollutants to the Great Waters, Third 
Report to Congress, June, 2000. Available in Docket A-99-06, 
Document No. IV-A-06.
    \93\ Valigura, Richard, et al., Airsheds and Watersheds II: A 
Shared Resources Workshop, Air Subcommittee of the Chesapeake Bay 
Program, March, 1997. Available in Docket A-99-06, Document No. IV-
    \94\ The Impact of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Long 
Island Sound, The Long Island Sound Study, September, 1997.
    \95\ Dennis, Robin L., Using the Regional Acid Deposition Model 
to Determine the Nitrogen Deposition Airshed of the Chesapeake Bay 
Watershed, SETAC Technical Publications Series, 1997.
    \96\ Dennis, Robin L., Using the Regional Acid Deposition Model 
to Determine the Nitrogen Deposition Airshed of the Chesapeake Bay 
Watershed, SETAC Technical Publications Series, 1997.

    Deposition of nitrogen from nonroad diesel engines contributes to 
elevated nitrogen levels in waterbodies. The proposed standards for 
nonroad diesel

[[Page 28353]]

engines will reduce total NOX emissions by 831,000 tons in 
2030. The NOX reductions will reduce the airborne nitrogen 
deposition that contributes to eutrophication of watersheds, 
particularly in aquatic systems where atmospheric deposition of 
nitrogen represents a significant portion of total nitrogen loadings.
4. Polycyclic Organic Matter Deposition
    EPA's Great Waters Program has identified 15 pollutants whose 
deposition to water bodies has contributed to the overall contamination 
loadings to the these Great Waters.\97\ One of these 15 pollutants, a 
group known as polycyclic organic matter (POM), are compounds that are 
mainly adhered to the particles emitted by mobile sources and later 
fall to earth in the form of precipitation or dry deposition of 
particles. The mobile source contribution of the 7 most toxic POM is at 
least 62 tons/year and represents only those POM that adhere to mobile 
source particulate emissions.\98\ The majority of these emissions are 
produced by diesel engines.

    \97\ Deposition of Air Pollutants to the Great Waters-Third 
Report to Congress, June, 2000, Office of Air Quality Planning and 
Standards Deposition of Air Pollutants to the Great Waters-Second 
Report to Congress, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, 
June 1997, EPA-453/R-97-011. Available in Docket A-99-06, Document 
No. IV-A-06.
    \98\ The 1996 National Toxics Inventory, Office of Air Quality 
Planning and Standards, October 1999.

    The PM reductions from this proposed action will help reduce not 
only the PM emissions from nonroad diesel engines but also the 
deposition of the POM adhering to the particles, thereby helping to 
reduce health effects of POM in lakes and streams, accelerate the 
recovery of affected lakes and streams, and revive the ecosystems 
adversely affected.
5. Plant Damage From Ozone
    Ground-level ozone can also cause adverse welfare effects. 
Specifically, ozone enters the leaves of plants where it interferes 
with cellular metabolic processes. This interference can be manifest 
either as visible foliar injury from cell injury or death, and/or as 
decreased plant growth and yield due to a reduced ability to produce 
food. With fewer resources, the plant reallocates existing resources 
away from root storage, growth and reproduction toward leaf repair and 
maintenance. Plants that are stressed in these ways become more 
susceptible to disease, insect attack, harsh weather and other 
environmental stresses. Because not all plants are equally sensitive to 
ozone, ozone pollution can also exert a selective pressure that leads 
to changes in plant community composition.
    Since plants are at the center of the food web in many ecosystems, 
changes to the plant community can affect associated organisms and 
ecosystems (including the suitability of habitats that support 
threatened or endangered species and below ground organisms living in 
the root zone). Given the range of plant sensitivities and the fact 
that numerous other environmental factors modify plant uptake and 
response to ozone, it is not possible to identify threshold values 
above which ozone is toxic and below which it is safe for all plants. 
However, in general, the science suggests that ozone concentrations of 
0.10 ppm or greater can be phytotoxic to a large number of plant 
species, and can produce acute foliar injury responses, crop yield loss 
and reduced biomass production. Ozone concentrations below 0.10 ppm 
(0.05 to 0.09 ppm) can produce these effects in more sensitive plant 
species, and have the potential over a longer duration of creating 
chronic stress on vegetation that can lead to effects of concern such 
as reduced plant growth and yield, shifts in competitive advantages in 
mixed populations, and decreased vigor leading to diminished resistance 
to pests, pathogens, and injury from other environmental stresses.
    Studies indicate that these effects described here are still 
occurring in the field under ambient levels of ozone. The economic 
value of some welfare losses due to ozone can be calculated, such as 
crop yield loss from both reduced seed production (e.g., soybean) and 
visible injury to some leaf crops (e.g., lettuce, spinach, tobacco) and 
visible injury to ornamental plants (i.e., grass, flowers, shrubs), 
while other types of welfare loss may not be fully quantifiable in 
economic terms (e.g., reduced aesthetic value of trees growing in Class 
I areas).
    As discussed above, nonroad diesel engine emissions of VOCs and 
NOX contribute to ozone. This proposed rule would reduce 
ozone and, therefore, help to reduce crop damage and stress from ozone 
on vegetation. See the draft RIA for a more detailed discussion of the 
science of these effects.

D. Other Criteria Pollutants Affected by This NPRM

    The standards being proposed today would also help reduce levels of 
other pollutants for which NAAQS have been established: carbon monoxide 
(CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and sulfur dioxide 
(SO2). Currently every area in the United States has been 
designated to be in attainment with the NO2 NAAQS. As of 
November 4, 2002, there were 24 areas designated as non-attainment with 
the SO2 standard, and 14 designated CO non-attainment areas.
    The current primary NAAQS for CO are 35 parts per million for the 
one-hour average and 9 parts per million for the eight-hour average. 
These values are not to be exceeded more than once per year. Over 22 
million people currently live in the 14 non-attainment areas for the CO 
NAAQS. See the draft RIA for a detailed discussion of the emission 
benefits of this proposed rule.
    Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas produced through the 
incomplete combustion of carbon-based fuels. Carbon monoxide enters the 
bloodstream through the lungs and reduces the delivery of oxygen to the 
body's organs and tissues. The health threat from CO is most serious 
for those who suffer from cardiovascular disease, particularly those 
with angina or peripheral vascular disease. Healthy individuals also 
are affected, but only at higher CO levels. Exposure to elevated CO 
levels is associated with impairment of visual perception, work 
capacity, manual dexterity, learning ability and performance of complex 
    Land-based nonroad engines contributed about one percent of CO from 
mobile sources in 1996. EPA previously determined that the category of 
nonroad diesel engines cause or contribute to ambient CO and ozone in 
more than one non-attainment area (65 FR 76790, December 7, 2000). In 
that action EPA found that nonroad engines contribute to CO non-
attainment in areas such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Spokane, Anchorage, 
and Las Vegas. Nonroad land-based diesel engines emitted 927,500 tons 
of CO in 1996 (1% of mobile source CO).

E. Emissions From Nonroad Diesel Engines

    Emissions from nonroad diesel engines will continue to be a 
significant part of the emissions inventory in the coming years. In the 
absence of new emission standards, we expect overall emissions from 
nonroad diesel engines subject to this proposal to generally decline 
across the nation for the next 10 to 15 years, depending on the 
pollutant.\99\ Although nonroad diesel engine emissions will decline 
during this period, this trend will not be enough to adequately reduce 
the large amount of emissions that these engines contribute. For 
example, the declines are insufficient to prevent significant

[[Page 28354]]

contributions to nonattainment of PM2.5 and ozone NAAQS, or 
to prevent widespread exposure to significant concentrations of nonroad 
engine air toxics. In addition, after the 2010 to 2015 time period we 
project that this trend reverses and emissions rise into the future in 
the absence of additional regulation of these engines. (This phenomenon 
is further described later in this section.) The initial downward trend 
occurs as the nonroad fleet becomes increasingly dominated over time by 
engines that comply with existing emission regulations. The upturn in 
emissions beginning around 2015 results as growth in the nonroad sector 
overtakes the effect of the existing emission standards.

    \99\ As defined here, nonroad diesel engines include land-based, 
locomotive, commercial marine vessel, and recreational marine 

    The engine and fuel standards in this proposal will affect fine 
particulate matter (PM2.5), oxides of nitrogen 
(NOX), sulfur oxides (SO2), volatile organic 
hydrocarbons (VOC), and air toxics. For locomotive, commercial marine 
vessel (CMV), and recreational marine vessel (RMV) engines, the 
proposed fuel standards will affect PM2.5 and 
SO2. CO is not specifically targeted in this proposal but 
its reductions are discussed in the draft RIA.\100\

    \100\ We are proposing only a few minor adjustments of a 
technical nature to current CO standards.

    Each sub-section within section II discusses the emissions of a 
pollutant that the proposal addresses.\101\ This is followed by a 
discussion of the expected emission reductions associated with the 
proposed standards for land-based nonroad diesel engines.\102\ The 
tables and figures illustrate the Agency's projection of future 
emissions from nonroad diesel engines for each pollutant.\103\ The 
baseline case represents future emissions from land-based nonroad 
diesel engines with current standards. The controlled case estimates 
the future emissions of these engines based on the proposed standards 
in this notice.

    \101\ The estimates of baseline emissions and emissions 
reductions from the proposed rule reported here for nonroad land-
based, recreational marine, locomotive, and commercial marine vessel 
diesel engines are based on 50 state emissions inventory estimates. 
However, 50 state emissions inventory data are not available for 
other emission sources. Thus, emissions estimates for other sources 
are based on a 48 state inventory that excludes Alaska and Hawaii. 
The 48 state inventory was done for air quality modeling that EPA 
uses to analyze regional ozone transport, of which Alaska and Hawaii 
are not a part. In cases where land-based nonroad diesel engine 
emissions are summed or compared with other emissions sources, we 
use a 48 state emissions inventory.
    \102\ For the purpose of this proposal, land-based nonroad 
diesel engines include engines used in equipment modeled by the 
draft NONROAD emissions model, except for recreational marine 
engines. Recreational marine diesel engines are not subject to the 
exhaust emission standards contained in this proposal but would be 
affected by the fuel sulfur requirements applicable to locomotive 
and commercial marine vessel engines.
    \103\ The air quality modeling results described in sections 
II.B and II.C use a slightly different emissions inventory based on 
earlier, preliminary modeling assumptions. Chapter 3 of the draft 
RIA and the technical support documents fully describe this 
inventory, as well as the differences between it and the inventory 
reflecting the proposal.

1. PM2.5
    As described earlier in this section of the preamble, the Agency 
believes that reductions of diesel PM2.5 emissions are 
needed as part of the Nation's progress toward clean air and to reach 
attainment of the NAAQS for PM2.5. The nonroad engines 
controlled by this proposal are the major sources of nonroad diesel 
emissions. Table II.E-1 shows that the PM2.5 emissions from land-based 
nonroad diesels amount to increasingly large percentages of total 
manmade diesel PM2.5 in the years 1996, 2020 and 
2030.104 105

    \104\ Nitrate and sulfate secondary fine particulate as 
described in section II.B and are not included in the values 
reported here or elsewhere, but are discussed in the Regulatory 
Impact Analysis, chapter X.
    \105\ As a function of the available national inventories from 
other sources, we are only able to present a 48-state inventory. 
Wherever possible we present a 50-state inventory.

        Table II.E-1--Base-Case National (48 State) Diesel PM2.5
                              (Short tons)
                                                     Nonroad     based
                                           Total      land-     percent
                  Year                     diesel     based     of total
                                           PM2.5      diesel     diesel
                                                      PM2.5      PM2.5
1996...................................    414,000    177,000         43
2020...................................    206,000    124,000         60
2030...................................    220,000    140,000         64

    The contribution of land-based nonroad CI engines to PM2.5 
inventories can be significant, especially in densely populated urban 
areas.\106\ As illustrated in Table II.E.-2, our city-specific analysis 
of selected metropolitan areas for 1996 and 2020 shows that the land-
based nonroad diesel engine contribution to total PM2.5 
ranges up to 18 percent in 1996 and 19 percent in 2020.\107\

    \106\ Construction, industrial, and commercial nonroad diesel 
equipment comprise most of the land-based nonroad emissions 
inventory. These types of equipment are more concentrated in urban 
areas where construction projects, manufacturing, and commercial 
operations are prevalent. For more information, please refer to the 
report, ``Geographic Allocation of State Level Nonroad Engine 
Population Data to the County Level,'' NR-014b, EPA 420-P-02-009.
    \107\ We selected these cities to show a collection of typical 
cities spread across the United States in order to compare typical 
urban inventories with national average ones.

Table II.E-2--Baseline Land-Based Nonroad Diesel Percent Contribution to
       PM2.5 Inventories in Selected Urban Areas in 1996 and 2020
                                               Land-Based    Land-Based
                                                 Nonroad       Nonroad
                                                  PM2.5         PM2.5
                 MSA, State                   Contribution  Contribution
                                                to Total      to Total
                                                PM2.5a in     PM2.5a in
                                                  1996          2020
Atlanta, GA.................................            7             6
Boston, MA..................................           18            18
Chicago, IL.................................            8             7
Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX........................           13            10
Indianapolis, IN............................           15            13
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN....................           10             8
New York, NY................................           13            12
Orlando, FL.................................           14            12
Sacramento, CA..............................            7             7
San Diego, CA...............................            9             7
Denver, CO..................................           11             8
El Paso, TX.................................           15            19
Las Vegas, NV...............................           15            12
Phoenix-Mesa, AZ............................           15            12
Seattle, WA.................................            7             7
National Averageb...........................            8            6
\a\ Includes only direct exhaust diesel emissions; see Section II.C for
  a discussion of secondary fine PM levels.
\b\ This is a 48 state national average.

    Emissions of PM2.5 from land-based nonroad diesel 
engines based on a 50 state inventory are shown in Table II.E-3, along 
with our estimates of the reductions in 2020 and 2030 we expect would 
result from our proposal for a PM2.5 exhaust emission 
standard and changes in the sulfur level in nonroad diesel fuel. For 
comparison purposes, PM2.5 emissions based on lowering 
nonroad diesel fuel sulfur levels to about 340 ppm in-use \108\ (500 
ppm maximum) without any other controls are shown, along with the 
estimated emissions with the proposed PM2.5 standard and a 
sulfur level of 11 ppm in-use (15 ppm maximum). Figure II.E-1 shows our 
estimate of PM2.5 emissions between 2000 and 2030 both 

[[Page 28355]]

and with the proposed PM2.5 standard (along with an assumed 
sulfur level of 11 ppm in-use, 15 ppm maximum). By 2030, we estimate 
that PM2.5 emissions from this source would be reduced by 86 
percent in that year.

    \108\ This value (340 ppm) represents the average in-use sulfur 
concentration of fuel produced to meet a 500 ppm sulfur standard. In 
practice, off-highway equipment will sometimes be refueled with 
diesel fuel meeting the more stringent highway standard of 15 ppm. 
Therefore, the actual average in-use sulfur level of the fuel used 
by off-highway equipment will be somewhat lower than 340 ppm. The 
emission benefits shown here reflect this lower in-use sulfur level.

   Table II.E-3.--Estimated National (50 State) Reductions in PM2.5 Emissions From Nonroad Land-Based, Locomotive, Commercial Marine, and Recreational
                                                                  Marine Diesel Engines
                                                                                                  PM2.5 reductions
                                                                                PM2.5 with 500   with 500 ppm fuel   PM2.5 with rule    PM2.5 reductions
                                                             PM2.5* without    ppm fuel sulfur    sulfur (340 in-     (15 ppm sulfur   with rule (15 ppm
                           Year                               rule  [short     (340 in-use) and  use) and no other  level, 11 in-use)   sulfur level, 11
no other controls   controls  [short     [short tons]
in-use)  [short
                                                                                 [short tons]
2020.....................................................            186,000            163,000            100,000             23,000             86,000
2030.....................................................            205,000            178,000             77,000             27,000            127,000

    Nonroad diesel engines used in locomotives, commercial marine 
vessels, and recreational marine vessels are not affected by the 
emission standards of this proposal. PM2.5 emissions from 
these engines would be reduced by the reductions in diesel fuel sulfur 
for these types of engines from an in-use average of between 2,300 and 
2,400 ppm today to an in-use average of about 340 ppm (500 ppm maximum) 
in 2007. The estimated reductions in PM2.5 emissions from 
these engines based on the proposed change in diesel fuel sulfur are 
about 6,000 tons in 2020 and 7,000 tons in 2030.\109\ For more 
information on proposed fuel sulfur reductions, please see chapter 7 of 
the draft RIA.

    \109\ These reductions are based on a 50 state emissions 
inventory estimate.

2. NOX
    Table II.E-4 shows the 50 state estimated tonnage of NOX 
emissions for 2020 and 2030 without the proposed rule and the estimated 
tonnage of emissions eliminated with the proposed rule in place. These 
results are shown graphically in Figure II.E-2. By 2030, we estimate 
that NOX emissions from these engines will be reduced by 67 
percent in that year.

