Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 4 - Regression Results

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Author Independent variables d.f. R2 (percent)
Effectiveness Cost Implementation
Arnold +0.51* -0.28*** -0.57*  49 39.3
Downs -0.32**  -0.62* -0.35** 19 75.4
Zupan -0.45* +0.39* -0.56*  18 78.3
Dueker et al -0.84* NA -0.04 9 67.8
Booz-Allen Hamilton -0.22*** NA -0.70*  28 52.2

* significant at 0.01 level
** significant at 0.05 level
*** 1.00 < t < 2.00
d.f. = degrees of freedom
HOV = high-occupancy vechicle
NA = not applicable
SOV = single-occupancy vehicle
SRSD = studentized residual
TDM = travel demand management
TMA = transportation management association
TSM = transportation system management
U = data are unavailable
VHT = vehicle hours of travel
VMT = vehicle-miles traveled
* Significant at 95% confidence interval.

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