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Request for Applications
Lake Erie Coordinated Science and Monitoring

GL2009-1 Applications

The following twelve (12) applications were received:

  1. GL2009-1-1            Basin Tillage
    Event-based Monitoring of Contaminant Transport in Lake Erie Agricultural Watersheds

  2. GL2009-1-2            Algal Bloom
    Lake Erie Algal Source Tracking (LEAST)

  3. GL2009-1-3            Nearshore
    The Nearshore and Offshore Lake Erie Nutrient Study (NOLENS)

  4. GL2009-1-4            Nearshore
    The Assessment of Nearshore and Offshore Nutrient Fluxes for Lake Erie Central
    and Eastern Basin by Integrating Observations and Numerical Modeling

  5. GL2009-1-5          Phosphorus
    Phosphorus Bioavailability of Tributary Inputs to Lake Erie

  6. GL2009-1-6          Basin Tillage
    Stabilizing Soil Phosphorus with Low-Disturbance Tillage

  7. GL2009-1-7           Phosphorus
    Sources & Transport of Bioavailable Phosphorus to Lake Erie

  8. GL2009-1-8           Nearshore
    Winter to Autumn Phytoplankton Community Transitions

  9. GL2009-1-9          Algal Bloom
    Phosphorus, Dreissenids and Harmful Algal Blooms in Western Lake Erie

  10. GL2009-1-10        On-Farm
    BMPs for Mitigating Phosphorus Movement from Agricultural Fields

  11. GL2009-1-11        Algal Bloom
    Role of tributary nutrient loading in development of Microcystis blooms in western Lake Erie

  12. GL2009-1-12        Basin Tillage
    Linking Soil Test Phosphorus with Agricultural Runoff Phosphorus

Posted: February 10, 2009

ALL APPLICANTS SHOULD CHECK THIS POSTING TO VERIFY THAT THEIR SUBMISSIONS HAVE BEEN INCLUDED IN GLNPO’S DATABASE. Contact brail.lawrence@epa.gov if you do not receive a confirmation or if your project is not posted.

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