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Urban and Community Forestry
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Select List of Partners

This list of partners represents not only many of the traditional partners but also new alliances that are just being made or need to be made to create more sustainable urban forests for the future. Some partners have produced very attractive secondary and tertiary products that conscientiously report the science and address concerns and issues specific to very influential audiences.

Even though these partners are not directly generating the science or knowledge, they are instrumental in placing it before the people who can act on it. Most of them help connect the research to the language and issues that are important to local leadership. Many invite scientists to their regional and national meetings, enabling direct sharing and interaction. This networking often results in further partnering, and even future research collaborations.


Alliance for Community Trees (ACT), Alice Ewen Walker, alice@actrees.org, College Park, MD, 301-277-0040

ACT’s mission is to support grassroots, citizen-based nonprofit organizations dedicated to urban and community tree planting, care, conservation, and education.

American City and County, Bill Wolpin, Editororial Director, bill.wolpin@penton.com, Atlanta, GA, 770-618-0112

American City and County has been the voice of State and local governments since 1909. The magazine serves a powerful audience of city, county, and State officials who are charged with developing and implementing government policy, programs, and projects. The magazine maintains its leadership position by providing these readers with news, government trends, policy alternatives, and operational solutions.

American Forests, Deborah Gangloff, gangloff@amfor.org, Washington, DC, 202–737–1944

American Forests is a world leader in planting trees for environmental restoration, a pioneer in the science and practice of urban forestry, and a primary communicator of the benefits of trees and forests. As part of their efforts to improve urban forests they developed CITYgreen software. It is a powerful GIS application for land use planning and policymaking. The software conducts complex statistical analyses of ecosystem services and creates easy-to-understand maps and reports. CITYgreen calculates dollar benefits based on specific site conditions. The development of the software was funded in part by the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.


American Nursery & Landscape Association (ANLA), Robert Dolibois, Executive Vice President, Washington, DC, 202–789–2900

The ANLA, organized in 1876, is the national trade association of the nursery and landscape industry. ANLA provides educa­tion, research, public relations, and representation services to members. This support enables them to operate more effectively and to provide the public with quality plants, landscape design and installations, and related products and services.

American Planning Association (APA) , Peter Hawley, phawley@planning.org,  Washington, DC, 202–872–0611

The American Planning Association is a nonprofit public inter­est and research organization representing 39,000 practicing planners, officials, and citizens involved with urban and rural planning issues. APA’s objective is to encourage planning that will meet the needs of people and society more effectively.
Zoning Practice is a periodic newsletter that can help local communities with planning issues by providing guidance in writing and administering smart development codes. Zoning Practice also provides access to ordinances, reports, and other information featured in APA articles. Obtain a subscription online.


American Public Works Association,  Peter King, pking@apwa.net, Washington, DC, 202–408–9541

The American Public Works Association is an international educational and professional association of public agencies, private sector companies, and individuals dedicated to provid­ing high-quality public works goods and services.


American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) , Nancy Somerville, nsomerville@asla.org, Washington, DC,  202-898-2444

ASLA promotes the landscape architecture profession to more than  18,000 members and advances the practice through advocacy, education, communication, and fellowship.


Arbor Day Foundation, John Rosenow, jrosenow@arborday.org, Lincoln, NE, 888–448–7337

Through mass-media communications, by providing low-cost trees for planting, and by producing high-quality, easy-to-use educational materials, the Arbor Day Foundation works to make tree planting and care something in which nearly everyone can be involved.


Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, William H. Schlesinger, President, Millbrook, NY, 845–677–5343

The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies is dedicated to the creation, dissemination and application of knowledge about ecological systems. This knowledge is created through scientific research, disseminated through teaching, writing, and exhibits, and applied through participation in decision-making regarding the ecological management of natural resources and through promotion of a broader awareness about the importance of ecological relationships to human welfare.


