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Request for Proposals

(Closed 7/22/96)

Study of Mercury Bioaccumulation in Great Lakes Fish

Dear Great Lakes Colleague:

The Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) is soliciting proposals to study the process of bioaccumulation of mercury by indigenous fish populations in the Great Lakes Basin. Of particular interest are studies that better elucidate the methylation process, the environments in which methylation occurs, the rate effecting parameters, or toxicity to fish & wildlife. This work may be conducted anywhere within the Great Lakes Basin, including inland lakes, Great Lakes harbors, embayments and estuaries.

It is anticipated that one or two grants, not to exceed $165,000 in total, will be awarded by September 30, 1996. The maximum duration of grants will be 24 months, with the possibility of a 12 month extension. While GLNPO anticipates funding proposals received in response to this request for proposals, this request does not constitute a guarantee of funding.

Proposals will be ranked by an internal USEPA panel based on the following criteria:

  1. Demonstrated expertise in conducting research on the environmental chemistry fate transport and bioaccumulation of mercury in fresh water aquatic ecosystems. 50 points
  2. Technical merit of the project: evaluated based on valid scientific approach and furtherance of understanding of mercury bioaccumulation in fish. 35 points
  3. Demonstration of adequate laboratory facilities and instrumentation to complete the proposed work. 10 points Project costs 5 points

Applicants should be aware that all projects which will include environmental data collection must have an USEPA approved QA project plan (QAPP). Environmental data is defined as measurements or information that describe processes or conditions (i.e., the description of a physical media). This requirement will be enforced by means of a special condition to the effect that a QAPP be submitted within 90 days of the grant award AND 30 days prior to commencement of any environmental data collection. Consequently, if a QAPP were not submitted until 10 days prior to proposed data collection, the activity would be postponed at least 20 days. Costs associated with data collection are not allowable costs until the QAPP is approved by the GLNPO QA Manager.

Submittal Requirements

  • Include one signed original and two copies of the "Application For Federal Assistance" form (SF 424) inserting the following information:
    • Block 9: USEPA-GLNPO;
    • Block 10: 66-505.
  • Include 5 double-sided copies of your written proposal detailing the scope, objectives, work plan, detailed proposed budget and project schedule
  • Submittals must be received by July 22, 1996 to be eligible for consideration

Proposal packages should be sent to:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Great Lakes National Program Office (G-9J)
77 West Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60604

A Region V Application Kit for Assistance has been enclosed only with copies of this letter going to the heads of State Environmental Agencies. The kit includes the SF 424, instructions, and other information you will need. Note that a 5% match of the total project cost is required for further consideration. No portion of the work is to be subcontracted without the explicit notification and written approval by the USEPA Project Officer.

Recipients of this letter needing the Application Kit or having other questions regarding this request for proposals should contact Paul Horvatin of USEPA's Great Lakes National Program Office (312) 353-3612.

Sincerely yours,

Gary Gulezian, Acting Director
USEPA - Great Lakes National Program Office


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