     Table II.E.-4.--Estimated National (50 State) Reductions in NOX
            Emissions From Nonroad Land-Based Diesel Engines
                                   NOX without    NOX with    reductions
          Calendar year                rule         rule      with rule
                                      [short       [short       [short
2020.............................    1,147,000      640,000      507,000
2030.............................    1,239,000      412,000      827,000

[[Page 28356]]

    Table E.II-5 shows that the engines affected by the proposal emit a 
significant portion of total NOX emissions in 1996 and 2020, 
especially in cities. This is not surprising given the high density of 
these engines operating in urban areas.\110\ We selected a variety of 
cities from across the nation and found that these engines contribute 
up to 14 percent of the total NOX inventories in 1996 and as 
much as 20 percent to total NOX inventories in 2020.\111\

    \110\ Construction, industrial, and commercial nonroad diesel 
equipment comprise most of the land-based nonroad emissions 
inventory. These types of equipment are more concentrated in urban 
areas where construction projects, manufacturing, and commercial 
operations are prevalent. For more information, please refer to the 
report, ``Geographic Allocation of State Level Nonroad Engine 
Population Data to the County Level,'' NR-014b, EPA 420-P-02-009.
    \111\ We selected these cities to show a collection of typical 
cities spread across the United States in order to compare typical 
urban inventories with national average ones.[FEDREG][VOL]*[/

Table II.E-5--Baseline Land-Based Nonroad Diesel Percent Contribution to
             NOX Inventories in Selected Urban Areas in 2020
                                 Land-based NR NOX    Land-based NR NOX
          MSA, State              as percentage of     as percentage of
                                 total NOX in 1996    total NOX in 2020
Atlanta, GA...................                    5                    7
Boston, MA....................                   14                   19
Chicago, IL...................                    6                    7
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX.........                   10                   13
Indianapolis, IN..............                    8                   12
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN......                    6                    6
New York, NY..................                   11                   20
Orlando, FL...................                   10                   13
Sacramento, CA................                   10                   19
San Diego, CA.................                    9                   14
Denver, CO....................                    8                    8
El Paso, TX...................                    8                   15
Las Vegas, NV-AZ..............                   11                   12
Phoenix-Mesa, AZ..............                    9                   11
Seattle, WA...................                    8                   11
National Averagea.............                    6                   7
a This is a 48 state national average.

3. SO2
    We estimate that land-based nonroad, CMV, RMV, and locomotive 
diesel engines emitted about 227,000 tons of SO2 in 1996, 
accounting for about 30 percent of the SO2 from mobile 
sources (based on a 48 state inventory). With no reduction in diesel 
fuel sulfur levels, we estimate that these emissions will continue to 
increase, accounting for about 60 percent of mobile source 
SO2 emissions by 2030.
    As part of this proposal, sulfur levels in fuel would be 
significantly reduced, leading to large reductions in nonroad diesel 
SO2 emissions. By 2007, the sulfur in diesel fuel used by 
all nonroad diesel engines would be reduced from the current average 
in-use level of between 2,300 and 2,400 ppm to an average in-use level 
of about 340 ppm with a maximum level of 500 ppm. By 2010, the sulfur 
in diesel fuel used by land-based nonroad engines would be

[[Page 28357]]

reduced to an average in-use level of 11 ppm with a maximum level of 15 
ppm. The sulfur in diesel fuel used by locomotives, CMVs, and RMVs 
would remain at an average in-use level of about 340 ppm. Figure II.E-3 
shows the estimated reductions from these sulfur changes. For more 
information on this topic, please see chapter 7 of the RIA.\112\

    \112\ Under this proposal, the introduction of 340 ppm 
(approximate average in-use level, 500 ppm maximum) sulfur diesel 
fuel for all nonroad diesel engines would take place in June of 
2007. The introduction of 11 ppm sulfur diesel fuel (average in-use, 
15 ppm maximum) for land-based nonroad engines would take place in 
June 2010.

    Table II.E-6 shows 50 state estimates of total SO2 
emissions without the proposed rule and how SO2 emissions 
would be reduced by the diesel fuel sulfur reductions in 2020 and 2030.
    Lowering diesel fuel sulfur to a maximum of 500 ppm (340 ppm in-
use) for CMV, locomotive and land-based nonroad engines would result in 
a reduction of about 360,000 tons/year of SO2 in 2030. 
Lowering diesel fuel sulfur to a maximum of 500 ppm (340 ppm in-use) 
for CMV and locomotive engines and a maximum of 15 ppm (11 ppm in-use) 
for land-based nonroad engines would result in a reduction of about 
390,000 tons of SO2 in 2030.

   Table II.E-6--Estimated National (50 State) Emissions of Land-Based Nonroad, Locomotive, Commercial Marine
                                     Vessel, and Recreational Marine Vessel
                             [SO2 Emissions From Lowering Diesel Fuel Sulfur Levels]
                                          Total SO2
                                      emissions at 2400    500 ppm sulfur     500 ppm sulfur   15 ppm sulfur (11
                                          ppm sulfur      (340 ppm in-use)  (340 in-use) land- ppm in-use) land-
                Year                   without proposed     locomotives,      based nonroad      based nonroad
                                         rule  [short       CMVs, RMVsa        [short tons]
[short tons]
[short tons]
1996................................            229,000  .................  .................  .................
2020................................            345,000              9,000             26,000              1,000
2030................................            401,000             10,000             30,000             1,000
a CMV = commercial marine vessels, RMV = Recreational marine vessels.

4. VOC and Air Toxics
    Based on a 48 state emissions inventory, we estimate that land-
based nonroad diesel engines emitted over 221 thousand tons of VOC in 
1996. Between 1996 and 2030, we estimate that land-based nonroad diesel 
engines will contribute about 2 to 3 percent to mobile source VOC 
emissions. Without further controls, land-based nonroad diesel engines 
will emit over 97

[[Page 28358]]

thousand tons/year of VOC in 2020 and 2030 nationally.\113\

    \113\ VOC emissions remain about the same in 2030 as 2020 
because while nonroad diesel emission factors decrease and newer 
engines continue to be introduced into the fleet, the engine/
equipment population continues to increase. The increase in engine/
equipment population offsets the effect of decreasing emission 

    Tables II.E-7 shows our projection of the reductions in 2020 and 
2030 for VOC emissions that we expect from implementing the proposed 
NMHC standards. This estimate is based on a 50 state emissions 
inventory. By 2030, VOC reductions would be reduced by 30 percent.

 Table II.E-7--Estimated National (50 State) Reductions in VOC Emissions From Nonroad Land-Based Diesel Engines
                                                                                                VOC reductions
                  Calendar year                      VOC without rule      VOC with rule      with rule  [short
                                                       [short tons]
[short tons]
2020.............................................               97,000               79,000               18,000
2030.............................................               98,000               68,000               30,000

    Air toxics pollutants are in VOCs and are included in the total 
land-based nonroad diesel VOC emissions estimate. We base these numbers 
on the assumption that air toxic emissions are a constant fraction of 
hydrocarbon exhaust emissions.
    Although we are not proposing any specific gaseous air toxics 
standards, air toxics emissions would nonetheless be reduced through 
NMHC standards included in the proposed rule. By 2030, we estimate that 
emissions of air toxics pollutants, such as benzene, formaldehyde, 
acetaldehyde, 1,3-butadiene, and acrolein, would be reduced by 30 
percent from land-based nonroad diesel engines. For specific air toxics 
reductions please see chapter 3 of the RIA. In section II.B.2 we 
discuss the health effects of these pollutants.?£

III. Nonroad Engine Standards

    In this section we describe the nonroad diesel emission standards 
we are proposing in order to address the serious air quality problems 
discussed in section II. Specifically, we discuss:
    ? The Clean Air Act and why we are proposing new emission 
    ? The technology opportunity for nonroad diesel emissions 
    ? Our proposed engine standards, and our proposed schedule 
for implementing them.
    ? Proposals for supplemental test procedures and standards to 
help control emissions during transient operating modes and engine 
    ? Proposals to help ensure robust emissions control in use.
    ? The feasibility of the proposed standards (in conjunction 
with the proposed low-sulfur nonroad diesel fuel requirement discussed 
in section IV).
    ? How diesel fuel sulfur affects an engine's ability to meet 
the proposed standards.
    ? Plans for a future reassessment of the technology needed to 
comply with proposed standards for engines below 75 hp.
    Additional proposed provisions for engine and equipment 
manufacturers are discussed in detail in section VII. Briefly, these 
include changes to our engine manufacturer averaging, banking, and 
trading (ABT) program, changes to our transition program for equipment 
manufacturers, special provisions to aid small businesses in 
implementing our requirements, and an incentive program to encourage 
innovative technologies and the early introduction of new technologies.
    We welcome comment on all facets of this discussion, including the 
levels and timing of the proposed emissions standards and our 
assessment of technological feasibility, as well as on the supporting 
analyses contained in the Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA). We 
also request comment on the timing of the proposed diesel fuel standard 
in conjunction with these proposed emission standards. We ask that 
commenters provide any technical information that supports the points 
made in their comments.

A. Why Are We Setting New Engine Standards?

1. The Clean Air Act and Air Quality
    We believe that Agency action is needed to address the air quality 
problems discussed in section II. We are therefore proposing new engine 
standards and related provisions under sections 213(a)(3) and (4) of 
the Clean Air Act which, among other things, direct us to establish 
(and from time to time revise) emission standards for new nonroad 
diesel engines. Because emissions from these engines contribute greatly 
to a number of serious air pollution problems, especially the health 
and welfare effects of ozone, PM, and air toxics, we believe that the 
air quality need for stringent nonroad diesel standards is well 
established. This, and our belief that a significant degree of emission 
reduction from these engines is achievable through the application of 
diesel emission control technology that will be available in the lead 
time provided (giving appropriate consideration to cost, noise, safety, 
and energy factors as required by the Act), along with coordinated 
reductions in nonroad diesel fuel sulfur levels, leads us to believe 
that these new emission standards are warranted and appropriate.
    We also believe that the proposed engine standards are consistent 
with the Clean Air Act section 213 requirements on availability of 
technology and appropriate lead time. The basis for our conclusion is 
described in this section and in the Draft RIA.
2. The Technology Opportunity for Nonroad Diesel Engines
    Substantial progress has been made in recent years in controlling 
diesel exhaust emissions through the use of robust, high-efficiency 
catalytic devices placed in the exhaust system. Particularly promising 
are the catalytic soot filter or particulate trap for PM and 
hydrocarbon control, and the NOX adsorber. These 
technologies are expected to be applied to highway heavy-duty diesel 
engines (HDDEs) beginning in 2007 to meet stringent new standards for 
these engines. The final EPA rule establishing those standards contains 
extensive discussion of how these devices work, how effective they are 
at reducing emissions, and what their limitations are, particularly 
their dependence on very-low sulfur diesel fuel to function properly 
(66 FR 5002, January 18, 2001; see especially section III of the 
preamble starting at 5035). Reviews of ongoing progress in the 
development of these technologies have recently been performed by EPA 
and by

[[Page 28359]]

an independent review panel.114 115 These reviews found that 
significant progress has been made since the final rule was published, 
reinforcing our confidence that the highway engine standards can be 
met. (Our consideration of these highway engine standards is consistent 
with the requirement in Clean Air Act section 213(a)(3) that EPA 
consider nonroad engine standards equivalent in stringency to those 
adopted for comparable highway engines regulated under section 202 of 
the Act.)

    \114\ ``Highway Diesel Progress Review'', U.S. EPA, June 2002. 
EPA420-R-02-016. (www.epa.gov/air/caaac/dieselreview.pdf).
    \115\ ``Meeting Technology Challenges For the 2007 Heavy-Duty 
Highway Diesel Rule'', Final Report of the Clean Diesel Independent 
Review Subcommittee, Clean Air Act Advisory Committee, October 30, 
2002. (www.epa.gov/air/caaac/diesel/finalcdirpreport103002.pdf).

    Although there are important differences, nonroad diesel engines 
operate fundamentally like heavy-duty highway diesel engines. In fact, 
many nonroad engine designs are derived from highway engine platforms. 
We believe that, given the availability of nonroad diesel fuel meeting 
our proposed 15 ppm maximum sulfur requirement and adequate development 
lead time, nonroad diesel engines can be designed to successfully 
employ the same high-efficiency exhaust emission control technologies 
now being developed for highway use. Indeed, some nonroad diesel 
applications, such as in underground mining, have pioneered the use of 
similar technologies for many years. These technologies, the experience 
gained with them in nonroad applications, the issues involved in 
transferring technology from highway to nonroad applications, and the 
appropriate standards and test procedures for this nonroad Tier 4 
program are discussed in detail in the remainder of this section.

B. What Engine Standards Are We Proposing?

1. Exhaust Emissions Standards
    The PM, NOX, and NMHC emissions standards being proposed 
for nonroad diesel engines are summarized in Figures III.B-1 and 2. We 
are also making minor adjustments to CO standards as discussed in 
section III.B.1.f. All of these standards would apply to covered 
nonroad engines over the useful life periods specified in our 
regulations, except where temporary in-use compliance margins would 
apply as discussed in section VII.J.\116\ We are not proposing changes 
to the current useful life periods because we do not have any relevant 
new information that would lead us to propose changes. However, we do 
ask for comment on whether or not changes are warranted and, if so, on 
what the useful life periods should be. The testing requirements by 
which compliance with the standards would be measured are discussed in 
section III.C. In addition we are proposing new ``not-to-exceed'' (NTE) 
emission standards and associated test procedures to help ensure robust 
control of emissions in use. These standards are discussed as part of a 
broader outline of proposed NTE provisions in sections III.D and VII.G.

    \116\ The useful life for engines £=50 hp is 8,000 
hours or 10 years, whichever occurs first. For engines <25 hp, and 
for 25-50 hp engines that operate at constant speed at or above 3000 
rpm, it is 3000 hours or 5 years. For other 25-50 hp engines, it is 
5,000 hours or 7 years.

                          Figure III.B-1--Proposed PM Standards (g/bhp-hr) and Schedule
                                                                           Model Year
                 Engine Power                  -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013
hp < 25 (kW < 19).............................   \a\ 0.30  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........
25 <= hp < 75 (19 <= kW < 56).................    \b\0.22  .........  .........  .........  .........       0.02
75 <= hp < 175 (56 <= kW < 130)...............  .........  .........  .........  .........       0.01  .........
175 <= hp <= 750 (130 <= kW <= 560)...........  .........  .........  .........       0.01  .........  .........
hp £ 750 (kW £ 560).......  .........  .........  .........   \c\ 0.01  .........  .........
\a\ For air-cooled, hand-startable, direct injection engines under 11 hp, a manufacturer may instead delay
  implementation until 2010 and demonstrate compliance with a less stringent PM standard of 0.45 g/bhp-hr,
  subject also to additional provisions discussed in Section III.B.1.d.i.
\b\ A manufacturer has the option of skipping the 0.22 g/bhp-hr PM standard for all 50-75 hp engines; the 0.02 g/
  bhp-hr PM standard would then take effect one year earlier for all 50-75 hp engines (in 2012).
\c\ 50% of a manufacturer's U.S.-directed production must meet the 0.01 g/bhp-hr PM standard in this model year.
  In 2014, 100% must comply.

                          Figure III.B-2--Proposed NOX and NMHC Standards and Schedule
                                                                               Standard (g/bhp-hr)
                         Engine Power                          -------------------------------------------------
                                                                          NOX                      NMHC
25 <= hp < 75 (19 <= kW < 56).................................                  3.5 NMHC+NOX \a\
75 <= hp < 175 (56 <= kW < 130)...............................                     0.30                     0.14
175 <= hp <= 750 (130 <= kW <= 560)...........................                     0.30                     0.14
hp £ 750 (kW £ 560).......................                     0.30                     0.14

                                                                               Phase-in Schedule
                        Engine Power                         ---------------------------------------------------
                                                                  2011         2012         2013         2014
25 <= hp < 75 (19 <= kW < 56)...............................  ...........  ...........         100%  ...........
75 <= hp < 175 (56 <= kW < 130).............................  ...........      \b\ 50%      \b\ 50%     \b\ 100%
175 <= hp <= 750 (130 <= kW <= 560).........................          50%          50%          50%         100%
hp £ 750 (kW £ 560).....................          50%          50%          50%        100%
Percentages are U.S.-directed production required to comply with the Tier 4 standards in the indicated model
\a\ This is the existing Tier 3 combined NMHC+NOX standard level for the 50-75 hp engines in this category; in
  2013 it would apply to the 25-50 hp engines as well.

[[Page 28360]]

\b\ Manufacturers may use banked Tier 2 NMHC+NOX credits to demonstrate compliance with the proposed 75-175 hp
  engine NOX standard in this model year. Alternatively, manufacturers may forego this special banked credit
  option and instead meet an alternative phase-in requirement in 2012, 2013, and part of 2014. See Section

    The proposed long-term 0.01 and 0.02 g/bhp-hr Tier 4 PM standards 
for £75 hp and 25-75 hp engines, respectively, combined with 
the fuel change and proposed new requirements to ensure robust control 
in the field, represent a reduction of over 95% from in-use levels 
expected with Tier 2/Tier 3 engines.\117\ The proposed 0.30 g/bhp-hr 
Tier 4 NOX standard for £75 hp engines represents 
a NOX reduction of about 90% from in-use levels expected 
with Tier 3 engines. The basis for the proposed standard levels is 
presented in Section III.E.
a. Standards Timing

    \117\ Note that we are grouping all standards proposed in this 
rule under the general designation of ``Tier 4 standards'', 
including those proposed to take effect in 2008. As a result, there 
are no ``Tier 3'' standards in the multi-tier nonroad program for 
engines below 50 hp or above 750 hp.

    The timing of the Tier 4 NOX, PM, and NMHC standards is 
closely tied to the proposed timing of fuel quality changes discussed 
in section IV, in keeping with the systems approach we are taking for 
this program. The earliest Tier 4 standards would take effect in model 
year 2008, in conjunction with the introduction of 500 ppm maximum 
sulfur nonroad diesel fuel in mid-2007. This fuel change serves a dual 
environmental purpose. First, it provides a large immediate reduction 
in PM emissions for the existing fleet of engines in the field. Second, 
its widespread availability by the end of 2007 aids engine designers in 
employing emission controls capable of achieving the proposed standards 
for model year 2008 and later engines; this is because the performance 
and durability of such technologies as exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) 
and diesel oxidation catalysts is improved by lower sulfur fuel.\118\ 
The reduction of sulfur in nonroad diesel fuel will also provide 
sizeable economic benefits to machine operators as it will extend oil 
change intervals and reduce wear and corrosion (see section V).