Center for Partnership Studies, Heide Banks, Executive Director, center@partnershipway.org, Pacific Grove, CA, 831-626-1004

The mission of the Center for Partnership Studies is to advance human development by accelerating movement to the partnership model of relations. The partnership model is a way of structuring beliefs, institutions, and relations that supports the realization of our enormous human capacities for consciousness, caring, and creativity and promotes nonviolence, human rights, justice, and a sustainable environment.


Center for Public Environment Oversight (CPEO), Lenny Siegel, Director, lsiegel@cpeo.org, Mountain View, CA, 650–961–8918

In cooperation with the Urban Habitat Program and the United Church of Christ Commission on Racial Justice, the CPEO has sponsored the formation of the National Brownfields Environmental Justice/Community Caucus to develop common solutions to common problems and establish a dialogue not only with government policymakers but also with private-sector Brownfields interests. CPEO will support the caucus with a range of activities, including the already functioning Brownfields Internet Forum, Citizen’s Report on Brownfields newsletter.


Center for Resilient Cities,  Alex Pierschalla Communications Manager, alex@resilientcities.org, Madison, WI, 608-255-9877

The Center for Resilient Cities uses resilience design to weave green landscapes into the built environment, creating organic opportunities for social and economic development. It helps cities adapt to social, economic, environmental, and climate change. 


Center for Watershed Protection, Hye Yeong Kwon, Executive Director, hyk@cwp.org,  Ellicott City, MD, 410–461–8323

The Center for Watershed Protection provides local govern­ments, activists, and watershed organizations around the coun­try with the technical tools for protecting some of the Nation’s most precious natural resources: our streams, lakes and rivers. The center has developed and disseminated a multidisciplinary strategy to watershed protection that encompasses watershed planning, watershed restoration, stormwater management, watershed research, better site design, education and outreach, and watershed training.


Congress for New Urbanism (CNU), John O. Norquist, President and CEO, jnorquist@cnu.org, Chicago, IL, 312–551–7300

CNU  is the leading organization promoting walkable, neighborhood-based development as an alternative to sprawl. CNU takes a proactive, multi-disciplinary approach to restoring our communities. Members are the life of the organization – they are the planners, developers, architects, engineers, public officials, investors, and community activists who create and influence our built environment, transforming growth patterns from the inside out. Whether it's bringing restorative plans to hurricane-battered communities in the Gulf Coast, turning dying malls into vibrant mixed-use neighborhoods, or reconnecting isolated public housing projects to the surrounding fabric, new urbanists are providing leadership in community building.


Firewise Communities, Jim Smalley, Program Manager, jsmalley@NFPA.org, Quincy, MA, 617-984-7483

The national Firewise Communities program is a multi-agency effort designed to reach beyond the fire service by involving homeowners, community leaders, planners, developers, and others in the effort to protect people, property, and natural resources from the risk of wildland fire - before a fire starts. The Firewise Communities approach emphasizes community responsibility for planning in the design of a safe community as well as effective emergency response, and individual responsibility for safer home construction and design, landscaping, and maintenance.


GreenPower Conferences, info@greenpowerconferences.com, +44 207 801 6333 (UK)

Established in 2003, Green Power Conferences was the first to offer professionally organised events focusing on the sustainability sector. Over the last four years, we have welcomed over 4000 delegates from 76 countries and built a global database of 110,000+ contacts. Our expertise lies in producing high quality, interactive conferences that provide ample networking opportunities for delegates and partners alike.


Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, Steven Peck, Founder and President, speck@greenroofs.org, Toronto, Ontario, 416–971–4494

Green Roofs for Healthy Cities’ mission is to increase the awareness of the economic, social, and environmental benefits of green roof infrastructure across North America and rapidly advance the development of the market for green roof products and services. Although the current market does not value many of the tangible public and private benefits of green roofs to their full potential, Green Roofs for Healthy Communities is striving to facilitate changes that will bring green roof tech­nologies to the forefront of high-performance green building design, implementation, and maintenance.


International City/County Management Association (ICMA), Robert "Bob" O'Neill, Jr., roneill@icma.org, Washington, DC, 202–289–4262

The mission of the ICMA is to create excellence in local governance by developing and fostering professional local government management worldwide. In addition to supporting its nearly 9,000 members, ICMA provides publications, data, information, technical assistance, and training and professional development to thousands of city, town, and county experts and other individuals throughout the world.


