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About NASF

2008-2009 State Foresters

NASF is a non-profit organization that represents the directors of forestry agencies from the fifty states, eight U.S. territories and associated states, and the District of Columbia.

Through public-private partnerships, NASF seeks to discuss, develop, sponsor and promote programs and activities which will advance the practice of sustainable forestry, the conservation and protection of forest lands and associated resources and the establishment and protection of forests in the urban environment.

NASF also works with regional organizations – the Northeastern Area Association of State Foresters (NAASF), the Southern Group of State Foresters (SGSF), and the Council of Western State Foresters (CWSF) – to support forest management practices and policies unique to the regional characteristics and needs of our diverse forest resources in the United States.

11:36 pm February 22, 2008 | | RSS 2.0
February 22, 2008