    \118\ ``Nonroad Diesel Emissions Standards Staff Technical 
Paper'', EPA420-R-01-052, October 2001.

    We are not, however, proposing new 2008 standards for engines at or 
above 100 hp because these engines are subject to existing Tier 3 
NMHC+NOX standards (Tier 2 for engines above 750 hp) in 2006 
or 2007. Setting new 2008 standards would provide only one or two years 
before another round of design changes would have to be made for Tier 
4. Engines between 50-100 hp also have a Tier 3 NMHC+NOX 
standard, but it takes effect in 2008, providing an opportunity to 
coordinate with Tier 4 to provide the desired pull-ahead of PM control. 
We believe that we can accomplish this PM pull-ahead without hampering 
manufacturers' Tier 3 compliance efforts by providing two Tier 4 
compliance options for 50-75 hp engines. This reflects the splitting of 
the current 50-100 hp category of engines to match the new rated power 
\119\ categories shown in Figures III.B-1 and 2. We are proposing to 
provide manufacturers with the option to skip the Tier 4 2008 PM 
standard (see Figure III-B.1) and instead to focus design efforts on 
introducing PM filters for these engines one year earlier, in 2012. 
This option would ensure that a manufacturer's Tier 3 
NMHC+NOX compliance plans are not complicated by having to 
meet a new Tier 4 PM standard in the same timeframe, if that were to 
become a concern for a manufacturer.

    \119\ The term rated power is used in this document to mean the 
maximum power of an engine. See section VII.L for more information 
about how the maximum power of an engine is determined.

    We are concerned that this optional approach for 50-75 hp engines 
might be abused by equipment manufacturers whose engine suppliers opt 
not to meet the PM pull-ahead standard in 2008, but who then switch 
engine suppliers to avoid PM filter-equipped engines in 2012. We are 
therefore proposing that an equipment manufacturer making a product 
with engines not meeting the pull-ahead standard in any of the years 
2008-2011, must use engines in that product in 2012 meeting the 0.02 g/
bhp-hr PM standard; that is, from the same engine manufacturer or from 
another engine manufacturer choosing the same compliance option. This 
restriction would not apply if the 2008-2011 engines at issue are being 
produced under the equipment manufacturer flexibility provisions 
discussed in section VII.B. Also, we would not prohibit an equipment 
manufacturer who is using non-pull-ahead engines in 2008-2011 from 
making use of available equipment manufacturer flexibility provisions 
in 2012 or later. That is, they could continue to use Tier 3 engines in 
2012 that are purchased under these provisions; they would, however, 
still be subject to the above-described restriction on switching 
manufacturers. We solicit comment on whether this restriction should 
have a numerical basis (e.g., the ``no switch'' restriction in 2012 
applies to the same percentage of 50-75 hp machines produced with non-
pull-ahead engines in 2008-2011) to avoid further abuse by equipment 
manufacturers who redefine their product models to dodge the 
requirement, and on other suggestions for dealing with this concern.
    Note that we are not proposing the optional 2008 PM standard for 
engines between 75 and 100 hp, even though they, like the 50-75 hp 
engines, are subject to a 2008 Tier 3 standard. This is because we 
believe that these larger engines, proposed to be grouped into a new 
75-175 hp category, would be subject to stringent new PM and 
NOX standards beginning in 2012, and adding a 2008 PM 
component to this program for a quarter of this 75-175 hp range would 
complicate manufacturers' efforts to comply in 2012 for the overall 
    We view the 2008 portion of the Tier 4 program as highly important 
because it provides substantial PM and NOX emissions 
reductions during the several years prior to 2011. Initiating Tier 4 in 
2008 also fits well with the lead time, stability, cost, and technology 
availability considerations of the overall program.\120\ Initiating the 
Tier 4 standards in 2008 would provide three to four years of stability 
after the start of Tier 2 for engines under 50 hp. As mentioned above, 
it also coincides with the start date of Tier 3 NOX+NMHC 
standards for engines between 50 and 75 hp and so introduces no 
stability issues for these engines. As the Agency expects to finalize 
this rule in early 2004, the 2008 start date provides almost 4 years of 
lead time to accomplish redesign and testing. The evolutionary 
character of the 2008 standards, based as they are on proven 
technologies, and the fact that some certified engines already meet 
these standards as discussed in Section

[[Page 28361]]

III.E leads us to conclude that this will provide adequate lead time.

    \120\ Section 213(b) of the Clean Air Act does not specify a 
minimum lead time period, nor does it mandate a set minimum period 
of stability for the standards (differing in these respects from the 
comparable provision section (202(a)(3)(C)) applicable to highway 
engines). However, in considering the amount of lead time and 
stability provided, EPA takes into consideration the need to avoid 
disruptions in the engine and equipment manufacturing industries 
caused by redesign mandates that are too frequent or too soon after 
a final rulemaking. These are appropriate factors to consider in 
determining ``the lead time necessary to permit the development and 
application of the requisite technology'', and are part of taking 
cost into consideration, as required under section 213 (b).

    The second fuel change, to 15 ppm maximum sulfur in mid-2010, and 
the related engine standards that begin to phase-in in the 2011 model 
year, provide the large majority of the environmental benefits of the 
program. These standards are also timed to provide adequate lead time 
for manufacturers, and to phase in over time to allow for the orderly 
transfer of technology from the highway sector. We believe that the 
high-efficiency exhaust emission technologies being developed to meet 
our 2007 emission standards for heavy-duty highway diesel engines can 
be adapted to nonroad diesel applications. The engines for which we 
believe this adaptation from highway applications will be most 
straightforward are those in the over 175 hp power range, and thus 
under our proposal these engines would be subject to new standards 
requiring high-efficiency exhaust emission controls as soon as the 15 
ppm sulfur diesel fuel is widely available, that is, in the 2011 model 
year. Engines between 75 and 175 hp would be subject to the new 
standards in the following model year, 2012, reflecting the greater 
effort involved in adapting highway technologies to these engines. 
Lastly, engines between 25 and 75 hp would be subject to the new PM 
standard in 2013, reflecting the even greater challenge of adapting PM 
filter technology to these engines which typically do not have highway 
counterparts. There are additional phase-in provisions discussed in 
Section III.B.1.b aimed at further drawing from the highway technology 
    In addition to addressing technology transfer, this approach 
reflects the need to distribute the workload for engine and equipment 
redesign over three model years, as was provided for in Tier 3. 
Overall, this approach provides 4 to 6 years of real world experience 
with the new technology in the highway sector, involving millions of 
engines (in addition to the several additional years provided by 
demonstration fleets already on the road), before the new standards 
take effect.
    b. Phase-In of NOX and NMHC Standards
    Because the Tier 4 NOX emissions control technology, 
like PM control technology, is expected to be derived from technology 
first introduced in highway HDDEs, we believe that the implementation 
of the Tier 4 NOX standard should follow the pattern we 
adopted for the highway program. This will help to ensure a focused, 
orderly development of robust high-efficiency NOX control in 
the nonroad sector and will also help to ensure that manufacturers are 
able to take maximum advantage of the highway engine development 
program, with resulting cost savings. The heavy-duty highway rule 
allows for a gradual phase-in of the NOX and NMHC 
requirements over multiple model years: 50 percent of each 
manufacturer's U.S.-directed production volume must meet the new 
standard in 2007-2009, and 100 percent must do so by 2010. We also 
provided flexibility for highway engine manufacturers to meet that 
program's environmental goals by allowing somewhat less-efficient 
NOX controls on more than 50% of their production before 
2010 via emissions averaging. Similarly, we are proposing to phase in 
the NOX standards for nonroad diesels over 2011-2013 as 
indicated in Figure III.B-2, based on compliance with the Tier 4 
standards for 50% of a manufacturer's U.S.-directed production in each 
power category at or above 75 hp in each phase-in model year.
    With a NOX phase-in, all manufacturers are able to 
introduce their new technologies on a limited number of engines, 
thereby gaining valuable experience with the technology prior to 
implementing it on their entire product line. In tandem with the 
equipment manufacturer transition program discussed in section VII.B, 
the phase-in ensures timely progress to the Tier 4 standards levels 
while providing a great degree of implementation flexibility for the 
    We are proposing this ``percent of production phase-in'' to take 
maximum advantage of the highway program technology development. It 
adds a new dimension of implementation flexibility to the staggered 
``phase-in by power category'' used in the nonroad program for Tiers 1, 
2 and 3 which, though structured to facilitate technology development 
and transfer, is more aimed at spreading the redesign workload. Because 
the Tier 4 program would involve substantial challenges in addressing 
both technology development and redesign workload, we believe that 
incorporating both of these phase-in mechanisms into the proposed 
program is warranted, resulting in the coordinated phase-in plan shown 
in Figure III.B-2. Note that this results in our proposing that new 
NOX requirements for 75-175 hp engines be deferred for the 
first year of the 2011-2013 general phase-in, in effect creating a 50-
50% phase-in in 2012-2013 for this category. This then staggers the 
Tier 4 start years by power category as in past tiers: 2011 for engines 
at or above 175 hp, 2012 for 75-175 hp engines, and 2013 for 25-75 hp 
engines (for which no NOX adsorber-based standard and thus 
no percentage phase-in is being proposed), while still providing a 
production-based phase-in for advanced NOX control 
    We believe that the 75-175 hp category of engines and equipment may 
involve added workload challenges for the industry to develop and 
transfer technology. We note that this category, though spanning only 
100 hp, represents a great diversity of applications, and comprises a 
disproportionate number of the total nonroad engine and machine models. 
Some of these engines, though having characteristics comparable to many 
highway engines such as turbocharging and electronic fuel control, are 
not directly derived from highway engine platforms and so are likely to 
require more development work than larger engines to transfer emission 
control technology from the highway sector. Furthermore, the engine and 
equipment manufacturers have greatly varying market profiles in this 
category, from focused one- or two-product offerings to very diverse 
product lines with a great many models. We are interested in providing 
useful flexibility for a wide range of companies in implementing the 
Tier 4 standards, while keeping a priority on bringing PM emissions 
control into this diverse power category as quickly as possible.
    We are therefore proposing two compliance flexibility provisions 
just for this category. First, we propose to allow manufacturers to use 
NMHC+NOX credits generated by Tier 2 engines over 50 hp (in 
addition to any other allowable credits) to demonstrate compliance with 
the Tier 4 requirement for 75-175 hp engines in 2012, 2013, and 2014 
only. This would not otherwise be allowed, for reasons explained in 
section VII.A. These Tier 2 credits would be subject to the power 
rating conversion already established in our ABT program, and to the 
20% credit adjustment we are proposing for use of NMHC+NOX 
credits as NOX credits. (See section VII.A.)
    Second, we realize that some manufacturers, especially those with 
limited product offerings, may not have sufficient banked credits 
available to them to benefit from this special flexibility, and so we 
are also proposing an alternative flexibility provision. A manufacturer 
may optionally forego the Tier 2 banked credit use provision described 
above, and instead demonstrate compliance with a reduced phase-in 
requirement for NOX and NMHC. Use of credits other than 
banked Tier 2 credits would still be allowed, in

[[Page 28362]]

accordance with the other ABT program provisions. In no case could the 
phase-in compliance demonstration drop below 25% in each of 2012, 2013, 
and the first 9 months of 2014, except as allowed under the ``good 
faith projection deficit'' provision discussed in Section VII.D. Full 
compliance (100% phase-in) with the Tier 4 standards would need to be 
demonstrated in the last 3 months of 2014 and thereafter.
    In addition, a manufacturer using this reduced phase-in option 
would not be allowed to generate credits from engines in this power 
category in 2012, 2013, and the first 9 months of 2014, except for use 
in averaging within this power category only (no banking or trading, or 
averaging with engines in other power categories). This restriction 
would apply throughout this period even if the reduced phase-in option 
is exercised during only a portion of this period. We believe that this 
ABT restriction is important to avoid potential abuse of the added 
flexibility allowance, considering that larger engine categories will 
be required to demonstrate substantially greater compliance levels with 
the 0.30 g/bhp-hr NOX standard several years earlier than 
engines built under this option. The restriction should be no burden to 
manufacturers, as only those using the option would be subject to it, 
and the production of credit-generating engines would be contrary to 
the option's purpose.
    We are proposing to phase in the Tier 4 NMHC standard with the 
NOX standard, as is being done in the highway program. 
Engines certified to the new NOX requirement would be 
expected to certify to the NMHC standard as well. The ``phase-out'' 
engines (the 50 percent not certified to the new Tier 4 NOX 
and NMHC standards) would continue to be certified to the applicable 
Tier 3 NMHC+NOX standard. As discussed in section III.E, we 
believe that the NMHC standard is readily achievable through the 
application of PM traps to meet the PM standard, which for most engines 
does not involve a phase-in. However, in the highway program we chose 
to phase in the NMHC standard with the NOX standard for 
administrative reasons, to simplify the phase-in under the percent-of-
production approach taken there, thus avoiding subjecting the ``phase-
out'' engines to separate standards for NMHC and NMHC+NOX. 
The same reasoning applies here because, as in the highway program, the 
previous-tier standards are combined NMHC+NOX standards.
    Because of the tremendous variety of engine sizes represented in 
the nonroad diesel sector, we are proposing that the 50 percent phase-
in requirement be met separately in each of the three power categories 
for which a phase-in is proposed (75-175 hp, 175-750 hp, and 
£750 hp).\121\ For example, a manufacturer that produces 1000 
engines for the 2011 U.S. market in the 175 to 750 hp range would have 
to demonstrate compliance to the proposed NOX and NMHC 
standards on at least 500 of these engines, regardless of how many 
complying engines the manufacturer produces in other hp categories. 
(Note, however, that we would allow averaging of emissions across these 
engine category cutpoints through the use of power-weighted ABT program 
credits, as provided for in the existing nonroad diesel engine 
program.) We believe that this restriction reflects the availability of 
emissions control technology, and is needed to avoid erosion of 
environmental benefits that might occur if a manufacturer with a 
diverse product offering were to meet the phase-in with relatively low 
cost smaller engines, thereby delaying compliance on larger engines 
with much higher lifetime emissions potential. Even so, the horsepower 
ranges for these power categories are fairly broad, so this restriction 
allows ample freedom to manufacturers to structure compliance plans in 
the most cost-effective manner. We could as well choose to handle this 
concern by weighting complying engines by horsepower, as we do in the 
ABT program, but we believe that creating a simple phase-in structure 
based simply on counting engines, as we did in the highway HDDE rule, 
avoids unnecessary complexity and functional overlap with ABT.

    \121\ Note proposed exceptions to the 50 percent requirements 
during the phase-in model years discussed in sections VII.D and 
VII.E. These deal with differences between a manufacturer's actual 
and projected production levels, and with incentives for early or 
very low emission engine introductions.

 c. Rationale for Restructured Horsepower Categories
    We are proposing to regroup the power categories in the proposed 
Tier 4 program compared to the previous tiers of standards.\122\ We are 
doing so because this will more closely match the degree of challenge 
involved in transferring advanced emissions control technology from 
highway engines to nonroad engines. For a variety of reasons, highway 
engines have in the past been equipped with new emission control 
technologies some years before nonroad engines. As a result, the 
nonroad engine platforms that are directly derived from highway engine 
designs in turn become the lead application point for the migration of 
emission control technologies into the nonroad sector. Smaller and 
larger nonroad engines, as well as similar-sized engines that cannot 
directly use a highway base engine (such as farm tractor engines that 
are structurally part of the tractor chassis), may then employ these 
technologies after additional lead time for needed adaptation. This 
progression has been reflected in EPA standards-setting activity to 
date, especially in implementation schedules, in which the earliest 
standards are applied to engines in the most ``highway-like'' power 

    \122\ The Tier 1 / 2 / 3 programs make use of 9 categories 
divided by horsepower: <11, 11-25, 25-50, 50-100, 100-175, 175-300, 
300-600, 600-750, and £750 hp.

