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Aerial Application

Aerial application of pesticides is a tremendously valuable tool in protecting natural resources and also one of the most challenging aviation operations today. FHP, state and private resource professionals have been involved in aerial pesticide application for decades striving to continuously improve upon safety, flight and delivery technology, and operational efficiency. Provided here are links to important accomplishments, resources, safety council and other operational information useful to anyone involved in aerial application programs.

SAFETY AND MANAGEMENT – incidents and statistics, managing risk, Safecoms
PESTICIDE MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION – USFS pesticide coordinators and policy
TREATMENT AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – pesticide registration, application technologies
FHP NORTHEASTERN AREA – see Featured Topics (includes Gypsy Moth Digest)

Aerial Application Safety Council – formed out of the 2002 Aerial Application Safety Team to examine safety issues and recommend improvements for safety of aerial applications projects. The council includes east and west FHP application representatives, the Northeastern Area State & Private Forestry Aviation Safety Manager, the National Aviation Safety Manager, state application program managers, industry and Animal Plant Health Inspection Service representatives.

Aerial Application Safety Team
– 2004 Report: Issues and Recommendations
Aerial Application Safety Council – 2006 Charter document

AAST 2003 Group Photo
Treatment for Gypsy Moth (Photo: Butch Sayers WVDA)
Aerial Application Safety Team, Frederick, MD (April 2003)
Treatment for Gypsy Moth (Photo: Butch Sayers WVDA)


AA State Program Managers Group Photo 2008
Pilot's perspective from the cockpit (Photo: Mike Schiffer)
Aerial Application State Program Managers, Roscommon, MI (August 2008)
Pilot's perspective from the cockpit (Photo: Mike Schiffer)