U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Pharmacy Benefits Management

Strategic Healthcare Group

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Home Page
Archive Criteria, Guidelines, & Reviews
Bulletins\News Alerts
Closed Distribution /Special Handling Drugs
Criteria for Use
Cummulative Resident Roster (pdf)
Distance Learning Broadcast
Dod Prices
Drug Class Reviews   
Drug Monitoring
Drug Monograph 
Drug & Pharmaceutical Prices
Formulary Principles Coalition (pdf)
Glossary of Acronyms (pdf)
National Formulary 
National Database Reviews and AUEs (pdf)
PBM-MAP Ez Minutes
PBM Presentations
Pharmacy Conference (pdf)
Permission and Referencing PBM-MAP Documents
Pocket Cards
PV Price
Related Links
Therapeutic Interchange Guidance  
Treatment Guidelines
VA Center for Medication Safety
Vioxx\Bextra Recalls

Drug & Pharmaceutical Prices


These files are dBase III compatible database files (.DBF.)  These files can be used directly or imported into most database programs such as Access, FoxPro, dBase, or Paradox.  They can also be imported into most spreadsheet programs, but since many spreadsheets have a limited number of rows, large databases must be split and imported one piece at a time.
ALL FILES ARE UPDATES DAILY.  Please E-mail for any problems or questions related to the to the content of these files.
Definition of Prices
ASCII TEXT (.TXT) File Descriptions

Description of available price files
Detailed Description of price file fields
dBASE III Compatible database (.DBF) Files (.EXE files are self-extracting zipped files)

Available BPA Incentive Programs UNDER REVISION
Blanket Purchase Agreement Prices only (bpa.dbf)
Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) prices only (fss,exe)
Consolidated FSS, Big4 and Restricted FSS(VA Only) Prices. (Price2.exe)
Restricted Federal Supply Schedule (FSSR) prices (fssr.exe)
FSS Tier prices only  (fsstier.dbf)
Listing of Contract Numbers, Vendor Names, Parent Companies (Contract.dbf)
State Veterans Home (SVH) with options indicated (SVH.dbf)
VA, Department of Defense, Public Health Service, Coast Guard (big4) prices only (BIG4.exe)
Segmented .DBF Files for Importing into Spreadsheets

*(Please note that Microsoft Excel 97and 2000 support over 65,000 rows and can import all the files above in one piece.)  

FSS prices only, split into tables with a maximum of 8,192 lines per table (FSSA.exe)
FSS prices only, split into tables with a maximum of 16,384 lines per tabl (FSSB.exe)

VA Home Page VBA home page  Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs Consumer Service
Veterans Benefits Accessibility Notice Disclaimer of endorsement/liability
Privacy Statement    
Pharmacy Benefits Management Strategic Healthcare Group. Washington D.C. and Hines, IL 

Please Contact the Webmaster

This page was last updated on 10/26/2005 .