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Linked or related websites are not part of Family Support Network of NC (FSN-NC),
and FSN-NC has no control over their content or availability.


The Arc of NC

The Arc of North Carolina is committed to securing for all people with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities the opportunity to choose and realize their goals of where and how they learn, live, work, and play. They provide innovative supports designed to assist people with developmental disabilities live successful, meaningful lives.



Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law

A National legal advocate for people with mental disabilities. Through precedent-setting litigation and in the public policy arena, the Bazelon Center works to advance and preserve the rights of people with mental illnesses and developmental disabilities.



Beach Center on Families and Disabilities
The Beach Center's website contains research briefs, fact sheets on behavioral management, products, and links to support organizations. Good general information about behavior management, autism, fathers of children with special needs, and sleep problems.



The Center for Psychology and Education
A multidisciplinary organization committed to the practice and integration of psychology and education, and their intersection with related specialties. The main mission of the practice is to enhance the psychological, educational, and occupational adjustment of the children, adolescents, families, and adults with whom they work.



The Clinical Center for the Study of Development & Learning

FSN-NC operates in collaboration with the Clinical Center for the Study of Development and Learning (CDL). The CDL provides clinical services, training and technical assistance, research, and educational programs for professionals with a focus on how people with developmental disabilities learn, and how they can learn better. As the State's University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research, and Service (UCEDD), the CDL continues to push the scope of services currently offered in the field of developmental disabilities to include a unique focus on how people with developmental disabilities learn and how they can be helped to learn better.



The Disabilities Monthly (DRM) Guide To Disability Resources on the Internet

This website is an incredibly well organized guide to disability resources on the internet.



The Exceptional Children's Assistance Center

ECAC is a statewide Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) for North Carolina families of children with disabilities. They provide a variety of free services to families including a toll free Parent Info Line, website, workshops for parents and professionals, lending library, information packets, and newsletter. ECAC is a parent organization and all parent educators who answer the toll free information line or conduct workshops are themselves parents of children with disabilities. Their website and parent educators are especially helpful around issues of educational advocacy.



Family Voices

Family Voices is a national, grassroots clearinghouse for information and education concerning the health care of children with special health needs.



Governor's Office - Citizen and Community Services Office

This site contains a list of toll free and frequently called telephone numbers for many different services available to citizens of North Carolina.



A Guide to Medical Information and Support on the Internet
This guide provides you with the knowledge and resources for using the internet to find general medical information and support groups. This site offers information on how to access and use medical chats, doctors online, listservs, newsgroups, medline, and more.



The Institute for Family Centered Care

The Institute for Family-Centered Care, a non-profit organization, provides essential leadership to advance the understanding and practice of family-centered care. By promoting collaborative, empowering relationships between providers and consumers, the Institute facilitates family-centered change in all settings where individuals and families receive care and support.



Internet Resources for Special Children
The IRSC web site provides information relating to the needs of children with disabilities. Most of the website is a directory of links to other websites. The online communities section contains discussion lists, and a search engine makes it easier to find specific sites and information.



MUMS National Parent-to-Parent Network

A network of matching parents of rare disorders.



NICHCY - National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities

This is national information center with information on disabilities and disability-related issues. Their focus is children and youth (birth to age 22). They have information about specific disabilities, special education and related services for children in school, individualized education programs, parent materials, disability organizations, education rights and what the law requires, early intervention services for infants and toddler, and transition to adult life. The site also has excellent state resource sheets giving contact information for services and support in every state.



North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities

A planning council that works to promote the "independence, productivity, integration and inclusion into the community" of people with developmental disabilities and their families.



North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services

This is the main website for the NC Division of Health and Human Services. Many division sites can be located from this page, including Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse, Social Services, Medical Assistance, Vocational Rehabilitation to name a few. By accessing specific division pages you can find the local contact for the agency you are looking for, and find more thorough information on the services provided through the division.



North Carolina Early Intervention Services

This is the main website for Early Intervention Services. You can find information on the NC Interagency Coordinating Council, the Infant-Toddler Program, Preschool Program, and more.



North Carolina Health Info

NC Health Info offers access to web sites of local health services, providers and programs serving residents of North Carolina. Through its connection with MEDLINEplus, a service of the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, users of the site can get information about conditions, diseases and wellness, and find web sites of local health services, programs and providers throughout North Carolina.



North Carolina Public Schools and The Division for Exceptional Children

This is the general website for the North Carolina Public School System and the website for the schools' Division for Exceptional Children. Using the Exceptional Children Division pages can provide you with contact information for particular areas of service.



North Carolina Office of School Readiness

The mission of the Office of School Readiness is to prepare children for school success through high-quality early education. The office supports preschool programs throughout North Carolina, in public schools and licensed child care centers, including: Even Start Family Literacy, Head Start State Collaboration Office, More at Four Pre-Kindergarten Program, Preschool Exceptional Children, and Title I Preschool.



Parent to Parent-USA
This is an alliance of statewide Parent to Parent programs following established best practice standards. Parent to Parent programs provide emotional and informational support to parents of children who have special needs most often by matching families seeking support with an experienced, trained 'Supporting Parent'.



Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce

A collaboration of U.S. government agencies, public health organizations and health sciences libraries.



Social Security Online

The official website of the US Social Security Administration.




SupportWorks helps people find and form support groups and research medical information. It primarily serves Charlotte and a few other North Carolina cities, but people across the USA use its telephone support group program and organizational assistance services. They help people empower themselves through sharing solutions to common problems with others ("self-help") and by locating useful information (for medical and other issues). Their website includes topics such as: access to support group data, help in starting support groups, consultation for existing groups, access to medical information, telephone support groups, workshops, and publications.




TelAbility is a program that uses technology to improve the lives of children with disabilities. Using video-conferencing and internet technologies, TelAbility provides family centered care to children with disabilities across North Carolina and offers education, training, and peer support for people who care for them. Their website includes articles, handouts, a book store, a trading post, information on clinical trials, and access to expert resources.



United Way

Enter your zipcode to find your local United Way contact information and website, if they have one. Some United Way websites have online databases with information about services available in the community. If not, you can find a phone number to contact your local United Way for information on community services.




Quackwatch is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose it to fight health-related frauds, myths, and fads. Their website has information that is difficult to find anywhere else. The organization investigates questionable claims, answers questions, distributes reliable publications, reports illegal marketing, generates consumer-protection lawsuits, improves the quality of health information on the Internet, and attacking misleading advertising on the internet.






© Family Support Network of North Carolina, 2003