International Society of Arboriculture, Jim Skiera, jskiera@isa-arbor.com, Champagne, IL, 888–ISA–TREE

ISA, aligned on many fronts with other green organizations, is working hard to foster a better understanding of trees and tree care through research and the education of professionals as well as global efforts to inform tree care consumers.


International Union of Forest Research Organizations, Dr. Michael Kleine, kleine@iufro.org, Vienna, Austria, +43–1–877–01–51–0

The International Union of Forest Research Organizations is a nonprofit, nongovernmental international network of forest scientists. Its mission is to promote global cooperation in forest-related research and to enhance the understanding of the ecological, economic and social aspects of forests and trees; as well as to disseminate scientific knowledge to stakeholders and decision-makers and to contribute to forest policy and on-theground forest management


Local Government Commission, Judy Corbett, jcorbett@lgc.org, Sacramento, CA, 916–448–1198

The Local Government Commission is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, membership organization that provides inspiration, technical assistance, and networking to local elected officials and other dedicated community leaders who are working to create healthy, walkable, and resource-efficient communities.


Local Government Environmental Assistance Network, managed and operated by ICMA, lgean@icma.org, Washington, DC, 877–865–4326

The Local Government Environmental Assistance Network is a “first-stop shop” providing environmental management, plan­ning, funding, and regulatory information for local government elected and appointed officials, managers, and staff. 


Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), info@lisc.org, New York, NY, 212–455–9800

LISC helps resident-led, community-based development orga­nizations transform distressed communities and neighborhoods into healthy ones—good places to live, do business, work, and raise families. By providing capital, technical expertise, train­ing and information, LISC supports the development of local leadership and the creation of affordable housing, commercial, industrial, and community facilities, businesses and jobs. LISC helps neighbors build communities.


National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD), Krysta Harden, Chief Executive Officer,
krysta-harden@nacdnet.org, Washington, DC, 202–547–NACD

The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) unites districts into one voice and helps them accomplish collectively what they could not accomplish alone. On behalf of districts, NACD develops national conservation policies, influ­ences lawmakers, and builds partnerships with other agencies and organizations. NACD also provides services to its districts to help them share ideas to better serve their local communities. The motto of NACD — “Conservation — Development — Self-Government” conveys the belief that conservation begins with the actions of individuals. Whether joining NACD as a member, implementing conservation practices in communities or becoming a volunteer, participation and commitment to the conservation cause will ensure the future health of the Nation’s natural resources.


National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals (NALGEP) , Paul Conner, Executive Director, paul.connor@spiegelmcd.com, Washington, DC, 202–638–6254

NALGEP is a not-for-profit organization that represents local government personnel responsible for ensuring environmental compliance and developing and implementing environmental policies and programs. Its membership includes more than 140 local government entities located throughout the United States, ranging in size from the largest cities to much smaller local communities. It also recognizes that local govern­ment environmental professionals are often confronted with tight budgets, complicated requirements, and problems that are perhaps first-time problems for a particular local entity that may have been encountered and dealt with by other localities.


National Association of State Foresters (NASF), Jay Ferrel, Executive Director, nasf@stateforesters.org, Washington, DC, 202–624–5415

Through public-private partnerships, NASF seeks to discuss, develop, sponsor, and promote programs and activities that will advance the practice of sustainable forestry, the conservation and protection of forest lands and associated resources, and the establishment and protection of forests in the urban environment.


National Brownfield Association, Robert Colangelo, Chief Executive Officer, robertc@brownfieldassociation.org, Chicago, IL, 773–714–0407

The National Brownfield Association is a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to stimulating the responsible redevelop­ment of brownfields. It is the premier association for government, businesses, and individuals involved in the redevelopment of brownfields. The association is the only group that represents the wide array of brownfield stakeholders—property owners, developers, investors, service professionals, and government representatives. Programs are designed to meet the needs of professionals, whether they are individual or corporate members.


