Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

TABLE 2 - 2001 NPTS: Accuracy of the Geocoded Trip Origins and Destinations by Area and Location

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Accuracy of geocoding Exact location of ward (%) Approximate location-2 or 3 possible wards (%) Inexact location-4 or more possible wards (%) Municipality only (%) Sample size
Metropolitan areas with cities with over 100,000 inhabitants 81 4 10 5 18,204
Cities/towns of 40,000-100,000 inhabitants 82 5 8 5 12,690
Smaller towns/villages 78 5 11 6 13,868
Sparsely populated areas 74 4 16 6 19,478
Trip origin 89 2 6 3 64,240
Trip destination 89 2 6 3 64,240
Origin and destination 78 4 11 6 64,240





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