Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)


U.S. Department of Transportation

Norman Y. Mineta

Michael P. Jackson
Deputy Secretary

Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Rick Kowalewski
Acting Director

William J. Chang
Associate Director for Information Systems

John V. Wells
Chief Economist

Produced under the direction of:

Wendell Fletcher
Assistant Director for Transportation Analysis

Project Manager

Lisa Randall


Marsha Fenn

Major Contributors

Felix Ammah-Tagoe
Michael Sprung
Michael Szustakowski

Other Contributors

Don Bright
Martha Courtney
Scott Dennis
Chester Ford
Patrick Flanagan
Alpha Glass
Elijah Henley
Deborah Johnson
Pamela Lafontaine
Nathan Liu
Marcus Mathias
Matthew Sheppard
Lynn Weidman


Lorisa Smith

Cover Design

Colabours Communications Inc.

Our mission: To lead in developing transportation data and information of high quality and to advance their effective use in both public and private transportation decisionmaking.

Our vision for the future: Data and information of high quality will supporting every significant transportation policy decision, thus advancing the quality of life and the economic well-being of all Americans.

To obtain U.S. International Trade and Freight Transportation Trends and other BTS publications

Phone 202-366-DATA [press 1]
Fax: 202-366-3197
Internet: www.bts.gov

Mail: Product Orders
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
U.S. Department of Transportation
400 Seventh Street, SW, K-15
Washington, DC 20590

Information Service
Email: answers@bts.gov
Phone: 1-800-853-1351

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