    Although there is not an abrupt power cutpoint above and below 
which the highway-derived nonroad engine families do and do not exist, 
we believe that 75 hp is a more appropriate cutpoint for this purpose 
than either of the closest previously adopted power category cutpoints 
of 50 or 100 hp. These two cutpoints were first adopted in a 1994 final 
rule that chose them in order to establish categories for a staggered 
implementation schedule designed to spread out development costs (59 FR 
31306, June 17, 1994). Nonroad diesels produced today with rated power 
above 75 hp (up to several hundred hp) are mostly variants of nonroad 
engine platforms with four or more cylinders and per-cylinder 
displacements of one liter or more. These in turn are derived from or 
are similar to heavy-duty highway engine platforms. Even where nonroad 
engine models above 75 hp are not so directly derived from highway 
models, they typically share many common characteristics such as 
displacements of one liter per cylinder or more, direct injection 
fueling, turbocharging, and, increasingly, electronic fuel injection. 
These common features provide key building blocks in transferring high-
efficiency exhaust emission control technology from highway to similar 
nonroad diesel engines. We have discussed this matter with relevant 
engine manufacturers, and we are confident based on these discussions 
that 75 hp represents an industry consensus on the appropriate cutpoint 
for this purpose. We invite comment on the 75 hp cutpoint.
    We are therefore proposing to regroup power ratings using the 75 hp 
cutpoint. Some have expressed that this may somewhat complicate the 
transition from tier to tier and efforts to harmonize with the European 
Union's nonroad diesel program (which currently uses

[[Page 28363]]

power cutpoints corresponding to 50 and 100 hp). However, we believe 
that it provides substantial long-term benefits for the environment 
(for example, by linking NOX standard-setting to an engine 
technology-based 75 hp cutpoint). We will continue working with key 
entities to advance harmonization as this rule is developed.
    We are also proposing to consolidate some power categories that 
were created in the past to allow for variations in standards levels 
and timing appropriate for Tiers 1, 2 and 3, and that remain in effect 
for those tiers, but which under this proposal are no longer distinct 
from each other with respect to standards levels and timing. These 
consolidations are: (1) The less than 11 hp and 11-25 hp categories 
into a single category of less than 25 hp, (2) the 75-100 hp portion of 
the 50-100 hp category and the 100-175 hp category into a single 
category of 75-175 hp, and (3) the 175-300 hp, 300-600 hp, and 600-750 
hp categories into a single category of 175-750 hp. The result is the 5 
power bands shown in Figures III.B-1 and 2 instead of the former 9. 
This will also help to facilitate use of equipment manufacturer 
transition flexibility allowances which can be applied only within each 
power band, as discussed in section VII.B. We ask for comment on this 
regrouping, especially with regard to the appropriate power cutpoint 
for the engine families that are similar to highway engine families. 
Again, most useful in this regard would be information showing how 
highway and nonroad engines in this range do or do not share common 
design bases.
d. PM Standards for Smaller Engines
i. <25 hp
    We believe that standards based on the use of PM filters should not 
be proposed at this time for the very small diesel engines below 25 hp. 
Although this technology could be adapted to these engines, the cost of 
doing so with known technology could be unacceptably high, relative to 
the cost of producing the engines themselves. Based on past experience, 
we expect that advancements in reducing these costs will occur over 
time. We plan to reassess the appropriate long-term standards in a 
technology review as discussed in section III.G. For the nearer-term, 
we believe that other proven PM-reducing technologies such as diesel 
oxidation catalysts and engine optimization can be applied to engines 
under 25 hp for very cost-efficient PM control, as discussed in 
sections III.E and V.A. When implemented, the PM standard proposed in 
Figure III.B-1 for these engines, along with the proposed transient 
test cycle, will yield an in-use PM reduction of over 50% for these 
engines, and large reductions in toxic hydrocarbons as well. Achieving 
these emission reductions is very important, considering the fact that 
many of these smaller engines operate in populated areas and in 
equipment without closed cabs-- in mowers, portable electric power 
generators, small skid steer loaders, and the like. We invite comment 
on this proposed approach to controlling harmful emissions from very 
small nonroad diesel engines.
    It is our assessment that achieving low PM emission levels is 
especially challenging for one subclass of small engines: the air-
cooled, direct injection engines under 11 hp that are startable by 
hand, such as with a crank or recoil starter. These typically one-
cylinder engines find utility in applications such as plate compactors, 
where compactness and simplicity are needed, but where the ruggedness 
typical of a diesel engine is also essential. There are a number of 
considerations in the design, manufacture, and marketing of these 
engines that combine to make them difficult to optimize for low 
emissions. These include the air-cooled engine's need for relatively 
loose design fit tolerances to accommodate thermal expansion 
variability (which can lead to increased soluble organic PM), small 
cylinder displacement and bore sizes that limit use of some combustion 
chamber design strategies and increase the propensity for PM-producing 
fuel impingement on cylinder walls, the difficulty in obtaining 
components for small engines with machining tolerances tight enough to 
yield consistent emissions performance, and cost reduction pressures 
caused by competition from cheaper gasoline engines in some of the same 
    As a result, we are proposing an alternative compliance option that 
allows manufacturers of these engines to delay Tier 4 compliance until 
2010, and in that year to certify them to a PM standard of 0.45 g/hp-
hr, rather than to the 0.30 g/hp-hr PM standard applicable to the other 
engines in this power category beginning in 2008. Engines certified 
under this alternative compliance requirement would not be allowed to 
generate credits as part of the ABT program, although credit use by 
these engines would still be allowed. We believe that this ABT 
restriction is important to avoid potential abuse of this option, and 
is a reasonable means of dealing with the concern as it would apply 
only to those air-cooled, hand-startable, direct injection engines 
under 11 hp that are certified under this special compliance option, 
and the production of credit-generating engines would be contrary to 
the option's purpose. Furthermore, because the proposed 2010 Tier 4 
implementation year for these engines is the same year that 15 ppm 
sulfur nonroad diesel fuel would become available, we are also 
proposing that certification testing and any subsequent compliance 
testing on engines certified under this option may be conducted using 
the 7-15 ppm sulfur test fuel discussed in section VII.H. Although this 
is one year earlier than would be otherwise allowable, we believe it 
would have a minimal impact on the proposed program's environmental 
benefit considering the extremely small contribution these engines make 
to emissions inventories, and the fact that these engines would 
generally operate in the field on higher sulfur fuels for at most a few 
ii. 25-75 hp
    We believe that the proposed 0.22 g/bhp-hr PM standard for 25-75 hp 
engines in 2008 is warranted because the Tier 2 PM standards that take 
effect in 2004 for these engines, 0.45 and 0.30 g/bhp-hr for 25-50 and 
50-75 hp engines, respectively, do not represent the maximum achievable 
reduction using technology which will be available by 2008. However, as 
discussed in section III.B.1.a, filter-based technology for these 
engines is not expected to be available on a widespread basis until the 
2013 model year. The proposed 2008 PM standard for these engines should 
maximize reduction of PM emissions based on technology available in 
that year. We believe that the 2008 standards are feasible for these 
engines, based on the same engine or oxidation catalyst technologies 
feasible for engines under 25 hp in 2008, following the proposed 
introduction of nonroad diesel fuel with sulfur levels reduced below 
500 ppm. We expect in-use PM reductions for these engines of over 50%, 
and large reductions in toxic hydrocarbons as well over the five model 
years this standard would be in effect (2008-2012). These engines will 
constitute a large portion of the in-use population of nonroad diesel 
engines for many years after 2008.
    We request comment on our proposal to implement Tier 4 PM standards 
for 25-75 hp engines in the two phases just noted: a non-PM filter 
based standard in 2008 and a filter-based standard in 2013. In 
addition, we request comment on whether it would be better not to set a 
Tier 4 PM standard in 2008 so that engine designers could instead focus

[[Page 28364]]

their efforts on meeting a PM-filter based standard for these engines 
earlier, say in 2012. (It should be noted that the proposed rule would 
provide this as an option for a subgroup of these engines (50-75 hp). 
See Figure III.B-1 note b.) We would assume that under this approach 
the proposed new NOX+NMHC standard for 25-50 hp engines in 
this category would also start in 2012, to avoid requiring two design 
changes in two years. Any comments in support of this approach should, 
if possible, include information to support a conclusion that the 
earlier start date for a PM filter-based standard would be 
technologically feasible.
    We believe that the proposed 2008 PM standards for engines under 75 
hp can be met either through engine optimization, by the use of diesel 
oxidation catalysts, or by some combination thereof, as discussed in 
section III.E. For engines that comply through the use of oxidation 
catalysts, NMHC emissions are expected to be very low because properly 
designed oxidation catalysts are effective at oxidizing gaseous 
hydrocarbons as well as the soluble organic fraction of diesel exhaust 
PM. Engines complying with the proposed 2008 PM standard without the 
use of oxidation catalysts would, on the other hand, be expected to 
emit NMHC at about the same levels as Tier 2 engines. Recognizing that 
NMHC emissions from diesel engines can include a number of toxic 
compounds, and that there are many of these small diesel engines 
operating in populated areas, we are interested in comment on the 
appropriateness of setting a more stringent NMHC standard for these 
engines in 2008 to better control these emissions. We expect that doing 
so would likely result in more widespread use of oxidation catalysts 
(rather than engine optimization) for these engines. We would not, 
however, expect this to lead to a more stringent PM standard than the 
one we are proposing, based on the feasibility discussion in section 
e. Engines Above 750 hp
    For engines above 750 hp, additional lead time to fully implement 
Tier 4 is warranted due to the relatively long product design cycles 
typical of these high-cost, low-sales volume engines and machines. The 
long product design cycle issue is the primary reason we did not set 
Tier 3 standards for these engines in the 1998 rule and are not 
proposing to do so now. Instead, we are proposing that these engines 
move from the Tier 2 standards, which take effect in 2006, to Tier 4 
standards beginning in 2011, five years later. Moreover, we are 
proposing that the Tier 4 PM standard be phased in for these engines on 
the same 50-50-50-100% schedule as the NOX and NMHC phase-in 
schedule, rather than all at once in 2011 as for engines between 175 
and 750 hp. (See Figure III.B-1.) This would provide engine 
manufacturers with up to 8 years of design stability to address 
concerns associated with product design cycles and low sales volumes 
typical of this category. The engine manufacturer ABT program adds 
additional flexibility. Even longer stability periods could exist for 
equipment manufacturers using these engines because they have their own 
transition flexibility provisions available on top of the engine 
standard phase-in. This is especially significant because many of these 
large machines are built by manufacturers who build their own engines, 
or who work closely with their engine suppliers, and can thus create a 
long-term product plan making coordinated use of engine and equipment 
flexibility provisions.
    We think that, taken together, these provisions appropriately 
balance the need for expeditious emission reductions with issues 
relating to lead time, technology development, and cost for these 
engines and machines. Even so, some engine and equipment manufacturers 
have expressed concerns to us that, though not challenging the Tier 4 
program endpoint (high-efficiency PM and NOX exhaust 
emission controls), in their estimation our proposed program 
implementation provisions do not adequately address their timing 
concerns. In particular, they have expressed a view that they need 
until 2012 (one additional year) before they could begin to phase in 
Tier 4 standards for this category. They have also expressed the view 
that mobile machinery such as mine haul trucks and dozers (as 
differentiated from equipment such as nonroad diesel generators that 
also use engines in this hp range) present unique challenges that could 
require more time to resolve than would be afforded by the proposed 
2014 phase-in completion date.
    Although we believe that the implementation schedule and 
flexibility provisions we are proposing will enable the manufacturers 
to meet these challenges, we acknowledge the manufacturers' concerns 
and ask for comment on this issue. Specifically, we request comment on 
whether this category, or some subset of it defined by hp or 
application, should have a later phase-in start date, a later phase-in 
end date, adjusted standards, additional equipment manufacturer 
flexibility provisions, or some combination of these. Technical 
information backing the commenter's view would be most helpful in this 
    As with the NOX/NMHC phase-in for all engines at or 
above 75 hp, we are proposing that the PM phase-in for engines above 
750 hp would have to be met on the same engines as the Tier 4 
NOX and NMHC standards during the phase-in years. That is, 
engines certified to the Tier 4 NOX and NMHC requirements 
would be expected to certify to the Tier 4 PM standard as well.
f. CO Standards
    We are proposing minor changes in CO standards for some engines 
solely for the purpose of helping to consolidate power categories. 
These amount to a change for engines under 11 hp from 6.0 to 4.9 g/bhp-
hr in 2008 to match the existing Tier 2 CO standard for 11-25 hp 
engines, and a change for engines at or above 25 hp but below 50 hp 
from 4.1 to 3.7 g/bhp-hr to match the existing Tier 3 CO standard for 
50-75 hp engines, also in 2008. These minor proposed changes are not 
expected to add a notable compliance burden. Nevertheless, we expect 
that the use of high-efficiency exhaust emission controls will yield a 
substantial reduction in CO emissions, as discussed in Chapter 4 of the 
draft RIA.
    These minor adjustments to the CO standard are based solely on our 
desire to simplify the administrative process for the engine 
manufacturers which arises from the reduction in the number of the 
engine power categories we have proposed for Tier 4. We are not 
exercising our authority to revise the CO standard for nonroad diesel 
engines for the purpose of improving air quality at this time, and 
therefore the minor adjustments we have proposed today, though 
feasible, are not based on a detailed evaluation of the capabilities of 
advanced exhaust aftertreatment technology to reduce CO levels.
g. Exclusion of Marine Engines
    These proposed emission standards would apply to engines in the 
same applications covered by EPA's existing nonroad diesel engine 
standards, at 40 CFR part 89, except that they would not apply to 
marine diesel engines. Marine diesel engines below 50 hp were included 
in our 1998 rule that set nonroad diesel emission standards (63 FR 
56968, October 23, 1998). In that rule, we expected that the engine 
modifications needed to achieve those standards (e.g., in-cylinder 
controls) for marine engines would not need to be different from those 
for land-based engines of this size.

[[Page 28365]]

    The standards for diesel engines below 50 hp being proposed in this 
action are likely to require PM filters or diesel oxidation catalysts 
on many or all engines, and transferring this technology to the marine 
diesel engines of any size raises unique issues. For example, many 
marine diesel engines have water-jacketed exhaust which may result in 
different exhaust temperatures and which could affect aftertreatment 
efficiency. The modified marine engine designs would also have to meet 
Coast Guard requirements. These and other conditions may require 
separate design efforts for marine diesel engines. Therefore, we 
believe it is more appropriate to consider more stringent standards for 
marine diesel engines below 50 hp in a future action. It should be 
noted, however, that the existing Tier 2 standards will continue to 
apply to marine diesel engines under 50 hp until that future action is 
2. Crankcase Emissions Control
    Crankcase emissions are the pollutants that are emitted in the 
gases that are vented from an engine's crankcase. These gases are also 
referred to as ``blowby gases'' because they result from engine exhaust 
from the combustion chamber ``blowing by'' the piston rings into the 
crankcase. These gases are often vented to prevent high pressures from 
occurring in the crankcase. Our existing emission standards require 
control of crankcase emissions from all nonroad diesel engines except 
turbocharged engines. The most common way to eliminate crankcase 
emissions has been to vent the blowby gases into the engine air intake 
system, so that the gases can be recombusted. Following the precedent 
we set for heavy-duty highway diesel engines in an earlier rulemaking, 
we made the exception for turbocharged nonroad diesel engines because 
of concerns about fouling that could occur by routing the diesel 
particulates (including engine oil) into the turbocharger and 
aftercooler. Our concerns are now alleviated by newly developed closed 
crankcase filtration systems, specifically designed for turbocharged 
diesel engines. These new systems are already required in parts of 
Europe for new highway diesel engines under the EURO III emission 
standards, and are expected to be used in meeting new U.S. EPA 
crankcase emission control standards for heavy-duty highway diesel 
engines beginning in 2007 (see section III.C.1.c of the preamble to the 
2007 heavy-duty highway final rule).
    We are therefore proposing to eliminate the exception for 
turbocharged nonroad diesel engines starting in the same model year 
that Tier 4 exhaust emission standards first apply in each power 
category. This is 2008 for engines below 75 hp, except for 50-75 hp 
engines for which a manufacturer opts to skip the 2008 PM standard. The 
crankcase requirement applies to ``phase-in'' engines above 750 hp 
under the 50% phase-in requirement for 2011-2013, but not to the 
``phase-out'' engines in that power category during those years. This 
is an environmentally significant proposal since many nonroad machine 
models use turbocharged engines, and a single engine can emit over 100 
pounds of NOX, NMHC, and PM from the crankcase over the 
lifetime of the engine. We also note that the cost of control is small 
(see section V).
    Our existing regulatory requirement for controlling crankcase 
emissions from naturally-aspirated nonroad engines allows manufacturers 
to route the crankcase gases into the exhaust stream instead of the 
engine air intake system, provided they keep the combined total of the 
crankcase emissions and the exhaust emissions below the applicable 
exhaust emission standards. We are proposing to extend this allowance 
to the turbocharged engines as well. We are also proposing to give 
manufacturers the option to measure crankcase emissions instead of 
completely eliminating them, and adding the measured emissions to 
exhaust emissions in assessing compliance with exhaust emissions 
standards. This allowance was adopted for highway HDDEs in 2001 (see 
section VI.A.3 of the preamble to the 2007 heavy-duty highway final 
rule). As in the highway program, manufacturers choosing to use this 
allowance rather than to seal the crankcase would need to modify their 
exhaust deterioration factors or to develop separate deterioration 
factors to account for increases in crankcase emissions as the engine 
ages. Manufacturers would also be responsible for ensuring that 
crankcase emissions would be readily measurable in use.

C. What Test Procedure Changes Are Being Proposed?

    We are proposing a number of changes to the certification test 
procedures by which compliance with emission standards is determined. 
Two of these are particularly significant: The addition of a 
supplemental transient emissions test and the addition of a cold start 
testing component to the proposed transient emissions test. These are 
discussed briefly in this section, and in more detail in section VII.F. 
Other proposed changes are also discussed in section VII.F and deal 
    ? Adoption of an improved smoke testing procedure, with 
associated standards levels and exemptions.
    ? Addition of a steady-state test cycle for transportation 
refrigeration units.
    ? Test procedure changes intended to improve testing 
precision, especially with regards to sampling methods.
    ? A clarification to existing EPA defeat device regulations.
1. Supplemental Transient Test
    In the 1998 final rule that set new emission standards for nonroad 
diesel engines, we expressed a concern that the steady-state test 
cycles used to demonstrate compliance with emission standards did not 
adequately reflect transient operation, and, because most nonroad 
engines are used in applications that are largely transient in nature, 
would therefore not yield adequate control in use (63 FR 56984, October 
23, 1998). Although we were not prepared to adopt a transient test at 
that time, we announced our intention in that final rule to move 
forward with the development of such a test. This development has 
progressed steadily since that time, and has resulted in the creation 
of a Nonroad Transient Composite (NRTC) test cycle, which we are now 
proposing to adopt in our nonroad diesel program, to supplement the 
existing steady-state tests. We expect that this proposed requirement 
will significantly reduce real world emissions from nonroad diesel 
equipment. Instead of sampling engine operation at the few isolated 
operating points of steady-state emission tests, proper transient 
testing can capture emissions from the broad range of engine speed and 
load combinations that the engine may attain in use, as well as 
emissions resulting from the change in speed or load itself, such as 
those induced by turbocharger lag.
    The proposed NRTC cycle will capture transient emissions over much 
of the typical nonroad engine operating range, and thus help ensure 
effective control of all regulated pollutants. In keeping with our goal 
to maximize the harmonization of emissions control programs as much as 
possible, we have developed this cycle in collaboration with nonroad 
engine manufacturers and regulatory bodies in the United States, 
Europe, and Japan over the last several years.\123\ Further, the NRTC 
cycle has been introduced as a work item for

[[Page 28366]]

possible adoption as a potential global technical regulation under the 
1998 Agreement for Working Party 29 at the United Nations.\124\

    \123\ Letter from Jed Mandel of the Engine Manufacturers 
Association to Chet France of U.S. EPA, Office of Transportation and 
Air Quality, Docket A-2001-28.
    \124\ Informal Document No. 2, ISO--45th GRPE, ``Proposal for a 
Charter for the Working Group on a New Test Protocol for Exhaust 
Emissions from Nonroad Mobile Machinery,'' 13-17 January 2003, 
Docket A-2001-28.

