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PRISM3D Project



PRISM 3 Pliocene Data
description filename references     download
PRISM3 12-Month Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Ice PRISM3_SST_v1.0 4, 5, 8 Spreadsheet NetCDF
PRISM3 Atlantic Deep Ocean Temperature, Sea Ice Atlantic_dot_v1.0 9, 10 Spreadsheet NetCDF
PRISM3 Global Deep Ocean Temperature, Sea Ice Global_dot_v2.0 pend. Spreadsheet NetCDF
PRISM3 Dec. 1 Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly PRISM3_anom_dec_1_4x5 pend. Spreadsheet NetCDF
Vegetation key to vegetation data values
PRISM3/BAS Biome Land cover, ice v1.0 BAS_P3_biome_veg_v1.0 3, 6 Spreadsheet NetCDF
PRISM3/BAS Megabiome Land cover, ice v1.0 BAS_P3_mbiome_veg_v1.0 3, 6 Spreadsheet NetCDF
Land/Sea Mask, Topography, Ice Sheets description of topography files
land_fraction_v1.1 2 Spreadsheet NetCDF
topo_v1.1 2 Spreadsheet NetCDF
PRISM 2 Pliocene Data
Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Ice PRISM2SST_YEAR 7, 13 Spreadsheet NetCDF
Maximum Sea Surface Temperature P2MAXSST 11, 12 Spreadsheet NetCDF
Minimum Sea Surface Temperature P2MINSST 11, 12 Spreadsheet NetCDF
Vegetation PRISM2_veg 13, 14 Spreadsheet NetCDF
Topography PRISM2_topo 13 Spreadsheet NetCDF
Modern Data
PRISM3 Modern SST PRISM3_modern_SST Spreadsheet NetCDF
Vegetation (Matthews, 1985) modern.veg 17 Spreadsheet NetCDF
Topography modern.topo 16 Spreadsheet NetCDF
  1. Dowsett, H.J., and Robinson, M.M., (2009). Mid-Pliocene equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature reconstruction: a multi-proxy perspective: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 367(1886): 109-126.

  2. Sohl, L.E., Chandler, M.A., Schmunk, R.B., Mankoff, Ken, Jonas, J.A., Foley, K.M., and Dowsett, H.J., 2009, PRISM3/GISS topographic reconstruction: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 419, 6 p.

  3. Salzmann, U., Haywood, A. M. & Lunt D. J. (2008). The Past is a Guide to the Future? Comparing Middle Pliocene Vegetation With Predicted Biome Distributions for the 21st Century. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, doi:10.1098/rsta.2008.0200, 16 p.

  4. Dowsett, H.J. and Robinson M.M. (2008). Mid-Pliocene equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature reconstruction: A multi-proxy perspective. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, doi:10.1098/rsta.2008.0206, 17 p.

  5. Robinson, M. M., H. J. Dowsett, G. S. Dwyer, and K. T. Lawrence, 2008. Reevaluation of mid-Pliocene North Atlantic sea surface temperatures, Paleoceanography, 23, PA3213, doi:10.1029/2008PA001608.

  6. Salzmann, U., Haywood, A. M., Lunt D. J. Valdes, P. J. & Hill, D. J. 2008 A new Global Biome Reconstruction and Data-Model Comparison for the middle Pliocene.Global Ecology and Biogeography 17(3): 432-447.

  7. Dowsett,H.J., 2007.  The PRISM Palaeoclimate Reconstruction and Pliocene Sea-Surface Temperature.  In: M. Williams, A.M. Haywood, J. Gregory and D. Schmidt (ed), Deep-time perspectives on climate change: marrying the signal from computer models and biological proxies, The Micropalaeontological Society Special Publications The Geological Society of London

  8. Dowsett, H.J. 2007. Faunal re-evaluation of Mid-Pliocene conditions in the western equatorial Pacific. Micropaleontology, 53(6): 447-456.

  9. Dowsett, H., Robinson, M., Dwyer, G., Chandler, M. and Cronin, T., 2006. PRISM3 DOT1 Atlantic basin reconstruction.  U.S. Geological Survey Data Series, 189: 4p.

  10. Cronin, T.M., H. J. Dowsett, G. S. Dwyer, P. A. Baker and M. Chandler, 2005.  Mid Pliocene deep-sea bottom water temperatures based on ostracode Mg/Ca ratios  Marine Micropaleontology, 54: 249-261

  11. Dowsett, H.J., Chandler, M.A., Cronin, T.M. and Dwyer, G.S., 2005.  Middle Pliocene sea surface temperature variability.  Paleoceanography , 20(2):PA2014.

  12. Dowsett, H.J., 2004.  Bracketing mid Pliocene Sea Surface Temperature:  Maximum and minimum possible warming.  U.S. Geological Survey Data Series, DS114.

  13. Dowsett, H.J., Barron, J.A., Poore, R.Z., Thompson, R.S., Cronin, T.M., Ishman, S.E., and Willard, D.A., 1999.  Pliocene Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction:  U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 99-535.  Abstract.

  14. Thompson, R.S. and Fleming, R.F., 1996. Middle Pliocene vegetation: reconstructions, paleoclimatic inferences, and boundary conditions for climatic modeling. Marine Micropaleontology, 27(1/4): 27-49.

  15. Reynolds, R.W. and Smith, T.M., 1995. A high resolution global sea surface temperature climatology. Journal of Climate, 8: 1571-1583.

  16. Edwards, M., 1992. Global Gridded Elevation and Bathymetry, in Kineman, J.J., and Ohrenschall, M.A., eds., Global Ecosystems Database, Version 1.0 (on CD-ROM), Documentation Manual, Disc-A: National Geophysical Data Center, Key to Geophysical Records Documentation No. 26 (Incorporated in: Global Change Database, Volume 1): Boulder, CO, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, p. A14-1 to A14-4.

  17. Matthews, E. 1985. Prescription of land-surface boundary conditions in GISS GCM II: a simple method based on high-resolution vegetation data bases. NASA Report No. TM 86096 : 20 p.

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Page Last Modified: 22 January 2009