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Understanding Cervical Changes: A Health Guide for Women
    Posted: 01/28/2005


What Is the Cervix?

What Should I Know About HPV Infection?

Finding Abnormal Cells

What Do My Pap Test Results Mean?

Questions To Ask Your Health Care Provider

Finding the Support You Need

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Table 3

Table 4


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Finding the Support You Need

It can be scary when you find out your Pap test is abnormal. Many women have found it helpful to:

  • Ask friends or loved ones for support. They can go to the health care provider's office with you while you are learning about choices in testing and treatment.
  • Ask your health care provider to:
    • Help you understand medical terms that are confusing
    • Tell you how other people have handled the types of feelings that you are having
  • Contact the organizations listed in the Resource section.

"I owed it to myself and my family to find out if anything was wrong. And once I had the facts, it was easy to take the next step."

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