    The Agency is proposing that emission standards be met on both the 
current steady-state duty cycles and the new transient duty cycles. The 
transient testing would begin in the model year that the trap-based 
Tier 4 PM standards and/or adsorber-based Tier 4 NOX 
standards first apply. This would be 2011 for engines at or above 175 
hp, 2012 for 75-175 hp engines (2012 for 50-75 hp engines made by a 
manufacturer choosing the optional approach described in footnote b of 
Figure III.B-1), and 2013 for engines under 75 hp. See also Table 
VII.F.-1. In addition, any engines for which a manufacturer claims 
credit under the incentive program for early-introduction engines (see 
section VII.E) would have to be certified to that program's standards 
under the NRTC cycle and, in turn, the 2011 or later model year engines 
that use these engine count-based credits would not need to demonstrate 
compliance under the NRTC cycle.
    Although we intend that transient emissions control be an integral 
part of Tier 4 design considerations, we do not believe it appropriate 
to mandate compliance with the transient test for the engines under 75 
hp subject to proposed PM standards in 2008. We recognize that 
transient emissions testing, though routine in highway engine programs, 
involves a fair amount of new laboratory equipment and expertise in the 
nonroad engine certification process. As with the transfer of advanced 
emission control technology itself, we believe that the transient test 
requirement should be implemented first for larger engines more likely 
to be made by engine manufacturers who also have highway engine 
markets. We do not believe that the smaller engines should be the lead 
power categories in implementing the new transient test, especially 
because many manufacturers of these engines do not make highway engines 
and are not as experienced or well-equipped as their large-engine 
counterparts for conducting transient cycle testing.
    Engines below 25 hp involve an additional consideration for timing 
of the transient test requirement because we are not proposing PM-
filter based standards for them. We propose that testing on the NRTC 
cycle not be required for these engines until the 2013 model year, the 
last year in which engines in higher power categories are required to 
use this test. We are concerned that manufacturers not view this 
proposed deferral of the transient test requirement as a structured 
second level of required control for these engines. To address this 
concern and because we wish to encourage the demonstration of transient 
emission control as early as possible, we are proposing to allow 
manufacturers to optionally certify engines below 25 hp under the NRTC 
cycle beginning in the 2008 model year, and to extend this option to 
25-75 hp engines subject to engines meeting the transitional PM 
standard in 2008. (See also the discussion in section VII.F.1 on this 
issue.) We request comment on this proposed approach and on whether it 
would be better to deal with this concern by requiring compliance under 
the transient test when the Tier 4 standards begin in 2008.
    In applying the NRTC test requirement coincident with the start of 
PM filter-based standards, we do not mean to imply that control of PM 
from filter-equipped engines is the only or even the primary concern 
being addressed by transient testing. In fact, we believe that advanced 
NOX emission controls may be more sensitive to transient 
operation than PM filters. It is, however, our intent that the control 
of emissions during transient operation be an integral part of Tier 4 
engine design considerations, and we therefore have proposed that 
transient testing be applied with the PM filter-based Tier 4 PM 
standards, because these standards precede or accompany the earliest 
Tier 4 NOX or NMHC standards in every power category. Even 
so, we request comment on whether the ``phase-out'' engines above 75 hp 
(those engines for which compliance with the Tier 4 NOX 
standard is not required during the phase-in period) should be exempted 
from the requirement to meet the applicable NMHC+NOX 
standard using the transient test. Although our interest in ensuring 
transient emissions control as quickly as possible in the Tier 4 
program, and in avoiding test program complexity, would argue against 
this approach, we are also interested in not diverting engine designers 
from the challenging task of redesigning engines to meet the proposed 
0.30 g/bhp-hr Tier 4 NOX standard before and during the 
phase-in years by having to deal with transient control under an 
NMHC+NOX standard that is being phased out.
    We are in fact not proposing to apply the transient test to phase-
out engines above 750 hp that are carried over from pre-2011 Tier 2 
engine designs. Unlike phase-out engines at or below 750 hp, these 
engines are not subject to a Tier 4 PM standard in 2011. They would 
thus be Tier 2 engine designs and we do not believe that subjecting 
them to transient testing would be appropriate. On the other hand, 
engines in any power category certified to an average NOX 
standard under the ``split family'' provision described in section 
VII.A would all be subject to the transient test requirement, as they 
would clearly have to be substantially redesigned to achieve Tier 4 
compliance, regardless of whether or not they use high-efficiency 
exhaust emission controls.
    The Agency is proposing that engine manufacturers may certify 
constant-speed engines using EPA's Constant Speed Variable Load (CSVL) 
transient duty cycle \125\ as an alternative to testing these engines 
under the NRTC provisions. The CSVL transient cycle more closely 
matches the speed and load operating characteristics of many constant-
speed nonroad diesel applications than EPA's proposed NRTC cycle.\126\ 
However, the manufacturer would be obligated to ensure that such 
engines would be used only in constant-speed applications. A more 
detailed discussion of the proposed NRTC and CSVL supplemental 
transient test cycles and associated provisions is contained in section 
VII.F of this preamble and in chapter 4 of the Draft RIA.

    \125\ Memoranda from Kent Helmer to Cleophas Jackson, ``Speed 
and Load Operating Schedule for the Constant Speed Variable Load 
(CSVL) transient test cycle'' and ``CSVL Cycle Construction''; and 
Southwest Research Institute--Final Report, all in Docket A-2001-28.
    \126\ Memorandum from Kent Helmer to Cleophas Jackson, ``Brake-
specific Emissions Impact of Nonroad Diesel Engine Testing Over the 
NRTC, AWQ, and AW1 duty cycles'', Docket A-2001-28.

2. Cold Start Testing
    In the field, the typical nonroad diesel machine will be started 
and will warm to a point of heat-stable operation at least once a 
workday. Such ``cold start'' conditions may also occur at other times 
over the course of the workday, after a lunch break for example. During 
these periods of cold start operation, the engine may be emitting at a 
higher rate than when the engine is running efficiently at its 
stabilized operating temperature. This may be especially the case for 
emission control designs employing catalytic devices in the exhaust 
system, which require heating to a ``light-off'' temperature to begin 
working. EPA's highway engine and vehicle programs, which have resulted 
in increasingly widespread use of such catalytic devices, have 
recognized and dealt with this concern for several years,

[[Page 28367]]

typically by repeating transient tests in both the ``cold'' and ``hot'' 
conditions, and weighting emission results in some fashion to create a 
combined result for evaluation against emission standards.
    We believe that our proposed move to supplemental transient 
testing, combined with our proposed Tier 4 standards that will bring 
about the use of catalytic devices in nonroad diesel engines, makes it 
imperative that we also propose to include such a cold start test as 
part of the transient test procedure requirement. We propose to weight 
the cold start emission test results as one-tenth of the total with 
hot-start emissions accounting for the other nine-tenths. The one-tenth 
weighting factor is derived from a review of the present nonroad 
equipment population. For more detailed information on this proposal, 
refer to section VII.F of this preamble and chapter 4 of the Draft RIA. 
EPA requests comment on this approach to ensuring control of cold start 

D. What Is Being Done To Help Ensure Robust Control in Use?

    EPA's goal is to ensure real-world emissions control over the broad 
range of in-use operation that can occur, rather than just controlling 
emissions over prescribed test cycles executed under restricted 
laboratory conditions. An important tool for achieving this in-use 
emissions control is the setting of Not-To-Exceed (NTE) emission 
standards, which, in this notice, the Agency is proposing to adopt for 
new nonroad engines. EPA is also considering two additional means of 
in-use emissions control that will be proposed in separate notices. 
These are (1) a manufacturer-run in-use emissions test program and (2) 
on-board diagnostics (OBD) requirements for new nonroad diesel engines. 
When implemented, all three of these will help assure that in-use 
emissions control is achieved.
1. Not-to-Exceed Requirements
    EPA proposes to adopt not-to-exceed (NTE) emission standards for 
all new nonroad diesel engines subject to the Tier 4 emissions 
standards beginning in 2011 proposed in section III. B. of this 
proposal. EPA already has similar NTE standards set for highway heavy-
duty diesel engines, compression ignition marine engines, and nonroad 
spark-ignition engines.
    To help ensure that nonroad diesel emissions are controlled over 
the wide range of speed and load combinations commonly experienced in-
use, EPA is proposing to apply NTE limits and related test procedures. 
The NTE approach establishes an area (the ``NTE zone'') under the 
torque curve of an engine where emissions must not exceed a specified 
value for any of the regulated pollutants. The NTE standard would apply 
under any conditions that could reasonably be expected to be seen by 
that engine in normal vehicle operation and use, within certain broad 
ranges of real ambient conditions. The NTE requirements would help to 
ensure emission benefits over the full range of in-use operating 
conditions. EPA believes that basing the emissions standards on a set 
of distinct steady state and transient cycles and using the NTE zone to 
help ensure in-use control creates a comprehensive program. In 
addition, the NTE requirements would also be an effective element of an 
in-use testing program. The test procedure is very flexible so it can 
represent most in-use operation and ambient conditions. Therefore, the 
NTE approach takes all of the benefits of a numerical standard and test 
procedure and expands it to cover a broad range of conditions. Also, 
with the NTE approach, in-use testing and compliance become much easier 
since emissions may be sampled during normal vehicle use. A standard 
that relies on laboratory testing over a very specific driving schedule 
makes it harder to perform in-use testing, especially for engines, 
since the engines would have to be removed from the vehicle. Testing 
during normal vehicle use, using an objective numerical standard, makes 
enforcement easier and provides more certainty of what is occurring in 
use versus a fixed laboratory procedure.
    In today's notice, we are proposing an NTE standard which is based 
on the approach taken for the 2007 highway heavy-duty diesel engines. 
In addition, we are requesting comment on an alternative NTE standard 
approach which, while different from the highway NTE standard approach, 
is designed to achieve the same environmental objectives. Both of these 
approaches are described below.
a. NTE Standards We Are Proposing
    The Agency proposes to adopt for new Tier 4 non-road diesel engines 
similar NTE specifications as those finalized as part of the heavy-duty 
highway diesel engine rulemaking (See 66 FR 5001, January 18, 2001). 
These specifications for the highway diesel engines are contained in 40 
CFR part 86.007-11 and 40 CFR part 86.1370-2007.
    Our NTE proposal for nonroad contains the same basic provisions as 
the highway NTE. The proposed nonroad NTE standard establishes an area 
(the ``NTE control area'') under the torque curve of an engine where 
emissions must not exceed a specified value for any of the regulated 
pollutants.\127\ This NTE control area is defined in the same manner as 
the highway NTE control areas, and is therefore a subset of the 
engine's possible speed and load operating range. The NTE standard 
would apply under any engine operating conditions that could reasonably 
be expected to be seen by that engine in normal vehicle/equipment 
operation and use which occurs within the NTE control zone and which 
also occurs during the wide range of real ambient conditions specified 
for the NTE. The NTE standard applies to emissions sampled during a 
time duration as small as 30 seconds. The NTE standard requirements for 
nonroad diesel engines are summarized below and specified in the 
proposed regulations at 40 CFR 1309.101 and 40 CFR 1039.515. These 
requirements would take effect as early as 2011, as shown in shown in 
Table III.D-1. The NTE standard would apply to engines at the time of 
certification as well as in use throughout the useful life of the 

    \127\ Torque is a measure of rotational force. The torque curve 
for an engine is determined by an engine ``mapping'' procedure 
specified in the Code of Federal Regulations. The intent of the 
mapping procedure is to determine the maximum available torque at 
all engine speeds. The torque curve is merely a graphical 
representation of the maximum torque across all engine speeds.

          Table III.D-1.--NTE Standard Implementation Schedule
                    Power category                       Implementation
                                                         model year \a\
<25 hp................................................              2013
25-75 hp..............................................          \b\ 2013

[[Page 28368]]

75-175 hp.............................................              2012
175-750 hp............................................              2011
£750 hp.....................................         \c\ 2011
\a\ The NTE applies for each power category once Tier 4 standards were
  implemented, such that all engines in a given power category are
  required to meet NTE standards.
\b\ The NTE standard would apply in 2012 for any engines in the 50-75 hp
  range who choose not to comply with the proposed 2008 transitional PM
\c\ The NTE standard only applies to the 50 percent of the engines in
  the £750 hp category which are complying with the proposed
  Tier 4 standard. Beginning in 2014 the NTE standard would apply to all
  nonroad engines £750 hp when the remaining 50 percent of the
  engines must comply with the Tier 4 standard.

    The NTE test procedure can be run in nonroad equipment during field 
operation or in an emissions testing laboratory using an appropriate 
dynamometer. The test itself does not involve a specific operating 
cycle of any specific length, rather it involves nonroad equipment 
operation of any type which could reasonably be expected to occur in 
normal nonroad equipment operation that could occur within the bounds 
of the NTE control area. The nonroad equipment (or engine) is operated 
under conditions that may reasonably be expected to be encountered in 
normal vehicle operation and use, including operation under steady-
state or transient conditions and under varying ambient conditions. 
Emissions are averaged over a minimum time of thirty seconds and then 
compared to the applicable emission standard. The NTE standard applies 
over a wide range of ambient conditions, including up to an altitude of 
5,500 feet above-sea level at ambient temperatures as high as 86 deg. 
F, and at sea-level up to ambient temperatures as high as 100 deg. F. 
The specific temperature and altitude conditions under which the NTE 
applies, as well as the proposed methodology for correcting emissions 
results for temperature and/or humidity are specified in the proposed 
    In addition, as with the 2007 highway NTE standard, we are 
proposing a transition period during which a manufacturer could apply 
for an NTE deficiency for a nonroad diesel engine family. The NTE 
deficiency provisions would allow the Administrator to accept a nonroad 
diesel engine as compliant with the NTE standards even though some 
specific requirements are not fully met. We are proposing these NTE 
deficiency provisions because we believe that, despite the best efforts 
of manufacturers, for the first few model years it is possible some 
manufacturers may have technical problems that are limited in nature 
but can not be remedied in time to meet production schedules. We are 
not limiting the number of NTE deficiencies a manufacturer can apply 
for during the first 3 model years for which the NTE applies. For the 
fourth through the seventh model year after which the NTE standards are 
implemented, a manufacturer could apply for no more than three NTE 
deficiencies per engine family. No deficiency may be applied for or 
granted after the seventh model year. The NTE deficiency provision will 
only be considered for failures to meet the NTE requirements. EPA will 
not consider an application for a deficiency for failure to meet the 
FTP or supplemental transient standards.
    The NTE standards we are proposing are a function of FTP emission 
standards contained in this proposal and described in section III.B. As 
with the NTE standards we have established for the 2007 highway rule, 
we are proposing an NTE standard which is determined as a multiple of 
the engine families underlying FTP emission standard. In addition, as 
with the 2007 highway standard, the multiple is either 1.25 or 1.5, 
depending on the value of the FTP standard (or the engine families 
FEL). These multipliers are based on EPA's assessment of the 
technological feasibility of the NTE standard, and our assessment that 
as the underlying FTP standard becomes more stringent, the NTE 
multiplier should increase (from 1.25 to 1.5). The proposed standard or 
FEL thresholds for the 1.25x multiplier and the 1.5x multiplier are 
specified for each regulated emission in Table III.D-2.

