ETA-Initialized CANSAC MM5 Weather Forecasts


CANSAC MM5 Realtime results for the current run (starts 2009 / 05 / 06 , at 1200 UTC, 0400 PST)

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MM5 4 km Domain
Initialized 2009050612 UTC (6th, 0400 PST)

Forecast Hours
NFDRS Products
SLP, 10m Winds
Surface 10m Wind Speed
Surface 10m Wind Speed (SW Quadrant)
Surface 10m Wind Speed (NW Quadrant)
Surface 10m Wind Speed (NE Quadrant)
Surface 10m Wind Speed (SE Quadrant)
Surface 10m Wind Speed (SJVAPCD)
Surface 10m Wind Speed (Yosemite)
Surface 10m Wind Speed (San Joaquin County)
Surface 10m Wind Speed (Southern Nevada)
Surface 10m Wind Speed (Western Nevada)
Surface 10m Wind Speed (Eastern Nevada)
Surface Temperature
Surface Temp (SW Quadrant)
Surface Temp (NW Quadrant)
Surface Temp (NE Quadrant)
Surface Temp (SE Quadrant)
3Kft Surface Temp Difference
Surface Relative Humidity
Surface RH (SW Quadrant)
Surface RH (NW Quadrant)
Surface RH (NE Quadrant)
Surface RH (SE Quadrant)
925mb Temperature and Winds
3000 ft Temperature and Winds
850mb Geopotential Height, Temperature, Winds
700mb Vertical Velocity, RH, and Winds
Lifted Index
3-hour Precipitation
24-hour Precipitation

MM5 12 km Domain
Initialized 2009050612 UTC (6th, 0400 PST)

Forecast Hours
NFDRS Products
500 mb Heights, Temps, Winds
500 mb Heights, Absolute Vorticity
700 mb Heights, Temps, Winds
700 mb Vertical Velocity, RH, and Winds
Totals High (700-500mb)
850 mb Heights, Temps, Winds
850 mb Heights, RH
1000 to 500 Thickness
SLP, 20 ft Winds, 2 m Temps
Mid Level Cloud Water (10-20K)
Ventilation Index
Lifted Index
Haines Index (High 700-500 mb)
Haines Index (Mid 850-700 mb)
Planetary Boundary Layer
700mb Heights, Winds
500mb Heights, Winds
3-hour Precipitation
24-hour Precipitation

MM5 36 km Domain
Initialized 2009050612 UTC (6th, 0400 PST)

Forecast Hour
300 mb Heights, Winds
500 mb Heights, Absolute Vorticity
700 mb Heights, Temps, Winds
700 mb Vertical Velocity, RH, and Winds
850 mb Heights, Temps, Winds
SLP, 20 ft Winds, 2 m Temps


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