Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > 604.02 Venue - 600 Parts, Form, and Content of Application

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604.02 Venue - 600 Parts, Form, and Content of Application

604.02 Venue

That portion of an oath or affidavit indicating where the oath is taken is known as the venue. Where the county and state in the venue agree with the county and state in the seal, no problem arises. If the venue and seal do not correspond in county and state, the jurisdiction of the notary must be determined from statements by the notary appearing on the oath. Venue and notary jurisdiction must correspond or the oath is improper. The oath should show on its face that it was taken within the jurisdiction of the certifying officer or notary. This may be given either in the venue or in the body of the jurat. Otherwise, a new oath or declaration, or a certificate of the notary that the oath was taken within his or her jurisdiction, must be required. Ex parte Delavoye, 1906 C.D. 320, 124 O.G. 626 (Comm'r Pat. 1906); Ex parte Irwin, 1928 C.D. 13, 367 O.G. 701 (Comm'r Pat. 1928).

Form paragraph 6.07 may be used where the venue is not shown.

¶ 6.07 Lack of Venue

The oath lacks the statement of venue. Applicant is required to furnish either a new oath or declaration in proper form, identifying the application by application number and filing date, or a certificate by the officer before whom the original oath was taken stating that the oath was executed within the jurisdiction of the officer before whom the oath was taken when the oath was administered. The new oath or declaration must properly identify the application of which it is to form a part, preferably by application number and filing date in the body of the oath or declaration. See MPEP §§ 602.01 and 602.02.

Where the seal and venue differ, applicant should be notified by using the "Notice of Informal Application" form.

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