United Nations Environment Programme
environment for development
 Regional Office for Africa Search 

Hot Prospect - Geothermal Electricity Set for Rift Valley Lift-Off in 2009

Governments Gather in Poznan to Build Momentum in the Fight Against Climate Change
Africa-Wide Action Plan Focus of Year of the Gorilla 2009

ROA News
Linking Africa to Copenhagen:
African ministers map the way to a comprehensive strategy for a climate change regime beyond 2012.
Download Issue No. 13

Poznan: On the Road to Copenhagen

UN Climate Change Conference,
Poznan, Poland , 2008

The Billion Tree Campaign:
Plant for the planet


UNEP in the region: Africa


The mission of the Regional Office for Africa is to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples in Africa to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.

Comprehensive guide
on UNEP’s activities
in the African region.

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Climate Change Climate Change in Africa
8 short videos examining specific examples of the effect of climate change in Africa
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Africa, Atlas of Our Changing Environment

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UNEP in the Regions


AMCEN LogoThe African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) is a permanent forum for African ministers of the environment.

Ministers of Environment


Climate Change Meeting in Algiers: African Youth for a Stronger Engagement

The African 10 Year Framework Programme (10-YFP) on Sustainable Consumption and Production

Nairobi River Basin Programme aims to restore riverine eco-system with clean water and clean environment for people of Nairobi.