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Glossary of Terms

AAALAC Int'l Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International
AAHRPP Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs
AAMC Association of American Medical Colleges
ACOS Associate Chief of Staff
AE Adverse Event
AL Assurance Letter
AMA American Medical Association
AMIS Automated Management Information System
APHIS Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
ARENA Applied Research Ethics National Association
AWIC Animal Welfare Information Center
BVA Board of Veterans Appeals
CAAT Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing
CBOC Community Based Outpatient Clinic
CDL Central Dental Lab
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CHAMPUS Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
CHAMPVA Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs
CIO Chief Information Officer
CITI Collaborative IRB Training Initiative
CLIA Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act
CMOP Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy
CNO Chief Network Officer
CPA Cooperative Project Assurance
CPT Current Procedural Terminology
CQI Continuous Quality Improvement
CRADO Chief Research and Development Officer
DCC Data Consent Committee (HIPAA abbreviation)
DCHV Domiciliary Care for Homeless Veterans
DCRB Design Change Review Board
DEERS Defense Eligibility Enrollment System
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
DME Durable Medical Equipment
DOD Department of Defense
DRG Diagnostic Related Groups
DSMO Designated Standard Maintenance Organization (HIPAA abbreviation)
DSS Decision Support System
DUSH Deputy Under Secretary for Health
EDMS Electronic Document Management System
EMPO Emergency Medical Preparedness Office
EMSHG Emergency Management Strategic Healthcare Group
EOB Explanation of Benefits
FCP Fund Control Point
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FDP Facility Development Process
FFP Falsification, Fabrication, and Plagiarism
FMS Financial Management System
FWA Federal-Wide Assurance
GAO General Accounting Office
GCP Good Clinical Practice
GPRA Government Performance Results Act
HAC Health Administration Center
HCFA Health Care Financing Administration
HCHV Health Care for Homeless Veterans
HCMI Homeless Chronically Mentally Ill
HHS Health and Human Services
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
HRPP Human Research Protection Program
IACUC Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
ICD International Classification of Diseases
IDCU Integrated Data Communication Utility
IIA Inter-Institutional Amendment
ILAR Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources
IND Investigational New Drug
IRB Institutional Review Board
IRM Information Resource Management
IRMFO Information Resource Management Field Office
LOI Letter of Intent
LTC Long Term Care
LVA Leadership VA
MCCF Medical Care Cost Fund
MPA Multiple Project Assurance (obsolete - refer to FWA)
MSG Management Science Group
NABR National Association for Biomedical Research
NBAC National Bioethics Advisory Committee
NCQA National Committee for Quality Assurance
NCURA National Council of University Research Administrators
NFR National Fund Reserve
NHGRI National Human Genome Research Institute
NIH National Institutes of Health
NLB National Leadership Board
NPSP National Patient Safety Partnership
NSC Non-Service Connected
NSF National Science Foundation
OER Office of Extramural Research
OHRP Office for Human Research Protections
OIG Office of the Inspector General
OLAW Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OMI Office of the Medical Inspector
OPRR Office for Protection from Research Risks (now OHRP)
ORCA Office of Research Compliance and Assurance (now ORO)
ORD Office of Research and Development
ORI Office of Research Integrity
ORO Office of Research Oversight
PATH Physicians at Teaching Hospitals
PCS Permanent Change of Station
PHS Public Health Service
PI Principal Investigator
PRIM&R Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research
PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PVA Paralyzed Veterans of America
QA Quality Assurance

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Reviewed/Updated Date: May 11, 2005