National Center of Excellence on Smart Innovations for Urban Climates and Energy, Jay S. Golden,
jay.golden@asu.edu, Tempe, AZ, 408–965–4951

Rapid urbanization is quickly transitioning areas of native vegetation to regions of man-made materials, altering urban climate and requiring increased consumption of energy. It is at this nexus that the National Center of Excellence on SMART Innovations serves to develop use-inspired fundamental and applied research solutions for an urbanizing planet.


National Science Foundation, Dr. Arden L. Bement, Jr., Director, info@nsf.gov, Arlington, VA, 703–292–5111

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent Federal agency created by Congress in 1950 “to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense…”. With an annual budget of about $5.92 billion, the Foundation is the funding source for approximately 20 percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by America’s colleges and universities. In many fields such as mathematics, computer science and the social sciences, NSF is the major source of Federal backing.


National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council, Nancy Stremple, nstremple@fs.fed.us, Washington, DC, 202–205–7829

The National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council shall work to improve America's communities by recommending policies which cultivate a public understanding and appreciation of the values and benefits derived from high quality tree plantings and the necessity for the proper techniques to maintain, conserve, and manage urban trees, community forests and related resources including: self-sustaining municipal and volunteer community forestry programs; educational systems for competent training; increased funding from traditional and non-traditional sources for planning and planting of high quality new trees; greatly expanded research into the problems of urban trees, forests and the environment; widespread distribution of research results in useful and relevant formats; and private enterprise and homeowners as valuable partners in the preservation and management of urban trees and forests.


Natural Resource Conservation Service, Arlen Lancaster, Chief, arlen.lancaster@wdc.usda.gov, Washington, DC, 202–720–7246

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides products and services that enable people to be good stewards of the Nation’s soil, water, and related natural resources on non-Federal lands. With the help of NRCS, people are better able to conserve, maintain, or improve their natural resources. As a result of technical and financial assistance, land managers and communities take a comprehensive approach to the use and protection of natural resources in rural, suburban, urban, and developing areas. The Agency promotes the following strategies: a cooperative conservation to seek and promote cooperative efforts to achieve conservation goals; a watershed approach to provide information and assistance to encourage and enable locally led, watershed-scale conservation; and a market-based approach to facilitate the growth of market-based opportunities that encourage the private sector to invest in conservation on private lands.


Pew Center on Global Climate Change, Hon. Eileen Claussen, President, Arlington, VA, 703–516–4146

The Pew Center on Global Climate Change brings together business leaders, policymakers, scientists, and other experts to bring a new approach to a complex and often controversial is­sue. Their approach is based on sound science, straight talk, and a belief that we can work together to protect the climate while sustaining economic growth. 


Preserve America, Artisha Thompson, athompson@achp.gov, Washington, DC, 202–606–8515

Preserve America is a White House initiative that encourages and supports community efforts to preserve and enjoy the Nation’s priceless cultural and natural heritage. The goals of the initiative include a greater shared knowledge about the Nation’s past, strengthened regional identities and local pride, increased local participation in preserving the country’s cultural and natural heritage assets, and support for the economic vitality of our communities. The program will not fund bricks-and-mortar projects but rather will complement the Save America’s Treasures grant program by helping local communities develop sustainable resource management strategies and sound business practices for the continued preservation and use of heritage assets.


Project Learning Tree, Kathy McGlauflin, kmcglauflin@plt.org, Washington, DC, 202–463–2462

Project Learning Tree® is an award winning, multi-disciplinary environmental education program for educators and students in PreK-grade 12. PLT, a program of the American Forest Foundation, is one of the most widely used environmental education programs in the United States and abroad.  PLT continues to set the standard for environmental education excellence.
Smart Communities Network, Jeff Birkby, jeffb@ncat.org, Butte, MT, 406–494–4572

Managed by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NACT) for the U.S. Department of Energy, the Smart Commu­nities Network Web site is NCAT’s longest running, Internet-based information program. The Web site contains hundreds of community success stories, model codes, breaking news on community sustainability, a national conference calendar, and a compendium of links to sustainable community information.


