Table C-5,,,,,, U.S. International Merchandise Trade by World Regions: 2001,,,,,, (Millions of dollars),,,,,, World regions,Total,,Exports,,Imports, ,Billion $,Percent,Billion $,Percent,Billion $,Percent Asia,637,34,199,27.2,438,38.3 Pacific Rim,439,23.4,131,17.9,308,27 Southeast and Southwest Asia ,142,7.6,49,6.7,93,8.2 Middle East,56,3,19,2.6,36,3.2 Western Hemisphere,738,39.4,323,44.2,415,36.3 North America,612,32.7,265,36.2,348,30.4 Central and South America,106,5.6,48,6.5,58,5.1 Caribbean,20,1.1,11,1.5,9,0.8 Other Western Hemisphere1,1,0.04,1,0.1,<1,0.01 Europe,435,23.2,182,24.8,254,22.2 Western Europe,414,22.1,175,23.9,239,21 Eastern Europe,21,1.1,7,0.9,14,1.3 Africa,38,2,12,1.7,25,2.2 Australia and Oceania2,22,1.2,13,1.8,9,0.8 World total,"1,873",100,731,100,"1,142",100 "1 Includes Bermuda, Cuba, the Falkland Islands, French Guiana, Greenland, Guadalupe, Martinique, St. Pierre, and Miquelon Island.",,,,,, 2 Includes New Zealand.,,,,,, NOTE: The regional figures do not sum to the world total due to rounding.,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics; based on data from U.S. International Trade Administration, U.S. Foreign Trade Highlights, available at tabcon.html, as of October 2002.",,,,,,