         Table III.D-2.--Thresholds for Applying NTE Standard of 1.25xFTP Standard vs. 1.5x FTP Standard
             Emission              Apply 1.25xNTE when . . .               Apply 1.5xNTE when . . .
NOX..............................  NOX std or FEL >=1.5 g/    NOX std or FEL <1.5 g/bhp-hr
NMHC.............................  NOX std or FEL >=1.5 g/    NOX std or FEL <1.5 g/bhp-hr
NOX+NMHC.........................  NMHC+NOX std or FEL >=1.6  NMHC+NOX std or FEL <1.6 g/bhp-hr
£PM....................  PM std or FEL <0.05 g/bhp-hr
                                    eq>=0.05 g/bhp-hr.
CO...............................  All stds or FELs.........  No stds or FELs

    For example, beginning in 2011, the proposed NTE standard for 
engines meeting a FTP PM standard of 0.01 g/bhp-hr and a FTP 
NOX standard of 0.30 g/bhp-hr would be 0.02 g/bhp-hr PM and 
0.45 g/bhp-hr NOX.
    In addition, the nonroad NTE proposal specifies a number of 
additional engine operating conditions which are not subject to the NTE 
standard. Specifically: The NTE does not apply during engine start-up 
conditions; the NTE does not apply during very cold engine intake 
conditions defined in the proposed regulations for EGR equipped engines 
during which the engine may require an engine protection strategy; and, 
finally, for engines equipped with an exhaust emission control device 
(such as a CDPF or a NOX adsorber), the NTE does not apply 
during warm-up conditions for the exhaust emission control device, 
specifically the NTE does not apply

[[Page 28369]]

with the exhaust gas temperature on the outlet side of the exhaust 
emission control device is less than 250 degrees Celsius.
b. Comment Request on an Alternative NTE Approach
    In addition the Agency requests comment on the following set of NTE 
specifications as an alternative to those NTE provisions proposed. This 
alternative NTE would use the same numeric standard values as under the 
proposed NTE standards discussed in section III.D.1a, however, the test 
procedure itself is quite different, as described below. The Agency 
believes that these alternative specifications and the range of 
operation covered by the standard would provide for similar, if not 
more robust nonroad engine compliance compared to the application of 
the proposed NTE specifications to nonroad engines. These alternative 
provisions have been developed to emphasize compliance over all engine 
operation, including engine operation that would not be covered under 
the proposed NTE approach. In addition these specifications were 
developed specifically to simplify on-vehicle testing for NTE 
compliance. The NTE control area would include all engine operation. 
The averaging intervals over which NTE standards must be met are 
different than the 30-second minimum set in the proposal. They are 
variable in time but are constant as a function of work. Emissions 
would be measured over a constant averaging work interval, determined 
as ten percent (10%) of the total work performed by the engine over a 
specified period of time (e.g., a minimum of six hours of operation). 
This 10% window of work ``moves'' through data at one percent (1%) 
increments so as to always return about ninety (90) individual data 
points for direct comparison to the NTE standards.
    Comments should address the potential exclusive use of these 
alternative provisions for nonroad diesel engine NTE compliance. For 
more detailed information on these alternative NTE provisions, refer to 
Preamble section VIIG ``Not-to-Exceed Requirements'' and chapter 4 of 
the draft RIA of this proposal.
2. Plans for a Future In-Use Testing and Onboard Diagnostics
    In addition to the proposals in this notice, EPA is currently 
reviewing several related regulatory provisions concerning control of 
emissions from nonroad diesel engines. They are not included in this 
proposal, as EPA believes these aspects of an effective emission 
control program would benefit from further evaluation and development 
prior to their proposal. EPA intends to explore these provisions 
further in the coming months and publish a separate notice of proposed 
rulemaking dealing with these issues. In particular, there are two 
issues which will be discussed: (1) A manufacturer-run in-use emissions 
testing program; and (2) OBD requirements for nonroad diesel engines. 
The Agency believes that it is appropriate to proceed with the current 
rulemaking, expecting that these two issues will be proposed in the 
near future. EPA expects these programs would be adopted in advance of 
the effective date of the engine emissions standards. This will allow 
us to gather information and work with interested parties in a separate 
process regarding these issues. EPA will work with all parties 
involved, including states, environmental organizations and 
manufacturers, to develop robust, creative, environmentally protective 
and cost-effective proposals addressing these issues.
a. Plans for a Future Manufacturer-Run In-Use Test Program
    It is critical that nonroad diesel engines meet the applicable 
emission standards throughout their useful lives, to sustain those 
emission benefits over the broadest range of in-use operating 
conditions. The Agency believes that a manufacturer-run in-use testing 
program that is designed to generate data on in-use emissions of 
nonroad diesel engines can be used by EPA and the engine manufacturers 
to ensure that emissions standards are met throughout the useful life 
of the engines, under conditions normally experienced in-use. An 
effective program can be designed to monitor for NTE compliance and to 
help ensure overall compliance with emission standards.
    The Agency expects to pattern the manufacturer-run in-use testing 
requirements for nonroad diesel engines after a program that is being 
developed for heavy-duty highway vehicles. In this latter program, EPA 
is committed to incorporating a two-year pilot program. The pilot 
program will allow the Agency and manufacturers to gain the necessary 
experience with the in-use testing protocols and generation of in-use 
test data using portable emission measurement devices prior to fully 
implementing program. A similar pilot program is expected to be part of 
any manufacturer-run in-use NTE test program for nonroad engines.
    The Agency plans to promulgate the in-use testing requirements for 
heavy-duty highway vehicles in the December 2004 time frame. EPA 
anticipates proposing a manufacturer-run in-use testing program for 
nonroad diesel engines by 2005 or earlier. As mentioned above, the 
nonroad diesel engine program is expected to be patterned after the 
heavy-duty highway program.
b. Onboard Diagnostics
    Today's notice does not propose to require onboard diagnostic (OBD) 
systems for non-road diesel vehicles and engines. However, EPA has 
committed to creating OBD requirements for heavy-duty highway engines/
vehicles over 14,000 lbs GVWR and will develop OBD requirements for 
nonoad in conjunction with or following the highway OBD development. 
The Agency will propose nonroad diesel OBD requirements, along with 
heavy-duty highway OBD requirements, because OBD is necessary for 
maintaining and ensuring compliance with emission standards over the 
lifetime of engines. We will gather further information and coordinate 
with the heavy-duty highway and nonroad diesel industry and other 
stakeholders to develop proposed OBD system requirements.

E. Are the Proposed New Standards Feasible?

    Prior to 1990, diesel engines could be broadly grouped into two 
categories; indirect-injection (IDI) diesel engines that were 
relatively inexpensive while providing somewhat better fuel economy 
compared to gasoline engines, and direct-injection (DI) diesel engines 
that were substantially more expensive but which offered better fuel 
economy. The majority of diesel engines fell into the first category, 
especially in the case of passenger cars, smaller heavy-duty trucks and 
most nonroad engines below 200 horsepower.
    Diesel engine technology has changed rapidly since the early 1990s 
with the widespread use of electronics, onboard computers and the rise 
to preeminence of turbocharged direct-injection diesel engines. While 
some IDI engines remain, especially in the low horsepower portion of 
the nonroad market, most new diesel engines (including higher 
horsepower nonroad diesel engines) are turbocharged and direct-
injected. Today's diesel engine has significantly improved, compared to 
historic engines with regard to issues of most concern to the user 
including noise, vibration, visible smoke emissions, startability, and 
performance. At the same time environmental benefits have also been 
realized with lower NOX emissions, lower PM emissions, and 
improving fuel economy. These changes have been most pronounced for 

[[Page 28370]]

diesel engines applied in passenger cars and light-heavy trucks. 
Acceptance of the technology by the public, especially in Europe, has 
lead to a rapid increase in diesel use for smaller vehicles with diesel 
sales for passenger cars exceeding 50 percent in some countries.
    At the end of the 1990s continuing concern regarding the serious 
risk to public health and welfare from diesel emissions and the 
emergence of new emission control technologies enabled by low sulfur 
fuels led policy makers to set new future diesel fuel specifications 
and to set challenging new diesel emission standards for highway 
vehicles. In the United States, the EPA has set stringent new diesel 
emission standards for heavy-duty highway engines which will go into 
effect in 2007. These new standards are predicated on the use of 
Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filters (CDPFs) which when used with less 
than 15ppm sulfur diesel fuel can reduce PM emissions by well over 90%, 
and on the use of NOX adsorber catalyst technology which 
when used with less than 15 ppm diesel fuel can reduce NOX 
emissions by more than 90%. When these technologies are fully 
implemented, the resulting diesel engine emissions will be 98% lower 
than the levels common to these diesel engines before 1990.
    EPA has been conducting an ongoing technology progress review to 
measure industry progress to develop and introduce the needed clean 
fuel and clean engine technologies by 2007. The first in what will be a 
series of reports was published by EPA in June of 2002.\128\ In the 
report, we concluded that technology developments by industry were 
progressing rapidly and that the necessary catalyzed diesel particulate 
filter and NOX adsorber technologies would be available for 
use by 2007.

    \128\ Highway Diesel Progress Review, United States 
Environmental Protection Agency, June 2002, EPA 420-R-02-016. Copy 
available in EPA Air Docket A-2001-28.

    Nonroad diesel engines are fundamentally similar to highway diesel 
engines. As noted above in section III.B, in many cases, virtually 
identical engines are certified and sold for use in highway vehicles 
and nonroad equipment. Thus, emission control technologies developed 
for diesel engines can in general be applied to both highway and 
nonroad engines giving appropriate considerations to unique aspects of 
each application.
    Today, we are proposing to set stringent new standards for a broad 
category of nonroad diesel engines. At the same time we are proposing 
to dramatically lower the sulfur level in nonroad diesel fuel 
ultimately to 15 ppm. We believe these standards are feasible given the 
availability of the clean 15 ppm sulfur fuel and the rapid progress to 
develop the needed emission control technologies. We acknowledge that 
these standards will be challenging for industry to meet in part due to 
differences in operating conditions and duty cycles for nonroad diesel 
engines. Also, we recognize that transferring and effectively applying 
these technologies, which have largely been developed for highway 
engines, will require additional lead time. We have given consideration 
to these issues in determining the appropriate timing and emission 
levels for the standards proposed today.
    The following sections will discuss how these technologies work, 
issues specific to the application of these technologies to new nonroad 
engines, and why we believe that the emission standards proposed here 
are feasible. A more in-depth discussion of these technologies can be 
found in the draft RIA associated with this proposal, in the final RIA 
for the HD2007 emission standards and in the recently completed 2002 
Highway Diesel Progress Review.\129\ The following discussion 
summarizes the more detailed discussion found in the Draft RIA.

    \129\ Highway Diesel Progress Review, United States 
Environmental Protection Agency, June 2002, EPA 420-R-02-016. Copy 
available in EPA Air Docket A-2001-28.

1. Technologies To Control NOX and PM Emissions From Mobile 
Source Diesel Engines
    Present mobile source rules control the emissions of non-methane 
hydrocarbons (NMHC), oxides of nitrogen (NOX), carbon 
monoxide (CO), air toxics and particulate matter (PM) from diesel 
engines. Of these, PM and NOX emissions are typically the 
most difficult to control. CO and NMHC emissions are inherently low 
from diesel engines and under most conditions can be controlled to low 
levels without difficulty. NMHC emissions also serve as a proxy for 
some of the air toxic emissions from these engines, since many air 
toxics are a component of NMHC and are typically reduced in proportion 
to NMHC reductions. Most diesel engine emission control technologies 
are designed to reduce PM and NOX emissions without 
increasing CO and NMHC emissions above the already low diesel levels. 
Technologies to control PM and NOX emissions are described 
below separately. We also discuss the potential for these technologies 
to decrease CO and NMHC emissions as well as their potential to reduce 
emissions of air toxics.
a. PM Control Technologies
    Particulate matter from diesel engines is made of three components;

? Solid carbon soot,
? Volatile and semi-volatile organic matter, and
? Sulfate.

The formation of the solid carbon soot portion of PM is inherent in 
diesel engines due to the heterogenous distribution of fuel and air in 
a diesel combustion system. Diesel combustion is designed to allow for 
overall lean (excess oxygen) combustion giving good efficiencies and 
low CO and HC emissions with a small region of rich (excess fuel) 
combustion within the fuel injection plume. It is within this excess 
fuel region of the combustion that PM is formed when high temperatures 
and a lack of oxygen cause the fuel to pyrolize, forming soot. Much of 
the soot formed in the engine is burned during the combustion process 
as the soot is mixed with oxygen in the cylinder at high temperatures. 
Any soot that is not fully burned before the exhaust valve is opened 
will be emitted form the engine as diesel PM.
    The soot portion of PM emissions can be reduced by increasing the 
availability of oxygen within the cylinder for soot oxidation during 
combustion. Oxygen can be made more available by either increasing the 
oxygen content in-cylinder or by increasing the mixing of the fuel and 
oxygen in-cylinder. A number of technologies exist that can influence 
oxygen content and in-cylinder mixing including, improved fuel 
injection systems, air management systems, and combustion system 
designs.\130\ Many of these PM reducing technologies offer better 
control of combustion in general, and better utilization of fuel 
allowing for

[[Page 28371]]

improvements in fuel efficiency concurrent with reductions in PM 
emissions. Improvements in combustion technologies and refinements of 
these systems is an ongoing effort for highway engines and for some 
nonroad engines where emission standards or high fuel use encourage 
their introduction. The application of better combustion system 
technologies across the broad range of nonroad engines in order to meet 
the new emission standards proposed here offers an opportunity for 
significant reductions in engine-out PM emissions and possibly for 
reductions in fuel consumption. The soot portion of PM can be reduced 
further with aftertreatment technologies as discussed later in this 

    \130\ The most effective means to reduce the soot portion of 
diesel PM engine-out is to operate the diesel engine with a 
homogenous method of operation rather than the typical heterogenous 
operation. In homogenous combustion, also called premixed 
combustion, the fuel is dispersed evenly with the air throughout the 
combustion system. This means there are no fuel rich/oxygen deprived 
regions of the system where fuel can be pyrolized rather than 
burned. Gasoline engines are typically premixed combustion engines. 
Homogenous combustion is possible with a diesel engine under certain 
circumstances, and is used in limited portions of engine operation 
by some engine manufacturers. Unfortunately, homogenous diesel 
combustion is not possible for most operation in today's diesel 
engine. We believe that more manufacturers will utilize this means 
to control diesel emissions within the limitations of the 
technology. A more in-depth discussion of homogenous diesel 
combustion can be found in the draft RIA.

    The volatile and semi-volatile organic material in diesel PM is 
often simply referred to as the soluble organic fraction (SOF) in 
reference to a test method used to measure its level. SOF is primarily 
composed of engine oil which passes through the engine with no or only 
partial oxidation and which condenses in the atmosphere to form PM. The 
SOF portion of diesel PM can be reduced through reductions in engine 
oil consumption and through oxidation of the SOF catalytically in the 
    The sulfate portion of diesel PM is formed from sulfur present in 
diesel fuel and engine lubricating oil that oxidizes to form sulfuric 
acid (H2SO4) and then condenses in the atmosphere 
to form sulfate PM. Approximately two percent of the sulfur that enters 
a diesel engine from the fuel is emitted directly from the engine as 
sulfate PM.\131\ The balance of the sulfur content is emitted from the 
engine as SO2. Oxidation catalyst technologies applied to 
control the SOF and soot portions of diesel PM can inadvertently 
oxidize SO2 in the exhaust to form sulfate PM. The oxidation 
of SO2 by oxidation catalysts to form sulfate PM is often 
called sulfate make. Without low sulfur diesel fuel, oxidation catalyst 
technology to control diesel PM is limited by the formation of sulfate 
PM in the exhaust as discussed in more detail in Section III.F below.

    \131\ Exhaust and Crankcase Emission Factors for Nonroad Engine 
Modeling--Compression-Ignition, EPA420-P-02-016, NR-009B. Copy 
available in EPA Air Docket A-2001-28.

    There are two common forms of exhaust aftertreatment designed to 
reduce diesel PM, the diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and the diesel 
particulate filter (DPF). DOCs reduce diesel PM by oxidizing a small 
fraction of the soot emissions and a significant portion of the SOF 
emissions. Total DOC effectiveness to reduce PM emissions is normally 
limited to approximately 30 percent because the SOF portion of diesel 
PM for modern diesel engines is typically less than 30 percent and 
because the DOC increases sulfate emissions reducing the overall 
effectiveness of the catalyst. Limiting fuel sulfur levels to 15 ppm, 
as we have proposed today, allows DOCs to be designed for maximum 
effectiveness (nearly 100% control of SOF with highly active catalyst 
technologies) since their control effectiveness is not reduced by 
sulfate make (i.e., there sulfate make rate is high but because the 
sulfur level in the fuel is low the resulting PM emissions are well 
controlled). A reduction in diesel fuel sulfur to 500 ppm as we are 
proposing today, is also directionally helpful for the application of 
DOCs. While 500 ppm sulfur fuel will not make the full range of highly 
active catalyst technologies available to manufacturers, it will 
decrease the amount of sulfate make and may allow for slightly more 
active (i.e., effective) catalysts to be used. We believe that this is 
an additional benefit of the proposed 500 ppm sulfur fuel program. DOCs 
are also very effective at reducing the air toxic emissions from diesel 
engines. Test data shows that emissions of toxics such as polycyclic 
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can be reduced by more than 80 percent 
with a DOC.\132\ DOCs also significantly reduce (by more than 80 
percent) the already low HC and CO emissions of diesel engines.\133\ 
DOCs are ineffective at controlling the solid carbon soot portion of 
PM. Therefore, even with 15 ppm sulfur fuel DOCs would not be able to 
achieve the level of PM control needed to meet the standard proposed 

    \132\ ``Demonstration of Advanced Emission Control Technologies 
Enabling Diesel-Powered Heavy-Duty Engines to Achieve Low Emission 
Levels'', Manufacturers of Emission Controls Association, June 1999. 
Air Docket A-2001-28.
    \133\ ``Demonstration of Advanced Emission Control Technologies 
Enabling Diesel-Powered Heavy-Duty Engines to Achieve Low Emission 
Levels'', Manufacturers of Emission Controls Association, June 1999. 
Air Docket A-2001-28.

    DPFs control diesel PM by capturing the soot portion of PM in a 
filter media, typically a ceramic wall flow substrate, and then by 
oxidizing (burning) it in the oxygen-rich atmosphere of diesel exhaust. 
The SOF portion of diesel PM can be controlled through the addition of 
catalytic materials to the DPF to form a catalyzed diesel particulate 
filter (CDPF).\134\ The catalytic material is also very effective to 
promote soot burning. This burning off of collected PM is referred to 
as ``regeneration.'' In aggregate over an extended period of operation, 
the PM must be regenerated at a rate equal to or greater that its 
accumulation rate, or the DPF will clog. For a non-catalyzed DPF the 
soot can regenerate only at very high temperatures, in excess of 
600[deg]C, a temperature range which is infrequently realized in normal 
diesel engine operation (for many engines exhaust temperatures may 
never reach 600[deg]C). With the addition of a catalytic coating to 
make a CDPF, the temperature necessary to ensure regeneration is 
decreased significantly to approximately 250[deg]C, a temperature 
within the normal operating range for most diesel engines.\135\

    \134\ With regard to gaseous emissions such as NMHCs and CO, the 
CDPF works in the same manner with similar effectiveness as the DOC 
(i.e., NMHC and CO emissions are reduced by more than 80 percent).
    \135\ Engelhard DPX catalyzed diesel particulate filter retrofit 
verification, www.epa.gov/otaq/retrofit/techlist-engelhard.htm, a 
copy of this information is available in Air Docket A-2001-28.