Smart Growth Network, info@smartgrowth.org, or smartgrowth@icma.org, Washington, DC, 202–962–3623

Any individual or organization interested in furthering the principles of smart growth can become a member of the Smart Growth Network. As an SGN member, you will:  Be part of a diverse network of private sector, public sector, and nonprofit partners, gain information to help advance smart growth, get a subscription to Getting Smart!, gain access to the members-only pages, be invited to join the SGN listserv, receive a CD-ROM information kit, have access to the SGN Information Hotline, and get information about the annual New Partners for Smart Growth conference.

Society of American Foresters, U&CF Working Group, safweb@safnet.org, Bethesda, MD, 301–897–8720

The Society of American Foresters U&CF Working Group provides technical information, support, and recommendations concerning urban forest ecosystem management. The group’s intent is to increases awareness and understanding of U&CF. It promotes all aspects of urban forestry and shares informa­tion with local units of government regarding current issues, programs, policy, and regulatory laws concerning urban forest ecosystem management.


Society of Municipal Arborists, Jerri LaHaie, urbanforestry@prodigy.net, Watkinsville, GA, 706–769–7412

A professional affiliate of the International Society of Arbori­culture, the SMA strives to create networking and educational opportunities for its municipal membership that promote the sound, professional management of a vital and invaluable resource. They also sponsor the Municipal Forester Institute and the Urban Forestry Program Accreditation.


Southern Region Extension Forestry, Bill Hubbard, whubbard@uga.edu, Athens, GA, 706–542–7813

The goal of the Southern Regional Extension Forestry Office is to identify, prescribe, and implement a mix of education and technical services that increase the efficiency of forestry and urban forestry programs in the 13 Southern States.


Sustainable Community Network, Susan Boyd, concern@concern.org or info@sustainable.org, Washington, DC

Sustainable Communities Network Web site connects citizens with the resources they need to implement innovative processes and programs to restore the economic, environmental, and social health and vitality of their communities. It addresses a wide range of issues related to community sustainability, in­cluding creating communities, living sustainably, and governing communities. In addition it gives case studies, resources, links to relevant Web sites, events calendar, and suggested reading.


The Grant Institute, info@thegrantinstitute.com, Los Angeles, CA, 888–824–4424
The Grant Institute offers expert workshops for nonprofit pro­fessionals, academic researchers, program planners, and public sector administration employees. The institute is the leader of grant writing education with respect to professional preparation and multidisciplinary focus.


The Grantsmanship Center, tgci@tgci.com, Los Angeles, CA, 213–482–9860

The Grantsmanship Center offers grantsmanship training and low-cost publications to nonprofit organizations and govern­ment agencies. It conducts some 150 workshops annually in grantsmanship training, as well as earned income strategies for nonprofits. Graduates of The Grantsmanship Training Program also receive a membership package that includes discounts on future trainings for themselves and colleagues, discounts on Grantsmanship Center publications, access to the exclusive online databases of Government, Foundation and Corporate funding sources, and annual proposal reviews by workshop trainers.


The Trust for Public Land (TPL) , info@tpl.org, San Francisco, CA, 800–714–LAND

TPL is a national, nonprofit, land conservation organization that conserves land for people to enjoy as parks, community gardens, historic sites, rural lands, and other natural places, ensuring livable communities for generations to come.


The U.S. Conference of Mayors, Tom Cochran, Executive Director,  info@usmayors.org, Washington, DC, 202–293–7330

The U.S. Conference of Mayors is the official nonpartisan or­ganization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. Today, mayors of 1,139 cities in the United States are represented in the conference. The primary roles of the Conference of Mayors are to promote the development of effective national urban/suburban policy, strengthen Federal-city relationships, ensure that Federal policy meets urban needs, provide mayors with leadership and management tools, and create a forum in which mayors can share ideas and information.


Toolbox for the Great Outdoors

The purpose of the Toolbox for the Great Outdoors is to help harness the power of new recreation tools to connect 21st-century Americans to public lands and to enhance the way great experiences for visitors are delivered. The initial version of the Toolbox combined work done in several Partners Outdoors sessions and by partnerships forged at those sessions with a concerted effort to assemble information about programs available to supplement traditional appropriations to provide high-quality recreation experiences on public lands.


Tree Care Industry Association, Cynthia Mills, President and CEO, Mills@TreeCareIndustry.org, Manchester, NH, 603–314–5380

Established in 1938 as the National Arborist Association, today’s TCIA is a trade association of more than 2,000 com­mercial tree care firms and affiliated companies. TCIA develops safety and education programs, standards of tree care practice, and management information for arboriculture firms around the world. Through TCIA’s Accreditation program, consumers can be assured of hiring a professional, ethical tree care company that has been inspected by TCIA for proper business practices, professional employees, quality service, and customer satisfaction.


TreeLink, Pepper Provenzano, Director, pepper@treelink.org, Salt Lake City, UT, 801–359–1933

TreeLink provides knowledge and communication that inspires people to cultivate sustainable urban forests worldwide. TreeLink achieves this vision by providing the best technology resource to grow the movement and discipline of U&CF to the widest audience. It provides inreach to traditional resources and outreach to more than 70 countries. Internet technology allows TreeLink to share its archived knowledge with every small town and large city in this country.


Treesearch, treesearch@fs.fed.us, Washington, DC, 202–205–8333

Treesearch is an online system for locating and delivering publications by Research and Development scientists in the Forest Service. Publications in the collection include research monographs published by the agency as well as papers written by our scientists but published by other organizations in their journals, conference proceedings, or books. Research results behind these publications have been peer reviewed to ensure the best quality science. Treesearch resolved to make available all new books, chapters, and articles beginning January 2004 and to add older publications as rapidly as possible. At the start of 2004, the collection contained more than 7,000 publications, making it the largest freely available collection of online forestry research in the world.


United States Climate Action Partnership (USCAP), info@us-cap.org, Washington, DC, 202–354–6442

USCAP is an expanding alliance of major businesses and leading climate and environmental groups that have come together to call on the federal government to enact legislation requiring significant reductions of greenhouse gas emissions.After a year of dialogue and collaboration, the group produced a set of principles and recommendations to guide the formulation of a regulated economy-wide, market-driven approach to climate protection.


Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute, Dr. Richard Thompson, Director, ufei@polymail.calpoly.edu, San Luis Obispo, CA, 805–756–5171

The Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute is based in the College of Agriculture at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California. The institute was developed to address the increasing need for improved management of the urban forests in California through applied research, extension and technology transfer, and community service and outreach programs, all designed to assist landowners and public agencies in improving the management of urban forests. The institute is designed to work in cooperation with other universities, govern­ment agencies, and private consulting firms.


Urban Land Institute, customerservice@uli.org, Washington, DC, 202–624–7000

Founded in 1936, the institute now has more than 40,000 mem­bers worldwide representing the entire spectrum of land use and real estate development disciplines, working in private enter­prise and public service. As the preeminent, multidisciplinary real estate forum, Urban Land Institute facilitates the open exchange of ideas, information and experience among local, national and international industry leaders and policymakers dedicated to creating better places. The mission of the Urban Land Institute is to provide leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining thriving communities worldwide. The institute is a trusted idea place where leaders come to grow professionally and personally through sharing, mentoring, and problem solving. Members commit to the best in land use policy and practice.


U.S. Composting Council, Dr. Stuart Buckner, Executive Director, uscc@compostingcouncil.org, Holbrook, NY, 631–737–4931

The USCC is a trade and professional organization promoting compost. We provide a unified voice for the growing composting industry.  The US Composting Council is involved in research, public education, composting and compost standards, expansion of compost markets and the enlistment of public support.