    However, the catalytic materials that most effectively promote soot 
and SOF oxidation are significantly impacted by sulfur in diesel fuel. 
Sulfur both degrades catalyst oxidation efficiency (i.e. poisons the 
catalyst) and forms sulfate PM. Both catalyst poisoning by sulfur and 
increases in PM emissions due to sulfate make influence our decision to 
limit the sulfur level of diesel fuel to 15 ppm as discussed in greater 
detail in section III.F.
    Filter regeneration is affected by catalytic materials used to 
promote oxidation, sulfur in diesel fuel, engine-out soot rates, and 
exhaust temperatures. At higher exhaust temperatures soot oxidation 
occurs at a higher rate. Catalytic materials accelerate soot oxidation 
at a single exhaust temperature compared to non-catalyst DPFs, but even 
with catalytic materials increasing the exhaust temperature further 
accelerates soot oxidation.
    Having applied 15 ppm sulfur diesel fuel and the best catalyst 
technology to promote low temperature oxidation (regeneration), the 
regeneration balance of soot oxidation equal to or greater than soot 
accumulation over aggregate operation simplifies to: are the exhaust 
temperatures high enough on aggregate to oxidize the engine-out PM 
rate? \136\ The answer is yes, for most highway applications and many 
nonroad applications, as demonstrated by the widespread success of 
retrofit CDPF systems for nonroad equipment and the

[[Page 28372]]

use of both retrofit and original equipment CDPF systems for highway 
vehicles.137 138 139 However, it is possible that for some 
nonroad applications the engine-out PM rate may exceed the soot 
oxidation rate, even with low sulfur diesel fuel and the best catalyst 
technologies. Should this occur, successful regeneration requires that 
either engine-out PM rates be decreased or exhaust temperatures be 
increased, both feasible strategies. In fact, we expect both to occur 
as highway based technologies are transferred to nonroad engines. As 
discussed earlier, engine technologies to lower PM emissions while 
improving fuel consumption are continuously being developed and 
refined. As these technologies are applied to nonroad engines driven by 
both new emission standards and market pressures for better products, 
engine-out PM rates will decrease. Similarly, techniques to raise 
exhaust temperatures periodically in order to initiate soot oxidation 
in a PM filter have been developed for highway diesel vehicles as 
typified by the PSA system used on more than 400,000 vehicles in 
Europe.140 141

    \136\ If the question was asked, ``without 15 ppm sulfur fuel 
and the best catalyst technology, are the exhaust temperatures high 
enough on aggregate to oxidize the engine-out PM rate?'' the answer 
would be no, for all but a very few nonroad or highway diesel 
    \137\ ``Particulate Traps for Construction Machines, Properties 
and Field Experience,'' 2000, SAE 2000-01-1923.
    \138\ Letter from Dr. Barry Cooper, Johnson Matthey, to Don 
Kopinski, U.S. EPA. Copy available in EPA Air Docket A-2001-28.
    \139\ EPA Recognizes Green Diesel Technology Vehicles at 
Washington Ceremony, Press Release from International Truck and 
Engine Company, July 27, 2001. Copy available in EPA Air Docket A-
    \140\ There is one important distinction between the current PSA 
system and the kind of system that we project industry will use to 
comply with the Tier 4 standards. The PSA system incorporates a 
cerium fuel additive to help promote soot oxidation. The additive 
serves a similar function to a catalyst to promote soot oxidation at 
lower temperatures. Even with the use of the fuel additive passive 
regeneration is not realized on the PSA system and an active 
regeneration is conducted periodically involving late cycle fuel 
injection and oxidation of the fuel on an up-front diesel oxidation 
catalyst to raise exhaust temperatures. This form of supplemental 
heating to ensure infrequent but periodic PM filter regeneration has 
proven to be robust and reliable for more than 400,000 PSA vehicles. 
Our 2002 progress review found that other manufacturers will be 
introducing similar systems in the next few years without the use of 
a fuel additive.
    \141\ Nino, S. and Lagarrigue, M. ``French Perspective on Diesel 
Engines and Emissions,'' presentation at the 2002 Diesel Engine 
Emission Reduction workshop in San Diego, California, Air Docket A-

    During our 2002 Highway Diesel Progress Review, we investigated the 
plans of highway engine manufacturers to use CDPF systems to comply 
with the HD2007 emission standards for PM. We learned that all diesel 
engine manufacturers intend to comply through the application of CDPF 
system technology. We also learned that the manufacturers are 
developing means to raise the exhaust temperature, if necessary, to 
ensure that CDPF regeneration occurs.\142\ These technologies include 
modifications to fuel injection strategies, modifications to EGR 
strategies, and modifications to turbocharger control strategies. These 
systems are based upon the technologies used by the engine 
manufacturers to comply with the 2004 highway emission standards. In 
general, the systems anticipated to be used by highway manufacturers to 
meet the 2004 emission standards are the same technologies that engine 
manufacturers have indicated to EPA that they will use to comply with 
the Tier 3 nonroad regulations (e.g., electronic fuel systems).\143\ In 
a manner similar to highway engine manufacturers, we expect nonroad 
engine manufacturers to adapt their Tier 3 emission control 
technologies to provide back-up regeneration systems for CDPF 
technologies in order to comply with the standards we are proposing 
today. We have estimated costs for such systems in our cost analysis.

    \142\ Highway Diesel Progress Review, United States 
Environmental Protection Agency, June 2002, EPA 420-R-02-016. Copy 
available in EPA Air Docket A-2001-28.
    \143\ ``Nonroad Diesel Emissions Standards Staff Technical 
Paper'', EPA420-R-01-052, October 2001. Copy available in EPA Air 
Docket A-2001-28.

    Emission levels from CDPFs are determined by a number of factors. 
Filtering efficiencies for solid particle emissions like soot are 
determined by the characteristics of the PM filter, including wall 
thickness and pore size. Filtering efficiencies for diesel soot can be 
99 percent with the appropriate filter design.\144\ Given an 
appropriate PM filter design the contribution of the soot portion of PM 
to the total PM emissions are negligible (less than 0.001 g/bhp-hr). 
This level of soot emission control is not dependent on engine test 
cycle or operating conditions due to the mechanical filtration 
characteristics of the particulate filter.

    \144\ Miller, R. et. al, ``Design, Development and Performance 
of a Composite Diesel Particulate Filter,'' March 2002, SAE 2002-01-

    Control of the SOF portion of diesel soot is accomplished on a CDPF 
through catalytic oxidation. The SOF portion of diesel PM consists of 
primarily gas phase hydrocarbons in engine exhaust due to the high 
temperatures and only forms particulate in the environment when it 
condenses. Catalytic materials applied to CDPFs can oxidize a 
substantial fraction of the SOF in diesel PM just as the SOF portion 
would be oxidized by a DOC. However, we believe that for engines with 
very high SOF emissions the emission rate may be higher than can be 
handled by a conventionally sized catalyst resulting in higher than 
zero SOF emissions. If a manufacturer's base engine technology has high 
oil consumption rates, and therefore high engine-out SOF emissions 
(i.e., higher than 0.04 g/bhp-hr), compliance with the 0.01 g/bhp-hr 
emission standard proposed today may require additional technology 
beyond the application of a CDPF system alone.\145\

    \145\ SOF oxidation efficiency is typically better than 80 
percent and can be better than 90 percent. Given a base engine SOF 
rate of 0.04 g/bhp-hr and an 80 percent SOF reduction a tailpipe 
emission of 0.008 can be estimated from SOF alone. This level may be 
too high to comply with a 0.01 g/bhp-hr standard once the other 
constituents of diesel PM (soot and sulfate) are added. In this 
case, SOF emissions will need to be reduced engine-out or SOF 
control greater than 90 percent will need to be realized by the 

    Modern highway diesel engines have controlled SOF emission rates in 
order to comply with the existing 0.1 g/bhp-hr emission standards. For 
modern highway diesel engines, the SOF portion of PM is typically on a 
small fraction of the total PM emissions (less than 0.02 g/bhp-hr). 
This level of SOF control is accomplished by controlling oil 
consumption through the use of engine modifications (e.g., piston ring 
design, the use of 4-valve heads, the use of valve stem seals, 
etc.).\146\ Nonroad diesel engines may similarly need to control 
engine-out SOF emissions in order to comply with the standard proposed 
today. The means to control engine-out SOF emissions are well known and 
have additional benefits, as they decrease oil consumption reducing 
operating costs. With good engine-out SOF control (i.e., engine-out SOF 
< 0.02 g/bhp-hr) and the application of catalytic material to the DPF, 
SOF emissions from CDPF equipped nonroad engines will contribute only a 
very small fraction of the total tailpipe PM emissions (less than 0.004 
g/bhp-hr). Alternatively, it may be less expensive or more practical 
for some applications to ensure that the SOF control realized by the 
CDPF is in excess of 90 percent, thereby allowing for higher engine-out 
SOF emission levels.

    \146\ Hori, S. and Narusawa, K. ``Fuel Composition Effects on 
SOF and PAH Exhaust Emissions from DI Diesel Engines,'' SAE 980507.

    The best means to reduce sulfate emissions from diesel engines is 
by reducing the sulfur content of diesel fuel and lubricating oils. 
This is one of the reasons that we have proposed today to limit nonroad 
diesel fuel sulfur levels to be 15ppm or less. The catalytic material 
on the CDPF is crucial to

[[Page 28373]]

ensuring robust regeneration and high SOF oxidation; however, it can 
also oxidize the sulfate in the exhaust with high efficiency. The 
result is that the predominant form of PM emissions from CDPF equipped 
diesel engines is sulfate PM. Even with 15ppm sulfur diesel fuel a CDPF 
equipped diesel engine can have total PM emissions including sulfate 
emissions as high as 0.009 g/bhp-hr over some representative operating 
cycles using conventional diesel engine oils.\147\ Although this level 
of emissions will allow for compliance with our proposed PM emissions 
standard of 0.01 g/bhp-hr, we believe that there is room for reductions 
from this level in order to provide engine manufacturers with 
additional compliance margin. During our 2002 Highway Progress Review, 
we learned that a number of engine lubricating oil companies are 
working to reduce the sulfur content in engine lubricating oils. Any 
reduction in the sulfur level of engine lubricating oils will be 
beneficial. Similarly, as discussed above, we expect engine 
manufacturers to reduce engine oil consumption in order to reduce SOF 
emissions and secondarily to reduce sulfate PM emissions. While we 
believe that sulfate PM emissions will be the single largest source of 
the total PM from diesel engines, we believe with the combination of 
technology, and the appropriate control of engine-out PM, that sulfate 
and total PM emissions will be low enough to allow compliance with a 
0.01 g/bhp-hr standard, except in the case of small engines with higher 
fuel consumption rates as described later in this section.

    \147\ See Table III.F.1 below.

    CDPFs have been shown to be very effective at reducing PM mass by 
reducing dramatically the soot and SOF portions of diesel PM. In 
addition, recent data show that they are also very effective at 
reducing the overall number of emitted particles when operated on low 
sulfur fuel. Hawker, et. al., found that a CDPF reduced particle count 
by over 95 percent, including some of the smallest measurable particles 
(< 50 nm), at most of the tested conditions. The lowest observed 
efficiency in reducing particle number was 86 percent. No generation of 
particles by the CDPF was observed under any tested conditions.\148\ 
Kittelson, et al., confirmed that ultrafine particles can be reduced by 
a factor of ten by oxidizing volatile organics, and by an additional 
factor of ten by reducing sulfur in the fuel. Catalyzed PM traps 
efficiently oxidize nearly all of the volatile organic PM precursors 
(i.e. SOF), and the reduction of diesel fuel sulfur levels to 15ppm or 
less will substantially reduce the number of ultrafine PM emitted from 
diesel engines. The combination of CDPFs with low sulfur fuel is 
expected to result in very large reductions in both PM mass and the 
number of ultrafine particles.

    \148\ Hawker, P., et al., Effect of a Continuously Regenerating 
Diesel Particulate Filter on Non-Regulated Emissions and Particle 
Size Distribution, SAE 980189.

    As described here, the range of technologies available to reduce PM 
emissions is broad, extending from improvements to existing combustion 
system technologies to oxidation catalyst technologies to complete CDPF 
systems. The CDPF technology along with 15ppm or less sulfur diesel 
fuel is the system that we believe will allow engine manufacturers to 
comply with the 0.01 g/bhp-hr PM standard that we have proposed for a 
wide range of nonroad diesel engines. While it may be possible to apply 
CDPFs across the full range of nonroad diesel engine sizes, the 
complexity of full diesel particulate filter systems makes application 
to the smallest range of diesel engines difficult to accurately 
forecast at this time. As described in the following sections, the 
Agency has given consideration to the engineering complexity, cost and 
packaging of these systems in setting emission standards for various 
nonroad engine power categories.
b. NOX Control Technologies
    Oxides of nitrogen (NO and NO2, collectively called 
NOX) are formed at high temperatures during the combustion 
process from nitrogen and oxygen present in the intake air. The 
NOX formation rate is exponentially related to peak cylinder 
temperatures and is also strongly related to nitrogen and oxygen 
content (partial pressures). NOX control technologies for 
diesel engines have focused on reducing emissions by lowering the peak 
cylinder temperatures and by decreasing the oxygen content of the 
intake air. A number of technologies have been developed to accomplish 
these objectives including fuel injection timing retard, fuel injection 
rate control, charge air cooling, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and 
cooled EGR. The use of these technologies can result in significant 
reductions in NOX emissions, but are limited due to 
practical and physical constraints of heterogeneous diesel 
combustion.149 150

    \149\ Flynn, P. et al, ``Minimum Engine Flame Temperature 
Impacts on Diesel and Spark-Ignition Engine NOX 
Production,'' SAE 2000-01-1177, March 2000.
    \150\ Dickey, D. et al, ``NOX Control in Heavy-Duty 
Diesel Engines--What is the Limit?,'' SAE 980174, February 1998.

    EPA is investigating strategies to address these limitations of 
heterogenous diesel combustion in a research program. This concept 
consists of higher intake charge boost levels using a low-pressure loop 
cooled EGR system, combined with a proprietary fuel injection and 
combustion system to control engine-out NOX.\151\ The 
results from prototype laboratory research engines show NOX 
control consistent with the standards proposed today. The technology 
must still overcome the limitations of increased PM emissions at low 
NOX levels as well as other practical considerations of 
performance and durability. EPA intends to continue investigating this 
technology, but at this time cannot project that this technology would 
be generally available for use in compliance with the proposed 

    \151\ Gray, Charles ``Assessing New Diesel Technologies,'' 
November 2002, MIT Light Duty Diesel Workshop, available on MIT's 
website or in Air Docket A-2001-28. http://web.mit.edu/chrisng/www/
dieselworkshop_files/Charles%20Gray.PDF. Exit Disclaimer

    A new form of diesel engine combustion, commonly referred to as 
homogenous diesel combustion or premixed diesel combustion, can give 
very low NOX emissions over a limited range of diesel engine 
operation. In the regions of diesel engine operation over which this 
combustion technology is feasible (light load conditions), 
NOX emissions can be reduced enough to comply with the 0.3 
g/bhp-hr NOX emission standard that we have proposed 
today.\152\ Some engine manufacturers are today producing engines which 
utilize this technology over a narrow range of engine operation.\153\ 
Unfortunately, it is not possible today to apply this technology over 
the full range of diesel engine operation. We do believe that more 
engine manufacturers will utilize this alternative combustion approach 
in the limited range over which it is effective, but will have to rely 
on conventional heterogenous diesel combustion for the bulk of engine 
operation. Therefore, we believe that catalytic NOX emission 
control technologies will be required in order to realize the 
NOX emission standards proposed today. Catalytic emission 
control technologies can extend the reduction of NOX 

[[Page 28374]]

by an additional 90 percent or more over conventional ``engine-out'' 
control technologies alone.

    \152\ Stanglmaier, Rudolf and Roberts, Charles ``Homogenous 
Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI): Benefits, Compromises, and 
Future Engine Applications''. SAE 1999-01-3682.
    \153\ Kimura, Shuji, et al., ``Ultra-Clean Combustion Technology 
Combining a Low-Temperature and Premixed Combustion Concept for 
Meeting Future Emission Standards'', SAE 2001-01-0200.

    NOX emissions from gasoline-powered vehicles are 
controlled to extremely low levels through the use of the three-way 
catalyst technology first introduced in the 1970s. Three-way-catalyst 
technology is very efficient in the stoichiometric conditions found in 
the exhaust of properly controlled gasoline-powered vehicles. Today, an 
advancement upon this well-developed three-way catalyst technology, the 
NOX adsorber, has shown that it too can make possible 
extremely low NOX emissions from lean-burn engines such as 
diesel engines.\154\ The potential of the NOX adsorber 
catalyst is limited only by its need for careful integration with the 
engine and engine control system (as was done for three-way catalyst 
equipped passenger cars in the 1980s and 1990s) and by poisoning of the 
catalyst from sulfur in the fuel. The Agency set stringent new 
NOX standards for highway diesel engines beginning in 2007 
predicated upon the use of the NOX adsorber catalyst enabled 
by significant reductions in fuel sulfur levels (15 ppm sulfur or 
less). In today's action, we are proposing similarly stringent 
NOX emission standards for nonroad engines again using 
technology enabled by a reduction in fuel sulfur levels.

    \154\ NOX adsorber catalysts are also called, 
NOX storage catalysts (NSCs), NOX storage and 
reduction catalysts (NSRs), and NOX traps.