U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Washington, DC, 202-586-5430

The Office of Science manages fundamental research programs in basic energy sciences, biological and environmental sci­ences, and computational science. In addition, the Office of Science is the Federal Government’s largest single funder of materials and chemical sciences; it supports unique and vital parts of U.S. research in climate change, geophysics, genomics, life sciences, and science education.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE), Washington DC, 1-877-CARE-909

The Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE) program is a competitive grant program that offers communities an innovative way to address the risks from multiple sources of toxic pollution in their environment.  Through CARE various local organizations, including non-profits, businesses, schools and governments create partnerships that implement local solutions to reduce releases of toxic pollutants and minimize people’s exposure to them.  CARE educates and supports communities by helping them assess the pollution risks they face. We provide access to EPA's and other voluntary programs to address local environmental priorities and improve the environment through local action.  CARE has provided financial assistance by funding cooperative agreements with communities annually since 2005.  CARE expects to award nearly $3 million in 2008.

Green Communities Program, Susan McDowell, Coordinator, mcdowell.susan@epa.gov, Philadelphia, PA, 215–814–2739

Green Communities is a web-based toolkit and planning guide designed to help communities access the tools and information to help them become more sustainable, Green Communities.  The Green Communities toolkit is closely linked, for many communities, to the concept of smart growth. EPA's Smart Growth web page describes smart growth as development that serves the economy, the community, and the environment. It changes the terms of the development debate away from the traditional growth-no growth question to "how and where should new development be accommodated"  The Goals of the Green Communities Program are: to promote innovative tools that encourage successful community-based environmental protection and sustainable community development; to establish partnerships with other organizations and agencies to help build community capacity and knowledge in order to create more livable communities; and to provide technical assistance through the web-based toolkit.


Heat Island Reduction Initiative, Eva Wong, wong.eva@epamail.epa.gov, Washington, DC, 202–343–9299

EPA’s Heat Island Reduction Initiative supports research to better understand the impacts that heat island reduction strategies have on urban meteorology, air quality, energy demand, and human health. The program translates this research into outreach materials, tools, and guidance that provide communities with knowledge to develop programs, policies, codes, and ordinances to implement heat island reduction strategies.


Smart Growth, smartgrowth@epa.gov, Washington, DC, 202–566–2878

The EPA smart growth program helps communities improve their development practices and get the type of development they want.  They work with local, state, and national experts to discover and encourage successful, environmentally sensitive development strategies. The EPA smart growth program: Conducts research, publishes reports and other publications, showcases outstanding communities, works with communities through grants and technical assistance, and brings together diverse interests to encourage better growth and development


Source Water Protection, Washington, DC, 202–564–3750

EPA works with state and tribal agencies, non-governmental agencies and citizen groups to encourage partnerships and provide information for carrying out source water protection actions. The Agency identifies federal tools, including those available under the Clean Water Act, other EPA programs, and various agricultural programs, that can be used to help protect drinking water. EPA also works with national non-governmental organizations throughout the country, including the American Water Works Associations, the National Rural Water Association, the Ground Water Foundation and the Trust for Public Land.


U.S. Green Building Council, S. Richard Fedrizzi, President and CEO, info@usgbc.org for general USGBC inquiries, leedinfo@usgbc.org for LEED inquiries, Washington, DC, 202–828–7422

The U.S. Green Building Council’s core purpose is to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible,healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the qual­ity of life. The Council’s LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System® is a voluntary, consensus-based national standard for developing high-performance, sustainable buildings. USGBC’s members, representing every sector of the building industry, developed and continue to refine LEED.


Utility Arborists Association (UAA) , Derek Vannice, dvannice@isa-arbor.com, Champaign, IL, 217–355–9411, ext. 234

UAA is the premier organi­zation for individuals who desire to provide professional utility arboricultural services. Through the International Society of Arboriculture, the UAA is made up of people serving people, to enhance the quality of utility arboriculture. The association’s mission is to provide UAA members with opportunities to improve their skills and knowledge, and enhance public awareness

US Forest Service
Last modified October 22, 2008

[graphic] USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. [graphic] Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site. [graphic] USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. [graphic] A link to the US Forest Service home page.