    NOX adsorbers work to control NOX emissions 
by storing NOX on the surface of the catalyst during the 
lean engine operation typical of diesel engines. The adsorber then 
undergoes subsequent brief rich regeneration events where the 
NOX is released and reduced across precious metal catalysts. 
The NOX storage period can be as short as 15 seconds and as 
along as 10 minutes depending upon engine-out NOX emission 
rates and exhaust temperature. A number of methods have been developed 
to accomplish the necessary brief rich exhaust conditions necessary to 
regenerate the NOX adsorber technology including late-cycle 
fuel injection, also called post injection, in exhaust fuel injection, 
and dual bed technologies with off-line 
regeneration.155 156 157 This method for NOX 
control has been shown to be highly effective when applied to diesel 
engines but has a number of technical challenges associated with it. 
Primary among these is sulfur poisoning of the catalyst as described in 
section III.F below. In the HD2007 RIA we identified four issues 
related to NOX adsorber performance: performance of the 
catalyst across a broad range of exhaust temperatures, thermal 
durability of the catalyst when regenerated to remove sulfur 
(desulfated), management of sulfur poisoning, and system integration on 
a vehicle. In the HD 2007 RIA, we provided a description of the 
technology paths that we believed manufacturers would use to address 
these challenges. We are conducting an ongoing review of industry's 
progress to overcome these challenges and have updated our analysis of 
the progress to address these issues in the draft RIA associated with 
today's NPRM.

    \155\ Johnson, T. ``Diesel Emission Control in Review--the Last 
12 Months,'' SAE 2003-01-0039.
    \156\ Koichiro Nakatani, Shinya Hirota, Shinichi Takeshima, 
Kazuhiro Itoh, Toshiaki Tanaka, and Kazuhiko Dohmae, ``Simultaneous 
PM and NOX Reduction System for Diesel Engines.'', SAE 
2002-01-0957, SAE Congress March 2002.
    \157\ Schenk, C., McDonald, J. and Olson, B. ``High Efficiency 
NOX and PM Exhaust Emission Control for Heavy-Duty On-
Highway Diesel Engines,'' SAE 2001-01-1351.

    One of the areas that we have identified as needing improvement for 
the NOX adsorber catalyst is performance at low and high 
exhaust temperatures. NOX adsorber performance is limited at 
very high temperatures (due to thermal release of NOX under 
lean conditions) and very low temperatures (due to poor catalytic 
activity for NO oxidation under lean conditions and low activity for 
NOX reduction under rich conditions) as described 
extensively in the draft RIA. Our review of highway HD2007 technologies 
showed that significant progress has been made to broaden the 
temperature range of effective NOX control of the 
NOX adsorber catalysts (the temperature ``window'' of the 
catalyst). Every catalyst development company that we visited was able 
to show us new catalyst formulations with improved performance at both 
high and low temperatures. Similarly, many of the engine manufacturers 
we visited showed us data indicating that the improvements in catalyst 
formulations corresponded to improvements in emission reductions over 
the regulated test cycles. It is clear from the data presented to EPA 
that the progress with regard to NOX adsorber performance 
has been both substantial and broadly realized by most technology 
developers. The importance of this temperature window to nonroad engine 
manufacturers is discussed in more detail later in this section.
    Long term durability has been the greatest concern for the 
NOX adsorber catalyst. We have concluded as described 
briefly in III.F below and in some detail in the draft RIA, that in 
order for NOX adsorbers to effectively control 
NOX emission throughout the life of a nonroad diesel engine 
the fuel sulfur level will have to be maintained at or below 15 ppm, 
that the NOX adsorber catalyst thermal durability will need 
to improve in order to allow for sulfur regeneration events (since 
adsorber thermal degradation, ``sintering,'' is associated with each 
desulfation event, the number of desulfation events should be 
minimized), and that system improvements will have to be made in order 
to allow for appropriate management of sulfur poisoning. It is in this 
area of durability that NOX adsorbers had the greatest need 
for improvement, and it is here where some of the most impressive 
ongoing strides in technology development have been made. During our 
ongoing review, we have learned that catalyst companies are making 
significant improvements in the thermal durability of the catalyst 
materials used in NOX adsorbers. Similarly, the substrate 
manufacturers are developing new materials that address the problem of 
NOX storage material migration into the substrate.\158\ The 
net gain from these simultaneous improvements are NOX 
adsorber catalysts which can be desulfated (go through a sulfur 
regeneration process) with significantly lower levels of thermal damage 
to the catalyst function. In addition, engine manufacturers and 
emission control technology vendors are developing new strategies to 
accomplish desulfation that allow for improved sulfur management while 
minimizing the damage due to sulfur poisoning. It was clear in our 
review that the total system improvements being made when coupled with 
changes to catalytic materials and catalyst substrates are delivering 
significantly improved catalyst durability to the NOX 
adsorber technology.

    \158\ Some NOX storage materials can interact with 
the catalyst substrate especially at elevated temperatures making 
the storage material unavailable for NOX storage and 
weakening the substrate.

    Practical application of the NOX adsorber catalyst in a 
vehicle was an issue during the HD2007 rulemaking and similarly there 
are issues regarding the application of NOX adsorbers to 
nonroad equipment. Although there is considerable evidence that 
NOX adsorbers are highly effective and that durability 
issues can be addressed, some worry that the application of the 
NOX adsorber systems to vehicles and nonroad equipment will 
be impractical due to packaging constraints and the

[[Page 28375]]

potential for high fuel consumption. Our review of progress has left us 
more certain than ever that practical system solutions can be applied 
to control emissions using NOX adsorbers. We have tested a 
diesel passenger car (one of the most difficult packaging situations) 
with a complete NOX adsorber and particulate filter system 
that demonstrated both exceptional emission control and very low fuel 
consumption.\159\ Heavy-duty engine manufacturers have shared with us 
their improvements in system design and means to regenerate 
NOX while minimizing fuel consumption.\160\ Our own in-house 
testing program at the National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory 
(NVFEL) is developing a number of novel ideas to reduce the total 
system package size while maintaining high levels of emission control 
and low fuel consumption rates as discussed more fully in the draft 
RIA. Similarly, a number of Department of Energy (DOE), Advanced 
Petroleum Based Fuel--Diesel Emission Control (APBF-DEC) program 
NOX adsorber projects are working to address the system 
integration challenges for a diesel passenger car, a large sport 
utility vehicle and for a heavy heavy-duty truck.\161\ By citing these 
numerous examples, we are not intending to imply that the challenge of 
integrating and packaging advanced emission control technologies is 
easy. Rather, we believe these examples show that even though 
significant challenges exist, they can be overcome through careful 
design and integration efforts. Nonroad equipment manufacturers have 
addressed similar challenges in the past when they have added 
additional customer features (e.g., packaged an air-conditioning 
system) or in accommodating other emission control technologies (e.g., 
charge air cooling systems).

    \159\ McDonald, J and Bunker, B. ``Testing of the Toyota Avensis 
DPNR at U.S. EPA-NVFEL,'' SAE 2002-01-2877.
    \160\ Hakim, N. ``NOX Adsorbers for Heavy Duty Truck 
Engines--Testing and Simulation,'' presentation at Motor Fuels: 
Effects on Energy Efficiency and Emissions in the Transportation 
Sector Joint Meeting of Research Program Sponsored by the USA Dept. 
of Energy, Clean Air for Europe and Japan Clean Air, October 9-10, 
2002. Copy available in EPA Air Docket A-2001-28.
    \161\ Details with quarterly updates on the APBF-DEC programs 
can be found on the DOE website at the following location 
http://www.nrel.gov/vehiclesandfuels/apbf/publications.html. Exit Disclaimer

    All of the issues described above and highlighted first during the 
HD2007 rulemaking are likely to be concerns to nonroad engine and 
nonroad equipment manufacturers. We believe the challenge to overcome 
these issues will be significant for nonroad engines and equipment. 
Yet, we have documented substantial progress by industry in the last 
year to overcome these challenges, and we continue to believe based on 
the progress we have observed that the NOX adsorber catalyst 
technology will be mature enough for application to many diesel engines 
by 2007. In the case of NOX adsorber temperature window, 
which could be especially challenging for nonroad engines, we have 
performed an analysis summarized below in section III.E.2 and 
documented in the draft RIA, that leads us to conclude the technology 
can be successfully applied to nonroad engines provided there is some 
additional lead time for further engine and catalyst system technology 
development. Similarly, we acknowledge that the diverse nature and 
sheer number of different nonroad equipment types makes the challenge 
of packaging advanced emission control technologies more difficult. 
Therefore, we have included a number of equipment manufacturer 
flexibilities in the program proposed today in order to allow equipment 
manufacturers to manage the engineering resource challenges imposed by 
these regulations.
    Another NOX catalyst based emission control technology 
is selective catalytic reduction (SCR). SCR catalysts require a 
reductant, ammonia, to reduce NOX emissions. Because of the 
significant safety concerns with handling and storing ammonia, most SCR 
systems make ammonia within the catalyst system from urea. Such systems 
are commonly called urea SCR systems. (Throughout this document the 
term SCR and urea SCR may be used interchangeably and should be 
considered as referring to the same urea based catalyst system.) With 
the appropriate control system to meter urea in proportion to engine-
out NOX emissions, urea SCR catalysts can reduce 
NOX emissions by over 90 percent for a significant fraction 
of the diesel engine operating range.\162\ Although EPA has not done an 
extensive analysis to evaluate its effectiveness, we believe it may be 
possible to reduce NOX emissions with a urea SCR catalyst to 
levels consistent with compliance with the proposed NOX 

    \162\ ``Demonstration of Advanced Emission Control Technologies 
Enabling Diesel-Powered Heavy-Duty Engines to Achieve Low Emission 
Levels'', Manufacturers of Emissions Controls Association, June 1999 
Air Docket A-2001-28.

    However, we have significant concerns regarding a technology that 
requires extensive user intervention in order to function properly and 
the lack of the urea delivery infrastructure necessary to support this 
technology. Urea SCR systems consume urea in proportion to the engine-
out NOX rate. The urea consumption rate can be on the order 
of five percent of the engine fuel consumption rate. Therefore, unless 
the urea tank is prohibitively large, the urea must be replenished 
frequently. Most urea systems are designed to be replenished every time 
fuel is added or at most every few times that fuel is added. Today, 
there is not a system in place to deliver or dispense automotive grade 
urea to diesel fueling stations. One study conducted for the National 
Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), estimated that if urea were to be 
distributed to every diesel fuel station in the United States, the cost 
would be more than $30 per gallon.\163\

    \163\ Fable, S. et al, ``Subcontractor Report--Selective 
Catalytic Reduction Infrastructure Study,'' AD Little under contract 
to National Renewable Energy Laboratory, July 2002, NREL/SR-5040-
32689. Copy available in EPA Air Docket A-2001-28.

    We are not aware of a proven mechanism that ensures that the user 
will replenish the urea supply as necessary to maintain emissions 
performance. Further, we believe given the additional cost for urea, 
that there will be significant disincentives for the end-user to 
appropriately replenish the urea because the cost of urea could be 
avoided without equipment performance loss. See NRDC v. EPA, 655 F. 2d 
318, 332 (D.C. Cir. 1981) (referring to ``behavioral barriers to 
periodic restoration of a filter by a [vehicle]
owner'' as a valid 
basis for EPA considering a technology unavailable). Due to the lack of 
an infrastructure to deliver the needed urea, and the lack of a track 
record of successful ways to ensure urea use, we have concluded that 
the urea SCR technology is not likely to be available for general use 
in the time frame of the proposed standards. Therefore, we have not 
based the feasibility or cost analysis of this emission control program 
on the use or availability of the urea SCR technology. However, we 
would not preclude its use for compliance with the emission standards 
provided that a manufacturer could demonstrate satisfactorily to the 
Agency that urea would be used under all conditions. We believe that 
only a few unique applications will be able to be controlled in a 
manner such that urea use can be assured, and therefore believe it is 
inappropriate to base a national emission control program on a 
technology which can serve effectively only in a few niche 
    This section has described a number of technologies that can reduce

[[Page 28376]]

emissions from diesel engines. The following section describes the 
challenges to applying these diesel engine technologies to engines and 
equipment designed for nonroad applications.
2. Can These Technologies Be Applied to Nonroad Engines and Equipment?
    The emission standards and the introduction dates for those 
standards, as described earlier in this section, are premised on the 
transfer of diesel engine technologies being or already developed to 
meet light-duty and heavy-duty vehicle standards that begin in 2007. 
The standards that we are proposing today for engines £=75 
horsepower will begin to go into effect four years later. This time lag 
between equivalent highway and nonroad diesel engine standards is 
necessary in order to allow time for engine and equipment manufacturers 
to further develop these highway technologies for nonroad engines and 
to align this program with nonroad Tier 3 emission standards that begin 
to go into effect in 2006.
    As discussed previously, the test procedures and regulations for 
the HD2007 highway engines include a transient test procedure, a broad 
steady-state procedure, and NTE provisions that require compliant 
engines to emit at or below 1.5 times the regulated emission levels 
under virtually all conditions. An engine designed to comply with the 
2007 highway emission standards would comply with the equivalent 
nonroad emission standards proposed today if it were to be tested over 
the transient and steady-state nonroad emission test procedures 
proposed today, which cover the same regions and types of engine 
operation. Said in another way, a highway diesel engine produced in 
2007 could be certified in compliance with the transient and steady-
state standards proposed today for nonroad diesel engines several years 
in advance of the date when these standards would go into effect. 
However, that engine, while compliant with certain of the nonroad 
emission standards proposed today, would not necessarily be designed to 
address the various durability and performance requirements of many 
nonroad equipment manufacturers. We expect that the engine 
manufacturers will need additional time to further develop the 
necessary emission control systems to address some of the nonroad 
issues described below as well as to develop the appropriate 
calibrations for engine rated speed and torque characteristics required 
by the diverse range of nonroad equipment. Furthermore, not all nonroad 
engine manufacturers produce highway diesel engines or produce nonroad 
engines that are developed from highway products. Therefore, there is a 
need for lead time between the Tier 3 emission standards which go into 
effect in 2006-2008 and the Tier 4 emission standards. We believe the 
technologies developed to comply with the Tier 3 emission standards 
such as improved air handling systems and electronic fuel systems will 
form an essential technology baseline which manufacturers will need to 
initiate and control the various regeneration functions required of the 
catalyst based technologies for Tier 4. The Agency has given 
consideration to all of these issues in setting the emission standards 
and the timing of those standards as proposed today.
    This section describes some of the challenges to applying advanced 
emission control technologies to nonroad engines and equipment, and why 
we believe that technologies developed for highway diesel engines can 
be further refined to address these issues in a timely manner for 
nonroad engines consistent with the emission standards proposed today. 
This section paraphrases a more in-depth analysis in the draft RIA.
a. Nonroad Operating Conditions and Exhaust Temperatures
    Nonroad equipment is highly diverse in design, application, and 
typical operating conditions. This variety of operating conditions 
affects emission control systems through the resulting variety in the 
torque and speed demands (i.e. power demands). This wide range in what 
constitutes typical nonroad operation makes the design and 
implementation of advanced emission control technologies more 
difficult. The primary concern for catalyst based emission control 
technologies is exhaust temperature. In general, exhaust temperature 
increases with engine power and can vary dramatically as engine power 
demands vary.
    For most catalytic emission control technologies there is a minimum 
temperature below which the chemical reactions necessary for emission 
control do not occur. The temperature above which substantial catalytic 
activity is realized is often called the light-off temperature. For 
gasoline engines, the light-off temperature is typically only important 
in determining cold start emissions. Once gasoline vehicle exhaust 
temperatures exceed the light-off temperature, the catalyst is ``lit-
off'' and remains fully functional under all operating conditions. 
Diesel exhaust is significantly cooler than gasoline exhaust due to the 
diesel engine's higher thermal efficiency and its operation under 
predominantly lean conditions. Absent control action taken by an 
electronic engine control system, diesel exhaust may fall below the 
light-off temperature of catalyst technology even when the vehicle is 
fully warmed up.
    The relationship between the exhaust temperature of a nonroad 
diesel engine and light-off temperature is an important factor for both 
CDPF and NOX adsorber technologies. For the CDPF technology, 
exhaust temperature determines the rate of filter regeneration and if 
too low causes a need for supplemental means to ensure proper filter 
regeneration. In the case of the CDPF, it is the aggregate soot 
regeneration rate that is important, not the regeneration rate at any 
particular moment in time. A CDPF controls PM emissions under all 
conditions and can function properly (i.e., not plug) even when exhaust 
temperatures are low for an extended time and the regeneration rate is 
lower than the soot accumulation rate, provided that occasionally 
exhaust temperatures and thus the soot regeneration rate are increased 
enough to regenerate the CDPF. A CDPF can passively (without 
supplemental heat addition) regenerate if exhaust temperatures remain 
above 250[deg]C for more than 30 percent of engine operation.\164\ 
Similarly, there is a minimum temperature (e.g., 200[deg]C) for 
NOX adsorbers below which NOX regeneration is not 
readily possible and a maximum temperature (e.g., 500[deg]C) above 
which NOX adsorbers are unable to effectively store 
NOX. These minimum and maximum temperatures define a 
characteristic temperature window of the NOX adsorber 
catalyst. When the exhaust temperature is within the temperature window 
(above the minimum and below the maximum) the catalyst is highly 
effective. When exhaust temperatures fall outside this window of 
operation, NOX adsorber effectiveness is diminished. 
Therefore, there is a need to match diesel exhaust temperatures to 
conditions for effective catalyst operation under the various operating 
conditions of nonroad engines.

    \164\ Engelhard DPX catalyzed diesel particulate filter retrofit 
verification, www.epa.gov/otaq/retrofit/techlist-engelhard.htm, a 
copy of this information is available in Air Docket A-2001-28.

    Although the range of products for highway vehicles is not as 
diverse as for nonroad equipment, the need to match exhaust 
temperatures to catalyst characteristics is still present. This is a 
significant concern for highway engine

[[Continued on page 28377]] 


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